Thursday, August 15, 2024

Are we prepared;: Scientist outlines terrifying vision of what would happen if America was hit by a nuclear bomb








The terrible fate of Earth after a nuclear war has been mapped out using computer models for the first time.





  Researchers from Colorado have studied the effects of nuclear conflict on Earth, looking at the result of detonating 100 warheads (stock image left). In their paper they conclude humanity would have been affected for decades from nuclear winter (Pripyat shown bottom right), black carbon (top right) ozone losses and more, resulting in the death of hundreds of millions 

'We are not prepared': Scientist outlines terrifying vision of what would happen if America was hit by a nuclear bomb

  • Cham Dallas looks at what might happen if 10kt nuclear bomb went off
  • Most of the 100,000 deaths would happen soon after the detonation
  • Local health care response capability would be largely eradicated
  • No real evacuation plans are in place, so survivors will be trapped
  • He says officials are in denial over the threat of nuclear weapons

As we observe the 70th anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it may seem like the threat from nuclear weapons has receded.

But it hasn't; the threat is actually increasing steadily.

This is difficult to face for many people, and this denial also means that we are not very well-prepared for nuclear and radiological events.

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Professor Cham Dallas at University of Georgia says that many people are in denial over the threat of nuclear weapons, and as a result, the nation is not prepared for the consequences

Professor Cham Dallas at University of Georgia says that many people are in denial over the threat of nuclear weapons, and as a result, the nation is not prepared for the consequences


The majority of deaths - around 100,000, depending on the area - would happen soon after the detonation.

No real evacuation plans are in place, so survivors will remain trapped in area.

Local health care response capability would be largely eradicated.

Damage will make it extremely difficult to respond, recover and rehabilitate.

Health care workers would have little to no familiarity with the treatment of radiation victims.

There would also be a massive number of laceration injuries from the breakage of virtually all glass in a wide area.

Large swaths of territory will be uninhabitable for decades.

Many could die from the effects years later, as the fallout spreads across the country.

What if a nuclear device were detonated in an urban area today?

As in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the majority of deaths would happen soon after the detonation, and the local health care response capability would be largely eradicated.

Models show that such an event in an urban area in particular will not only destroy the existing public health protections but will, most likely, make it extremely difficult to respond, recover and rehabilitate them.

With medical facilities decimated after a detonation, treating the injured will be a tremendous challenge.

Very few medical personnel today have the skills or knowledge to treat the kind and the quantity of injuries a nuclear blast can cause.

Health care workers would have little to no familiarity with the treatment of radiation victims.

Thermal burns would require enormous resources to treat even a single patient, and a large number of patients with these injuries will overwhelm any existing medical system.

There would also be a massive number of laceration injuries from the breakage of virtually all glass in a wide area.

Currently, it has not been worked out how medical systems in affected areas are supposed to cope with the overwhelming numbers of patients from an urban nuclear detonation.

A major nuclear event would also leave large swaths of territory uninhabitable for decades, with catastrophic impacts on humans, the economy and the environment.

Decisions to evacuate at-risk populations must be made within hours, but plans for and criteria to evacuate are lacking. And the scale of these evacuations and potential resettlement is tremendous.

Pictured is some of the devastation after the American Atom bomb attack on Hiroshima, Japan, which was dropped on 8th August 1945. As in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the majority of deaths if a bomb were to hit the US would happen soon after the detonation, and the local health care response capability would be eradicated

Pictured is some of the devastation after the American Atom bomb attack on Hiroshima, Japan, which was dropped on 8th August 1945. As in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the majority of deaths if a bomb were to hit the US would happen soon after the detonation, and the local health care response capability would be eradicated

The current Department of Homeland Security most-anticipated scenario for a nuclear attack in the US is for smaller nuclear weapons – 10 kilotons – about the size of the weapons used to attack Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

And new evidence has altered previous dire predictions in relatively low-yield nuclear blasts such as Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Current US nuclear war response protocols do not rely as much on large-scale evacuations from nearby areas.

For instance, in a hypothetical low-yield (10 kiloton) nuclear bomb over Washington DC, only limited evacuations are planned.

Aftermath of atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima (related)


This image shows the plan of action if a nuclear bomb was detonated. The half-mile radius around the bomb would have a low chance of survival and most buildings - including that of the federal government - would be destroyed. The next half mile would suffer extensive damage, fires and serious injuries


This image shows the plan of action if a nuclear bomb was detonated. The half-mile radius around the bomb would have a low chance of survival and most buildings - including that of the federal government - would be destroyed. The next half mile would suffer extensive damage, fires and serious injuries

What would happen if a 10 kiloton nuclear explosive went of in downtown Washington, DC at the intersection of 16th and K Streets NW?

The half-mile radius around the bomb would have a low chance of survival and most buildings - including that of the federal government - would be destroyed, according to a 2012 report by Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The next half mile would suffer extensive damage, fires and serious injuries, and those within three miles could suffer minor injuries and slight damage to their homes.

But it was the fallout which the National Capital Region: Key Response Planning Factors for the Aftermath of Nuclear Terrorism study - held last year - suggested could be the most fearful aspect.

It suggests that unlike bombs detonated in the Cold War, which were designed to decimate entire cities, the smaller bomb would leave survivors - and asks, what would they have to deal with?

The 2012 study points out that radioactive fallout would vary depending on the time of year.

In April, Washington's Bethesda area would suffer the brunt of the dust, while throughout the rest of the year, the city's poorer regions and Northern Virginia would be exposed.

Within 10 to 20 miles of the explosion, radioactive exposure would cause nausea and vomiting within hours, and death without medical treatment.

But for those near enough to the blast, experiencing more than 800R of radiation, not seeking shelter immediately would cause deaths with or without medical treatment, the study found.

People would not be able to evacuate this area as fallout would arrive within just 10 minutes.

And for those not in this zone, many could die from the effects years later, as the fallout spreads across the country.

The report worryingly concludes: 'The magnitude of a terrorist attack involving [such an attack] will overwhelm all response resources.'

Despite projections of 100,000 fatalities and about 150,000 casualties, the casualty-producing radiation plume would actually be expected to be confined to a relatively small area.

People upwind would not need to take any action, and most of those downwind, in areas receiving relatively small radiation levels, would need to seek only 'moderate shelter.'

A Nuclear Global Health Workforce could start to lay out plans for how to rapidly respond to such an attack and project whether and what sort of evacuation plans would be needed.

According to the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), about 1,900 excess cancer deaths can be attributed to the atomic bombs, with about 200 cases of leukaemia and 1,700 solid cancers.

Today, the risk for a nuclear exchange – and its devastating impact on medicine and public health worldwide – has only escalated.

Nuclear weapons are spreading to more nations, and international relations are increasingly volatile.

The developing technological sophistication among terrorist groups and the growing global availability and distribution of radioactive materials are also especially worrying.

Despite the gloomy prospects of health outcomes of any large scale nuclear event common in the minds of many, it is our mutually shared moral and ethical obligation to respond.

The full version of this article originally appeared in The Conversation. Cham Dallas os Professor and Director, Institute for Disaster Management at University of Georgia

For those not in this zone, many could die from the effects years later, as the fallout spreads across the country. Pictured is Dr Nagai, medical instructor and x-ray specialist at Nagasaki Hospital, a victim of atomic radiation caused by the nuclear bombing on August 9. August 1945


For those not in this zone, many could die from the effects years later, as the fallout spreads across the country. Pictured is Dr Nagai, medical instructor and x-ray specialist at Nagasaki Hospital, a victim of atomic radiation caused by the nuclear bombing on August 9. August 1945



Armageddon: With its struggling human survivors making their way through a burnt out world, this scene could be straight out of the 2009 film adaptation of the post-apocalyptic book The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Armageddon: With its struggling human survivors making their way through a burnt out world, this scene could be straight out of the 2009 film adaptation of the post-apocalyptic book The Road by Cormac McCarthy


Statue of Liberty Light up the Sky

A top Russian diplomat has accused the U.S. of trying to use sanctions over the crisis in Ukraine to engineer a regime change in Moscow.

'It is hardly a secret that the goal of the sanctions is to create social and economic conditions to carry out a change of power in Russia,' said deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov.

'There will be no easy or fast way out of this.'

Under pressure: Russian President Vladimir Putin during a meeting with Francois Hollande, France's president, on Saturday. Moscow believes U.S. sanctions are an attempt to engineer regime change

Russian President Vladimir Putin has struck a belligerent tone in his relations with the West, particularly over the crisis in Ukraine and the gradual spread eastwards of Nato.

His inner circle has been personally targeted by economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. and the EU, touted as an attempt to erode support for his policies at the highest level in Russia.


Speaking in the lower house of Russia's parliament, Mr Ryabkov told deputies relations between Moscow and Washington were in a deep chill and were likely to remain so if sanctions continued.

Ties between Russia and the U.S. took a dive this year as the Cold War-era foes traded accusations following a coup which brought to power a new pro-West government in Ukraine.

Russia responded by annexing the Ukrainian province of Crimea, site of a major Russian naval base, while partisans seized towns in the east and refused to recognise Kiev's new regime.

Holy place: Mr Putin and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, right, visit the renovated Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh at the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve in St Petersburg


Holy place: Mr Putin and Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, right, visit the renovated Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh at the Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve in St Petersburg

Tragedy: A grave of an unknown soldier killed fighting for the airport outside the rebel-held city of Donetsk, east Ukraine. The airport itself has been totally destroyed in fighting between rebels and government forces


Tragedy: A grave of an unknown soldier killed fighting for the airport outside the rebel-held city of Donetsk, east Ukraine. The airport itself has been totally destroyed in fighting between rebels and government forces

Well armed: Pro-Russian separatists ride on a tank at the town of Khartsyzk, east of Donetsk. Nato and Kiev say that Russia has been providing material support, including weapons and manpower, to the insurgency


Well armed: Pro-Russian separatists ride on a tank at the town of Khartsyzk, east of Donetsk. Nato and Kiev say that Russia has been providing material support, including weapons and manpower, to the insurgency

Kiev and Nato have accused Russia of providing material support to the insurgency, while Moscow has accused the West of helping to engineer Ukraine's coup and supporting fascist groups which now hold positions in government.

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution that would authorise President Barack Obama to openly send weapons to the Kiev government. Although that still needs approval from the Senate, it would mark a serious escalation of the conflict.

President Putin has portrayed Western sanctions as an attempt to contain Russia and punish it for becoming strong and independent, an opinion echoed by influential Russian media.

In his state-of-the-nation address last week, the Russian president accused the the West of ‘trying to build a new Iron Curtain’.

He claimed Russia was asserting its ‘sovereignty and national pride’ over its dealings with neighbouring Ukraine – and said his country’s survival depended on it.

Also well armed: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko shakes hands with a soldier from a mechanised infantry brigade as he presented the unit with 100 units of heavy arms, including tanks and helicopters


Also well armed: Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko shakes hands with a soldier from a mechanised infantry brigade as he presented the unit with 100 units of heavy arms, including tanks and helicopters

Soon to be even better armed... Last week the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution that would authorise President Barack Obama to openly send weapons to the Kiev government


Soon to be even better armed: Last week the U.S. House of Representatives approved a resolution that would authorise President Barack Obama to openly send weapons to the Kiev government

Claiming the West wanted to see a Yugoslav-style ‘collapse and dismemberment’ of Russia, he said: ‘This has not happened. We did not allow it.

‘Hitler also failed when, with his hateful ideas, he was going to destroy Russia, throw us back behind the Urals. Everyone should remember how it ended.’

An opinion poll released by the independent Levada research group on Monday showed 74 per cent of Russians have negative views of the U.S.

Levada said the figures marked the lowest point in Russians' attitudes towards the United States since 1990, the year before the Soviet Union collapsed



We The People and the Establishment’s Top Policy-Makers are engaged in a Mad Race to the End. If We The People win, we get to survive along with the preservation of our Great Republic the United States of America.

If We lose, not only do We fail to overcome the sinister most Evil Agenda of the Establishment’s Top Policy-Makers who are puppets of a foreign power, We lose our Republic forever and our Great Nation will be completely Balkanized.

During the last hundred years since 1913 when the WZ’s Federal Reserve System attained such World Hegemony through the deployment of its massive Counterfeiting System, it has inflicted Mass Death and Destruction on many nation-states of the World. Many believe that it is now beginning it move to reduce the World’s population up to 90% as a part of its Agenda of Mass Death for purification of the human race.

It has also generated continual wars of aggression for Bankster and defense contractor profits, all as part of a plan to transform the whole world into a Kingdom with a future anointed ruler to be seated in Jerusalem. Thus the name the label the “New Crusaders” has been given to this Western WZ Confederacy.

The WZ Confederacy joined hands with the SSG to increase their War Powers.

One of the tools the WZs used to rise to World’s prominence was their financial support of and alliance with the technology and weapons American Secret Shadow Government (SSG) which helped them with their foreign wars of aggression and acquisition. This provided increased revenues and motivated them to provide an elastic checkbook to Congress and Intel to fund the various SSG deep black, beyond-black, and black within black unacknowledged programs.

The Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is a shadowy, secret Government comprised of the largest private Defense Contractors who run these “black within black”, “deep-black” and “beyond-black” unacknowledged programs.

These programs are so secret even some top officials in each company do not know each and every of these hidden programs or who works in them, how much they spend, or even what they do because they know it has been classically unsafe and even life-threatening to ask any serious questions about these matters.

This complete compartmentalization, lack of any written records or accounting trails or even employment lists, gives incredible power to these unacknowledged units, some of which have been used for RICO crime activities of the WZ Confederacy, and some used against it.

The bottom line is this, often the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing and there has been no centralized accountability of any kind except for the top ranking members of Majestic Twelve. And apparently these few men who sit at the top of the highest faction of the SSG typically sit back and wait to see where it is all going.

Then when some kind of intervention is possible and appropriate, they make their moves. And it is likely that they believe their best interventions now are to initiate or stimulate populism using the Worldwide Internet as the new Gutenberg Press to thus elicit a “rear-guard” domestic action in most cases which is necessary for any serious defeat of the WZ Confederacy because it has become so deeply entrenched.

The new Russian Military weapons specialize in pin point accuracy and group launching with “hiving” (aka “smart coordination”).

Some senior US Military analysts believe that the new Russian nuclear weapons are based on pin point accuracy in their targeting and a focus on important military and WZ targets only. It is also known that the new Russian nuclear weapons are neutron types or even more advanced that specialize in anti-personnel capability with minimal fallout and radiation aftereffects.

These devices are believed to be delivered via supersonic missiles that are “hived” that is have the ability to coordinate targeting with one another and able to defeat all known jamming systems.

Some sea capable systems can zig-zag low to the waterline at speeds perhaps up to 15,000 miles per hour or even faster.

Russia also has supersonic torpedoes that use some incredible technology to disrupt the usual resistance of water.

What this may mean in practical terms is that US naval battle groups may be sunk in mere minutes when faced with such ultra high tech weapons.

Some reports suggest that President Putin has no beef with the American people in general and that he does not blame them for the WZ’s and all their human compromising of at least half of the USG, most of Congress and about one half of the US Military.

Has the Top Faction of the SSG attained enough power to step in and take over and prevent this WW3 which now seem imminent with the recent Republican victory in Congress?

It has been rumored from deeply connected inside sources that one man has risen in the SSG System to the very top of the faction that control it is now positioned with enough power and support that he is untouchable by the WZ Confederacy and their Cutouts and cronies, including the whole US Congress and about one-half the US Military. Who is this man?

Some insiders now claim that Zbigniew Brzezinski has risen to the very top of the SSG. Is this man MJ-1? No one will say for sure, but he might as well be because some say it appears that he is now running the top faction of the SSG.

He has now apparently accrued enough respect, power and support from his top colleagues to sidestep the whole WZ Confederacy which is Hell bent on starting WW3 because of their Evil Agenda, if he decides to do so.

Dr. Brzezinski probably now has enough power to take complete control over the WZ Confederacy itself if he decides this is his best move to thwart these insane WZ Confederacy monsters who are Hell-bent of starting WW3 to sustain their hegemony over Big Oil and perhaps take over the whole World.

Or he could just sit back and allow the Russian Federation to destroy the WZ Confederacy Forces, and perhaps also be destroyed along with them when they start WW3 with Russia, which they now seem obsessed with doing.

Could a back-channel compromise be worked out?


Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski, National Security Adviser under President Jimmy Carter, whose Presidency was sabotaged by the WZs. Top Insiders suggest that no one should ever make the mistake of underestimating his innate intelligence and politicalcraft.

Could a back-channel compromise be worked out between the top faction of the SSG and President Putin, perhaps a very functional win/win situation for the United states of America and the Russian Republic, one that would defeat the WZ Confederacy and liberate the whole World from it grip of ultimate Evil?

Is there a chance that Dr. Brzezinski will assert the control that he has probably attained and decide to work directly with President Putin via back-channels to avert a WW3 which seems inevitable unless the WZ Confederacy is stopped cold.

It is believed by some insiders that Dr. Brzezinski has harbored some deep resentment for the Soviet Union’s Bolshevist Communism and may still distrust those who are running the new Russian Republic.

He may feel a natural aversion for any new Russian leadership based on past inside knowledge and experience which would have to be overcome.

Dr. Brzezinski is known to have attained great power and respect, more than a few fear him greatly too. It is also know that many also respect and fear President Putin.

There is always the possibility that Dr. Brzezinski may feel that the American People have given consent to those that make up the WZ Confederacy by not standing up against it in mass, perhaps being too busy watching TV and the Nightly News which is little more than a WZ propaganda dispenser.

Dr. Brzezinsky may be tempted to let the WZ Confederacy run its course and find out what lies unexpectedly in store for them due to their criminally insane obsession with subduing the whole world for their sinister Evil purposes and starting WW3.

There is a chance that the American people will wake up in mass and start challenging the WZ Confederacy’s hold on America. This could occur because a powerful new Populism is now arising from the independent Alternative News available on some of the Internet websites like Veterans Today or the sites that dare to carry their articles. The worldwide Internet is the new Gutenberg Press and is a powerful source of World Populism as well as Populist Sovereignty in many nations.


If this new American Populism arises in enough prominence, it may be a signal to Dr. Brzezinski and his compatriots in the top faction of the SSG that any move by this top faction of the SSG to take control of the USG and reestablish Rule of Law, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights would be fully supported by the  High Command of the US Military, the good half of the US Military, and as well as the American People in mass.

In the past Dr. Brzezinsky was the driving force behind bringing in President Jimmy Carter and some fresh air to block the abject corruption of the WZ Confederacy. The first thing President Carter did was to appoint Stanfield Turner as the new Director of the CIA with a mission to clean it up. Admiral Turner then proceeded to fire over 750 of the dirtiest drug dealing CIA covert operators, many some of the worst, prolific criminals one could ever imagine.

Unfortunately many of these went on to form the “Enterprise” when the Bush Crime Cabal was to re-establish control after the WZ Confederacy was able to manipulate Bush1 into the Presidency after he ran an assassination attempt against President Reagan with the full support of his controllers at the top of the WZ Pyramid of Power.

Some believe that Dr. Brzezinsky has a long memory and has finally accrued enough power to disjoint the WZ Confederation one way or another, using advanced covert and very crafty methods. Some believe that Dr. Brzezinski is known to compromise when he sees a clear advantage in maintaining his position and power but can still maintain his own future aspirations and expectations for the changes he hope for and is now perhaps empowered and motivated to make.

His political and military tactical astuteness is beyond question. It is a fact that he was the brilliant strategist behind the solidification of the Mujaheddin as a major fighting force which defeated the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Undoubtedly Zbigniew Brzezinski’s orchestration of the Russian defeat in Afghanistan played a major part in the major inner stress that contributed to the financial collapse of the Soviet union which was pushed to the edge and finished off by Lee Wanta.

After this, it was the Bush Crime Cabal working with the International Zionist Crime Syndicate that once again hijacked the USG, the Congress and the US High Military Command to infiltrate and gain control over the Mujaheddin and turn them into Al CIA Duh and now ISIS/ISIL (aka Al CIA Duh version 2).

No one is saying for sure but my best guess is that Dr. Brzezinski has been biding his time, quietly building a very powerful top SSG faction which is now likely powerful enough to take on the WZ Confederacy if he deems it is appropriate or necessary.

On the other hand he may allow them to stupidly dial in their own focused destruction by waging an insane “doomed from the start” war with the Russian Federation and President Putin and then help the surviving American people rebuild their nation free of the WZ Confederacy controls which means free of the BCC and the IZCS and all those they have been in control of through their sinister human compromise means. As one top insider recently said, don’t ever underestimate Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinsky, ever.

He is very, very crafty, a top notch political and military strategist who apparently hates Bolshevism in any form especially the WZ form which was the basis of Soviet Russia and Maoist China, and loves America the Republic. Hopefully he may now be able to start trusting President Putin and the new Russian Federation and be motivated to use back-channels to negotiate a win/win agreement with President Putin that will push the WZ Confederacy to the side. This could then evaporate the WZ Confedracy’s massive espionage against all American Institutions of Government including Congress, the Judiciary, the Department of Justice, the US Military and Intel. And hopefully an end can be brought to the WZ’s massive Counterfeiting System which has enveloped much of the World in a massive Web-of-Debt.

It is important to note that Dr. Brzezinski has never been linked to the 9/11/01 WZ Nuclear Attack on America at the Twin Towers in NYC and the Rumsfeld/Cheney attack on the Pentagon Naval Intel section designed to take out Able Danger Investigators in which it murdered 35 of them.

It is also possible that Dr. Brzezinski may just wait and see and then direct the picking up of the pieces after WW3 destroys the WZ Confederacy. Some believe he is perhaps in command of a secret “breakaway society” of the top echelons of the SSG, which could later use their ultra high technology to rebuild a new American Republic free of the WZs and their Kingpins and Cutouts like the BCC, the IZCS, PNACers, NeoCons, American-Israeli “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens and Republic Party criminals and traitors.

Note: It is known that Veterans Today has some Editors and/or staff who may have clearances at the very highest levels within the SSG. Sources for this article did not include them, and any information included has been provided by other sources not linked or associated with Veterans Today.

This article reveals what has been traditionally very closely guarded information considered so sensitive it was never to be revealed to the Public. Once again, Veterans Today brings you incredible bombshell secret information on the Root Causes of the Evils that are destroying America and much of the World, now revealed for the first time anywhere.

You can thank the Major Foreign Intel Dumps into the Public Domain which are now occurring all over the World. 

Russia and America are on nuclear alert…this is why

Congress is about to vote on a resolution to strike Syria, already the Senate panel voted (4 Sep 2013) authorizing war. The Lobby is pushing hard, the drums of war are beating loudly in the halls of Congress. It is very probable that Congress will approve a ‘limited’ strike on Syria based on the lies of the Obama administration. Is this a good idea? Will it escalate into WW3? Are we ill prepared if it does? What might happen if things go terribly wrong?

In the final scene of 1968 film, “The Planet of the Apes“, Charlton Heston (playing the part of Astronaut Taylor who just realized he landed back on earth) condemns mankind for destroying the world. This could be you in the near future and it can happen if we don’t stop this current drive to attack Syria and Iran.

In the final scene of 1968 film, “The Planet of the Apes“, Charlton Heston (playing the part of Astronaut Taylor who just realized he landed back on earth) condemns mankind for destroying the world. This could be you in the near future and it can happen if we don’t stop this current drive to attack Syria and Iran.

Because of all the previous wars, which have not caused a catastrophic change in living standards or the sudden collapse of the world economy, most Americans are content to do nothing to prevent another war. But this war is far different than the Gulf Wars of 1991 and 2003, this time Russia and Iran are backing Syria and warning the US not to attack. In just the last month, the US backed terrorists (i.e. rebels) have leveled whole cities and killed over 100,000 civilians and displaced another 2 million. America and Israel are already causing hell in Syria, they already know full well what awaits them, and are going to fight back with everything they have if America attacks.

Apocalypse now in Syria, there is already catastrophic damage to Syrian cities, millions displayed, hundreds of thousands killed by the Zionist unleashed hell.

Apocalypse now in Syria, there is already catastrophic damage to Syrian cities, millions displayed, hundreds of thousands killed by the Zionist unleashed hell.

Caption: Jehovah Witness art - Jesus destroys the world. Compare the painting to the recent photo of Syria above, they are the same image. Are Christians manifesting Armageddon with their collective thoughts?

Jesus destroys the world. Compare the painting to the recent photo of Syria above, they are the same image. Are Christians manifesting Armageddon with their collective thoughts?

The file photo shows a NATO Sea Sparrow missile launched during a live-fire self-defense missile exercise aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S Truman in 2004.

The file photo shows a NATO Sea Sparrow missile launched during a live-fire self-defense missile exercise aboard the aircraft carrier USS Harry S Truman in 2004.

By Gordon Duff and Press TV
“When Israel admitted the launch but claimed the US was ‘partnering,’ the Department of Defense issued a denial.” Today, Israel claimed they tested their missile defense system in the Eastern Mediterranean by firing a Sea Sparrow missile in order to simulate an Iranian ICBM attack. However, everything Israel announced was a lie.

The Sea Sparrow, more appropriately, RIM 162 ESSM, is a short-range, ship-launched air defense missile.

Israel currently has no stock of sea-launched missiles of this type and opted not to join the 12 nation consortium that developed this missile.

In no way does the Sea Sparrow resemble an ICBM, not in appearance, performance, range or radar signature. Israel possesses none of these weapons and certainly didn’t launch one.

Israel claimed this exercise was done in coordination with the US Navy. Nevertheless, the US Navy, when told of the launch by Russia, accused that nation of “rumor mongering” and denied any knowledge of the launch.

When Israel admitted the launch but claimed the US was “partnering,” the Department of Defense issued a denial.

War conditions, Eastern Mediterranean

The US has five advanced destroyers, three nuclear submarines, four frigates, several supply and support ships and one ship carrying a Marine amphibious landing force in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Russia has one heavy cruiser, a dozen support ships, two fast attack nuclear submarines and a newly commissioned electronic warfare ship on station near the American taskforce.

Israel has three Dolphin submarines in the region, one of them “on permanent station,” having been sunk by a helicopter-launched Russian anti-submarine torpedo at 2:36 PM on the night of May 2/3, 2013. The Israeli submarine had been on a routine mission supporting reconnaissance teams during an exfiltration from Syria. Neither the bodies of the crew nor the submarine have been recovered.

Naval forces are on high alert, both US and Russian. Russian forces are supported by advanced ship launched air defenses supported by both satellite SAR/IR and optical sensors and advanced radar systems with sufficient range to cover the region from Russian territory.

The US has similar capabilities plus operates AWAC early warning aircraft that cover all air traffic from Iran to Italy.

No Israeli aircraft were then operating over the Mediterranean, nor were they seen to launch one or more missiles, either the sea launched Sparrow or the much smaller AIM 7.

That missile is for air to air combat and is decades old. No aspect of its launch or flight characteristics could be mistaken for an ICBM. Its range is so limited that it could never be used as a target. A child can carry one of these under his arm without considerable difficulty.

This is the missile Israel claimed it tested.

When all else is eliminated …

The only missiles that could have been launched would have come from submarines.

Israel could and did in some ways, claim to be testing their Iron Dome air defense system. However, a key component of the Iron Dome or “Iron Yamuka” as it is called, is the naval defense component supplied by the US Navy.

The US has agreed that during tests of the system, up to four American air defense frigates would supply offshore radar and launch support, without which the Iron Dome is ineffective.

The US denies participation in any such test.

Israel claims it was testing its system to prepare for attacks from Iran and Syria. Nonetheless, were they to have actually used the types of missiles they claim, no potential target would have come within the range of Israel’s defenses.

Additionally, not only are the targets dissimilar to the claimed threat, but the approach predicted could only imply a perceived threat from either Russian or American naval forces, the only launch platforms capable of such an attack except, of course, for the two functioning Dolphin submarines armed with Tomahawk missiles, which were patrolling between the US and Russian fleets.

False flag

Russian radar and satellite systems detected two launches. Were Israel to have launched both missiles as they claim, they could only have been firing at:

  • - Israel, in order to simulate a Russian attack or
  • - Syria, in order to simulate an American attack

There are no other options.

As Israel has no air defense capabilities of any kind over the Mediterranean, the only way the one or more Israeli missiles could have been intercepted is by naval forces of either the United States or Russia. No one else in the region has that capability.

News stories published online claim the United States shot down two Israeli-launched cruise type missiles heading toward Syria.

Though the sources reporting have both poor reliability and a history of contact with Israeli intelligence, it is possible this report is accurate and has been purposefully “poisoned” to cover a major strategic blunder by Israel.

Were an unauthorized missile to have been launched within 200 miles of US Naval forces in the region, as admitted by Israel, the US would have automatically shot them down. Cruise missiles travel at the speed of commercial aircraft. American missile interceptors travel at many times that speed.

Historical problems

The US has a long history of failures in protecting assets in the region and elsewhere.

  • In 1967, the US was unable to respond when Israeli planes and boats attacked the USS Liberty for four hours, killing or wounding most of the crew.
  • In 1987, Iraq fired an anti-ship missile into the USS Stark, seriously damaging that ship.
  • In 1988, the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner on a regularly scheduled direct route to Dubai, killing 290 passengers.
  • In 1996, TWA flight 800 was shot down off New York by a missile fired within sight of an American destroyer with advanced air defense capabilities.
  • In 2000, two Yemeni fishermen in a rowboat exploded a bomb, seriously damaging the USS Cole.
  • In 2001, there are reports that multiple hijacked aircraft were crashed into, not just the World Trade Center but Pentagon, areas defended by AEGIS defense systems that had 45 minutes warning, were on high alert, but unable to respond quickly enough.

Maybe the US saw the missile launches, maybe they didn’t or maybe they see what they want to see.

War through deception

What would be gained by firing missiles from the Mediterranean into Syria? It is obvious that no missiles were fired toward Israel. Only a complete idiot could accept a story like that, especially when the US government failed to confirm any aspect of it.

- The Russians could have seen this attack as a threat to their own naval forces and fired on Israel or the American fleet, bringing about a world war.

- Syria could have fired its advanced anti-ship missiles at the closest surface ships to the origin of the launch. Were one or more American ships sunk, which the Syrians are more than capable of as Israel has learned much to its own dismay, this might bring about a world war.

- Were missiles to land in Syria, particularly near the seat of government or hitting a school or hospital, Iran would likely immediately sink the USS Nimitz, currently on station in the Persian Gulf. America would be hated by the world, Russia would be forced to attack US ships in the Mediterranean and world war would begin.

Is this, perhaps, why the United States would have shot down the Israeli Tomahawk missiles heading toward Syria?

Are any other scenarios possible?

What nations may have been cooperating with Israel in this plan? Who would benefit?

The possibilities here are frightening.


Researchers from Colorado have studied the effects of nuclear conflict on Earth, looking at the result of detonating

Life after a nuclear war revealed: Computer models reveal Earth would suffer a 20-year-long winter and worldwide famine

  • Researchers from Colorado studied the effects of nuclear conflict on Earth

  • They used climate models to predict what would become of the planet
  • Their research looked at the detonation of 100 'small' nuclear warheads
  • In their paper they conclude humanity would have been affected for decades
  • There would be worldwide famine, deadly frosts and huge ozone losses
  • The results would be the death of hundreds of millions or billions
  • They hope their research will be an incentive for superpowers to disarm

  • The terrible fate of Earth after a nuclear war has been mapped out using computer models for the first time.

    Worldwide famine, deadly frosts, global ozone losses of up to 50 per cent and more would greet any inhabitants of the planet still remaining after a nuclear conflict.

    And the researchers hope their study of what they call a relatively 'small' nuclear war will serve as a deterrent against such weapons being used by any nation in the future.

    Researchers based in Colorado have studied the effects of a nuclear conflict on Earth. They used climate models to predict what would become of the planet after the detonation of 100 'small' nuclear warheads, and conclude there would be global devastation. Pictured is an atomic weapon test in the 1950s


    Researchers based in Colorado have studied the effects of a nuclear conflict on Earth. They used climate models to predict what would become of the planet after the detonation of 100 'small' nuclear warheads, and conclude there would be global devastation. Pictured is an atomic weapon test in the 1950s

    The unnerving consequences were laid out in a paper called ‘Multidecadal global cooling and unprecedented ozone loss following a regional nuclear conflict.’


    Year 0

    Five megatons of black carbon released into the atmosphere, which absorbs sunlight and begins to cool the planet. Black carbon rain also kills millions.

    Year 1

    Average surface temperature drops by 1°C (2°F).

    Year 2

    Crop growing season is shortened by 10 to 40 days.

    Year 5

    Earth is an average of 1.5°C (3°F) colder than the present day, colder than it has been in 1,000 years. There is also nine per cent less rainfall. The ozone is also up to 25 per cent thinner, increasing UV rays on Earth.

    Year 10

    Ozone recovers slightly to just 8 per cent less than modern day.

    Year 20

    Planet warms slightly to 0.5°C (1°F) lower than the present day.

    Year 26

    Rainfall increases to about 4.5 per cent less than today.

    In it the researchers looked at the outcome of a ‘limited, regional nuclear war between India and Pakistan in which each side detonates 50 15-kiloton weapons.’

    They then used computer models to examine the impact on the planet and its environment - and it makes for grim reading. The immediate result of 100 nuclear weapons roughly the size of those dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki being detonated would be the release of five megatons of black carbon into the atmosphere.

    Black carbon, not too dissimilar to soot, would block out the sun and can also be fatal to humans.

    Following a spell of black carbon rain, a deadly weather front that would devastate what remained of humanity following the nuclear war, the temperature of Earth would begin to drop.

    After a year the temperature would fall by 1°C (2°F), while after five it would be 1.5°C (3°F) cooler than it is now.

    About 20 years after the conflict it would warm again to just 0.5°C (1°F) below today’s temperature.

    Accompanying what the researchers call ‘the coldest average surface temperatures in the last 1,000 years’ would be a huge loss in ozone levels.

    They say that global ozone losses of 20 to 50 per cent would occur over populated areas, ‘levels unprecedented in human history’.

    Archive: Behind the scenes of a nuclear missile command centre

    The immediate result of 100 nuclear weapons being detonated would be the release of five megatons of black carbon (shown) into the atmosphere, say researchers. Black carbon, not too dissimilar to soot and released from the burning of things such as fossil fuels, would block out the sun and can also be fatal to humans


    The immediate result of 100 nuclear weapons being detonated would be the release of five megatons of black carbon (shown) into the atmosphere, say researchers. Black carbon, not too dissimilar to soot and released from the burning of things such as fossil fuels, would block out the sun and can also be fatal to humans

    The drop in temperature would produce ‘killing frosts’ that reduce the world’s growing season by 10 to 40 days.

    Meanwhile the eradication of up to half of the ozone would increase UV rays in some locations by as much as 80 per cent, raising the chance of developing skin cancer for large swathes of humanity.

    Combined with the global cooling, this ‘would put significant pressures on global food supplies and could trigger a global nuclear famine.’

    The planet’s falling temperature would also decrease the amount of rainfall.

    Five years after the conflict Earth would see 9 per cent less rain, while 26 years after the war there would still be 4.5 per cent less rain.

    The result of all this would be devastation and ultimately death for hundreds of millions, and perhaps billions.

    But the researchers hope that their example of a relatively small nuclear war between two modestly armed nuclear nations, India and Pakistan, will encourage superpowers such as the U.S. and Russia to discuss nuclear disarmament.

    ‘Knowledge of the impacts of 100 small nuclear weapons should motivate the elimination of more than 17,000 nuclear weapons that exist today,’ they write.

    In their paper the researchers conclude humanity would suffer worldwide famine, deadly frosts and huge ozone losses. The results would be the death of hundreds of millions or billions. Pictured is the abandoned city of Prypiat, which is still experiencing the negative effects of nuclear fallout from Chernobyl


    In their paper the researchers conclude humanity would suffer worldwide famine, deadly frosts and huge ozone losses. The results would be the death of hundreds of millions or billions. Pictured is the abandoned city of Prypiat, which is still experiencing the negative effects of nuclear fallout from Chernobyl


    This image from Russian artist Vladimir Manyuhin's Life after the Apocalypse is reminiscent of scenes from the 2007 film I am Legend

    Welcome to the jungle: This image of New York's Times Square from Russian artist Vladimir Manyuhin's Life after the Apocalypse is reminiscent of scenes from the 2007 film I am Legend

    By night: The same scene of a deserted city - minus some lions - with the sun slowly setting in the background

    By night: The same view of New York - minus some lions - with the sun slowly setting in the background

    Busy: Times Square as it looks today

    Busy: Times Square as it looks today

    Still sitting: The 1920 statue of former American President, Abraham Lincoln, in a collapsing Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C.

    Still sitting: The 1920 statue of former American President, Abraham Lincoln, in a collapsing Lincoln Memorial on the National Mall in Washington D.C.

    Tourist attraction: Today the Lincoln Memorial is one of the most popular sights for visitors to the U.S. capital

    Tourist attraction: Today the Lincoln Memorial is one of the most popular sights for visitors to the U.S. capital


    In a land far, far away: Manyuhin's photo manipulation imagines the Kremlin in the distant future

    In a land far, far away: Manyuhin imagines St Basil's Cathedral and Red Square , Moscow, as a beautiful pastoral scene in a future where the city has been reclaimed by the forces of nature  the same as other European Capitals

    Orthodox: How Red Square and St. Basil's cathedral look today

    Orthodox: How Red Square and St. Basil's cathedral look today

    Underground: Manyuhin has transformed a picture of a subway to a scene of destruction

    Underground: Manyuhin has transformed a picture of a subway to a scene of destruction

    The A train subway line, New York City

    Unsuspecting: The A train subway line, New York City

    Manyuhin has added the odd human survivor to his pieces - but they are few and far between

    Nature's revenge: Manyuhin has added the odd human survivor to his pieces - but they are few and far between

    End of the world as we know it: Decay and sprawling overgrowth have been added to the photographs to create eerie scenes of a post-apocalyptic Earth

    End of the world as we know it: Decay and sprawling overgrowth have been added to the photographs to create eerie scenes of a post-apocalyptic Earth

    Armageddon: With its struggling human survivors making their way through a burnt out world, this scene could be straight out of the 2009 film adaptation of the post-apocalyptic book The Road by Cormac McCarthy

    Armageddon: With its struggling human survivors making their way through a burnt out world, this scene could be straight out of the 2009 film adaptation of the post-apocalyptic book The Road by Cormac McCarthy

    Final fantasy: The imaginings of life after an apocalypse are strangely beautiful

    Final fantasy: The imaginings of life after an apocalypse are strangely beautiful

    Many viewers have commented how the scenes resemble well known computer games such as Final Fantasy, Fall Out, and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.

    Some of Manyuhin's scenes also look startlingly similar to the backdrop of New York in the post-apocalyptic 2007 film I am Legend starring Will Smith.

    While other images, with struggling human survivors making their way through burnt out surroundings, could be straight out of the 2009 film adaptation of the post-apocalyptic book The Road by Cormac McCarthy starring Viggo Mortensen.

    Contrasting: Manyuhin has transformed this landscape in to swamps and marshland in sharp contrast to other burnt out scenes

    Contrasting: Manyuhin has transformed this landscape in to swamps and marshland in sharp contrast to other burnt out scenes

    Power out: Defunct electricity cables have come down while the pylons slowly erode

    Power out: Defunct electricity cables have come down while the pylons slowly erode

    Survivors: Two lone walkers make their way home in a cold and harsh post-apocalyptic world

    Survivors: Two lone walkers make their way home in a cold and harsh post-apocalyptic world

    Man's best friend: But even in Manyuhin's desolate world, one survivor still has his pet dog to keep him company, just like Will Smith's character Robert Neville in the movie I am Legend

    Man's best friend: But even in Manyuhin's desolate world, one survivor still has his pet dog to keep him company, just like Will Smith's character Robert Neville in the movie I am Legend



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