All over the world in different countries, cultures, tongues, and colors are people who have the same basic desire for happiness and respect from his fellow men. We are the same all over as members of the human race. If we honor each other's boundaries with propriety and consideration our voyage thru life can be rich in knowledge and friendship..........AMOR PATRIAE

Thursday, May 3, 2012



Our government is now controlled by a criminal cabal. Our country is a loony bin where the crazies are in charge. Our cities are crime factories. Our banks are run by bandits who steal from the poor. Our schools are production lines for the manufacture of morons. Our places of work are venues of legalized exploitation and servitude. Our news is horror fiction. Our courts are coin-operated machines that crank out injustice. Our laws are dirty jokes. Our heroes are villains. Our celebrities are abominations. Our politicians are psychopaths at large. We live in an America where torture has now been normalized and murder is legal—an Orwellian world too terrifying even for Orwell’s imagination.

Here are some facts that will help to persuade you that the American Dream has morphed into a nightmare—that the country we now live in is a police state masquerading as a democracy.

If Americans have lost their country , they lost it slowly and imperceptibly. Indeed, most Americans remain unaware that their country no longer belongs to them. They fervently believe they still live in a democracy. This was a takeover not without precedent, however. It had happened to Germany. It had happened to Russia. It has now happened to America.

I have often said and written that in some important respects America is the least democratic country in the world because what passes for democracy there is for sale to the highest bidders (the Zionist lobby being one of them). It’s now apparent that former President Jimmy Carter agrees.

In his latest Conversation at the Carter Center, he said:

“You know how much I raised to run against Gerald Ford? Zero. You know how much I raised to run against Ronald Reagan? Zero. You know how much will be raised this year by all presidential, Senate and House campaigns? $6 billion. That’s 6,000 millions.” (It was “zero” from private donors, corporates and individuals, because Carter accepted public funding).

That was part of his devastating indictment of the U.S. electoral process which, he said, “is shot through with financial corruption that threatens American democracy.” He added: We have one of the worst election processes in the world right here in the United States of America, and it’s almost entirely because of the excessive influx of money.”

And that’s because of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2010 ruling that gave unlimited freedom to special interest groups, which represent the wishes and demands of corporations and lobbyists of all kinds, to provide unlimited campaign funding to third-parties that don’t have to disclose their donors. (The Supreme Court justified its decision on the grounds that the First Amendment of the American Constitution prohibited government from restricting independent political expenditures by corporations and unions).

Carter expressed his hope that “the Supreme Court will reverse that stupid ruling,”

President Obama is on the record in a chat with the internet community Reddit as saying that if the Supreme Court does not re-visit the issue, he will seek to challenge its ruling by pushing for a constitutional amendment. (Right now Obama’s concern is obviously aggravated by the fact that a handful of conservative billionaires – some if not all of them rabid supporters of the Zionist state of Israel right or wrong – are pumping in hundreds of millions of dollars to saturate media markets in vital swing states. They seem to share one of the ideas that drove Adolf Hitler’s propaganda maestros – no matter how big the lie, the more you tell it, the more likely it is to be believed. Zionism knows that to be true).

There is also support for Carter and Obama’s contempt for the Supreme Court ruling from Judge Richard Posner. He is a highly respected member of the Chicago-based Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, widely regarded as his nation’s most prolific jurist-academic and seen by some as the most influential judge outside of the nine members of the Supreme Court.

What has he said? This:

“Our political system is pervasively corrupt due to our Supreme Court taking away campaign-contribution restrictions on the basis of the First Amendment.”

In a recent National Public Radio interview Judge Posner also expressed a degree of contempt for what he described as the “real deterioration in conservative thinking” in recent years. He added: “I’ve become less conservative since the Republican Party started becoming goofy.” (From my side of the water it seems that if Romney’s funders fail in their efforts to buy the White House for him, the Republican Party will have no future unless its moderate, old-fashioned conservatives break away from the “goofy” extremists who have taken over the party machine).

It might well be that a second-term Obama will seek to mobilize support for a constitutional amendment to enable the Supreme Court’s ruling to be reversed, but his chances of success on that front would be poor to say the least because a constitutional amendment requires ratification by three-quarters of the country’s 50 states.

As I write I am reminded (as I noted in my book Zionism: The Real Enemy of the Jews) that President Kennedy tried and failed several times to introduce legislation to end the corruption of election campaign funding; and I can almost hear some of my readers saying, “Yes, and look what happened to him!”

Eurozone “leadership” pretends that they have to stick with their new currency and pay exponential debt to the same bankers, while giving away total official control of nations to… the corporations beneath the bankers.

“News” pretends that there are a million concerns that even begin to rival the utter corruption of debt-based banking, and everything it has spawned in the last 500 years.

History is mostly pretend as well.

FDR pretended to be more than a mouthpiece while Wall Street Banker Bernard Baruch single handedly managed the War Industries Board and sent incredible wealth and hardware to Stalin during WWII, money stolen in the crash of 1929. The US pretends it won WWII while giving ten entire countries to USSR at the Treaty of Verdun after the war, to suffer under tyrannical communism.

If you have the facts backwards are you still pretending? The great menace in Europe circa 1930 was communism, but we pretend it was German National Socialism. We pretend the Nazis are the most horrific party in history, when their goal was to reestablish Germany’s pre-WWI borders and return German populations in Austria, Czechoslavakia, and Poland to German rule. The movie The Sound of Music pretends that Austrians were not thrilled to see their German brothers peacefully retake the nation.

Steven Spielberg pretends that he has not seen real eyewitness testimony to life at Auschwitz, Triblenka, and Dachau.

Karl Marx wrote a book that pretended to lead the mass of Russians to freedom, equality, and brotherhood, which ignited the Bolshevik Revolution of Russia. It led them to totalitarian communism instead. Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky pretended that their names were not actually Rabbi Mordechai Levi, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, and Leyba Davidovich Bronstein. History pretends that these men and communism itself are not the creation of Khazarian people who converted en masse to Judaism in the 8th century. Most either pretend or have backwards that The Bolshevik leadership was 9/10 Jewish, or Khazar. The Khazars have always pretended that they are a race apart and chosen above all else by God himself to rule the world, to form the most fearsome political and economic solidarity the world will ever know.

My Alma Mater, Notre Dame University, has always pretended that the greatest massacre in history was performed upon European Jewry by German Caucasians instead of upon Russian Christianity by Khazar Jews, and upon Chinese peasants by Soviet-trained Mao Zedong.

In WWII, most pretended that repeated firebombing of Dresden, Germany was a tactical oversight and that Tokyo was not already destroyed by firebombing and Japan utterly finished well before Oppenheimer’s bombs were dropped. FDR’s Wall Street masters strangled Japan for years and he pretended that Pearl Harbor was a surprise.

Patton did not pretend that the Wall Street backed and funded Bolshevik-Jewish USSR was anything but the greatest menace in history, and was sent home to fume and die under strange circumstances while Eisenhower organized mass starvation, rape, and looting of Germany’s remaining population, a death toll historians pretend did not occur.

Henry Kissinger pretended for us all that the Cold War was real.

More currently, we are expected to pretend that 19 Saudi Nationals foiled the most heavily defended airspace in the world to perform a miraculous terrorist attack. Further, we are to pretend that the entire populations of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, and Iran must pay for the Saudi’s assault with their oil, water, and blood to protect ourselves and our expensive, pretend ally Israel. Israel pretended in 1967 that she was Egypt and tried for hours to sink the U.S.S. Liberty with all hands.

The problem every child learns about pretending is that, once too far down that road, it becomes difficult if not impossible to keep the story straight. Our operating myths have died in the public mind. The media and government’s job is to defend the myths at all costs. The public’s job is to rouse our men and women at arms to quietly take banking and weapons of mass destruction from the hands of spoiled, insane children

Imminent Rebellion
In cities all around the world yesterday, people took to the streets for May Day demonstrations, protests, and rallies. Members of the Occupy movement, leftists, labor groups, students and more made their voices heard from Jakarta to Berlin, and from Lagos to Seattle. Frustration with financial institutions, sluggish economies, and harsh austerity measures were aired, and some rallies became violent, resulting in a number of arrests. Collected here are scenes from yesterday, May Day, as it happened across the globe.


A police lieutenant swings his baton at an Occupy Wall Street activist on May 1, 2012 in New York. Hundreds of activists with a variety of causes spread out over New York City Tuesday on International Workers Day, or May Day, with Occupy Wall Street members leading a charge against financial institutions. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Perhaps the most blatant episode of securities fraud perpetrated by a single individual during the pre-crisis period was carried out by John Paulson, who at the time managed a relatively small, unknown hedge fund that had only performed modestly.

But Paulson’s luck changed after utilizing his Jewish networks. This enabled him to pitch a deal to Goldman Sachs that promised to land the bank a huge killing. The scheme was simple. Paulson would select toxic sub-prime mortgage securities for Goldman to structure into an investment vehicle, which would be sold to investors. After these worthless securities were bought, both Paulson and Goldman would bet against these same securities. Once the real estate bubble popped, they pocketed billions of dollars.

Even though his actions represented front running at best, Paulson was not even fined by the Jewish-run Securities and Exchange Commission. Instead, he was praised by America’s Jewish-run media as a “great investor.” But the facts paint a much different picture. After having run out of scams, Paulson’s hedge fund continues to implode.

Goldman Sachs got away with a slap on the wrist; a small fine relative to the amount of money it made from the heist. But Goldman was only fined in order to deflect valid criticisms that

Obama’s presidency was bought and paid for by Wall Street since Goldman ponied up the most (private sector) money for his presidential campaign, with several other banks not far behind.

Goldman Sachs got away with blatant securities fraud to the tune of billions of dollars, not counting the $20 billion or so it received indirectly from taxpayers via the $180 billion bailout of AIG. The bailout enabled AIG pay Goldman in full what it was owed in derivatives obligations. Thus, without the bailout of AIG, Goldman stood to lose an enormous amount of money.


People take part in a march as part of the annual May Day workers' events on May 1, 2012 in Paris. (Guillaume Baptiste/AFP/GettyImages) #

After the bailout, bonuses for Goldman employees soared to record levels, compliments of American taxpayers. Clearly, hundreds of Goldman employees should be serving life sentences along with Paulson. And the bank itself should have been shut down completely.

Instead of demanding accountability and justice, Americans have permitted the money changers to extort their tax dollars after having scavenged their retirement savings. Millions of Americans have lost their jobs, their homes and any hope they had for their future at the hands of the Banking Cartel. Yet, they have done nothing about. It’s business as usual in the United States.

Recall that a similar scam unfolded less than ten years ago when the dotcom bubble burst. Shareholders lost $7 trillion when the Nasdaq collapsed as the result of hundreds of cases of accounting fraud, insider trading and securities pumping from analysts. Yet, no one went to jail. Today, Wall Street continues to laugh all the way to the bank while Washington and the media provide them with cover. It’s business as usual in the United States.

The victims of this historic fraud have been told they will be responsible for cleaning up the mess created by the bankers. Pensions have been slashed, taxes have been raised, jobs have been cut, while Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid are on the chopping block.

Meanwhile, Washington continues to add trillions of dollars to the national debt due to wasteful spending from the Department of Homeland Security and the unnecessary wars in Middle East. And still, not one single member of the Jewish Banking Cartel has been investigated. The American people have accepted this lack of justice and accountability, while crying about income inequality. Go figure.

But now the party is over for Main Street. America’s long period of declining living standards can no longer be masked by the inexpensive labor of illegal aliens, two-income households, and record debt. As a result of the most severe epidemic of securities fraud in world history, the vast majority of Americans are now faced with permanently reduced living standards. Much of the advanced world faces a similar if not worse predicament. Meanwhile, Wall Street parties on. It’s business as usual in the United States.

Despite what Americans have been told by the media, Washington and Wall Street, the United States remains in the grasp of the most severe economic meltdown since the Great Depression. In fact, it is in the early stages of its Second Great Depression.

Even prior to America’s financial apocalypse, the nation’s gradual economic decline has emanated from its so-called free market system. In short, the economic foundation responsible for America’s previous “greatness” has been gradually transformed over decades into a system of exploitation, fraud and industry collusion facilitated (intentionally) by inadequate and ineffective regulatory oversight. The dire consequences of America’s derailed free market system are evident in many industries, most notably finance, energy and healthcare.

Combined with unfair trade policies, soaring healthcare costs have encouraged exportation of millions of jobs and entire industries to Asia and Latin America, while millions of Americans have no means to earn an income or contribute their skills to society.

And because losing one’s job in America also means losing access to affordable medical insurance, millions of Americans have suffered from unnecessary illness and death. This is just one of the ugly sides of globalization you never hear mention of.


Corporatism in America

In addition to its economic decline, America’s democratic process has been sabotaged on all fronts. This transformation has been ongoing for decades, but the pace has accelerated over the past several years. Large corporations exert complete control over U.S. economic and trade policy through billions of dollars in lobbyist donations and by utilizing the revolving door between Washington and corporate America.

But the most powerful lobby in Washington represents a foreign nation. The Israeli lobby maintains absolute control of Washington’s political agenda, foreign policy and much of its domestic policy.

As a result of several years of treasonous actions by Washington, many of America’s most highly valued freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution have been tossed into the trash bin, with much more to come.

Ever since the collapse of the global economy, Wall Street analysts, establishment economists and government officials have insisted that America averted another “Great Depression” due to the bailout of the financial system and the printing press of the Federal Reserve. Mind you, these are the same “brilliant and trustworthy” experts who denied the existence of the recession for more than a year after it had begun. Thus, they have a history of denial, if not incompetence.

Among the most common arguments in support of the claim that the U.S. sidestepped another Great Depression, America’s establishment economists have insisted the following…

“The U.S. will not enter a depression because we learned from the Great Depression of the 1930s, and have since enacted numerous policy actions and formed several institutions serving as economic and financial buffers to prevent such a catastrophic event.”

What they fail to mention is that many of these institutions have failed during the current depression. Even the FDIC has relied on funds from the U.S. Treasury Department in order to prevent insolvency.

According to the establishment, the lack of monetary expansion by the Federal Reserve served as the primary factor responsible for America’s first Great Depression.

In support of this view, former economic adviser to President Obama, Christine Romer wrote a paper in the Journal of Economic History in 1992 entitled, “What Ended the Great Depression?” In this paper, Romer stated that expansionary monetary policy resulted in a partial recovery of the depression.

Romer’s paper by no means offered a novel idea. Rather, it served as a means by which to demonstrate her acceptance of the establishment’s rule of law; complete control of the financial system and economy by the principle arm of the Jewish Mafia, otherwise known as the Federal Reserve. Thus, her only goal in writing this paper was to convince the Banking Cartel that she was “part of the team.” This enabled her to rise from the ranks of America’s fascist establishment.

During the financial crisis of 2008, the Federal Reserve turned the currency printing presses on overdrive. And they have not turned them off since. After all, this was the only way to avoid a depression according to the establishment.

Anyone who would expect the Federal Reserve to put out the fire they created is likely to allow a fox to guard a hen house. Printing money to address the fundamental flaws in the economy would be similar to a person who decided to burn a huge pile of money during sub-zero weather conditions in order to keep warm for a few days. After the money had burned up, the individual would be back where he started; hopeless and near death.

In response to the economic collapse, the Federal Reserve’s monetary response has been unprecedented. Despite the largest monetary expansion in U.S. history, the economy remains fragile. This outcome is in opposition to that predicted by the establishment.

Could the failures of the Federal Reserve’s monetary stimulus explain why Romer quietly resigned from the Obama Administration more than two years ago?

During the earliest stage of America’s Second Great Depression, the U.S. unemployment rate (adjusted for age) reached a post-war high. Despite all of the stimulus packages from Washington, there has been no meaningful job growth. At the current pace of job creation, it would take close to ten years to restore the pre-collapse employment level.

The abysmal unemployment picture has also been further scarred by an unprecedented period for those out of work. Nearly 50% of unemployed workers, some 25 million according to Washington (my estimates point to 32 million), have been out of work for 6 months or longer.

For most Americans who have managed to keep their job, the situation has not been anything to cheer about. Since the financial crisis, U.S. workers have seen the smallest wage increases since 1965. After adjusting for inflation, there have been no increases in median wages since 1999.

Despite claims made by left-wing “think tanks” and other liberal economists, massive expenditures have been allocated towards economic policies which have offered only temporary


Obama surrounded by his economic advisers and the  media (emergency) assistance to consumers. The real benefits have gone to corporate America and the banking system.

These stimulus funds have done nothing to address the fundamental problems in the U.S. economy. This is precisely why the employment picture remains dismal. Now that the economic stimulus package has been depleted, we are beginning to see the real face of the economy.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of jobs that have been lost since 2007 will never return. The majority of new jobs that will be created over the next decade will comprise two segments; jobs that undermine and undervalue the qualifications and training of the applicants, and jobs that no one wants.

Washington’s attempts to resurrect the real estate market have also been a huge waste of taxpayer funds. In fact, each and every one of the programs created to stimulate the housing market has been an embarrassment to the Obama Administration.

And the Federal Reserve’s massive asset swap with Fannie Mae and Wall Street banks have kept interests so low that it’s causing pension plans to become dangerously underfunded. What that means is that the banks are getting bailed out again at the expense of Main Street. And no one in the U.S. media, including their hand-selected (Jewish) experts (charlatans) is talking about it.

With no surprise, the only beneficiaries of this financial trickery have been Obama’s largest private campaign contributors; Wall Street banks. Needless to say, it will most likely take the housing market another ten years to fully recover.

In contrast, housing subsidies and other government interventions during the Great Depression of the 1930s helped the housing recovery. Even Fannie Mae’s former chief credit officer during the 1980s, Edward Pinto has determined that Fannie Mae’s Depression-era efforts to modify ailing mortgages were more successful than those being used in the current housing crisis.

Establishment economists also point out that there are no bread lines such as those seen during the Great Depression. However, 50 million Americans are enrolled in the nation’s food stamp program. But there are also hundreds of privately funded soup kitchens across the U.S. which aren’t added to the government data.

Moreover, millions of Americans receiving food subsidies have full-time jobs. The problem is that America’s largest employer, Wal-Mart doesn’t pay living wages, nor does McDonald’s, Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, and so forth. Perhaps this might be one factor accounting for record profits generated by these firms during a time when so many consumers are struggling just to get by. After all, the largest expense for corporations comes from the labor force. For U.S.-based corporations, this expense keeps shrinking due to layoffs, benefit cuts and outsourcing.


Demonstrators march down Broadway during a May Day protest on May 1, 2012 in New York City. Occupy Wall Street demonstrators joined labor groups in a march to protest economic injustice and observe International Labor Day. (John Moore/Getty Images) #

America’s wealth and income disparity has also been augmented by a prolonged period of minimum wage suppression. Washington has battled to keep adequate cost-of-living increases out of the federal minimum wage for decades in order to boost corporate profits, thereby rewarding wealthy shareholders.

America’s elected officials don’t care that this has turned millions of American workers into slaves. The only thing they care about is following the orders of their puppet masters. The only response from Americans has been to keep heading to the voting booth, convinced that their vote matters.

America’s “most-respected and accomplished” economic “experts” point out that there are no tent camps such as those seen during the Great Depression, but again they are wrong. There are hundreds of tent camps scattered throughout the U.S. In fact, several tent camps sprouted after the dotcom collapse in 2001 and have continued to grow since then.

America’s “best and brightest” also point to the absolute impoverishment of millions during the Great Depression. These government shills claim that we do not see anywhere near this level of poverty during the current period. You decide. Today, nearly 50 million Americans live below the poverty line according to the U.S. government. As high at this number is, I have estimated the real number at 70 to 80 million, or as high as 24% of the U.S. population.

Perhaps the biggest blunder made by economists and other members of the establishment has been to compare the financial status of Americans during the Great Depression to the so-called “Great Recession” and “recovery” period without adjusting for the gradual improvement in living standards that has come over time. For instance, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and pension plans did not exist during the in the 1930s. Moreover, housing subsidies and a national minimum wage were not introduced until the Great Depression. I guess they don’t teach common sense in business school.

The only way to make valid comparisons between these two periods is to approximate the change in living standards from each period. First, one must examine the pre-depression living standards (during the 1920s) and measure the decrease seen during the Great Depression (the 1930s). This differential would be compared to the decline in living standards observed between the pre-depression period (from the 1990s) and the current period. Once the differentials from each period are compared, it is clear that the current financial position and morale of Americans mirrors that seen during the Great Depression.

Unlike Romer, who served merely as a cheerleader for Obama’s bloated and largely misappropriated spending spree, other members of the Jewish Mafia (Larry Summers, Rahm Emmanuel and Peter Orszag) have served as its key architects. But they too have since departed from the White House.

It looks like these scoundrels don’t want to be around when the economy collapses. Orszag, who served as Director of the Office of Budget and Management, has already utilized Washington’s revolving door to land a 7-figure base salary as the Vice Chairman of Global Banking at Citigroup; a position for which is clearly not qualified.

Even U.S. Secretary Treasury head Tim Geithner has hinted that he will be leaving. Most likely he won’t leave before the election because this would deliver another huge blow to the Obama campaign. But if Obama wins his second term, I can almost guarantee you Geithner will be gone.

It will be interesting to see where Geithner ends up because he has been a failure throughout his career. Regardless, I’m willing to bet he will be raking in 8-figures running a major bank within the next five years. In fact, there is a good chance he will take Dimon’s place at JP Morgan after he steps down, so as to keep control of the bank in the hands of Federal Reserve officials.

If in fact Obama wins the election and Geithner leaves, you can bet he will be replaced with another Jew with ties to Wall Street and the Federal Reserve. It’s business as usual in the United States.

I think it’s time for some real change, don’t you?


A trade union activist dances during a rally organized by various trade unions affiliated to the Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) to mark May Day in Katmandu, Nepal, on May 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Binod Joshi) #


Riot police use tear gas against demonstrators during a May Day rally in central Ankara, Turkey, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Umit Bektas) #


Portland police move in to make arrests during a May Day march and protest in Portland, Oregon, on May 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Don Ryan) #


Activists, maids and workers rally during a May Day protest in Hong Kong on May 1, 2012. About 5,000 workers, domestic helpers and activists held a noisy procession and marched through the city center to call for better working conditions and a raise of the minimum wage which was implemented in 2011. (Laurent Fievet/AFP/GettyImages) #


Occupy Wall Street activists, one wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, rest on a sidewalk during a May Day demonstration in New York, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Allison Joyce) #


An Occupy Wall Street activist yells at police who are guarding other policemen making an arrest in downtown Manhattan, New York, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Adrees Latif) #


Protestors sit with red flags during a May Day rally in central Istanbul, on May 1, 2012. Tens of thousands of workers gathered at Taksim square in the heart of Turkey's biggest city Istanbul to celebrate May Day. (Bulent Kilic/AFP/Getty Images) #


A demonstrator clashes with riot policemen during May Day rallies in Santiago, Chile, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Carlos Vera) #


An Oakland police officer pauses after being hit in the face with paint as officers advanced on Occupy protesters blocking an intersection during a May Day demonstration on May 1, 2012 in Oakland, California. (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) #


Workers raise their caps as they march to salute Lagos State Governor Babatunde Fashola during workers rally to mark May Day in Lagos, Nigeria on May 1, 2012. Nigerian workers joined their counterparts in other parts of the world to mark May Day with a rally held in different parts of the country. The theme of this year May Day is "Right to Work, Food and Education: Panacea to Insecurity." (Pius Utomi Ekpei/AFP/Getty Images) #


People march down Spadina Street with the financial district skyline in the background as they take part in May Day protests organized by the Occupy Toronto and the No One Is Illegal groups in Toronto, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Mark Blinch) #


Riot police stand guard in front of the Rote Flora alternative cultural center during May Day demonstrations in the Schanze district in Hamburg, Germany, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Fabian Bimmer) #


A protester associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement is arrested while marching through traffic in lower Manhattan, on May 1, 2012. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) #


Seattle Police officers gather near Pike Place Market, on May 1, 2012, during May Day protests in downtown Seattle, Washington. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren) #


Protesters break windows during a rally for International Worker's Day, May 1, 2012 in Oakland, California. Occupy Wall Street has joined with unions during the May Day protests, a traditional day of global protests in sympathy with unions and leftist politics. (Eric Thayer/Getty Images) #


Militants and labour union members gather around a burning the effigy of Philippine President Benigno Aquino in Manila on May 1, 2012 as part of the May Day protests demanding higher wages and policies that would make it harder to fire workers. Aquino has said he is trying to help labour but has warned that giving too many benefits will make the country less competitive, costing more jobs. (Noel Celis/AFP/Getty Images) #


A protestor gestures to an Oakland police officer during May Day protests on May 1, 2012 in Oakland, California. (AP Photo/Ben Margot) #


A woman affiliated with Occupy Toronto is arrested for trespassing after she tried to erect a structure in Simcoe Park during May Day protests in Toronto, on May 1, 2012. The protesters were told by police they would be allowed to stay at Simcoe Park as long as they did not erect any structures. (Reuters/Mark Blinch) #


Police officers form a line during a May Day protest in Oakland, California, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Stephen Lam) #


A woman holding a sign marches past a line of police officers in New York, on May 1, 2012. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) #


Protesters taunt police with donuts on fishing lines during an anti-capitalism rally on May Day in downtown Montreal, Quebec, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Christinne Muschi) #


A broken door, after it was damaged by a group of Occupy demonstrators during a May Day protest in Oakland, California May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Stephen Lam) #


Riot police watch as left-wing demonstrators march past Axel Springer headquarters during a May Day anti-capitalism protest on May 1, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. This year marks 25 years since a 1987 Berlin May Day demonstration turned violent and has been followed by clashes between participants and police on May Day in Berlin almost every year since in what has become an annual ritual. (Sean Gallup/Getty Images) #


An Occupy Wall Street activist with a bloody nose is arrested by New York City police during a May Day demonstration in New York, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Andrew Kelly) #


Members of the Tunisian General Labour Union, UGTT, demonstrate to mark International Worker's Day, or May Day, in Tunis, Tunisia, on Tuesday, May, 1, 2012 (AP Photo/Hassene Dridi) #


Demonstrators vandalize a Bank of the West branch during May Day protests on May 1, 2012 in Oakland, California. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez) #


Protesters yell at police after arrests were made in downtown Miami, on May, 1, 2012, as activists marched from bank to bank demanding justice. (AP Photo/J Pat Carter) #


Tom Morello (center) of the rock band Rage Against the Machine marches with Occupy Wall Street demonstrators during a May Day rally on May 1, 2012 in New York City. (Monika Graff/Getty Images) #


A Seattle police officer wearing riot gear tangles with a woman after other masked protesters used bats and wooden poles to destroy the glass storefronts of several downtown businesses, during May Day demonstrations that went violent in downtown Seattle, on May 1, 2012. Several hundred demonstrators, including hundreds in black masks, hoods and armed with bats destroyed the windows of a Wells Fargo Bank, NikeTown and an American Apparel store during one of the numerous marches throughout downtown Seattle. (Reuters/Anthony Bolante) #


A mounted riot policeman rides his horse during May Day rallies in Santiago, Chile, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Ivan Alvarado) #


Indonesian workers march towards the presidential palace during the May Day protests in Jakarta, on May 1, 2012. Thousands of Indonesian workers held a peaceful rally in Jakarta on May 1 demanding better pay and a halt to outsourcing to contractors. (ADEK BERRY/AFP/GettyImages) #


An Occupy demonstrator is arrested during a May Day protest in Oakland, California, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Stephen Lam) #


A student demonstrator tries to stop fellow protesters from throwing stones and paintballs at riot policemen during clashes on International Workers' Day, or May Day, in Bogota, Colombia, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Jose Miguel Gomez) #


Los Angeles Councilman Bill Rosendahl (right) and Representative Janice Hahn (left) address members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) United Service Workers West labor union and their supporters during a protest on an one-day general strike at Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California May 1, 2012. Approximately 1,200 protesters took part in the demonstration to protest working conditions and to lend support to other May Day rallies. (Reuters/Gus Ruelas) #


Seattle riot police shoot pepper spray at masked protesters that used bats and wooden poles to destroy the glass storefront of an American Apparel store during May Day demonstrations that turned violent in downtown Seattle, on May 1, 2012. (Reuters/Anthony Bolante) #


A California Highway patrol officer stands near the Golden Gate Bridge waiting for possible May Day demonstrations in San Francisco, California, on May 1, 2012. May Day actions began with a strike by ferry workers Tuesday stranding commuters who usually take ferry boats to work. (Reuters/Robert Galbraith) #


A demonstrator yells during a May Day march on May 1, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. About 1,000 people joined in the march which worked its way for about two miles from the city's West side into the Loop. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

AFP: Anti-austerity anger sweeps Europe on May Day

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