All over the world in different countries, cultures, tongues, and colors are people who have the same basic desire for happiness and respect from his fellow men. We are the same all over as members of the human race. If we honor each other's boundaries with propriety and consideration our voyage thru life can be rich in knowledge and friendship..........AMOR PATRIAE

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Remember When: The Old, the New and Charlie

Audrey Hepburn

1. Dutch in Seven Lessons (1948)

Film Description: A documentary
Type of Role: Minor
Role: Airline Stewardess

. Laughter in Paradise (1951)

Film Description:
Type of role: Minor
Role: Cigarette Girl

4. We Go to Monte Carlo (1953)

Film Description: Comedy
Type of role: Lead
Role: Linda Farell

5. Young Wives' Tale (1951)

Film Description:
Type of role: Minor
Role: Eve Lester

6. The Lavender Hill Mob (1951)

Film Description:Comedy
Type of role:
Role: Chiquita

7. The Secret People (1952)

Film Description: Suspense
Type of role: Major
Role: Nora Brentano

8. We Will All Go to Monte Carlo (1951)

Film Description: Comedy(French version of "Monte Carlo Baby")
Type of role: Major
Role: Melissa Walter

9. Roman Holiday (1953)

Film Description: Romantic Comedy
Type of role: Major
Role: Princess Ann 

10. Sabrina (1954)

Film Description: Romantic Comedy
Type of role: Major
Role: Sabrina Fairchild

11. War and Peace (1956)

Film Description: Drama
Type of role: Major
Role: Natasha Rostova

  • Rita Hayworth
    Before Margarita Carmen Cansino

    Rita was born in Brooklyn with parents of Irish, English and Spanish descent. Columbia thought Hayworth's image was too much of a Latin style, which caused Hayworth to be cast into stereotypical Hispanic roles. So she underwent electrolysis to broaden her forehead and accentuate her widow's peak, dyed her brown hair red, and went on a diet. Some sources say she bleached her skin as well, but I'm not sure if this is true.

    1.13. Love in the Afternoon (1957)

    Film Description: Romantic Comedy
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Ariane Chavasse

    14. Green Mansions (1959)

    15. The Nun's Story (1959)

    Film Description: Drama
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Sister Luke/Gabrielle Van der Mal

    Film Description: Romantic Comedy
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Holiday "Holly" Golightly/Lulamae Barnes

  • 16. The Unforgiven (1960)

    Film Description: Drama. Romance
    Type of role: Lead
    Role:Rachel Zacary

    17. Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)



    19. Charade (1963)

    Film Description: Romantic Comedy. Suspense
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Regina Lampert


    People who added this item 87  Average listal rating (54 ratings)IMDB Rating

    20. Paris When It Sizzles (1964)

    Film Description: Romantic Comedy
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Gabrielle Simspon

    21. My Fair Lady (1964)

    Film Description: Musical. Romance
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Eliza Doolittle

    22. How to Steal a Million (1966)

    Film Description: Comedy. Crime
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Nicole

    23. Two for the Road (1967)

    18. The Children's Hour (1961)

    Film Description: Drama
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Karen Wright

    12. Funny Face (1957)

    Film Description: Musical. Romantic Comedy.
    Type of role: Major
    Role: Jo Stockton

    7. Elizabeth Taylor

    8. Gene Tierney

    9. Ginger Rogers

    Film Description: Comedy. Drama. Romance
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Joanna Wallace

    24. Wait Until Dark (1967)

    Film Description: Crime. Drama
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Susy Hendrix

    Film Description: Adventure. Drama. Romance
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Lady Marian

    Film Description: Adventure. Romance
    Type of role: Lead
    Role: Rima


    3. Bette Davis

    Ava Gardner

    Average listal rating (36 ratings) 8.4 

    Carole Lombard


    10. Grace Kelly

    Doris Day

    Average listal rating (154 ratings) 8.4 

    11. Ingrid Bergman



     Marilyn Monroe

    16. Marlene Dietrich

    Jayne Mansfield

    Average listal rating (33 ratings) 7.9 

    13. Lana Turner


    14. Lauren Bacall

    19. Sophia Loren

    Rita Hayworth

    18. Sandra Dee


    Vivien Leigh


    Last of the great playboys (...who married Bardot for a bet): As Gunther Sachs shoots himself (like his SS officer father), the story of the Sixties' biggest womaniser

    The newlyweds, who were impossibly glamorous, were all over each other that night in Hollywood. Brigitte Bardot was wearing the shortest of mini dresses, Gunther Sachs was in his trademark blazer with loafers and no socks.

    Finally, they went upstairs to consummate their marriage — to the great relief of everyone, including myself, at their wedding reception. We had all feared they might be about to perform on the dining room table such was the sexual chemistry that simmered between them.

    Perhaps memories of that extraordinary night in 1966 played through Sachs’s mind before he shot himself at the weekend at the age of 78.

    Playboy: Gunter Sachs, who has comitted suicide aged 78, with his wife Brigitte Bardot, who he allegedly married to win a bet with his friends

    Playboy: Gunter Sachs, who has comitted suicide aged 78, with his wife Brigitte Bardot, who he allegedly married to win a bet with his friends

    Sachs — one of the last great playboys — took his life in his villa in the jet-set Swiss resort of Gstaad because he feared an illness he would only call A, but which is thought to have been Alzheimer’s.

    A tragic end, but no one could say that he had not packed the years with the most dramatic highs and lows.

    Handsome, rich and sexy, Sachs — whose grandfather started the Opel car dynasty — had inherited a fortune thought to be £280 million, and he was happy to spend it in pursuit of the finer pleasures in life.

    His father Willy — a Nazi party member and honorary SS officer — shot himself in a hunting hut in 1958 (a death his son would copy). If that were not bad enough, Gunther had lost his first wife a year earlier after a minor operation went wrong.

    An indefatigable sportsman, he sought solace in sporting challenges such as the Cresta Run — and women. He bedded Aristotle Onassis’s ex-wife Tina and the former Queen Soraya of Persia.

    Sachs boasted he never worked in his life, instead passing the time by making documentary films and photographing beautiful women. And he partied with the most stylish people from the Swiss slopes to the French Riviera.

    Gunter Sachs was only married to Bardot for three years but it is what he will be best remembered for

    Gunter Sachs was only married to Bardot for three years but it is what he will be best remembered for

    For all the women in his life, though, it was for his marriage to Bardot that he will be remembered. He was 33 when he met the French sex kitten, then 31 and at the height of her fame.

    It was Bardot who had put the little fishing village of St Tropez on the map in the Fifties after making the film And God Created Woman there.

    The impossibly dashing Sachs had a villa named La Capilla there — as well as homes in Paris, London, Munich, Lausanne, Bavaria and Gstaad.

    He and his best friends, playboys Porfirio Rubirosa and Prince Aly Khan — who were later to die in car crashes — spent much of their time in the Monte Carlo casino.

    Ever the gambler, Sachs always said he married Bardot just weeks after they met to win a bet made with his friends.

    The couple were introduced in a St Tropez restaurant by Bardot’s former husband Roger Vadim — it was the start of an instant courtship.

    She left her lover of three years Bob Zaguri on the spot, Sachs dumped his girlfriend and they ended up in bed.

    He took his trophy to Monte Carlo, installed her in a hotel suite and, when he won £30,000 on the tables, presented it to her as a token of his affection.

    Flower in hand, the French actress and Gunther Sachs on their wedding day

    Flower in hand, the French actress and Gunther Sachs on their wedding day in Las Vegas. The ceremony lasted eight minutes and the marriage three years

    After their Las Vegas wedding the couple flew to Tahiti for their honeymoon. Here they are pictured shortly after their arrival in French Polynesia

    After their Las Vegas wedding the couple flew to Tahiti for their honeymoon. Here they are pictured shortly after their arrival in French Polynesia

    Sachs did nothing by halves. For his next trick, he sent 100 red roses every day to Bardot’s hideaway beach house in St Tropez. When he feared she would tire of that, he had his helicopter fly overhead and scatter the roses in her garden.

    While she was still picking them out of the lavender bushes, Sachs dropped into the sea out of the helicopter, preceded by two suitcases. He had come to stay.

    Later, knowing her love of animals, he bought her a tame cheetah.

    Predictably, after such a beginning it was all downhill from then on.

    Indeed, by the time I witnessed their extravagant fondlings and Brigitte’s increasing ill-humour on their wedding night — Bastille Day, July 14, 1966 — there were already signs the relationship was beginning to crack.

    They had travelled to Las Vegas to get married in the gambling capital of the world because Vadim, who was still advising his former wife, had married Jane Fonda there the previous year.

    After an eight-minute ceremony, the comedian Danny Kaye flew them in his private jet to Beverly Hills, where he cooked them one of his legendary Chinese meals to celebrate. Kaye also invited me and a handful of other guests. It was all too much for Brigitte, who clearly longed for intimacy  and spent the evening sitting on her bridegroom’s knee. Sachs enjoyed the circus that came with being married to the world’s greatest sex symbol.

    Having allowed his bride’s manipulative ex to arrange the wedding, he even agreed to him booking the honeymoon in Tahiti.

    He was her third husband: Sachs on honeymoon with his ex-wife Brigitte Bardot

    The German millionaire was Bardot's third husband: Here they are pictured on a yacht during their honeymoon

    But it was when they returned to Paris that the couple began to realise they were a mismatch.

    Despite the wealth she had amassed as an actress, Brigitte lived in an unfashionable area surrounded by bourgeois clutter.

    She hated the sterility of Sachs’ chilly apartment on the Avenue Foch, with its rows of hollow leather-bound books that were just for show.

    ‘All those marble bathrooms and footmen in white gloves — she did not know what to do,’ a friend reported immediately after the honeymoon. Bardot labelled the apartment the Gunther Hilton.

    When he threw a ball for her in his Bavarian hunting lodge, she was appalled when his 11-year-old son Rolf, from his first marriage, asked for her autograph.

    Wedding day: Sachs met his third wife Mirja in the late 1960s and she stayed with him to his death. The couple had two sons

    Wedding day: Sachs met his third wife Mirja in the late 1960s and she stayed with him to his death. The couple had two sons

    On the beach: Gunter and Mirja Sachs take a stroll

    On the beach: Gunter and Mirja Sachs take a stroll

    She loved all the things Sachs’ wealth could buy — fast cars and his yacht, called the Dracula, moored in the South of France — but in the end she hated his lifestyle. She didn’t even like his thoroughbred animals, much preferring waifs and strays from the local dogs home.

    She forbade him from hunting, which was one of his aristocratic pleasures, and was infuriated when he brought his golf clubs to Scotland when she made a film there with British pop star Mike Sarne in 1967. She wanted them to spend all her free time together, not for him to head off to the links.

    While Brigitte craved romantic dinners for two, Gunther’s idea of  a good night out was to treat  120 guests in famous Parisian restaurants such as Maxim’s.

    Brigitte would provoke him by turning up barefoot. Charming though it might have been in St Tropez, it was not what the multi-millionaire heir to an industrialist fortune expected of his wife in a sophisticated capital city.

    Then there were his other lovers. In his mind, marriage was no bar to the occasional fling, and he expected his wife to understand. While Bardot was filming, he was pictured escorting models all over the Riviera and even on the German nudist island of Sylt.

    If she was on location in out-of-the way places, he often refused to visit. He stormed off the set in Almeria in Spain where she was making a western with Sean Connery. ‘Too ugly, too dirty, too hot,’ he said.

    In the early 1960s Sachs was romantically linked with Iranian queen Soraya Esfandiary (left). She is seen here with the Shah of Iran and was his second wife

    In the early 1960s Sachs was romantically linked with Iranian queen Soraya Esfandiary (left). She is seen here with the Shah of Iran and was his second wife

    But while Sachs expected a lot of licence in his marriage, he didn’t like it when Bardot retaliated, bedding Mike Sarne, Ben-Hur actor Stephen Boyd and a host of French and Italian actors and stuntmen.

    No doubt furious that he was photographed a couple of paces behind her, Sachs got a reputation for punching the paparazzi.

    Things came to a head when Bardot and Serge Gainsbourg, another of her lovers, recorded the notorious song Je T’aime Non  Plus, with its heavy breathing and erotic lyrics.

    Sachs, an old-fashioned man at heart, said it sounded as if they were making love in the recording studio and refused to let the record be released, thus paving the way for Jane Birkin’s success with the song a short while later.

    The marriage finally foundered because Sachs refused to change his ways for Bardot — and she didn’t want to change for him.

    Keeping up with her bohemian ways was such a strain that it turned his hair prematurely white.

    Sachs finally had enough when Jane Fonda fixed up Bardot with the then king of Hollywood, Warren Beatty, and the two embarked on  a not-so-clandestine affair all  over Paris.

    The marriage had lasted just three years — and the eyes of the world had been on the couple throughout.

    Gunter Sachs, centre, with the mayor of Leipzig and the director Leipzig Museum. They are standing in front of an Andy Warhol painting of Sachs at retrospektive of his collection called 'Art Is Female'.

    Gunter Sachs, centre, with the mayor of Leipzig and the director Leipzig Museum. They are standing in front of an Andy Warhol painting of Sachs at retrospektive of his collection called 'Art Is Female'. The playboy was a renowned art collector as well as photographer

    Dead: Gunther Sachs, here posing for the press at an exhibition of his art and photography in 2003, shot himself at his Swiss chalet in Gstaad

    Sachs, here posing for the press at an exhibition of his art and photography in 2003. He shot himself at his Swiss chalet in Gstaad this weekend

    By the time they divorced in 1969, Sachs had met his third wife, the Swedish model Mirja Larsson, who would remain with him to the end.

    He had two more sons with her, continued his photography, financed boutiques in St Tropez, collected modern art and founded an astrology research centre.

    But there is nothing so redundant as an ageing playboy. When I was last in St Tropez, I saw Gunther, still a stylish man, pacing the jetty of his waterfront home, fiercely fending off sightseers and guarding his privacy in a way that would have appealed to Bardot when they were together.

    Meanwhile, she was tucked away in her nearby property, surrounded as usual by packs of mongrel dogs.

    Though they never lost touch, it is easy to see why two such flamboyant characters could not live together and why, now that he is gone, she, too, will be dwelling once more on memories of those infamous days.


    Photo:REUTERS The combination image shows actress Dakota Fanning posing at the premiere of her drama film 'Man on Fire' in Los Angeles on April 18, 2004. More than six years later, Fanning poses at the 19th Annual BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) Los Angeles Britannia Awards in Los Angeles November 4, 2010.

    Photo:REUTERS Emma Watson was little known then, when she posed for this publicity portrait released on August 24, 2000. She played Hermione Granger in the Warner Brothers movie adaptation of the J.K. Rowling novel, 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' and there was no looking back for her. In this latest picture almost 11 years later, actress Emma Watson arrives at the British Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) award ceremony at the Royal Opera House in London, February 13, 2011.

    Photo:REUTERS The combination image shows actress Abigail Breslin posing for photographers as she arrives for the premiere of the film "Little Miss Sunshine" in New York on July 25, 2006. Four years later, much grown-up Breslin poses at the gala presentation for the film 'Janie Jones' at the 35th Toronto International Film Festival on September 17, 2010.

    Photo:REUTERS The combination image shows the child star, Christina Ricci, of the film ‘Casper’ in 1995 and almost 16 years later the actress is seen posing during arrivals for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Tribute to Sophia Loren in Beverly Hills, California, May 4, 2011.

    Photo:REUTERS Actress Mila Kunis was a cast member of "That '70s Show" as she is seen posing for photographers during the celebration of 100th episode of the retro comedy television series in Los Angeles on April 10, 2002. More recently, nine years later, the actress arrived at the 83rd Academy Awards in Hollywood, California, February 27, 2011.


  • Even though everyone has seen before and after pictures, I figured I would post Norma Jean/Marilyn. I figured she would be good for the thread because she went through so many changes.



  • Rita was born in Brooklyn with parents of Irish, English and Spanish descent. Columbia thought Hayworth's image was too much of a Latin style, which caused Hayworth to be cast into stereotypical Hispanic roles. So she underwent electrolysis to broaden her forehead and accentuate her widow's peak, dyed her brown hair red, and went on a diet. Some sources say she bleached her skin as well, but I'm not sure if this is true.

  • Alyssa Milano

    Alyssa Milano

    Britney Spears

    Britney Spears

    Elisha Cuthbert

    Elisha Cuthbert

    Vanessa Hudgens

    Vanessa Hudgens

    Selita Ebanks

    Selita Ebanks

    Daisy Fuentes

    Daisy Fuentes

    Christina Aguilera

    Christina Aguilera

    Bridget Hall

    Bridget Hall

    Halle Berry

    Halle Berry

    Nicole Scherzinger

    Nicole Scherzinger

    Rose McGowan

    Rose McGowan

    Josie Maran

    Josie Maran

    Kelly Bensimon

    Kelly Bensimon

    Vanessa Minnillo

    Vanessa Minnillo

    Stacy Ferguson

    Stacy Ferguson

    Fabulous - Kim Kardashian

    Fabulous - Kim Kardashian

    Penelope Cruz

    Penelope Cruz

    Shania Twain

    Shania Twain

    Izabel Goulart

    Izabel Goulart



    Jessica Simpson

    Jessica Simpson

    Kellie Pickler

    Kellie Pickler

    Lindsay Lohan - Birthday Dinner

    Lindsay Lohan - Birthday Dinner

    Maria Grazia Cucinotta

    Maria Grazia Cucinotta

    Jessica Alba

    Jessica Alba

    Gisele Bundchen

    Gisele Bundchen

    Adriana Lima - Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

    Adriana Lima - Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

    Brittny Gastineau

    Brittny Gastineau

    Paris Hilton

    Paris Hilton

    Vida Guerra

    Vida Guerra

    Christina Milian

    Christina Milian

    Laetitia Casta

    Laetitia Casta

    Maria Menounos

    Maria Menounos

    Miranda Kerr makes us happy!

    Miranda Kerr makes us happy!

    Sofia Vergara

    Sofia Vergara

    Christina Hendricks - InStyle and Warner Bros

    Christina Hendricks - InStyle and Warner Bros

    Bai Ling

    Bai Ling

    AnnaLynne McCord

    AnnaLynne McCord

    Meagan Good

    Meagan Good

    Salma Hayek

    Salma Hayek

    Monica Bellucci

    Monica Bellucci

    The Gorgeous Ana Beatriz Barros

    The Gorgeous Ana Beatriz Barros

    Beyonce Knowles

    Beyonce Knowles

    Tyra Banks

    Tyra Banks

    Natasha Henstridge

    Natasha Henstridge

    Doutzen Kroes

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    Candice Swanepoel

    Candice Swanepoel

    Lauren Holly

    Lauren Holly

    Caroline Ribeiro

    Caroline Ribeiro

    Jenna Jameson

    Jenna Jameson

    Katy Perry

    Katy Perry

    Yamila Diaz

    Yamila Diaz

    Amanda Lepore

    Amanda Lepore

    Eva Mendes

    Eva Mendes

    Gong Li

    Gong Li

    Erika Christensen

    Erika Christensen

    Carmen Electra

    Carmen Electra

    Dita Von Teese

    Dita Von Teese

    Heidi Klum

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    Blake Lively

    Blake Lively

    Lady GaGa

    Lady GaGa

    Alice Eve

    Alice Eve

    Jennifer Tilly

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    Roselyn Sanchez

    Roselyn Sanchez

    Kelly Brook

    Kelly Brook

    Susan Ward

    Susan Ward

    Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

    Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

    Jennifer Aniston

    Jennifer Aniston

    Diane Lane

    Diane Lane

    Alessandra Ambrosio

    Alessandra Ambrosio

    Jennifer Love Hewitt

    Jennifer Love Hewitt

    Scarlett Johansson

    Scarlett Johansson

    Anne Hathaway

    Anne Hathaway

    Aishwarya Rai

    Aishwarya Rai

    Elizabeth Hurley

    Elizabeth Hurley

    Pamela Anderson

    Pamela Anderson



    Kathleen Robertson

    Kathleen Robertson

    Marisa Miller

    Marisa Miller

    Taylor Swift

    Taylor Swift



    Ain't Nothing But A Hound Dog

    Always On My Mind

    An American Trilogy

    And I Love You So

    As Long As I Have You

    Because Of Love

    Bridge Over Troubled Water


    Can't Help Falling In Love

    Soon (Charro)

    Could I Fall In Love

    Crying In The Chapel

    Doin' The Best I Can


    Don't Be Cruel

    Easy Question

    Elvis Movie Memories

    Five Sleepy Heads

    Follow That Dream

    For The Heart (Soon)

    Funny How Time Slips Away


    Good Times

    Green Green Of Home

    Happy Birthday Elvis

    Hawaiian Sunset

    Hawaiian Wedding Song

    Help Me (Soon)

    I Forgot To Rememeber

    I'll Never Know

    I'm Falling In Love Tonight

    I'm Yours

    I Miss You

    Indescribably Blue

    It Ain't No Big Thing

    Just For Old Time Sake


    Loving You

    Mama Liked The Roses

    Milky White Way

    Mr. Songman

    My Friend Elvis
    by J.D.Sumner

    My Wish Came True

    My Way

    Never Ending

    Old Shep

    One Broken Heart For Sale

    Rip It Up

    Sentimental Me

    She's Not You


    Soldier Boy

    Something Blue

    Stay Away

    Summer Kisses Winter Tears


    Take Good Care Of Her

    Tell Me Why

    Tender Feeling

    That's When Your Heartache Begins

    There's Always Me

    There Goes My Everything

    Today Tomorrow Forever

    True To You

    Unchained Melody

    Walk A Mile In My Shoes

    Welcome To My World

    Where Did They Go Lord

    Wooden Heart


    Young And Beautiful

    Young Dreams

    Elvis Link Banner Exchange

    Happy New Year

    Amazing Grace

    By And By

    Crying In The Chapel

    Farther Along

    He Touched Me

    His Hand In Mine

    How Great Thou Art

    I Believe

    I Believe In The Man

    If That Isn't Love

    If We Never Meet Again

    In My Father's House

    It Is No Secret

    Known Only To Him

    My Jesus Knows Just What I Need

    No God But God

    Peace In The Valley

    Reach Out To Jesus

    Somebody Bigger

    Stand By Me

    Take My Hand Precious Lord

    Walk Dem Golden Stairs

    Where Could I Go

    Who Am I

    Without Him

    You Gave Me A Mountain

    Coming Soon

    Blue Christmas

    Here Comes Santa Claus

    Holly Leaves

    If Every Day Was Like Christmas

    I'll Be Home For Christmas

    I'll Be Home On Christmas Day

    I'll Be Home For Christmas

    It Won't Seem Like Christmas

    Oh Come All Ye Faithful

    Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem

    On A Snowy Christmas Night

    Santa Claus Is Back In Towm

    Silver Bells

    Silent Night

    The First Noel

    White Christmas

    Winter Wonderland

    Wonderful World Of Christmas


    Fifties & Sixties Christmas









    During the so-called Golden Age of Hollywood, which lasted from the end of the silent era in American cinema in the late 1920s to the early 1960s, movies were prolifically issued by the Hollywood studios. The start of the Golden Age was arguably when The Jazz Singer was released in 1927 and increased box-office profits for films as sound was introduced to feature films. Most Hollywood pictures adhered closely to a genre—Western, slapstick comedy, musical, animated cartoon, biopic (biographical picture)—and the same creative teams often worked on films made by the same studio.

    After The Jazz Singer was released in 1927, Warner Brothers gained huge success and was able to acquire their own string of movie theaters, after purchasing Stanley Theaters and First National Productions in 1928; MGM had also owned a string of theaters since forming in 1924, known as Loews Theaters, and the Fox film Corporation owned the Fox Theatre strings as well. Also, RKO, another company that owned theaters, had formed in 1928 from a merger between Keith-Orpheum Theaters and the Radio Corporation of America[3].

    RKO formed in response to the monopoly Western Electric's ERPI had over sound in films as well, and began to use sound in films through their own method known as Photophone [5]. Paramount, who already acquired Balaban and Katz in 1926, would answer to the success of Warner Bros. and RKO, and buy a number of theaters in the late 1920s as well, before making their final purchase in 1929, through acquiring all the individual theaters belonging to the Cooperative Box Office, located in Detroit, and dominate the Detroit theaters.[4] For instance, Cedric Gibbons and Herbert Stothart always worked on MGM films, Alfred Newman worked at Twentieth Century Fox for twenty years, Cecil B. De Mille's films were almost all made at Paramount, director Henry King's films were mostly made for Twentieth-Century Fox, etc.

    Movie making was still a business, however, and motion picture companies made money by operating under the studio system. The major studios kept thousands of people on salary—actors, producers, directors, writers, stunt men, craftspersons, and technicians. And they owned hundreds of theaters in cities and towns across America, theaters that showed their films and that were always in need of fresh material. In 1930, MPDDA President Will Hays also founded the Hays (Production) Code, which followed censorship guidelines and went into effect after government threats of censorship expanded by 1930. [6] However the code was never enforced until 1934, after the new Catholic Church organization The Legion of Decency - appalled by Mae West's very successful sexual appearances in She Done Him Wrong and I'm No Angel [7]- threatened a boycott of motion pictures if it did not go into effect [8], and those that didn't obtain a seal of approval from the Production Code Administration had to pay a $25,000 fine and could not profit in the theaters, as the MPDDA owned every theater in the country through the Big Five studios

    Al Jolson at home with a very cool 2 door convertible  His front bumpers look like a cattle guard.

    My eyes are drawn to Jayne Mansfield but her coral convertible is quite nice too.

    Jean Harlow with yet another nice car.  She's stunning even in her casual clothes.

    Robert Mitchum cruising around in his 2 Door sports car.

    Silent star Edna Murphy

    Clark Gable with a very practical panel wagon

    Fay Wray with her 1927 Packard 2 Door

    Joan Crawford with her 1929 Ford Town Car

    Lili Damita with her 1932 Packard 2 Door

    Mae Murray stylish in her early model Rolls Royce

    Ramon Novarro in his 1930 Cadillac Convertible.

    Silent stars, Phyllis Haver and Ben Turbin with their very early car. I can't take my eyes off of those wheels.

    You can challenge everyone and everything, but you can’t challenge the time! These Hollywood male stars were young and handsome before. Look at the recent pictures of them, although few of them still look “acceptable” on appearance at this age but all of them already “out of shape.”

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    Actress Melissa Leo (R) reacts before receiving the trophy for Best Supporting Actress from actor Kirk Douglas (L) at the 83rd Annual Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre late on February 27, 2011 in Hollywood, California. Getty Images logo

    Actress Melissa Leo (R) reacts before receiving the trophy for Best Supporting Actress from actor Kirk Douglas (L) at the 83rd Annual Academy Awards at the Kodak Theatre late on February 27, 2011 in Hollywood, California.

    Getty Images 2 months ago



    News: Chariie Sheen


    In this 1984 file photo originally released by MGM/United Artists, actors, from left, Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell and Charlie Sheen are shown in a scene from the film, "Red Dawn." (AP Photo/MGM/United Artists) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Chad Lowe and Charlie Sheen star in "Silence of the Heart" CBS #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen has checked intoa drug and alcohol rehabitlitation center for a monthto recover from exhaustion. The 24-year-old actor is suffering from "extreme exhaustion due to an arduous filming schedule of four features back-to-back." his publicist said. #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Martin Sheen, left, who was arrested for staging a sit-in to protest the Strategic Defense Initiative, talks with his son Charlie Sheen in New York City on July 7, 1987. (AP Photo/Richard Drew) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen, left, poses with his father, actor Martin Sheen, center, and brother, actor Emilio Estevez, after receiving his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles, Ca., on Sept. 23, 1994. (AP Photo/Rhonda Birndorf) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen displays sweaty armpits to reporters who wanted to know if he had any pre-nuptial jitters, Sept. 3, 1995. Sheen, who turns 30 today, is set to marry model Donna Peele, 25, later Sunday at his Malibu ranch in Santa Monica, Calif. (AP Photo/Reed Saxon) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen and his bride Donna Peele pose for a photo after they were married Sept. 4, 1995, in Malibu, Calif. In an interview scheduled to air Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 20 and 21, 1996, the actor told ``Entertainment Tonight'' he is divorcing Peele because he was suffocating and ``had to come up for air.'' (AP Photo/Bob Marshak/JBPR) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen, right, accepts well-wishes from a woman who referred to her self as Mrs. Diggs, a former housekeeper for the Sheen family, after Sheen pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery against his ex-girlfriend Brittany Ashland on Friday, June 6, 1997, at Malibu Municipal Court in Malibu, Calif. Superior Court Judge Lawrence Mira placed Sheen on 24 months court-supervised probation. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen listens to court deliberations after he pleaded no contest to misdemeanor battery against his ex-girlfriend Brittany Ashland, Friday, June 6, 1997, at Malibu Municipal Court in Malibu, Calif. Superior Court Judge Lawrence Mira placed Sheen on 24 months court-supervised probation. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen stands in a Malibu Calif., courtroom Monday morning, Nov. 16. 1998. A judge ruled that Sheen, who nearly died of a drug overdose five months ago, can be released from a rehabilitation facility because of substantial progress while on probation in a misdemeanor battery case. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen, 34, listens to a judge during a hearing at a municipal court in Malibu, Calif., Monday, Sept. 27, 1999. A judge denied an early probation release for the movie star, and extended it through June 2000, but the judge praised the actor for his progress. Sheen received two years probation after he was convicted in June 1997 of battery on a girlfriend. (AP Photo/Nick Ut) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen and actress Denise Richards are seen Saturday, June 15, 2002, at their wedding at the home of producer Gary David Goldberg in Los Angeles. The couple wore custom-made Giorgio Armani designs. Richards dressed in a white satin gown. Sheen wore a two-button tuxedo.(AP Photo/Berliner BEI, Eric Charbonneau) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Executive Producer Chuck Lorre (L) and actor Charlie Sheen attend the panel discussion for "Two And A Half Men" during the CBS 2005 Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour at the Beverly Hilton Hotel on July 20, 2005 in Beverly Hills, California. CBS television network announced on February 24, 2011 that it has canceled production of its sitcom, "Two and A Half Men", starring Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer and Angus T. Jones, for the remainder of the season. The network and the show's creator have cited Sheen's public statements, conduct and condition for their decision. (Photo by Frederick M. Brown/Getty Images) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen, from "Two and a Half Men," arrives at the CBS Television Critics Association party at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif., Saturday, July 15, 2006. (AP Photo/Lucas Jackson) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen with his wife Brooke Mueller arrive at the 59th Primetime Emmy Awards, file photo dated Sunday, Sept. 16, 2007, at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles. A woman who identified herself as the wife of Charlie Sheen said in a 911 call to Aspen police that the actor threatened her with a knife and that she feared for her life, revealed as Police released the audio of the call on Monday, Dec. 28, 2009. The 44-year-old actor Sheen is reported to have denied threatening his wife with a knife or choking her. (AP Photo/Kevork Djansezian) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen, right, and Angus T. Jones watch the Los Angeles Lakers and Houston Rockets during a basketball game in Los Angeles on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2007. Rockets won 95-93. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actress Denise Richards is interviewed by NBC "Today" television program co-host Matt Lauer in New York, Wednesday May 21, 2008. She discussed her custody battle with ex-husband Charlie Sheen over their two daughters and her reality show "Denise Richards: It's Complicated." (AP Photo/Richard Drew) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen poses backstage after winning Outstanding Male Performance in a Comedy Television Series for "Two and a Half Men" at the 2008 ALMA Awards in Pasadena, Calif., Sunday, Aug. 17, 2008. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    From left, Charlie Sheen, Jon Cryer, Angus T. Jones and Holland Taylor pose for a picture backstage with their favorite TV comedy award for "Two and a Half Men" at the 35th Annual People's Choice Awards on Wednesday Jan. 7, 2009 in Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    FILE - In this Jan. 28, 2009 file photo, actor Charlie Sheen is interviewed at an event to celebrate Planet Hollywood's purchase of Italian restaurant chain Buca di Beppo, at Universal CityWalk in Los Angeles. Sheen says Wednesday, March 2, 2011 that after his two young sons were removed from his house overnight, he's "very calm and focused" but ready to fight to get them back. Interviewed Wednesday live on NBC's "Today" show, Sheen confirmed the nearly 2-year-old twins, Bob and Max, were removed after a court order was granted to his estranged wife, Brooke Mueller, who is their mother. (AP Photo/Chris Pizzello, File) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Sheen Arrested on Domestic Violence Charges ASPEN, CO - 12/25/2009 Đ On Friday, December 25, 2009 at 8:34AM the Aspen Pitkin County Communications Center received a 911 call regarding a domestic violence situation at 320 West Hallam Street, Aspen, Colorado. Officers from the Aspen Police Department responded immediately to the scene and upon arrival investigated the incident. Officer Rick Magnuson placed Carlos Irwin Estevez , also known as Charlie Sheen, 44, of Encino, California under arrest for Second Degree Assault, a class four felony, Menacing, a class five felony and Criminal Mischief, a class one misdemeanor. All charges are coupled with a domestic violence component. Mr. Sheen is being held with no bond. Aspen Ambulance responded to the scene, the victim did not require transport to the hospital. Sheen will be held in the Pitkin County Jail until his court appearance at the Pitkin County Courthouse. The date has not been set. During the court appearance Mr. Sheen will be advised of conditions of any bond and pre-trial release. Colorado mandates a protection order between arrestees for domestic violence and their victims. #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen attends Cleveland Caveliers and Los Angeles Clippers NBA basketball game at Staples Center on January 16, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and or using this photograph, User is consenting to the terms and conditions of the Getty Images License Agreement. (Photo by Kevork Djansezian/Getty Images) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    A tow truck operator inspects actor Charlie Sheen's Mercedes after it was towed out of a ravine, found overturned hundreds of feet down a cliff near his home early Friday, Feb. 5, 2010, in the Sherman Oaks area of Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Gus Ruelas) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Actor Charlie Sheen's Mercedes is towed out of a ravine after it was found overturned hundreds of feet down a cliff near his home early Friday, Feb. 5, 2010, in the Sherman Oaks area of Los Angeles. (AP Photo/Gus Ruelas) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Brooke Mueller Sheen, wife of actor Charlie Sheen, departs from the Pitkin County Courthouse in Aspen, Colo., on Monday, Feb. 8, 2010. Charlie Sheen appeared in court to face allegations of domestic violence stemming from his arrest on Christmas Day 2009 for an alleged attack on his wife. (AP Photo/David Zalubowski) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Brooke Mueller Sheen at the Court Appearance for charges of domestic violence against her husband Charlie Sheen (aka Carlos Irwin Estevez) on February 8, 2010 in Aspen, Colorado. Sheen appeared in court to face allegations of domestic violence after his arrest on December 25, 2009 for an alleged attack on his wife Brooke Mueller. (Photo by Riccardo S. Savi/Getty Images) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen (aka Carlos Irwin Estevez) at the Court Appearance on February 8, 2010 in Aspen, Colorado. Sheen appeared in court to face allegations of domestic violence after his arrest on December 25, 2009 for an alleged attack on his wife Brooke Mueller. (Photo by Riccardo S. Savi/Getty Images) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen reacts to photographers as he arrives at the Pitkin County Courthouse in Aspen, Colo., on Monday, June 7, 2010 regarding his domestic abuse case. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen, right, leaves the Pitkin County Courthouse with his attorney Richard Cummins in Aspen, Colo., on Monday, June 7, 2010. Sheen's hearing was continued until July 12. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen waves as he leaves the the Pitkin County Courthouse in Aspen, Colo., on Monday, Aug 2, 2010, after he plead guilty to third degree assault in his domestic abuse case. (AP Photo/Ed Andrieski #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen arrives at the Pitkin County Courthhouse on August 2, 2010 in Aspen, Colorado. (Photo by Riccardo S. Savi/Getty Images) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    In this handout image provided by Disney ABC Television Group, ABC News' Ashleigh Banfield talks to Capri Anderson, the woman who was found in actor Charlie Sheen's hotel room the morning of his arrest last month, who is speaking out for the first time on network television on Monday November 22, 2010 on ABC News. The interview airs on Nightline (11:35pm, ET) on the ABC Television Network. (Photo by Ida Mae Astute/ABC via Getty Images) #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    In this handout image provided by Disney ABC Television Group, ABC News' Ashleigh Banfield talks to Capri Anderson, the woman who was found in actor Charlie Sheen's hotel room the morning of his arrest last month, who is speaking out for the first time on network television on Monday November 22, 2010 on ABC News. The interview airs on Nightline (11:35pm, ET) on the ABC Television Network. (Photo by Ida Mae Astute/ABC via Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Capri Anderson #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    In this photo provided by ABC News, Andrea Canning interviews actor Charlie Sheen Saturday, Feb. 26, 2011, in Los Angeles for a Special Edition of 20/20 to be aired Tuesday. Sheen told Canning he is 100 percent clean and plans to show up for work despite CBS's pulling the plug on this season's production of "Two and a Half Men." (AP Photo/ABC News) #


    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen, Good Morning America interview, 02/28/11 #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    In this image from video released by, Charlie Sheen holds one of his 23-month-old twins before they are removed from his Hollywood Hills home late Tuesday, March 1, 2011 in Los Angeles. Sheen's estranged wife Brooke Mueller obtained a restraining order to keep the actor away from her and their young sons because she was afraid of violent comments the actor had made in recent days. (AP Photo/ #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    In this image from video released by, Charlie Sheen kisses one of his 23-month-old twins as they are removed from his Hollywood Hills home late Tuesday, March 1, 2011 in Los Angeles. Sheen's estranged wife Brooke Mueller obtained a restraining order to keep the actor away from her and their young sons because she was afraid of violent comments the actor had made in recent days. (AP Photo/ #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    In this image from video released by, Charlie Sheen is shown with one of his 23-month-old twins as they are removed from his Hollywood Hills home late Tuesday, March 1, 2011 in Los Angeles. Sheen's estranged wife Brooke Mueller obtained a restraining order to keep the actor away from her and their young sons because she was afraid of violent comments the actor had made in recent days. (AP Photo/ #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen stars as Washington-insider Bobby Bishop, who suddenly becomes marked for death by a mysterious assassin, in Hollywood Pictures'/Cinergi Productions' political thriller " Shadow Consiracy." Photo: Bob Marshak #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    "Shoeless" Joe Jackson (D.B. Sweeney) and Oscar "Hap" Felsch (Charlie Sheen). 63-17- Geoge "Buck" Weaver ( John Cusack), "Shoeless" Joe Jackson (D.B. Sweeney) and Oscar "Hap" Felsch (Charlie Sheen). 1988 Orion Pictures Corporation. #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Linda Hamilton and Charlie Sheen star in "Shadow Conspiracy" Photo: Bob Marshak #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen and Nastassja Kinski star in "Terminal Velocity". Photos: Bob Marshak #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Tom Berenger (right), Charlie Sheen (below), and Corbin Bernsen (above), star in "Major League" #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen stars in "No Man's Land". Photo: Nels Israelson #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen as radio astronomer Zane Ziminski in The Arrival, 1996 #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen in Navy Seals, 1990 #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Platoon rear l to r: Charlie Sheen, Tom Berenger and Willem Dafoe front l to r: Francesco Quinn and Kevin Dillon #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen plays young trader Bud Fox in Wall Street, 1987 #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen in Wall Street, 1987 #

    News: Chariie Sheen


    Charlie Sheen, left, Angus T. Jones, center, and Jon Cryer, who star in the CBS television comedy "Two And A Half Men," are shown in this undated publicity photo. (AP Photo/Cliff Lipson/CBS) #

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