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| Critics of President Obama say that he has been hiding the true reason for the proposed military strikes on Syria and actually wants to topple the Iranian government. The skeptics think that in spite of his impassioned, principled pleas to gain support so the U.S. can hit Syria in response to their alleged use of chemical weapons the real motivation for becoming a player in the country's civil war is to prevent any harm being done to Israel. The Nation correspondent Bob Dreyfuss called the proposed intervention in Syria 'much-lobbied-for, illegal and strategically incompetent' and all based around the masked goal of protecting Israel. President Obama will grant six interviews on Monday and give a national address on Tuesday in the lead up to the Congressional vote over the possible missile strike Should the U.S. strike, experts fear that either Syria or its ally Iran will retaliate and one of the most likely targets is Israel. American ties to Israel have been around since the country's creation and President Obama has reiterated those close connections throughout his term. The White House has intrinsically linked the Syrian conflict and Iran, a country that openly hates America. Between now and Tuesday when Congress votes on the prospect of military action in Syria, Mr Obama is forced to convince a majority of representatives that the strike is in America's best interest. In doing so, the prospect of a retaliatory Iran has been regularly brought up.
White House strategy: Chief of staff Denis McDonough gave five interviews on Sunday to tout the administration's line on Syria, as they have to convince Congressmen to vote in favor of action on Tuesday Mohammad Javad Zarif, the foreign minister of Iran, made a pointed statement during a visit to Iraq on Sunday, warning that his country would like America to stay out of the region.
Controversial: Protests have broken out across the globe (like this one seen in Beirut) call for Americans to stay out of Syria 'I do not know why those who say all options are on the table do not understand the fact that civilized countries 65 years ago ... rejected in the charter of the United Nations (the) resort to force as an illegal practice,' he said. In an effort to drive the point home, he broke away from his native Farsi during a press conference to say those words in English in comments clearly directed at the United States and its allies. The President has repeatedly said that if American action is taken it will not involve soldiers being shipped to Syria. 'This would not be another Iraq or Afghanistan,' Obama declared in his weekly radio address, previewing arguments he will make in a nationally televised address on Tuesday. 'I know that the American people are weary after a decade of war, even as the war in Iraq has ended, and the war in Afghanistan is winding down. That's why we're not putting our troops in the middle of somebody else's war,' Obama said. Israel is not taking any chances that there will be retaliatory measures taken at their expense. The Israeli military has deployed an 'Iron Dome' missile defense battery in the outskirts of Jerusalem.
Warning: The Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javed Zarif said that no use of force should be allowed. Many believe the Obama administration want to intervene to prevent Iran from attacking Israel Associated Press video footage showed the missile defense system positioned there Sunday afternoon. The Israeli military refused comment, citing operational protocol. Israel is concerned that Syria, or a group allied with the regime like Hezbollah based in Lebanon, could launch missiles at Israel if the U.S. attacks over its alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians. Even though Israel believes it unlikely that Syria will attack the Jewish state, it is making preparations just in case. It has deployed air defense systems, drafted a small amount of reserve soldiers and is handing out gas masks. The 'Iron Dome' system has shot down hundreds of rockets launched by Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip at Israeli cities.
Never before since America became a Republic has so much USG corruption and lies been exposed in such a short time, along with the force behind such corruption which has been buying off and bribing American politicians. Paul Craig Roberts, Ph.D., former Assistant secretary of the Treasury has written an important article, The West Dethroned, which clarifies the zionist hijacking of American and Israeli-firsters attempt to manipulate President Obama into being a war criminal. (3) The USG, DHS, the Justice Department and almost all parts of the USG have now completely discredited themselves, and this has all been clearly exposed on the alternative media of the Internet. The problem today is that most Americans just do not believe anything the USG says or testifies to in Congress, including anything from the Attorney General Eric Holder, DHS head Janet Napolitano, the heads of NSA, DHS, the FBI, the CIA or any other USG Agency or either Senators McCain or Graham or any other of their NeoCon zios or Israeli-firster crowd. The USG and American intel has completely and perhaps irretrievably discredited itself and smear itself never to be trusted by the American people ever again on ANYTHING at all. And then we have the Secretary of State, John Kerry, a Russell Trust Skull & Bonemans from the Yale Tomb, a fully committed luciferian, word-smithing and lying through his teeth claiming that they have evidence Assad gassed his own people. He refused to answer a question if the Syrians rebel (aka al Cia Duh) had any involvement. For those who want to know about Skull & Bones and its parent the Russell trust, the world’s biggest opium profiteer read some basic research by Professor Anthony Sutton who was given access to their official documents by a relative of a deceased Skull & Bonesman. Suddenly, USG corruption is being exposed on all fronts for the American public to envision. It’s as if all the USG corruption is suddenly being exposed for all to see, showing the King to be naked to the American people, who are starting to see through the blatant USG lies being daily dispensed on the USG’s behalf by the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM). The current administration’s push for an attack on Assad and Syria is triggering deep insights among mainstream America and “we the people”, insights never before possible. This USG push for an illegal attack on Syria has triggered new and deep insight by many millions of Americans into the same lies and deceptions used to argue America into all three major Mideast wars, two in Iraq and one in Afghanistan. Folks are connecting the dots and saying, hey our Intel chief lied about warrant-less spying, they lied about Saddam’s so-called weapons of mass destruction, Osama bin laden was CIA and never attacked the twin towers and these wars after 911 in Irag and Afghanistan were all based on lies. Gee, that is what is going on now with the USG claims about Syria. According to a news report today, the German press has reported that Assad DID NOT order the gas attack. (4) And Assad himself has vehemently denied that he ordered any such gas attack. And now many have read in the Alternative media on the Internet from numerous sources they respect that there is no evidence Assad used any poisonous gas against his own people and as usual the USG and the Controlled major mas Media (CMMM) are lying in unity to support these government liars. And President Putin called John Kerry a liar publicly. We also have credible reports that the Syrian rebels did the gas attacks with materials somehow obtained from DOD contractors in top secret bio-weapons labs spread around from the Caspian Basin to the Baltic. (5) And Congress members who have seen classified intel reports claim they do not prove Assad gassed anybody. (6) Immense pressure is now being applied to senators and Congress-persons to vote for an attack on Assad and it looks like it may not succeed. If it does it could set off a nuclear exchange leading to WW3. It has become exceedingly clear to many Americans that Israel and its dual citizen Israeli-firsters in America and its various wealthy central Bankster influence/espionage groups are now applying immense pressure of all varieties to Congress to coerce a vote to go ahead and bomb Assad on Israel’s behalf, something President Obama has asked for but approximately 90% of the American public is against.
Whatever happens, attack on Syria or no attack, it is a safe bet to assume that the cat is out of the bag and for the first time ever massive USG corruption and influence peddling is being exposed on all fronts and whistle-blowers are leaking from every direction, with more each day. Not since the decline of the Soviet Union has a super power such as the United States declined so rapidly in world influence as what has occurred under Bush1, Clinton, Bush2 and now Obama al the while the USG has unleashed more military might than any other nation in history or all prior warfare in history. And yet America has grown increasingly weak with a huge deficit based on borrowing funny money from a crooked fraudulent Central bank franchised out of the City of London.
This massive display on extended American might in such perpetual war endeavors actually going back to Vietnam have asset stripped America’s middle class of its wealth to keep the fat cats of Wall Street banks, the defense industry and big oil fed huge profits. America has been hijacked by the central Banksters who have asset stripped America through illegal taxation and huge phony loans/deficits to fund these massive wars of aggression, mass-death and major war crimes that would have embarrassed the judges at the Nuremberg Trials. And the American people, thanks to the alternative news on the Internet and so many 911 truthers that have gone public, are starting to wake up and understand the massive lying and corruption that the USG is comprised of.
Actually, the current USG, comprised of the executive, Congress and the Judiciary have morphed into a big RICO criminal syndicate using national security to invoke a complete secrecy lock-down and prevent exposure of their crimes against America and “we the people”. And the specifics of this big RICO crime syndicate are now being exposed to all Americans via the Alternative media of the worldwide Internet, more every single day. But actually even though this secrecy lock-down has been massive, comprehensive and highly compartmented, it is failing at every level. Even the criminal harassment and illegal prosecution of federal whistle-blowers is not slowing or stopping massive secrecy leaks, and soon there will be a complete end to all secrecy except launch codes. And with quantum computing on the near horizon it’s only a matter of time and those too will be completely cracked along with all crypto-graphics. The American people are now becoming informed of all this massive USG corruption which is getting exposed more and more each day and most have about had it with the current load of Congress and Potus and Vice-Potus as well as the whole administration including the Attorney general and the heads of the NSA, DHS and CIA, all who have been caught lying and are deeply implicated in illegal unconstitutional acts against the American public.
Yes, the USG has become a big RICO crime syndicate. Doubt it, carefully read and study the Civil and Criminal RICO laws. Together this complex of institution and organizations inside the beltway that constitutes the USG actually clearly fits the definition of a large Rico crime syndicate, and it is now becoming exceedingly clear that it has hijacked America and all its wealth from “we the people” and formed their own little “Federal Family” and “National Security State in DC” and now the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which was set up by neocon zionist neo-Bolshevik Dual-citizen Israeli-firsters to keep the “dum Goya in line”, and also to eventually declare war against the American people with Red Terror and to run a New American Cheka mass-murder machine inside America to murder up to 80% of Americans. Of course what these federal Family stooges who are not being told is that they will never get their pensions because the whole economic system has been engineered to collapse and they will be the disposable enforcers who will be consumed in the American civil war that will result. In 1913 America was hijacked by the City of London zionist Central Banksters and they have controlled American politics ever since because they can issue or print all the money they need to buy, bride, entice almost any politician, judge, USG official, corporate chief they want. In the process they have asset stripped America bare, destroyed its economy and money system, banking, credit and turned most citizens into debt-slaves serfs, all the while demanding more and more illegal taxation, social control and extraction of basic God given human rights guaranteed by the US Constitution.
So what are the RICO crimes the USG been recently exposed for in this strange convergence of exposure like never before in history? 1. Folks now realize they have a president they don’t even know who he is, where he came from, or exactly what he is. Such “strangers” like bill Clinton have become elected before but never been so fully exposed publicly for what they are or are not. 2. The USG was caught red handed in Operation fast and Furious providing high powered weapons to the Mexican drug cartels in a sophisticated attempt to institute a false-flag attack on the second Amendment. This failed and Holder and the other criminals that ordered this were fully exposed, but avoided criminal prosecution since they are those who would have to prosecute and the executive was too corrupt to appoint a special prosecutor for this clear cut Rico crime and Sedition. 3. USG got caught murdering Ambassador Chris Steven in an attempt to cover up a bungled illegal arms transfer of captured Libyan arms to CIA mercenaries in Syria, another botched covert operation and clear cut violation of International law and illegal pre-emptive war, you know what the Nuremberg trials identified as a war crime. Of course there are estimated to be approximately 2,000 missing shoulder fired missiles which some say CIA mercenaries have but these “al Cia duh” are an unreliable bunch and may be selling these missiles to other groups for their own private retirement money. Yes, these missiles have biodegradable circuits which limit their useful life to several years or less, and some can be jammed by a several electronic warfare systems if close enough, but the fact they are out there poses a threat to any commercial, military or passenger aircraft in the world. A convenient mistake that was perhaps intended to create new terror crises to further justify another large buildup in the war on terror? 4. American intel gets caught spying engaging in massive warrant-less spying on all normal Americans by tapping and recording all electronic communications, Internet, phone, fax everything. And the persons responsible who run these agencies are caught lying to Congress and so far have gotten away with it when they should have been immediately arrested for illegal wiretapping, abuse of process and criminal RICO. No one no matter how high up should be exempt from the law, but the whole USG has placed itself above the law since The JCS and the CIA Op40 assassinated JFK in 1963, ushering in what Jack Ruby called, “a whole new form of government”(Ruby was referring to the emergence of the Secret Shadow Government aka military defense complex, actual best described as super-fascism, the convergence of the state and the large offshore international corporation with the corporations calling the shots—this is what President Eisenhower warned about as he left office). 5. And now the big enchilada. In a very strange act of absurdity the US President and a significant selection of Congresspersons and the Senators want to deliver an air attack on Syria. Their reason is based on one of the flimsiest most easily exposed lies in history, that Assad allegedly gassed his civilians in a civil war. First of all it isn’t a civil war, it is an invasion by A Cia Duh mercenaries fully funded and trained by America on Israel’s behalf to protect the Petro Dollar and the new Qatar planned natural gas line that must go through Syria, an offer Assad refused. In order for this pipeline to be built Syria must fall, which will then allow the take-down of Iran, the final target of Israeli-firsters and USG NeoCons. And second, “Al Cia Duh”, aka the so-called “Syrian rebels” actually did one gas attack which killed about 500 civilians and the second one was faked using old photos. The USG is being pushed to attack Assad strictly because Israeli-firsters and NeoCons and zio Infiltrators are applying extreme pressure and calling out all favors due and these efforts include plain envelopes under doors and lots of manipulative phone calls and visits. This is all part of the zionist plan for a one world zionist regime, their luciferian NWO. However, the Third Force (TF) apparently has a different idea. Since the TF is a master of deception, it appears that the TF is now pulling the greatest trick in history, and is fully exposing all his Cutouts for what all the crimes they have committed against America and “we the people”. And it now appears that TF is planning on eventually hijacking this newly emergent world populism to form his own NWO completely different than what his Cutouts in the City of London, the financial engine of the Great Mystery Babylon had planned and believed in. And of course a central part of TF’s long term plan was to build up the zionists and then also build up a parallel and a massive counter-force of Muslims and pit them against each other in a war to destroy both and usher in his own TF one world government. Of course before this final final sequence the zionist money-changer system and their Babylonian luciferian money-magick was to be used to hijack America and then the world in order to create millions of starving debt-slaves around the world. The biggest question of all. Is the USG being nuclear blackmailed into attacking Assad on Israel’s and the zio central Bankster’s behalf? Have the zios been aligned with a luciferian ET led force that was also involved in the 911 false-flag attacks and coerced certain top command elements of the USAF to cooperate to avoid much greater destruction? Is that why Senator Lindsay graham has claimed that not to attack Assad could result in South Carolina being nuked being nuked by terrorists. And he stated this the same day it was reported that several nukes were removed from a Dyess, Texas AFB by the “nuclear snake-eaters” with no paperwork or proper usual authorization and transported to Charleston, SC. It has also been reported that two squadrons of B1B’s have left their usual bases in America. Why? And do all these events fit together? And remember, some nukes taken from Minot North Dakota AF Base without proper authorization are still missing and there were six Heroes murdered in strange “Arkensides” that refused to let it go without talking. Could an international NOW zionist entity be nuclear blackmailing the USG and threatening to use DC as ground zero? In any event it sort of seems that the Third Force (TF) is now done with these USG Cutouts. It certainly looks like the Third Force is done with these cutouts and is going to cut them loose by fully exposing their corruption and what they have done to America, despite the constant lies of the CMMM which is desperately trying to “whistle on the way to the gallows”. It sure looks like they will be “thrown under the bus” as the saying goes (also Bibi’s very worst fear for Israel and one he unwittingly is bringing about through his pugnacious apartheid actions). Yes, despite all the massive gyrations of lying and denial by the CMMM, mainstream America and “we the people” are just not buying it anymore.
Too bad for them, but actually they deserve it, all of what they will get for being traitors, criminals and abusers of power. You know that old phrase, “they have the devil to pay”, well in their case it fits. But they also have the American people to pay, and once American populism is fully expressed the Banksters will be prosecuted and their illegal profits clawed back until every cent is repaid. So now the deep RICO corruption in the USG is becoming fully exposed to many Americans and the curtain has been pulled back from the Wizard of Oz showing him to be a weak old man naked and ugly. So what are the USG’s options now that the “cat is out of the bag” and the jig is up”? So what are the USG’s options now that they have been caught and fully exposed in their deep lies, corruption and international war crimes and crimes against humanity and the American people for starting and running illegal wars and mass-murdering and wounding many thousands of American soldiers and millions of civilians as what they have described as mere “collateral damage” (as Madelyn Albright claimed over a half a million dead children from US sanctions against Iraq, “difficult but worth it”. Obviously the staging of one or more Gladio style “inside job” false flag-attacks are a main option I’m sure these criminal “enemies within” are now carefully considering. The other action that remains is to stage a serious EMP using the cover story that it was a large solar flare. In this way much of the power grid could be knocked out and martial law could be declared.Or a complete economic collapse may be staged which will be used to declare martial law. Or the USG can geo-engineered major weather crisis like they did with Katrina to create an immediate pretense for martial law. Or the USG can conspire to start a nuclear WW3 while they hide in DUMBs and wipe out 80% of the world population in a drastic plan to create a new worldwide feudal system. The Third Force appears to have its own plan. Of course the Third Force may have its own specific plan, like forcing a 100% disclosure of alien ETs and anti-gravity craft which would be a major game-changer and perhaps hijacking a newly emergent worldwide Internet based populism to form the basis of a new luciferian world government based on a smooth deception that would appear to provide perfect worldwide governance. For the first time, Americans are waking up in mass to USG corruption and violation of the US Constitution. It has now recently become all too obvious to many Americans for the first time that Congresspersons are bought off and owned by numerous foreign interests with deep pockets and we have the worst government the most money can buy. What was the original City of London Banksters plan to retake America after losing it during the Revolutionary War? The plan all along was to hijack America using the City of London Banksters to foment revenge on America for winning the evolutionary War and to do this by installing a corrupt, unconstitutional, criminal money monopoly, the Federal Reserve. This was the tip of the spear in an attack upon the Sovereignty of America and the first stage in the planned destruction of America, while using a very strange parallel track to build up America as a world superpower and a surrogate economic engine for the City of London Banksters, a means to enslave the whole world in a debt trap of US Petro Dollars. And the US Petro Dollar was never anything more than the covert surrogate monopoly money of the City of London central Banksters. It is now becoming apparent that the NWO plan was a Third Force ruse from the beginning and merely a vehicle to take command later. It is now becoming clear that The third Force planned to use the City of London central Banksters as cutouts to retake America and use it as an engine to capture the world and then to be later cut loose, allowing the Third Force to create a new form of one world government without any of these cutouts.
So now we have a situation when those who run America who thought their evil and crimes against America and humanity were protected and expected their crimes to always be kept secret, are being fully exposed by the same entity that gave them the power in exchange for their very souls in the first place, The Third Force which some at the top of the “pyramid of power” (POW), the hierarchy that runs the world, aka the illuminati, the order, the Olympiads, the Golden Dawn, Moriah Wind, the OTO, the OBN, the Circle of Twelve.
Yes, these folks at the helm of the USG have been set up and are now being exposed as they nation America crumbles right before their eyes at the work of their own hands caused by their own selfishness, greed, lust and corruption. In working so hard to deceive “we the people” they have deceived themselves and must receive whatever comes back at them for it as they become fully exposed. The more they become exposed, their criminal hold on America weakens and the likelihood they will be brought to justice increases dramatically. Of course it was their own lust, greed and psychopathic tendencies which led them to take a bite of the forbidden apple and sell their souls. TF’s plan is a very crafty plan. The plan by the Third Force (TF) from the start was to use these corruptible folks to create a NWO and then take them down and expose them and destroy them when finished while mind-kontrolling and dumbing-down the masses. But the human spirit is immutable and no matter how great the efforts have been to dumb-down, mind-kontrol, and make folks sick and weakened through eugenics, Americans are waking up from their slumber thanks to the Internet and will now proceed to take their country back from the criminal usurpers. All through history the Third Force has been checked when it tried to make its final move to take over the whole world with a one world kingdom. This time the Third Force believes it is closest to its ultimate goal than ever before, but it will be checked sand eventually overcome in a final Cosmic Battle of the ages.
The problem here for these USG RICO criminals is that America is a sleeping giant and is now awakening in mass thanks to the recent convergence and exposure of extreme USG corruption in all sectors. And Americans are armed to the teeth and yet are still buying guns and ammo at an astounding rate. Ask ‘em why and they blame the USG for mismanaging the economy, creating potential urban breakdown and to protect themselves from the emergence of an apparent nazi/stasi style DHS run police state which is now fully exposed. Ask any seasoned asymmetrical warfare or low intensity warfare specialist and they will tell you than the DHS plans to declare war on America and subdue it by violence is not going to be a cake walk. In fact most will tell you that despite early major losses the America citizen will eventually win this impending battle because as this unfold many inside DHS and the military will revolt and fight DHS and any other foreign controlled invading force the inside. Conclusion: The Obama administration has entered into a dangerous gambit over a proposed attack on Assad. This has resulted in an almost complete exposure of the criminal underbelly of the USG which has become a major RICO crime syndicate. If the proposal fails to pass in Congress and President Obama goes ahead anyway he risks impeachment and massive protests and urban unrest. If it fails, then various politicians who voted against it who are held hostage by Israel-firsters or NeoCons may find themselves fully exposed for their secret sins of the past used to human compromise them. And if Congress votes for the proposed attack and the USG goes ahead with it, there is a possibility things could get out of hand and a nuclear WW3 could result, which could serve as political cover for an apparent fiscal cliff economic collapse which appears to be looming. References: (1) http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/06/15/alien-agenda-inside-the-beltway/ ; http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/01/03/the-third-force/ (3) http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2013/09/07/the-west-dethroned-paul-craig-roberts/ (5) Gordon Duff, http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/09/04/us-bio-chem-terror-factories-and-syria/ (6) http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2013/09/classified-intelligence-doesnt-prove-anything.html (7) http://deanhenderson.wordpress.com/2013/09/08/illuminati-showdown-in-middle-east/ Terrified Christians claim Syrian rebels ordered them to convert to Islam on pain of death when they ‘liberated’ their ancient village. Opposition forces, including fighters linked to Al Qaeda, gained temporary control of the Christian village of Maaloula after fighting with regime forces. The reports have reignited fears about western support for the rebel groups, which are increasingly being infiltrated by Islamic extremists. A Syrian military solider fires a heavy machine gun during clashes with rebels in Maaloula Government media has provided a different account of the battle suggesting regime forces are winning A general view of Maaloula, northeast of the capital Damascus. Rebels including al-Qaida-linked fighters are believed to have gained control of the village Syrian government forces stand guard in Maaloula village, a scenic mountain village where people still speak the ancient Middle Eastern language of Aramaic One Maaloula resident said the rebels, many of whom had beards and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (God is great), attacked Christian homes and churches shortly after moving into the village. ‘They shot and killed people. I heard gunshots and then I saw three bodies lying in the middle of a street in the old quarters of the village. Where is President Obama to see what has befallen us?’ Another Christian resident said: ‘I saw the militants grabbing five villagers and threatening them and saying, “Either you convert to Islam, or you will be beheaded”.’ Another said one church had been torched, and gunmen stormed into two other churches and robbed them. The beautiful mountain village, 25 miles from Damascus, is one of the few places in the world where residents still use the ancient language of Aramaic, which was spoken by Jesus and his disciples. Historic: A church in Maaloula which is on a UNESCO list of tentative world heritage sites State-run TV reported that all churches in Maaloula were now safe and the army was chasing gunmen in the western hills It has become a key strategic battleground in the Syrian civil war because of its proximity to the capital. It was held by President Assad’s regime, but taken at the weekend in a rebel advance spearheaded by the hardline Islamist al Nusra Front. Villagers said they heard several foreign accents among the rebels, with many feared to be Al Qaeda fighters imported into the conflict. A villager said he heard mainly Tunisian, Libyan, Moroccan and Chechen dialects. In a video posted online, a rebel commander shouted at the camera: ‘We cleansed Maaloula from all the Assad dogs and all his thugs.’ But Syria’s state news agency claimed the rebels had withdrawn and the regime had regained the village, saying: ‘The army inflicted heavy losses in the ranks of the terrorists.’ A Christian woman who spoke to the Associated Press on Thursday also said there were reports that militants threatened villagers with death if they did not convert to Christianity A church in Maaloula where fighting has been taking place overnight. A poster with the portrait of Syrian President Bashar Assad is seen bottom right
| US and Allied Warships off the Syrian Coastline: Naval Deployment Was Decided “Before” the August 21 Chemical Weapons AttackThere’s nothing ”tragic” about the fact that during this week – marking the 12th anniversary of 9/11 – this presidency will be fighting for its bombing ”credibility” trying to seduce Republican hawks in the US Congress while most of the warmongers du jour happen to be Democrats. Republicans are torn between supporting the president they love to hate and delivering him a stinging rebuke – as much as they are aching to follow the orders of their masters, ranging from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee to military contractors. Once again, this is farce – caused by the fact that a man elected to finish off wars is eager to start yet another one. And once again without a United Nations vote. The White House ”strategy” in this crucial negotiating week boils down to this; to convince the US Congress that the United States must start a war on Syria to punish an ”evil dictator” – once again, as bad as Hitler – for gassing children. The evidence? It’s ”indisputable”. Well, it’s not ”irrefutable”. It’s not even ”beyond-a-reasonable-doubt”. As Obama’s Chief of Staff Denis McDonough admitted, with a straight face, it boils down to ”a quite strong common sense test, irrespective of the intelligence, that suggests that the regime carried this out”. So if this is really about ”common sense”, the president is obviously not being shown by his close coterie of sycophants this compendium of common sense, compiled by a group of top, extremely credible former US intelligence officials, which debunks all the ”evidence” as flawed beyond belief. To evoke a farce from 12 years ago, this clearly seems to be a case of ”facts being fixed around the policy”. And to compound the farce, this is not even as much about Syria per se as about ”sending a message to Iran”, code for ”if you keep messing with us, you’re going to be bombed.” Follow the plutocrats Then there’s the ”credibility” farce. The Obama administration has convoluted the whole world in its own self-spun net, insisting that the responsibility for the ”red line” recklessly drawn by the president is in fact global. Yet the pesky ”world” is not buying it. The Arab street doesn’t buy it because they clearly see through the hypocrisy; the desperate rush to ”punish” the Bashar al-Assad government in Syria while justifying everything the apartheid state of Israel perpetrates in occupied Palestine. The Muslim world doesn’t buy it because it clearly sees the demonization only applies to Muslims – from Arafat to bin Laden to Saddam to Gaddafi and now Assad. It would never apply to the military junta in Myanmar, which was clever enough to engineer an ”opening”; the next day Westerners were lining up to kiss the hem of Burmese longyis. It would never apply to the Islam Karimov dictatorship in Uzbekistan because ”we” always need to seduce him as one of our bastards away from Russia and China. It eventually applies, on and off, to the Kim dynasty in North Korea, but with no consequences – because these are badass Asians who can actually respond to an US attack. Informed public opinion across the developing world does not buy it because they clearly see, examining the historical record, that Washington would never really be bothered with the sorry spectacle of Arabs killing Arabs, or Muslims killing Muslims, non-stop. The 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war is a prime piece of evidence. At the Group of 20 summit last week, the BRICS group of emerging powers – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – as well as Indonesia and Argentina, clearly stressed that a war on Syria without UN Security Council approval would qualify Obama as a war criminal. Even among the European poodles ”support” for the White House is extremely qualified. Germany’s Angela Merkel and even France’s attack dog Francois Hollande said the primacy is with the UN. The European Union as a whole wants a political solution. It’s enlightening to remember that the EU in Brussels can issue arrest warrants for heads of EU governments guilty of war crimes. Someone in Paris must have warned attack dog Hollande that he would not welcome the prospect of slammer time. ”Evil” as a political category is something worthy of the brain dead. The key question now revolves around the axis of warmongers – Washington, Israel and the House of Saud. Will the Israel lobby, the more discreet but no less powerful Saudi lobby, and the Return of the Living Dead neo-cons convince the US Congress to fight their war? And then there’s the curioser and curioser case of al-Qaeda – essentially the Arabic denomination for a CIA database of US-Pakistani-Saudi trained mujahideen during the 1980s: the oh so convenient transnational bogeyman that ”legitimized” the Global War On Terror (GWOT) of the George W Bush years; the ”opening” for al-Qaeda to move to Iraq; and now, no middle men; the CIA and the Obama administration fighting side-by-side with al-Qaeda in Syria. No wonder the denomination ”al-CIAeda” has gone viral. With farce after farce after farce piling up in their own Tower of Babel, the much-vaunted ”US credibility” is in itself the biggest farce of all. Politically, no one knows how the vacuum will be filled. It won’t be via the UN. It won’t be via the BRICS. It won’t be via the G-20 – which is seriously divided; at least new multipolar players are carrying way more weight than US poodles. Much would be made to restore ”US credibility” if the Obama administration had the balls to force both the House of Saud and Qatar (”300 people and a TV station”, in the epic definition of Saudi Arabia’s Prince Bandar Sultan – aka Bandar Bush) to end once and for all their weaponizing of hardcore ”rebels” and ultimately hardcore jihadis, and accept Iran in the negotiating table for a real Geneva II peace process in Syria. It won’t happen because this bypasses farce. Once again; helpless Barack is just a paperboy. The plutocrats in charge are getting extremely nervous. The system is melting – and they need to act fast. They need a Syria as docile as the Arab petro-monarchies. They want to hit Russia bad – and then discuss missile defense and Russian influence in Eastern Europe from a position of force. They want to hit Iran bad – and then continue to issue ultimatums from a position of force. They want to facilitate yet another Israeli attempt to capture southern Lebanon (it’s the water, stupid). They want a monster gas pipeline from Qatar for European customers bypassing Iran and Syria as well as Gazprom. Most of all, this is all about control of natural resources and channels of distribution. These are real motives – and they have nothing to do with farce. Farce is only deployed to kill any possibility of real diplomacy and real political discussion. Farce is a theatrical mask – as in ”humanitarian” imperialism – the ”acceptable” version of the Dick Cheney-run years. It’s as if Dick Cheney had never left the building; paperboy Barack is Dick Cheney with a ”human” face. The only good outcome in this multi-sorrowful tale is that the real ”international community”, all around the world, has seen the naked Emperor in all its (farcical) glory.
A massive US and allied naval deployment is occurring in the Eastern Mediterranean off Syria’s coastline as well as in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. While this display of military might may not be part of an immediate attack plan on Syria, it is creating an atmosphere of fear and panic within Syria. The US Navy has deployed the USS San Antonio, an amphibious transport ship to the Eastern Mediterranean. The San Antonio is joining five US destroyers which “are already in place for possible missile strikes on Syria, a defense official said Sunday.”
While the USS San Antonio has amphibious landing equipment, which can be used to land some six thousand sailors and marines, “no boots on the ground”, however, remains the official motto. So why then has the US deployed its most advanced amphibious landing ship? The reports suggest that this is routine and there are no attack plans:
USS San Antonio There are currently five destroyers off the coast of Syria: the USS Stout, Mahan, Ramage, Barry and Graveley, not to mention the San Antonio amphibious landing vessel. The destroyers are equipped with Tomahawk cruise missiles which “are ready to fire … if Obama gives the order.” On 28 August the U.S. Navy announced the deployment of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Stout en route to join four other destroyers “amid allegations that the regime of Syrian president Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against civilians on August 21″. In a not unusual twist, this deployment of US and allied naval forces preceded the chemical weapons attack which is being blamed on president Bashar al Assad. According to Naval records, the guided missile destroyer USS Stout (DDG 55) departed Naval Station Norfolk, Va. on August 18, 2013, “for deployment to the U.S. 6th Fleet area of responsibility” (see image below upon its departure in Norfolk on August 18). The USS Ramage destroyer left Naval Station Norfolk on August 13 for the Eastern Mediterranean, “to relieve the Mahan”. Yet in fact what was decided was to deploy all five destroyers along the Syrian coastline. This decision was taken by the Pentagon well in advance of the chemical attacks of August 21, which constitute Obama’s pretext to intervene on humanitarian grounds.
USS Stout leaving Norfolk on August 18. USS Stout was used as part of Operation Odyssey Dawn in the 2011 US-NATO war on Libya. This massive naval deployment which also includes strategic submarines was ordered prior to the tragic event of August 21, which begs the question: If the chemical weapons attack is a justification for intervening, why was the order to launch an R2P “humanitarian” naval operation against Syria decided upon “Prior” to August 21? Was there advanced knowledge or intelligence regarding the timing and occurrence of the 21 August Chemical Weapons attack? A strike against Syria in the immediate short-term is unlikely. Obama announced on August 31st that he would seek formal approval of the US Congress, which reconvenes on September 9. With independent news reports providing firm evidence that the US sponsored Al Qaeda rebels (recruited and trained by Allied Special Forces) have chemical weapons in their possession, this delay does not favor the president’s political credibility.
In providing those chemical weapons to al Qaeda “rebels”, the US-NATO-Israel alliance is in violation of international law, not to mention their own anti-terrorist legislation. Overtly supporting Al Qaeda has become the “New Normal”. When the various pieces of evidence are put together, the picture which emerges is that of a covert “flag flag operation” carried out by the US sponsored “rebels” and special forces, intent upon blaming president Bashar Al Assad for killing his own people. As mentioned above, the naval deployment was decided upon ex ante, before the 21 August chemical Weapons attack. This diabolical false flag attack which consists in killing civilians and blaming the Syrian government constitutes the justification for military intervention on “humanitarian grounds”. The US and its allies are still in the process of deploying their naval forces off the Syrian coastline. The Pentagon has confirmed that aircraft carrier USS Nimitz and its carrier strike group has moved into the Red Sea from the Indian Ocean, but, according to official statements, “it has not been given orders to be part of the planning for a limited U.S. military strike on Syria”
The other ships in the USS Nimitz strike group are: USS Princeton and three destroyers: USS William P. Lawrence, USS Stockdale and USS Shoup. USS Nimitz Latest reports are that The USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier and strike group is in the northern Arabian Sea. Meanwhile reports confirm that France has dispatched its anti-air warfare frigate “Chevalier Paul” to the eastern Mediterranean. The French warship is joining the flotilla of US and British warships “including US navy destroyers and British and American submarines, which are armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles.” Syria is being portrayed in the French media as the aggressor: The Chevalier Paul vessel is one of France’s “most up-to-date destroyers of the Horizon-class, …[ it ] will be “extremely useful” if Syria decides to launch its air attacks against the international flotilla.”
Russian Warships to the Syrian Coastline A critical situation is unfolding: Moscow has announced that is also sending two warships to the Eastern Mediterranean to reinforce its naval strength which operates out of Russia’s naval base at the port of Tartus in Southern Syria.
Syria’s Air Defense System The Russian built S-300 is functional. The deployment of the S-300 Surface to Air Missile system in Syria has been on the drawing board of the Russian Ministry of Defense since 2006.
Syria also possesses the Pechora-2M air defense system, The Pechora-2M is a sophisticated ground to air multiple target system which can also be used against cruise missiles. Had this air defense not been in place, the implementation of a US-NATO led “no fly zone” would no doubt have been contemplated at an earlier date.
Description The Pechora-2M is a surface-to-air anti-aircraft short-range missile system designed for destruction of aircraft, cruise missiles, assault helicopters and other air targets at ground, low and medium altitudes. Moreover, in response to the US-allied missile deployments of Patriot missiles in Turkey, Russia delivered advanced Iskander missiles to Syria, which are now fully operational. The Iskander is described as a surface-to-surface missile system “that no missile defense system can trace or destroy”:
Iskander Mach 6-7 Concluding Remarks The World is at a dangerous crossroads. The US and allied naval deployment in the Eastern Mediterranean with US-NATO warships is contiguous to the deployment of Russian warships out of Russia’ naval base in Tartus. Syria has an advanced air defense system which will be used in the case of a US sponsored attack. Russian military advisers are assisting Syrian forces. Syria also has significant ground forces. Syria has been building up its air defense system with the delivery and installation over the last few years of the Russian S300 system. History tells us that wars are often triggered unexpectedly as a result of “political mistakes” and human error. The latter are all the more likely within the realm of a divisive and corrupt political system in the US and Western Europe. US-NATO military planning is overseen by a centralised military hierarchy. Command and Control operations are in theory “coordinated” but in practice they are often marked by human error. Intelligence operatives often function independently and outside the realm of political accountability. While military planners are acutely aware of the dangers of escalation, civilian politicians responding to dominant economic interests ultimately decide on the launching of a major theater war. Any form of US-NATO direct military intervention against Syria would destabilize the entire region, potentially leading to escalation over a vast geographical area, extending from the Eastern Mediterranean to the Afghanistan-Pakistan border with Tajikistan and China. Military planning involves intricate scenarios and war games by both sides including military options pertaining to advanced weapons systems. A Third World War scenario has been contemplated by US-NATO-Israeli military planners since early 2000. Escalation is an integral part of the military agenda. War preparations to attack Syria and Iran have been in “an advanced state of readiness” for several years. We are dealing with complex political and strategic decision-making involving the interplay of powerful economic interest groups, the actions of covert intelligence operatives. In the case of Syria, US intelligence and its Western and Israeli counterparts are supporting an armed insurgency largely integrated by Al Qaeda mercenaries and death squads. The role of war propaganda is paramount not only in molding public opinion into accepting a war agenda, but also in establishing a consensus within the upper echelons of the decision-making process. A selective form of war propaganda intended for “Top Officials” (TOPOFF) in government agencies, intelligence, the Military, law enforcement, etc. is intended to create an unbending consensus in favor of War and the Police State. For the war project to go ahead, it is essential that both politicians and military planners are rightfully committed to leading the war “in the name of justice and democracy”. For this to occur, they must firmly believe in their own propaganda, namely that war is “an instrument of peace and democracy”. They have no concern for the devastating impacts of advanced weapons systems, routinely categorized as “collateral damage”, let alone the meaning and significance of pre-emptive warfare, using nuclear weapons. I should be noted that the Humanitarian warfare consensus is extremely fragile will large sector of public opinion taking a stance against the war-makers. Wars are invariably decided upon by civilian leaders and corporate interests rather than by the military. War serves dominant economic interests which operate from behind the scenes, behind closed doors in corporate boardrooms, in the Washington think tanks, etc. Realities are turned upside down. War is peace. The Lie becomes the Truth. War propaganda, namely media lies, constitutes the most powerful instrument of warfare. Without media disinformation, the US-NATO-Israel led war agenda would collapse like a deck of cards. The legitimacy of the war criminals in high office would be broken. It is therefore essential to disarm not only the mainstream media but also a segment of the self proclaimed “progressive” alternative media, which has provided legitimacy to NATO’s “Responsibility to protect” (R2P) mandate, largely with a view to dismantling the antiwar movement. The road to Tehran goes through Damascus. A war on Iran would involve, as a first step, the destabilization of Syria as a nation state. Military planning pertaining to Syria is an integral part of the war on Iran agenda. The war on Syria could evolve towards a US-NATO-Israel military campaign directed against Iran, in which Turkey and Israel would be directly involved. It is crucial to spread the word and break the channels of media disinformation. A critical and unbiased understanding of what is happening in Syria is of crucial importance in reversing the tide of military escalation towards a broader regional war. Our objective is ultimately to dismantle the US-NATO-Israeli military arsenal and restore World Peace. It is essential that people in the US, Canada, UK, France, Italy, Israel, Turkey and around the World prevent this war from occurring. War Propaganda: As With Iraq, U.S. Media Disseminates Lies and Fabrications on Syria’s WMDsThe Role of the New York TimesA headline in the New York Times (September 7, 2013) stated as fact that “With the World Watching, Syria Amassed Nerve Gas”. The lead paragraph asserted that “Syria’s top leaders amassed one of the world’s largest stockpiles of chemical weapons with help from the Soviet Union and Iran, as well as Western European suppliers and even a handful of American companies, according to American diplomatic cables and declassified intelligence records.” But as with its propagandistic reporting about Saddam Hussein’s possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in the run-up to the Iraq war, the Times provided no evidence to support its claim, and an examination of publicly available documents the Times cited for this story illustrates how the newspaper is demonstrably lying. After asserting as fact that the documents show that Syria “amassed one of the world’s largest stockpiles of chemical weapons”, the Times stated that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his father before him, “were greatly helped in their chemical weapons ambitions by a basic underlying fact: often innocuous, legally exportable materials are also the precursors to manufacturing deadly chemical weapons.” To support its claim that “innocuous, legally exportable materials” were used by Syria to manufacture chemical weapons, the Times cited a 2009 State Department cable released by WikiLeaks in 2010. The cable, the Times stated, “instructed diplomats to ‘emphasize that failure to halt the flow’ of chemicals and equipment into Syria, Iran and North Korea could render irrelevant a group of antiproliferation countries that organized to stop that flow.” But on its face, this only indicates that Syria imported materials considered “dual-use”, meaning that it could have both civilian and military applications. It does not constitute evidence that Syria actually used such “chemicals and equipment” to manufacture chemical weapons. The cable states that “Syria, Iran and North Korea have continued to acquire goods useful to their chemical and/or biological weapons programs”, but offers no evidence that dual-use materials it acquired were used for that purpose. The Times report continued: “Another leaked State Department cable on the Syrians asserted that ‘part of their modus operandi is to hide procurement under the guise of legitimate pharmaceutical or other transactions.’” Once again, no evidence from the cable is offered that materials that admittedly have “legitimate pharmaceutical” uses were actually used to manufacture chemical weapons. The sentence just prior to the one quoted by the Times in the cable stated, “We remain extremely concerned that Iran and Syria are using companies in the UAE to evade U.S. trade prohibitions as well as the export control regulations of other countries to acquire chemical and biological warfare (CBW)-useful equipment and technology.” The cable itself, however, reveals that there was no knowledge that such materials were actually directed towards any military program. The State Department, it noted, did “not have additional information” that materials that could be “useful” for manufacturing chemical or biological weapons were actually used for that purpose. The Times nevertheless continued to falsely assert that “The diplomatic cables and other intelligence documents show that, over time, the two generations of Assads built up a huge stockpile by creating companies with the appearance of legitimacy, importing chemicals that had many legitimate uses”. As already illustrated, the claim that the cables released by WikiLeaks “show” that Syria “built up a huge stockpile” of chemical weapons is an outright lie. The Times then turned to one of the “intelligence documents” it cited as proof, stating that “As early as 1991, under the first Bush presidency, a now declassified National Intelligence Estimate concluded that ‘both Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union provided the chemical agents, delivery systems and training that flowed to Syria.’” But that quote does not date to a National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) from 1991, but rather from 30 years ago. The NIE from which it originated, titled “Implications of Soviet Use of Chemical and Toxin Weapons for U.S. Security Interests”, was issued on September 15, 1983 and statedthat Syria “probably has the most advanced chemical warfare capability in the Arab world, with the possible exception of Egypt” (p. 11). What was deemed “probably” true three decades ago may or may not be true today, and it is useful to point out that the U.S. has backed the military dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak, who took power in 1981, with billions in military “aid”. Egypt has been second only to Israel as the largest recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty, which provided for this money to flow from the American taxpayers to the regime in Egypt. By 1983, it had also become evident that Iraq was using chemical weapons in its war with Iran, but the U.S. nevertheless removed the country from its list of state sponsors of terrorism in order to step up support for its war effort. In December of that year, President Ronald Reagan dispatched Donald Rumsfeld, who was later Secretary of Defense under the Bush administration, for a second time to Iraq to reassure Saddam Hussein that the U.S. would continue to back him despite his use of chemical weapons. The 1983 NIE also noted that with its foreign suppliers, “there is no need for Syria to develop an indigenous capability to produce CW agents or material, and none has been identified.” The purpose of that Cold War-era NIE was to build the case that the Soviet Union was violating the 1975 Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention. The rest of the Times article similarly provided no substantiation for the headline’s claim. It cited again “precursor ingredients that can also be used for medicine”, with no supporting evidence that such ingredients were used for anything other than civilian applications. Perhaps the most egregious example of manipulation with the attempt to deceive the public came towards the end of the article, where the Times quoted from a March 2006 State Department cable: “‘Syrian businessmen regularly report on the ease with which their fellow businessmen illegally import U.S. commodities with seeming impunity, as well as express concerns that the USG’s [United States Government’s] lack of enforcement of the economic sanctions’ are ‘hurting those that choose to play by the rules.’” “Those transactions presumably included chemicals that could be precursors for chemical warfare”, the Times added. Yet the “commodities” described in that cable were mostly related to legitimate civilian uses—particularly for use in hospitals. The cable relayed the “constant refrain heard from the business community” in Syria that U.S. sanctions were “ineffective” and did not impact the Syrian government, “but rather are most directly impacting legitimate business transactions.” Among the “commodities” mentioned are “x-ray tubes, personal computers, defibrillators, and consumable supplies”. “One source told us”, the cable states, providing an example of how sanctions are bypassed, “that he can easily purchase U.S. commodities, specifically medical spare parts, from the Internet and have them shipped to Syria through a third country.” The cable does note that some of the materials imported are “dual-use”; for example, “a Varian linear accelerator” tendered for a military hospital—a devise used for the treatment of cancer. Other items mentioned include “two MRI systems, at least one of which would be used by a military hospital in Aleppo.” The cable discusses how the U.S. sanctions regime harms businesses seeking to import such items legally because their competitors are able to do so at a lower cost by obtaining them through other channels. It cites one example where a “competitor was able to offer the products at a substantially cheaper price because he did not invest the necessary time and money into pursuing an export license.” In another example of a “dual-use” item, the cable mentions the importation of “a consumable product, potassium cyanide, shipped to a public pediatric hospital in October 2003.” The cable states that the regulatory agency intended to verify the end use of imported materials “was unable to verify that it had been used legitimately”—which is also to say that neither was there any evidence that the potassium cyanide was redirected for the purpose of manufacturing chemical weapons. The cable adds that the supplier in this case also sold potassium cyanide “to other end-users not permitted in his export license”, with no further indication as to who the end users were or for what purpose it was acquired. And once again, contrary to the Times’ willful lie that cables such as this one prove Syria manufactured and stockpiled chemical weapons, the cable itself implicitly acknowledges the lack of evidence for this claim, noting that the a “trained” team of “criminal investigators” in the Bureau of Industry and Security, operating under the U.S. Department of Commerce, “have not traveled to Syria to assess whether the end-use of allowable commodities is legitimate, evaluate whether commodities have been diverted to other end-users, or collect evidence of potential sanctions violations.” The cable closes by urging that the investigative team be dispatched to “follow-up on some of the anectodal evidence that we have received” of sanctions violations. “The Americans were not the only ones concerned”, the Times report continued. “According to another leaked cable, the Netherlands discussed how monoethylene glycol, an important raw material used to manufacture urethane and antifreeze, was shipped by a Dutch concern to the Syrian Ministry of Industry, considered a front for the Syrian military. The Dutch outlined how the chemical could also be used as a precursor for sulfur mustard, and possibly for VX and sarin.” Yet again we see how the Times took a cable merely noting that Syria had acquired “dual-use” materials that could possibly be used to manufacture sarin gas, the chemical weapon the U.S. is alleging that the Assad regime used in a Damascus suburb last month as a pretext to launch military strikes against Syria, and dishonestly reported this in its headline and lead paragraph as proof that this was indeed the end use of the material. This is the same kind of propagandistic reporting that the Times engaged in prior to the U.S. war on Iraq. Once again, it is evident that America’s “newspaper of record” is serving as a mouthpiece for the U.S. government, not only uncritically parroting claims of government officials for which there is no evidence, but going out of its way to propagate its own deliberate lies in such a way as to manufacture consent for U.S. foreign policy. |
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