Tuesday, August 21, 2012




A Brave Loyal American Prevents a USS Liberty Type False Flag Attack – Saving Hundreds of Marines and Sailors

Gwenyth Todd in Iraq

by  Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

Five years ago, an American woman serving in Bahrain single handedly stopped the United States government from a criminal attack on Iran and a series of “false flag” terror attacks on American troops and ships in the region.

American Neocons and Israeli lobby decided this was their last chance to start a war, one that would saddle the next president with a disaster of unprecedented proportions, fighting 3 wars during America’s Bush driven economic collapse.

The plans were in motion, plans that would have eventually collapsed the United States, plans also aimed at the destruction of Iran and the enslavement of her people.  One person, known to few, played a key role in stopping this disaster.

This is Gwyneth Todd, former member of President Clinton’s National Security Council and top Middle East advisor.  Stopping the Bush invasion would end her career and nearly cost her life.

Todd, though a ranking Navy official in 2007, was forced to flee Bahrain for her life, settling in Australia.  Those who aided her were murdered, jailed, hunted.

Today she is raising a family, taking care of wildlife and serves as an editor for Veterans Today.  This is part of a story few know, a desperate time and the heroic acts of one person, one who made a difference.



In 2007, an American armada, troop ships, aircraft carriers, guided missile cruisers and destroyers sailed into the Persian Gulf.  Their plan was to land Marines on Iranian soil, a plan hatched by Vice President Dick Cheney and White House officials including Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz and Richard Clarke.

Military command of this invasion, to be done without consultation of congress or the United Nations was left to Vice Admiral Kevin J. Cosgriff and Admiral Will J. Fallon, both career opportunists with extremist political views, willing to do anything for promotion and the curry favor from the powerful criminal figures in US government.

Their “cover story” was to sale a frigate up the Shatt al Arab, a disputed waterway between Iran and Iran, hoping to stimulate a “response” from Iran.

Their real plan was to create the response themselves, as was done by the Navy during the Tonkin Gulf Incident in 1964 when America “invented” an attack by North Vietnam as a prelude to a 10 year war America eventually lost.

Their plans were to create phony radio traffic simulating an Iranian attack in order to push America into authorizing hostilities that they, themselves, had perpetrated in as part of a conspiracy.

The official version of story is in a 5 page article in Washington Post last Sunday titled:

Why was a Navy advisor stripped of her career?”


What is important here is not just the quality of the story that is told, but the more important story that could never be told.

There was a second part of the plan.  Admiral Cosgriff informed Todd, on December 13, 2007, while Todd was his chief advisor, that Iran planned on attacking Bahrain and had total control of Shiites in the region.

This is how the Washington Post reports her response to the Admiral:

“The report, which she guessed originated with the local CIA station, said the attacks were to be led by Bahrain’s top Shiite religious figure, Isa Qassim.

Todd thought the report was fishy. Although Bahrain’s Shiites did oppose the U.S.-backed Sunni monarchy, they’re Arabs, eternal enemies of the Persian Iranians. And Qassim himself, it happened, had warned Todd just the previous day that anti-monarchy demonstrators might attack places frequented by U.S. personnel.

The report “looked like a fabrication by someone trying to kill two birds with one stone, by making the Bahraini Shia appear to be anti-U.S. terrorists who also happened to be taking orders from Iran,” Todd said. “I knew, really knew, that the Bahraini Shia were trying to ensure U.S. personnel were nowhere near the possible violence.” She suspected the intelligence report was cooked up by Bush administration hawks.”

Todd was sent to meet with intelligence sources who said the report was bogus.  Private sources told a different story.

They indicated that Bahrainian secret police, aided by special operations units answerable to the Joint Special Operations Command under Vice President Cheney, planned to stage an attack on US facilities, timed to attacks on US naval personnel, terror bombings, staged by Americans but blamed on Isa Qassim, a popular religious figure who was known to oppose the local monarchy.

Through him, false claims of naval attacks would flood in to Washington and Marines would land in Iran.

Hundreds of Americans would be murdered by fellow Americans to serve “political necessity and the greater good,” as the slogan so often used by the “neocons” goes, especially when criminal acts are involved.


The night Admiral Cosgriff sent Todd out to meet a CIA informant in Dirza, Todd’s clearances were stripped, she was cut off from all contact and abandoned, abandoned and hunted by death squads of Bahrainian secret police who had been tailing her.

She was going to be murdered in Bahrain, as so many have been since, to silence her.

In the interim, however, Todd contacted ranking supporters within the Navy and US government, reporting this attempt at terrorism and an unauthorized invasion and, with the help of her soon to be husband, an Australian naval official, managed to escape unharmed and hunted.

The “Cosgriff/Fallon War Deception” was derailed and war averted.


The most hunted person on earth has never been Julian Assange; it has been Gwyneth Todd, who has held some of the highest positions in government and as a military advisor during two presidencies.  Only a year ago, “GW” as she is called at Veterans Today was subject to what we believe to be an attempted kidnap/rendition while living in Australia.  The story was featured front page on the Sydney Morning Herald.


“GW” married to an official of the Australian Ministry of Defense, is in Australia ducking endless US ploys to silence her on her direct access to information that could put a virtual army of Bush era top official in prison for life or worse.

This week, the Washington Post did a 5 page spread on GW, editing out the “juicy parts” that we will be filling in over the weeks prior to the election.  No American paper would ever allow the unedited truth to be read by the public, now an “uninformed electorate.”

The Post touched on a few startling, to many at least, revelations but, due to issues of policy more than national security, left out “GW’s” extensive knowledge at White House level.

Todd had evidence  of foreign spying, was able to name names, criminal activity in the advance planning, years in advance of the Iraq War and her knowledge of the working group in the Pentagon and White House that prepared for the 9/11 attacks months in advance.

Todd had, you see, been assigned by former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, Condi Rice, to work with the FBI in order to eliminate spy organizations working within the White House.  What she and the FBI learned brought about the arrest of a number of high officials.

The FBI agents who worked with Todd were set aside, their careers ruined and, later, the FBI would hunt Todd, a “new FBI” tasked with silencing those who “knew too much.”

Todd “named names” tied to espionage and terrorism, high ranking naval officers, some currently serving.

She also implicated former White House counter-terrorism czar, Richard Clarke in an espionage conspiracy against the United States.

Then Vice Admiral Cosgriff

The crux of the Todd murder plot is simple:  Chow wrote a letter firing Todd and suspending her clearances.  Then Chow and Cosgriff, Admiral Cosgriff, asked Todd to go on a secret mission. 

There she was to be murdered in a terror bombing  while the “secret source” Cosgriff sent Todd to meet with a listed terrorist.  The killing would then be blamed on Iran and Chow and Cosgriff were “covered” because Todd had been “fired” first. 

Evidence proves premeditation, conspiracy to murder, treason, terrorism, espionage and more and top Navy officials demand an investigation. 

Todd is living in Australia but, as of publication, the naval official accused of conspiring in her killing, to be sold to the American public as an Iranian terror attack is “in uniform” and in Australia trying to force the government to silence Todd, who can send “her” to prison for life or worse.

Mike Harris interview Todd.  There are, as of now, four explosive hours of interviews with Harris, the most serious accusations of treason and espionage by  the highest ranking US official yet to come forward.

Several Bush era cabinet officials confirm the accusations which are supported, not just by testimony, featured in the video’s below, but in extensive documentation, wire taps, secret voice recordings and more.

Vice Admiral John W. Miller, commander of the US 5th Fleet has officially requested a full investigation of Todd’s charges against naval personnel.  The Inspector General’s office has “stonewalled” Miller thus far.

Evidence supports that naval personnel at the highest level, authorized by Vice President Cheney planned the assassination of a top US official, the bombing of US personnel and a staged false flag attack on America’s Fifth Fleet to begin a war with Iran in 2007.

Additionally, top White House advisor, Richard Clarke, is implicated in years of top level spying against the US, lasting well over a decade.  White House officials, including cabinet level officers were advised to stay silent about Clarke’s involvement in spying and aid in the criminal cover up.

True Story of Navy SEALS and Somali Pirates

YouTube - Veterans Today -

Some of us wonder why the fleet was sent up to the Mediterranean to bail out Israel when Hezbollah began chewing up the IDF?  No American news source ever reported this and America’s combat role in Lebanon in support of Israel in 2006 has never been admitted.



This is December, 2007.  Todd, chief political advisor to the Admiral of the 5th Fleet, is called into Admiral Cosgriff’s office to review highly classified reports of an impending terrorist attack.  Cosgriff orders her to leave the base, unarmed, no security detail, and meet with an “informant.”

However, as we now have learned, Commander Lynn Chow had, even before the meeting, written a letter “disavowing” Todd and ordered the cancellation of her security clearance, “Special Compartmentalized,” well above “Top Secret.”

Sources indicate that Cosgriff, who commanded Chow to ”set up” Todd was acting on direct orders from Vice President Cheney. The actions that can be proven show prior planning to send Todd out to be killed in a staged terror attack.

When Todd met the informant, he warned her that he was on a terror list and that they were being directly observed by Bahrain’s secret police. He told Todd to flee immediately as she was going to be killed in a bombing if she stayed.

When she returned to the base, her clearances and ID had been disabled and she was being hunted.

With help of loyal Americans, she got on base, contacted the State Department and warned them of the rogue plot by Cosgriff and Chow. She then, using contacts as the top US intelligence official in the region, fled Bahrain and eventually reached Australia.


Richard Clarke

Richard Clarke, after leaving government, has been a very public critic of the Bush administration and the handling of the War on Terror.  However, sources advise us that Clarke’s behavior is part of a campaign of “covering his behind” as Clarke’s real history is one totally at odds with the public image he is now portraying.

When military and intelligence officials are questioned, off the record:  “If any Bush official were involved in 9/11 and the “truthers” were correct, who would you name.”

Most say:  “Richard Clarke”

Then many give reasons, reasons with no audience, no grand jury, no commission, just their own suspicions, particularly those who worked closely with him.


Why was a Navy adviser stripped of her career?

In spring of 2007, someone in the Bush administration (unindicted co-conspirator Richard Bruce Cheney? Neocons?) Sends uber hawk Vice Admiral Kevin J. Cosgriff to Oil Gulf with instructions to provoke a war with Iran. He allegedly toys with challenging Iran’s claim to half of the Shatt al-Arab. He certainly decided abruptly to bring two aircraft carriers to the Gulf, in hopes of provoking Iran into doing something stupid, and without telling the State Department or the White House.

He also pushes analysis alleging that Bahrain Shiites intend anti-American terrorism on behalf of Iran.

Adviser to the Navy Gwenyth Todd (former National Security Council staffer) rightly challenges this stupid conspiracy theory (Bahrain Shiites are mostly Arab Akhbaris who reject ayatollahs, and would not slavishly obey Persian, Usuli Iran!).

I.e. Cosgriff was allegedly nearly making a coup in order to get up a war. Failing something so drastic, he may have (or his Neocon superiors may have) hoped to forestall direct talks with Iran that month.

Todd blows the whistle on Cosgriff, letting State know about his intended insubordination. Word gets back to Neocons or whoever was behind the provocation and Cosgriff that Todd was the leak. She is abruptly deprived of her base pass and security clearance, a trumped up case is made against her with the FBI that she received money from a former boyfriend who did illegal consulting with Sudan (she says she returned the small sum he sent her). Todd’s career is ruined, her inquiries and grievances are ignored, she marries an Austrlian naval officer and goes into exile in Perth. FBI harasses her even there.

Todd’s account is corroborated by Navy sources speaking off the record, according to the Washington Post.

But there are lots of reasons to believe there is something to her charges.

What happened to her was typical of Neoconservative ways of operating. Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, Scooter Libby, and other Israel partisans inside the Pentagon or in Cheney’s office repeatedly played dirty tricks, held meetings and did not invite principals, contolled meeting agendas, and spied on and tried to discredit foeign service officers at the State Department, according to FSOs who have privately talked to me. The Neocons did these things in order to get up the Iraq War, which they thought would protect Israel. According to Wesley Clark, they hoped for a series of wars. In 2007 Cheney was clearly pushing for a war on Iran. Many of the Neoconservatives had left government by 2007, but the network remained powerful, especially in Cheney’s office.

Among the victims/ witnesses was Karen Kwiatkowsky, who served in Feith’s Office of Special Plans, which cherry-picked raw intelligence, stove-piped it to the White House, illegally and inaccurately pbriefed Congress on intelligence, and generally behaved like a seedy third world secret police cell. She was appalled at what she saw.

A similar dirty trick was played on Joe Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame, when Wilson blew the whistle on the Bush administration’s falsehoods about alleged Iraqi ‘weapons of masss destruction.’ Plame was investigated by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby, who discovered she was CIA undercover, and they tried to spead the information around to the press in hopes of weakening Wilson’s credibility.

And, since I consulted in DC with government analysts about how to uproot al-Qaeda, and elements in the Bush White House minded my having influence with the analysts, someone in the WH in late 2005 ordered the CIA to spy on me and attempt to destroy my reputation (very illegal).

If Gwenyth Todd’s story is true, she is owed thanks by her country for thwarting a plot to get up a war on Iran. Given the things we know about how the Neocons operated, it is entirely plausible.

A dark thought: the Neocons have glommed onto Mitt Romney and will come to power if he does, and they still desperately want a war on Iran.

Matthew Abbott/FOR THE WASHINGTON POST - Gwenyth Todd, a former American political adviser, now lives in Australia.

  • , Published: August 21The Washington Post

Gwenyth Todd had worked in a lot of places in Washington where powerful men didn’t hesitate to use sharp elbows. She had been a Middle East expert for the National Security Council in the Clinton administration. She had worked in the office of Defense Secretary Dick Cheney in the first Bush administration, where neoconservative hawks first began planning to overthrow Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

But she was not prepared a few years later in Bahrain when she encountered plans by high-ranking admirals to confront Iran, any one of which, she reckoned, could set the region on fire. It was 2007, and Todd, then 42, was a top political adviser to the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet.

(Matthew Abbott/ FOR THE WASHINGTON POST ) - Todd and her daughter Pelagie at Namadgi National Park, two hours from their home in Canberra, Australia.

Previous 5th Fleet commanders had resisted various ploys by Bush administration hawks to threaten the Tehran regime. But in spring 2007, a new commander arrived with an ambitious program to show the Iranians who was boss in the Persian Gulf.

Vice Adm. Kevin J. Cosgriff had amassed an impressive résumé, rising through the ranks to command a cruiser and a warship group after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Following a customary path to three stars, he had also spent as much time in Washington as he had at sea, including stints at the Defense Intelligence Agency and as director of the Clinton White House Situation Room.

Cosgriff — backed by a powerful friend and boss, U.S. Central Command (Centcom) chief Adm. William J. “Fox” Fallon — was itching to push the Iranians, Todd and other present and former Navy officials say.

“There was a feeling that the Navy was back on its heels in dealing with Iran,” according to a Navy official prohibited from commenting in the media. “There was an intention to be far more aggressive with the Iranians, and a diminished concern about keeping Washington in the loop.”

Two people who were there said Cosgriff mused in a staff meeting one day that he’d like to steam a Navy frigate up the Shatt al Arab, the diplomatically sensitive and economically crucial waterway dividing Iraq and Iran. In another, they said, he wanted to convene a regional conference to push back Iran’s territorial claims in the waterway, a flash point for the bloody Iran-Iraq war in the 1980s.

Then he presented an idea that not only alarmed Todd, but eventually, she believes, launched the chain of events that would end her career.

Cosgriff declined to discuss any of these meetings on the record. This story includes information from a half-dozen Navy and other government officials who demanded anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter, many parts of which remain classified.

According to Todd and another witness, Cosgriff’s idea, presented in a series of staff meetings, was to sail three “big decks,” as aircraft carriers are known, through the Strait of Hormuz — to put a virtual armada, unannounced, on Iran’s doorstep. No advance notice, even to Saudi Arabia and other gulf allies. Not only that, they said, Cosgriff ordered his staff to keep the State Department in the dark, too.

To Todd, it was like something straight out of “Seven Days in May,” the 1964 political thriller about a right-wing U.S. military coup. A retired senior naval officer familiar with Cosgriff’s thinking said the deployment plan was not intended to be provocative.

But Todd, in an account backed by another Navy official, said the admiral “was very, very clear that we were to tell him if there was any sign that Washington was aware of it and asking questions.”

For the past year, the air had been electric with reports of impending U.S. or Israeli attacks on Iran. If this maneuver were carried out, Todd and others feared, the Iranians would freak out. At the least, they’d cancel a critical diplomatic meeting coming up with U.S. officials. Todd suspected that was Cosgriff’s aim. She and others also speculated that Cosgriff wouldn’t propose such a brazen plan without Fallon’s support.

(Matthew Abbott/ FOR THE WASHINGTON POST ) - Todd and her daughter Pelagie at Namadgi National Park, two hours from their home in Canberra, Australia.

Retired Adm. David C. Nichols, deputy Centcom commander in 2007, recalled in an interview last year that Fallon “wanted to do a freedom-of-navigation exercise in what Iran calls its territorial waters that we hadn’t done in a long time.” Nothing wrong with that, per se, but the problem was that “we don’t understand Iran’s perception of what we’re doing, and we haven’t understood what they’re doing and why,” Nichols said. “It makes miscalculations possible.”

Todd feared that the Iranians would respond, possibly by launching fast-attack missile boats into the gulf or unleashing Hezbollah on Israel. Then anything could happen: a collision, a jittery exchange of gunfire — bad enough on its own, but also an incident that Washington hawks could seize on to justify an all-out response on Iran.

Preposterous? It had happened before, off North Vietnam in 1964. In the Tonkin Gulf incident, a Navy captain claimed a communist attack on his ship. President Lyndon Johnson swiftly ordered the bombing of North Vietnam, touching off a wider war that turned the country upside down and left more than 58,000 U.S. servicemen dead.


Gwyneth Todd was from a long line of American diplomats, bankers, spies and scholars going back to Revolutionary times. Her first 17 years had been spent following her father, Kenneth Thompson, a career diplomat, and mother, Eve Tyler, granddaughter of a renowned art collector, through embassies in Malta, Turkey, West Africa, England and Spain. Summers were spent at the family chateau in France, where the bloodline led back to Napoleon.

But Washington was home. Her maternal grandfather, William Royall Tyler, had been an assistant secretary of state in the Kennedy administration and director of Dumbarton Oaks, the estate and center for Byzantine and pre-Columbian art studies. The estate’s original owners, Robert and Mildred Bliss, were intimate friends of her family. “When we weren’t overseas, I spent much of my time as a child playing in the gardens,” Todd said during one of several interviews in the past year.

She graduated Phi Beta Kappa in Near and Middle Eastern studies from the University of California at Berkeley, then earned a master’s in Arabic and international affairs in 1990 at Georgetown University.


Todd, at one time with the among the highest security clearances in US government, witnessed much during her career cut short by a criminal cover-up by American political and military officials who likely will never face the criminal charges against them that facts justify.

As with Sibel Edmonds, Valerie Plame and Susan Lindauer, Gwyneth Todd, survivors of a rogue regime, holds information that could bring America’s “cardboard cutout” democracy to its knees.  These four women survive, all work with Veterans Today and make up a group of patriotic and honest Americans who put duty and honor before career and cash.


What is unique about them is that they survive while others like former football star and Army Corporal, Pat Tillman, were murdered or simply disappeared, as did so many who got too close to the questionable circumstances surrounding the 9/11 events.

Tillman, a “picture perfect” soldier was shot in the forehead 4 times at close range by unnamed fellow Americans while serving in Afghanistan.  Tillman had begun to question the war.  Today his death is listed as “friendly fire,” a strange term for government sanctioned premeditated murder.

At the time, US Commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal lied to the press and the American people claiming Tillman was killed by “enemy fire.”  This expose represented a bitter end to McChrystal’s career.

Todd still lives with her family in Australia, somewhat of a local celebrity after the attempt by US officials to, well, we aren’t sure what their plans were, rendition, murder, we will never know.

Top Senator Calls for Investigation of Bush False Flag Terror Plot


Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Patrick Leahy, Directs DOD Inquiry into Gwyneth Todd Case


Accusations have been made against two senior Navy officials that may well lead to charges of conspiracy to commit murder, treason and terrorism against the United States.  More importantly, sources report that behind the plot that it has taken years to bring forward may well implicate former Vice President Cheney.

Senator Leahy stated that a full investigation before the Senate Judiciary Committee will be commenced.  The Senate Judiciary states the investiation will include issues of treason and other capital crimes.

As of this writing, the lives of all involved hang in the balance as, too often in the past, cleaning up the crimes of the Bush administration has involved “accidents” as with presidential aide John Wheeler, whose body was found in a Delaware landfill in January, 2011.

No arrests have been made and there is even less evidence of an investigation being initiated.  Wheeler worked on the periphery of a half dozen secret projects, one of which is believed to have brought about his murder at the order of powerful Washington insiders.

Todd, herself, was approached by someone claiming to be an embassy “passport official” at her home in Australia.  The Sydney Morning Herald carries a detailed report on what may have been a second murder/kidnap attempt, one foiled. A month ago, Jeff Stein of the Washington Post wrote a 5500 word article on former White House security staffer, Gwyneth Todd.  Todd reported a 5th Fleet under Vice Admiral Cosgriff and Commander Lynn Chow that had gone rogue.

The Post printed much and, surprisingly, the article became impossible to locate in 24 hours without having saved the link.  Search engines killed it in a process known as “scrubbing.”

Veterans Today then published a somewhat different and direct approach, in direct cooperation with Todd herself.  Todd has long worked with Veterans Today and had agreed to move from “unofficial” to “official” staff.

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