The latest developments in the field of Free and Zero Point Energy from Tesla to Dennis Lee. Hosted by Bill Jenkins, formerly of ABC Radio, this comprehensive documentary features physicists and inventors who are challenging orthodox science to bring this non-polluting technology forward despite ridicule and suppression. See actual working prototypes that defy classical physics including phenomenal experiments in anti-gravity and the transmutation of metals. | OUR EARTH AND HOW WE CAN USE FREE ENERGY |
From shimmering cities to the dark side of the world: Stunning satellite images which show how we use light and energy
At night, London is a burning bright spot, consuming enough energy to power Ireland with its light show. But as these stunning images from space show, we in the West are guilty of wasting energy and polluting light on a staggering scale. Now compare the Third World countries in Africa, South America and large swathes of Asia which lie in almost complete darkness.
Nikola Tesla: Calling All Freethinkers! Tesla Coil | ![]() |
Humanity’s horizons glowed from the brilliance of Nikola Tesla. But to our horrible misfortune, the glow was much too bright for the Power Status Quo (PSQ). Money means power, and Tesla cost tycoons a lot of money by slaying with alternating current (AC) the dead-end direct current (DC) power distribution system of Thomas Edison (financed by J.P Morgan). More than forty of Tesla’s patents from 1888 cover the entire system of “polyphase” AC that, virtually unchanged, powers civilization to this day—a monumental lifetime achievement for any man.
But polyphase AC didn’t lead directly to the PSQ’s campaign of erasing Tesla from history. It was “Tesla’s Coil”, key to unlocking “Aether” and harnessing “Radiant Electricity”. The ultimate forbidden technology, Aether and Radiant Electricity was a primary focus of Tesla’s last forty years on Earth.
By tapping the Aether, by touching “…the wheelwork of nature”, Tesla illuminated visions of humanity freed from domination by the likes of Rothschild, Morgan, Rockefeller…the entire global tyranny machine powered largely by fossil energy, private central banking, war.
One man found an antidote for pathocracy, humanity’s premier poison.
[1] His name was Nikola Tesla; that remains one of the few things about the man that has not been altered by the PSQ. The name survives, but little else about Tesla has not been violated. His crime, or “sin” was competition tycoons couldn’t control.
Tesla always knew he would triumph. In his own words, regarding tycoons such as J.P. Morgan:
“I am unwilling to accord to some small-minded and jealous individuals the satisfaction of having thwarted my efforts. These men are to me nothing more than microbes of a nasty disease. My project was retarded by laws of nature. The world was not prepared for it. It was too far ahead of time, but the same laws will prevail in the end and make it a triumphal success.”
Tesla’s “…triumphal success” has the power to unwind tyranny. All we need is for enough humans to awaken from the PSQ’s spell. Tesla obviously thought awakening was possible even while insisting that, “No free energy device will ever be allowed to reach the market.” Tesla knew that mass awakening was the wildcard. If we let him down, we let humanity down.
Tycoons throw enormous wealth at protecting people from reality by keeping them asleep. But waking up is free, the only ticket to freedom of development of the human potential. Freedom…a gorgeous concept increasingly hollowed-out by the PSQ. Try to imagine what humanity might achieve without being kicked in the face by the psychopathic elite. George Orwell said in his novel, 1984, “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.” If we have any chance at proving Orwell wrong, Tesla might be our best hope. So he gets the boot. But they haven’t stamped out Tesla’s spirit. His ultimate technology is still alive not only in Black-Ops, but in laboratories of valiant researchers cheating death-by-truth. The PSQ’s perpetual fouling of Tesla accents his elevation of what it means to be human. That most salient testament to Tesla’s brilliance, his suppression by the PSQ—it’s all around us, hidden in plain sight.
Style of the PSQ exhibits fear of people thinking for themselves. As long as pockets of human intelligence resist brainwashing, and independent thoughts fly around uncontrolled, that means the PSQ’s choke hold on power is not “safe”.
Similar alarm flourished in America’s top Rothschild agent, J.P. Morgan.
[2] He knew monopolistic fortunes were not safe with Tesla a funded free spirit. Morgan and other tycoons stung by the “War of the Currents”
[3] went into a defensive blitz. And when Tesla denied Morgan control of Radiant Electricity, Morgan had Tesla’s laboratories burned down. Works of genius were destroyed, but not the man. Morgan also instructed the four publishers of school textbooks to never mention Nikola Tesla; ditto for the Smithsonian—Nikola Tesla was an unperson. Morgan stamped like a professional on truth about Tesla. And the money boot keeps stamping with help from public ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in “authority”….
Creativity…humans working outside “the box”—writers, inventors, scientists and researchers and free spirits soaring above dogma embody what the PSQ fears in humanity. Nikola Tesla is a stellar example of what the PSQ fears most.
Tesla revered nature, not money. That got Tesla the electrical wizard off to a bad start with the PSQ—a moral eminence compounded by Tesla’s public declaration: “Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.”
Those were fighting words to the tycoons—especially the part about, “…betterment of humanity.” Tycoons seek “arrested human development”, conspire to fit humanity with cement overshoes. Tesla’s treasures remain difficult to fathom with the PSQ so good at not only mangling and suppressing them, but misrepresenting many as works of Edison, Marconi and others.
On his deathbed, Edison said his biggest mistake had been in trying to develop direct current, rather than the superior alternating current system that Tesla had put within his grasp.
Tesla’s reply about Marconi’s work in radio: “Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using 17 of my patents.”
If Tesla doesn’t terrify the PSQ, why their obsession with polluting his accomplishments? Why did they ban Tesla in textbooks and at the Smithsonian, choke off his funding and conjure him into a bogeyman?
Standard indoctrination coddles third graders along in this video of an “Awesome! ‘Tesla Coil’” (don’t miss Alex Jones growling in the wings).
[4]Here’s an encouraging story of spunky third graders with a great teacher, and their letter-writing campaign focused on getting Tesla acknowledged in the Smithsonian.
[5]Among Tesla’s most noble contributions to humanity and the cause of freedom…his intimate disclosure of PSQ’s will to protect their power at the complete disregard of humanity. Tesla revealed what it means to be psychopathic, and elite, showing humanity what inhumanity we are up against. Destruction of competition is a martial situation where, as the PSQ likes to frame it: “No options are off the table”.
The Internet has made progress against common public sentiment regarding Tesla being derivatives of: “I heard Tesla was kind of a crackpot.” Big money manipulates this idea from off in the wings, but when it comes to truth about Tesla, austerity takes center stage.
A nurtured “…then how come?” variety of popular ignorance clings to the idea: “If Tesla was so great, then how come we’re not utilizing his so-called ultimate technology?” The PSQ religiously stamping out competition is “how come”. And once again, when it comes to protecting their monopolies, “…nothing is off the table”.
Accurate information about Tesla still haunts the Internet. People can even learn about Eric Dollard.
[6] But the PSQ’s “Internet problem” seems merely a speed bump, considering the PSQ’s record of successfully controlling whatever they want to control, if given enough time. Where would the PSQ be without it’s enablers, us?
A great quote from Eric Dollard:
“Tesla scared the central bankers senseless. They knew what his plan meant. Energy independence meant an almost complete loss of control of the people.”
Tesla fought in the trenches, pulling back curtains on the PSQ—on humanity versus tyranny, freedom versus slavery. Profit from death and destruction—perpetual war fueled by fossil energy. Private central banking’s “…continuous consolidation of wealth and power into higher, tighter and righter hands” (GHW Bush quote). Continuous consolidation of wealth in the fewest hands drives debt slavery, genocide, looting of the future, the “New World Order”.
“If we don’t exploit every resource with alacrity and no mercy, our competitors will”—that’s the apparent creed of the PSQ. Sugary platitudes regarding people yet to be born seem vulgar in light of the PSQ twisting future generations into competitors. First come, first served. A penny stolen is a penny earned.
Imagine “free” energy.
Imagine no contrived shortages and price gouging. No ”gas” tanks, power lines, meters, power bills, wars for oil and pipeline routes, Alberta tar and Keystone XL kinds of high-pressure DilBit arteries of death—imagine some of the PSQ’s worst nightmares. Toss in no climate-changing hydrocarbon pollution, no more churning out mountains of radioactive waste to attack the human genome for thousands of generations, no psychopathic domination by an invisible elite controlling what billions of people need to survive. Imagine modern warfare obsolete.
[7] Tesla offered salvation from survival of the wickedest.
The wicked panicked….
Truth is the antidote for diseased wealth and propaganda smothering and mangling the best of Tesla. A rare step in the right direction would be millions of people realizing that Tesla really did not dedicate the second half of his life to making bigger and ever-more-“Awesome!” sparks—but rather, he was absolutely dedicated to freedom of humanity. Tesla’s greatest invention being reduced to a toy for “…entertainment and educational displays”—that’s very potent PSQ mind venom. They even tagged Tesla the “God of Lightning”. Can’t beat lightning for “Awesome!” sparks. Can’t beat the PSQ for…perhaps W.C. Fields said it best: “There comes a time in the affairs of man, when we must take the bull by the tail, and face the situation.” The “bull” in this case is the PSQ; the situation is what blasts from under the bull’s tail to foul humanity, and our nest.
Do we still have, if we ever did have, the mettle to wake up and rub the PSQ’s nose in their foulness? The stakes have never been higher.
The Sin of Competition
A quote variously attributed to both J.D. Rockefeller and J.P. Morgan set the stage for maniacal fouling of Tesla: “Competition is a sin.”
[8]Chutzpah of these two “tycoons’” implies that monopoly is divine—especially monopoly on energy, money, food, fresh water, and war; a “royal flush” in this Earthly game of poker.
Consider our nightmare of perpetual war in terms of this quote from Aldous Huxley, author of the novel, Brave New World:
“The propagandist’s purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.”
Lies are the foundation of the PSQ’s reaction to Nikola Tesla. It’s paramount to humanity that freethinkers survive the elite and witness epiphany of this wisdom from Buddha:
“The lie tastes sweet at the beginning, but bitter at the end. The truth tastes bitter at the beginning, but sweet at the end.”
“Tesla’s Coil” Versus “The Tesla Coil”
The jungle of confusion and suppression of Tesla’s masterpiece might be easier to navigate if we distinguish between “Tesla’s Coil”, and the “Tesla Coil”. The former could be the epitome of human invention, the latter is its neutered caricature. For elaboration on this distinction, let’s check in with Zionist propaganda, the richest kind.
Wikipedia is hailed by Zionist Israel as “…the major source of information in the world.” They even advertise, with standard Zionist chutzpah, that Wikipedia is “…under constant, paid review of Zionist assets.”
[9]Below is Wikipedia’s first three paragraphs (underlining added) for their listing: “Tesla Coil” (as opposed to “Tesla’s Coil”):
“A Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit invented by Nikola Tesla around 1891. It is used to produce high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity.
“Tesla coils can produce higher voltages than other artificial sources of high-voltage discharges, electrostatic machines. Tesla experimented with a number of different configurations consisting of two, or sometimes three, coupled resonant electric circuits.
“Tesla used these coils to conduct innovative experiments in electrical lighting, phosphorescence, x-ray generation, high frequency alternating current phenomena, electrotherapy, and the transmission of electrical energy without wires. Tesla coil circuits were used commercially in sparkgap radio transmitters for wireless telegraphy until the 1920s, and in pseudomedical equipment such as electrotherapy and violet ray devices. Today their main use is for entertainment and educational displays.”
Please note the use of “high-voltage, low-current, high frequency alternating-current electricity”, and, “high frequency alternating current phenomena”, topped off with, “Today their main use is for entertainment and educational displays.” In terms of what Tesla actually achieved—in terms of transcendent capabilities of “Tesla’s Coil”, Wikipedia’s “Tesla Coil” definition could not be more misleading if Wikipedia’s goal was to mislead.
Smell a rat? Tesla has offered to show us that rats don’t always win.
Regarding Wikipedia’s, “Today their main use is for entertainment and educational displays”…this is a naked example of Wikipedia’s Zionist-propaganda roots, and propagation of twisted truth.
Frank Zappa characterized America’s educational system as a mechanism designed to create “…functional ignorance.”
Disguised as an educational system, America’s youth indoctrination system also gets a nod in Wikipedia’s line about the “Tesla Coil” being for “…entertainment and educational displays”.
Entertainment, surely, but educational? Entertainment and indoctrination are more accurate here; the “Tesla Coil” is hailed while “Tesla’s Coil” is…what, “conspiracy theory”?
We suffer severe multi-generational distress when “education” is largely indoctrination aimed at inhibiting independent thinking. Students memorize dogma sanctioned by the PSQ so they can pass standardized tests sanctioned by the PSQ. Students learning to think for themselves, learning how to distinguish truth from dogma—this will not do. The PSQ wants young minds regurgitating hive thinking in preparation for becoming obedient workers in thrall of authority, wingless and weighed-down by leaden dogma planted in their minds by PSQ ovipositors.
Tesla’s “Wheelwork of Nature”
While the primary function of the contrived “Tesla Coil” is to disengage Tesla’s masterpiece from reality, the primary function of “Tesla’s Coil” is to disengage voltage from current—disengage “the true electricity” (Aether) from the flow of massive electrons. Only when zero current is achieved in “Tesla’s Coil” will Aether flow freely and the “Tesla Effect” be realized. Any flow of electrons chokes off the Aether. It’s no coincidence that the awesome-spark-toy “Tesla Coil” has popularly replaced “Tesla’s Coil” to choke off Tesla’s threat to the PSQ.
Tesla’s inspiration regarding the decoupling of voltage and current grew during his brief employment by Thomas Edison.
Edison’s DC power distribution system was so inefficient that power-line resistance would cause voltage to fade within several city blocks. Voltage was cranked up very high at the main generators, and “pumping stations” were required every half mile to boost sagging voltage and current.
When a main switch was thrown to hit transmission lines with cranked-up voltage right off the main generators, a blast of blue and purple spikes and stinging, shocking sensations radiated in all directions from the transmission lines before electrons (current) flowed in the lines. This instantaneous phenomenon actually killed some linesmen. Engineers considered these bursts of magnified electrostatic potential a nuisance to be eliminated. Tesla saw them as a powerful, mysterious form of energy to be explored.
Waste of energy: A satellite image of Britain and Europe at night showing the light show from space, with far greater uses of energy in the major cities . (December 30, 2011) Due to the fact that commercially-ready cold fusion technologies like Andrea Rossi's E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer) exist and can produce kilowatts of power, I'm not too interested in previous systems from years ago that could only produce a couple watts of power (or less). | |
History of MIT's Blatant Suppression of ColdFusion by HANK MILLS & STERLING D. ALLAN
Immediately after the announcement was made, the 'mainstream' scientific community went on the attack. The late Eugene Mallove was in the middle of it, being employed at MIT in the news office -- before resigning in protest of the institution's misconduct.
In a featured article for Infinite Energy Magazine, Mallove detailed exactly what took place that led to his resignation, and the depth of hatred that many professors at MIT had for Pons and Fleischmann's work.
The article titled, "MIT and Cold Fusion: A Special Report" also looks at how the replication performed by the institution's Plasma Fusion Center actually did produce positive results, how data from the experiment was altered by unknown individuals at least twice, and how the hot fusion scientists in charge of such tests were far too biased to conduct proper research.
The article is the most detailed piece of documentation I have ever seen in regards to the early years of the war against cold fusion. If you think the suppression Pons and Fleischmann faced was bad, you don't have a clue until you have read this article.
The Replication Attempt
To start with, those in charge of the replication attempt were members of the MIT Plasma Fusion Center. Their work with hot fusion Tokamak brought the university many millions of dollars in funding from the government, and maintained their job security. If cold fusion were to be accepted as a real phenomenon, it could have made hot fusion research appear to be near worthless.
The question in the minds of representatives in Washington, DC would have been, "Why should the taxpayers finance the construction of giant reactors to experiment with hot fusion reactions that produce nuclear waste and lethal amounts of radioactivity, when cold fusion research only requires a small fraction of the funding, while producing no waste and little radioactivity?"
In the minds of the MIT professors, such as MIT Plasma Fusion Center Director Ronald R. Parker, that question could never be allowed to cross the minds of those that paid for their employment.
So in an effort to belittle cold fusion research so no one would take it serious, the members of his department (including some scientists from others) took every opportunity they could to attack Pons and Fleischmann.
For example, consider how...
A funeral party or "Wake for Cold Fusion" was held by the Plasma Fusion Center, before their replication test of Pons and Fleischmann's setup was even complete. They held another such party afterwards.
Mugs belittling cold fusion were given out by Ron Parker, the head of the MIT hot fusion research group, who was supposed to be doing serious research to determine if cold fusion was a reality or not. The mugs read, "The Utah University: Department of Fusion Confusion" and had mocking instructions for cold fusion on the back.
Ron Parker would use the test results to discredit cold fusion, while at a celebration of the death of cold fusion stated to Eugene Mallove (after being shown evidence in support for cold fusion) stated that the data from the MIT replication was "worthless."
How examination of the data from MIT's replication showed obvious evidence of tampering. In fact, the corrected data showed excess heat. Yet it was still used to discredit cold fusion research for many years.
How the former President of MIT, Charles Vest, refused to order an investigation into how the Plasma Fusion Center handled the replication, and their obviously unscientific behavior -- such as partying for the death of something instead of doing unbiased research.
Even worse, years later he signed onto a Department of Energy report stating that cold fusion did not deserve funding for research, yet hot fusion deserved millions of additional dollars and was a "bargain."
Conflicts of Interest
Conflicts of interest were ignored from the very start. For example, those who had the strongest need for cold fusion to be proven not to work (hot fusion scientists), were tasked with the replication of the effect. It would be like giving a cigarette company the order to conduct a study on the reality of lung cancer, or the lumber industry the job of determining the usefulness of industrial hemp. What the hot fusion scientists were going to say was obvious!
How some scientists were so closed minded they stated that if cold fusion was real, Pons and Fleischmann should be dead from radiation poisoning. In addition, some scientists went so far as to personally attack them. In one case, a scientist stated that even if a thousand tests showed excess heat, that the results would not vindicate Pons and Fleischmann.
"Words to Eat"
MIT Professor Ronald George Ballinger may hold the all time record for making a foolish statement against cold fusion. He wrote in 1991: "It would not matter to me if a thousand other investigations were to subsequently perform experiments that see excess heat. These results may all be correct, but it would be an insult to these investigators to connect them with Pons and Fleischmann."
Perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the article is how Ronald R. Parker and Ronald G. Ballinger had a phone call with Nick Tate of the Boston Herald in 1989. They were talking to him about a potential story about cold fusion, hoping that he would write a hit piece. In their conversation, which is transcribed in the article, Parker uses the fraud word in his description of their work. He also talks about how he is setting up another "blast" against cold fusion with Bob Bazell, a reporter with NBC.
When Tate reported in the Boston Herald on May 1 that the MIT scientists had called Pons and Fleishmann's work a "possible fraud" and "scientific schlock", Pons and Fleishmann were viciously attacked at the meeting of the American Physical Society. In a retrospective piece written in 1991, Tate asserted that: “Some say those comments set the tone for the national criticism of the Utah work that followed."
Meanwhile, when Tate's article in the Boston Herald revealed that Parker had described Pons and Fleishmann's work as being a "possible fraud" and "scientific schlock", Parker rushed to deny he had made such statements. Probably, he realized that in his rush to discredit cold fusion he had crossed the line, and committed slander.
In order to avoid possible legal repercussions, in a media advisory from the MIT News Office, Parker specifically denied making such assertions to Tate during their telephone conversation. However, Tate had recorded the phone call, and therefore had rock solid evidence that Parker had made those statements.
Years later, Tate allowed Eugene Mallove to listen to the recording, which revealed the truth about what was said. It was too late, the damage to cold fusion's reputation was done.
Where things stand
In summary, Mallove's article paints a damning picture of MIT scientists and professors hell-bent on discrediting cold fusion.
Out of desperation to protect hot fusion research, they went so far as to tell blatant lies, alter data, hurl personal insults, conduct celebrations of the "death" of cold fusion, and organize journalists to write hit pieces to try and dismiss Pons and Fleischmann’s work in the public eye.
Then the leadership of MIT turned away and ignored the misconduct and potentially criminal behavior, even when they were specifically alerted to it. Years later, these same individuals (working in other positions with the DOE and DOD) continued to promote the idea that cold fusion was "garbage."
If you want to know the TRUTH about why it has taken twenty plus years for a commercial cold fusion technology to be developed, you should read this article. It is a tragedy beyond measure that an institution like MIT would allow such inappropriate behavior.
Everyone involved has blood on their hands from all the people on this planet that have died due to the suppression of this technology. Literally, due to their suppression of cold fusion, children have needlessly starved, millions have suffered dehydration due to a lack of clean water, the environment has been trashed, and the global economy has been almost destroyed.
If the suppression of cold fusion by MIT had never happened, we might not even have an energy crisis today!
And this is but one of many such stories about the suppression saga from 1989.
The suppression from back then has had phenomenal staying power due to the brainwashing that pronounced "cold fusion" to be "junk science," no matter what, despite thousands of replications worldwide, with several making significant gains toward marketplace viability, and the E-Cat actually reaching the marketplace on October 28 of this year with a 1 MW unit.
So now, when people attack Andrea Rossi's E-Cat, it's hard to tell whether they are acting as a function of that brainwashing, or as a present-day disinformation agent, or if they have honest misgivings of a scientific basis.
Gratefully, Rossi keeps moving forward despite these negative statements.
A few individuals in the mainstream are coming around and waking up to the reality of cold fusion, like NASA's Dennis Bushnell who claims cold fusion is the number one most promising alternative energy technology on the planet.
However, to protect hot fusion research, protect the status quo, and to keep the public from realizing how the scientific community suppressed cold fusion, he calls the phenomena LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reactions). In addition, he claims there is no fusion in cold fusion, in order to try and make the technology seem more mundane, and more acceptable.
There were enemies of mankind in 1989 that wanted to prevent the proliferation of cold fusion, and there are still such enemies today. Reading about how cold fusion research was attacked from the very start can help us prepare for attacks from these in the future.
We cannot let greedy, selfish, and power-hungry monsters and their countless minions suppress cold fusion for another twenty years or more. There are too many lives at risk. Simply put, the future of our civilization is at stake.
* Hank Mills has contributed a large number of stories to Pure Energy Systems web site at
* Sterling D. Allan is the Founder and CEO of PES Network, Inc., and of the New Energy Congress.
Light show: An image of the U.S. from space highlighting the staggering light pollution, especially on the east coast, in Houston, Texas, and San Francisco and Los Angeles on the west coast | |
In darkness: Third World countries in Africa barely register any light at night in contrast to the West, apart from an amazing trail of light from Cairo running down the Nile in Egypt .Each year London consumes 150 thousand gigawatt hours of energy, equal to the consumption of nations such as Portugal and Greece. Campaigners have warned that 50 per cent of the UK's population cannot see many stars because the night skies are 'saturated' with light pollution.
The pictures created by scientist Felix Pharand-DeschÍnes using data gathered by satellites highlight the contrast between the first and third world. They show Egypt's densely populated River Nile as it scorches a path through the darkness of Northern Africa while Japan is wall-to-wall light. America shines brightly, but south of its border the countries are almost lightless and in central Asia, India and Australia barely any light is registered.
Global view: A satellite picture of the energy waste in the West and darkness in the rest of world showing how much more energy the rich world uses than other areas
Contrast: This shot of the Western Hemisphere demonstrates a higher use of energy in Europe compared to Africa and Asia, and incredible bursts of light in London, Paris and Moscow
Twinkling city lights, raging wildfires and colorful auroras are lit up in new dazzling nighttime views of the Earth. They show Britain's major cities bathed in light, with London and it's sprawling suburbs clearly visible. They incredible images were taken from a newly-launched NASA-NOAA satellite that's equipped with a sensor to observe the planet at night.
The incredible images from Nasa show the UK on the night of March 27, 2012. The image was made possible by the new satellite's 'day-night band' which can spot lighting more accurately than ever before
Nasa's Suomi NPP camera uses a new technique to capture night images. Unlike a normal camera that captures a picture in one exposure, the day-night band produces an image by repeatedly scanning a scene and resolving it as millions of individual pixels. Then, the day-night band reviews the amount of light in each pixel. If it is very bright, a low-gain mode prevents the pixel from oversaturating. If the pixel is very dark, the signal is amplified. This allows the instrument to capture images on nights with or without moonlight, producing crisp views of Earth's atmosphere, land and ocean surfaces. The satellite, Suomi NPP, was launched on October 28, 2011. It's latest images show the Nile River bathed in city lights, while a map of the United States shows the heavily populated East Coast illuminated. Light from fishing boats can also be pinpointed. 'For all the reasons that we need to see Earth during the day, we also need to see Earth at night,' Steve Miller, a researcher at NOAA's Colorado State University Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere, said in a NASA statement.
'Unlike humans, the Earth never sleeps.' Miller added: 'It's like having three simultaneous low-light cameras operating at once and we pick the best of various cameras, depending on where we're looking in the scene.' Unlike a camera that captures a picture in one exposure, the day-night band produces an image by repeatedly scanning a scene and resolving it as millions of individual pixels. Then, the day-night band reviews the amount of light in each pixel. If it is very bright, a low-gain mode prevents the pixel from oversaturating. If the pixel is very dark, the signal is amplified. The instrument can capture images on nights with or without moonlight, producing crisp views of Earth's atmosphere, land and ocean surfaces.
Illuminated: Lights across the earth are pictured in this NASA handout satellite image
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Going global: This image obtained from NASA shows the entire Earth assembled from data acquired by the Suomi NPP satellite
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Hurricane: Superstorm Sandy can be seen as it gained strength before it pummeled the East Coast in October
Fire light: This image captures a night time view of the Mustang Complex wildfires in Idaho in this August 29, 2012 satellite image from NASA. 'The instrument can capture images on nights with or without moonlight, producing crisp views of Earth's atmosphere, land and ocean surfaces. The satellite also captured the glow from natural sources including moonlight, northern lights and naturally-occurring fires. After Superstorm Sandy made landfall in late October, hard-hit New Jersey, lower Manhattan and the Rockaways appeared dark in the satellite images compared with surrounding areas - the result of widespread power outages that plagued the region for days and weeks following the storm. Mitch Goldberg, program scientist for NOAA's Joint Polar Satellite System, said: 'NOAA's National Weather Service is continuing to explore the use of the day-night band. The very high resolution from VIIRS data will take forecasting weather events at night to a much higher level.'
Lit up: This image provided by NASA shows the East Coast of the U.S. brightened by lights in this night images taken from space
What's up with the north? The Korean Peninsula is seen at night from a composite assembled from data acquired by the Suomi NPP satellite. Where South Korea is gleaming with city lights, North Korea has hardly any lights at all
Desolate: While much of the United States and Canada are awash with light, the vast areas to the north are almost invisible on this map Hanging in space, our beautiful blue planet has never been seen more clearly. This is Planet Earth, seen from 36,000km above the surface, with the rich deep blues of the sea contrasting with the sharp outlines of land, as white clouds scurry across the skies. The image was taken by the Electro-L, Russia's latest weather satellite, and unlike other images of our planet, it was taken in one single shot, at a massive resolution of 121million megapixels. Most images by NASA and other agencies are taken by stitching many images together, so it is rare to find such a high-definition image of our beautiful planet in one single shot. |
The blue oasis we call home: Earth is photographed with a high-definition 121megapixel camera - creating the sharpest image of our planet yet The satellite captures this kind of stunning image every half-hour as it monitors our weather and, if strange weather phenomenon is noted, the Russian operators can remotely command the satellite to take images every 10 minutes. The image, in which each pixel represents 1km, uses a combination of visible and near-infrared wavelengths, so that vegetation shows up in red, rather than the green you might expect. | |
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Not that NASA cannot take beautiful shots too: These two composites are a 'true-colour' image of our blue marble | |
Up in space: Electro-L hovers in space 36,000km above the equator, staying in a geostationary orbit as it takes pictures of our swirling planet
Electro-L sits in a geo-stationary orbit, which means its speed matches that of the Earth's rotation, making it remain 'motionless' above a fixed point of the planet. It launched in January 2011 and has been meaning down these stunning images ever since.
The images of Electro-L have also been stitched together to give a 'time-lapse' video of our planet (below), showing us the dances of the continents and the clouds as the planet drifts through space, taking everything we know along with it for the cosmic voyage.
A firefighting helicopter can be seen (top left) hovering over a lake, refilling to fight a portion of the Schultz Fire as it burned approximately five miles north of Flagstaff, Arizona, on June 22, 2010. (Image courtesy of GeoEye) #
Snaking for hundreds of miles across the earth's surface, this spectacular picture shows one of the planet's land borders like never before.
The dramatic picture shows a bright orange line jutting across the earth, indicating the border between India and Pakistan.
The stunning image of the earth, taken from the International Space Station last month, also shows busy cities show up as bright clusters hundreds of miles apart.
Spectacular: The International Space Station image captures the floodlit border between India, above the orange line, and Pakistan, below the border in the picture
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The border between India and Pakistan, shown here on a conventional satellite image, is now under heavy surveillance through floodlights and fencing
The Indian government sanctioned a move to erect floodlights along the terrain separating India and Pakistan in the Gujarat sector in 2003 to prevent smuggling and arms trafficking.
In previous years the border has regularly seen attempts at infiltration by terrorists, as well as the smuggling of arms, ammunition and contraband.
In total, the Indian government hope to cover 1248 miles (2009 km) of the 1800-mile (2900 km) India-Pakistan border with floodlights.
Officials have so far erected floodlights along 286 miles (460 km) of Indian border with the Pakistan state of Punjab.
The extensive floodlighting continues for 635 miles (1022 km) across Rajasthan, 109 miles (176 km) across the Jammu international border, and 125 miles (202 km) through Gujarat.
So far 1156 miles (1861 km) of the border have been floodlit.
Plans are in place to erect a total 1269 miles (2043 km) of fencing along the nation's border.
The Indian government hope to have completely finished the floodlight operation by March 2012.
A similar fenced border zone operates along India's eastern border with Bangladesh, although it cannot be seen as vividly on images like this.
The Gujarat border region was notorious for being infiltrated until officials erected the floodlit border in 2003.
The spectacular image showing the floodlit border was taken by Expedition 28 International Space Station Crew on August 21.
Also visible on the picture as bright clusters is Lahore, Pakistan, nearest to the orange border line.
Islamabad, Pakistan, can also be seen towards the bottom of the picture, as well as New Delhi, India, at the top.
The floodlit border fencing built through the Indian government since 2003 is so bright it can be seen from space
The Thematic Mapper on NASA's Landsat 5 satellite captured this image of Vancouver, British Columbia, on September 7, 2011. Flowing through braided channels, the Fraser River meanders toward the sea, emptying through multiple outlets. (NASA Earth Observatory image created by Robert Simmon and Jesse Alle) | |
On January 4, 2012, these cloud formations developed over the Bering Sea in part because of the snow and ice blanketing the land and the sea ice clinging to the coast. Air blowing over ice and then warmer ocean water can lead to the development of parallel cylinders of spinning air. On the upper edge of these cylinders of rising air, small clouds form. Along the downward side (descending air), skies are clear. The resulting cloud formations resemble streets. (NASA, LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team) #
Tropical Cyclone Funso, observed by MODIS on NASA's Aqua satellite, on January 26, 2012. The storm went on to affect Mozambique and Malawi, causing floods and claiming some 40 lives. (NASA, Jeff Schmaltz, LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team) | |
A portion of Malaspina Glacier in southeastern Alaska, with runoff streams leading to the Gulf of Alaska. Malaspina is the largest piedmont glacier in the world, a type of glacier that spills from high mountains, spreading out across a low flat plain. Malaspina Glacier covers an area of 3,900 square kilometers (1,500 sq mi). (TerraMetrics, GeoEye, Google, Inc.) #
An Oblique view of Antarctica and the South Shetland Islands, seen from orbit, aboard the ISS, on October 4, 2011. (NASA)
Stunning pictures of glaciers from space reveal worrying signs Earth's ice is melting away
These awe-inspiring images of glaciers are helping scientists to determine just how quickly our planet is heating up. The huge ice fields are thought to be one of the most reliable indicators of climate change and are best studied from space.
The features form when snow accumulates on an area of land over tens to hundreds of years. It eventually becomes so thick and heavy that it forms dense glacial ice. When enough ice is compacted it beings to flow downhill or spread across flat land.
Grey Glacier in Chile: The ice field covered 104 square miles in 1996. This 2007 picture from the International Space Station revealed it had dramatically receded. Scientists think increased regional temperatures has reduced the amount of ice being replenished each year
Nasa scientist Dorothy Hall said: 'Glaciers that tend to be good climate indicators are small-land based, non-surge type glaciers. They respond directly to both regional temperature and snow.'
She and a team of scientists from around the world have used satellites to monitor changes in these glaciers in Europe, Iceland and Alaska. Glaciers tend to extend in many different directions with one part retracting while another part stays still. Therefore satellites such as Landsat 5 are essential as they can measure the entire rim by analysing the different wavelengths of light bounced back from the ice.
However, it is not known for certain whether glaciers that are receding around the edges are also becoming thinner near the centre because visible satellite sensors cannot penetrate the surface of the ice. Most scientists assume that receding glaciers are also losing mass.
The vast Heiltskuk Ice Field in British Columbia covers nearly 1,400 square miles. This 2009 photo captures several of the ice fields valley glaciers that carve out large U-shaped valleys
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(L) Mount Rainier in Washington hosts the Emmons Glacier. It is considered the most hazardous volcano in the U.S because of the risk of flooding from melting glaciers during an eruption. (R) Bear Glacier in Alaska, 2006: The hue is caused by the silt that is finely ground away from the valley walls. The stripes down the middle are formed from rocks and debris when two glaciers merge. In 2008 the lake broke through and drained into Resurrection Bay
Professor Hall said: 'It is very hard to measure volume changes in glaciers. People are required to put stakes in the glacier and come back a year later to see how much of a change there is in the height of the glaciers.'
On average scientists are finding that glaciers across the globe are steadily shrinking, which confirms suspicions that the world is heating up.
Retreat of the Helheim Glacier, Greenland, 2003: When the ice thins the tip of a glacier starts to float and rapidly cracks into icebergs, creating a calving edge, as captured here by Nasa's Terra Satellite. Glacier looks pale blue because ice absorbs red wavelengths of light and scatters blue
An expert at Nasa's Earth Observatory said: 'Researchers generally believe the warming trend may be the result of natural, cyclical changes of the Earth's climate, and possibly in combination with effects of the large-scale burning of fossil fuels by humans since the industrial revolution.'
The last time Earth warmed extensively was 120,000 years ago. The Greenland ice sheet drained into the ocean and the sea rose 20ft above current levels. If this happened today it would flood coastal communities and countries including Holland and Bangladesh.
Erebus Ice Tongue, Antarctica, 2004: The saw-shaped projection jutting out from this glacier is a long, narrow sheet of ice almost 7 miles long and 33 feet high. During the summer when the rest of the sea ice melts, the ice tongue floats on the water without thawing. It is then carved by waves.
This astronaut photograph from the International Space Station highlights the southeastern part of the Southern United States at night, including the eastern Gulf of Mexico and lower Atlantic Seaboard states. The brightly lit metropolitan areas of Atlanta, Georgia (image center) and Jacksonville, Florida (image lower right) appear largest in the image with numerous other urban areas forming an interconnected network of light across the region. A large dark region to the northwest of Jacksonville, FL is the Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge. Photo taken on January 29, 2012. (NASA)
Moscow, Russia appears at the center of this nighttime image photographed by one of the Expedition 30 crew members aboard the International Space Station, on March 28, 2012. A solar array panel for the space station is on the left side of the frame. The view is to the north-northwest. On the horizon in the background can be seen a small sample of Aurora Borealis, airglow and daybreak. (NASA)
A view of Earth, the stars, and red and green auroras above cities in western North America, as seen from the International Space Station, on February 19, 2012. (NASA) | |
Night aerial view over Swiss Re Tower, and the Lloyds Building, City of London. (© Jason Hawkes)
1 comment:
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