Sunday, November 11, 2012

THE PLOT TO DESTROY THE US: Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America



THE PLOT TO DESTROY THE US: Roadmap to Redressing Economic Terrorism in America (archival by demand)

Now Hunting Economic Terrorists Closer to Home

We Weren’t Going to Stay Stupid Forever

… by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

When the Cold War ended, a secret fund planned for by President Ronald Reagan had been set aside to rebuild America, pay off the national debt and reward Americans for decades of sacrifice.

This was the real accomplishment of his presidency, one few knew of.

As the funds finally came together, during the first years of the Clinton administration, instead of going to America, the man chosen to secure this legacy for America was put in a Swiss dungeon, then a mental hospital and eventually railroaded into prison on charges now admitted to have been “manufactured.”

Of the funds, only $4.5 trillion remain (plus interest, less taxes), belonging to Ameritrust Corporation, held for the American people. This is some of the story of those funds and continuing attempts by politicians and bankers to continue destroying the United States through economic terrorism.

Many who read this will already know part of the story, some were involved, I am sure, in related operations. I am part of that group. The facts, documents, secret operations carefully vetted, confirmed, all now ready for release to those cleared for such, others are public domain.

It is our job to put out a story we are largely unauthorized to tell.

Of those who work in Special Operations and such things, I am one of the very few with a background in international finance. This is not written for public consumption but I will publish it anyway, do with it as you will. I am writing to our “community.” You know who you are.

Whose Money Were They Lending? – Stolen Money?

Over the past few years, amounts of money and practices none of us had imagined have been hitting the news.

We hear one day that the Federal Reserve secretly lends out trillions of dollars illegally, yet these criminal acts by the Federal Reserve, though reported, are never investigated.

In fact, there is no agency empowered to audit or control the Federal Reserve whose very existence itself no one understands and, if they did, none would approve of.

It doesn’t say whose dollars or where they went or what America got in return. We are led to believe they came out of thin air, went to places that are “none of our business” and were or were not paid back, also none of our business.

What happened? America got screwed.

Years ago, I had been asked to look after a former Reagan official named Lee Wanta. Some of you will understand this sentence, who does the asking, and what “look after”means.

I knew he had been kidnapped in Switzerland and, though a diplomat, sent to the US and imprisoned on criminal charges we knew to be a total invention.

His personal attorney was Chief Legal Counsel for the Central Intelligence Agency.

My retiree job is as an intelligence contractor working with pro-US clients. I “brief,” not interview. I am not a journalist by trade. I am one of the thousands of Americans that middle age has turned from a “knock in the back of the head” guy to someone who can talk his way out of a dozen foreign jails.

I am simply one of many Americans that few know exist, a Marine, a Vietnam veteran and someone who spent much of his life with his head upside down.

What Happened to Lee Wanta Actually Happened to All Americans

Who Stole the Money – And Who Did They Steal it For?

Ambassador Wanta has court documentation that he is owed $7.2 trillion dollars, private capital designated for one purpose, rebuilding the American economy.

The money was garnered through exploiting insane errors in the pricing of currencies and exploiting the economic policies of the former Soviet Union. Some of the profits had ended up in the Bank of China and were, according to legal agreement, repatriated to the United States, what remained anyway.

Initially, $4.5 trillion was transferred to the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond while issues of law and taxes were negotiated. This is the remainder of a larger fund, transferred into the US while litigation was to determine tax liability and little else.

Secretly, a group of individuals has been using and diverting these funds.

Why does the fund exist? Wanta worked for Reagan, National Intelligence Coordinator and then was nominated bySenator Chuck Grassley of Iowa at Reagan’s request to take over as Inspector General of the Department of Defense.

Instead, Reagan assigned Wanta to a project to raise huge amounts of money trading currency. Some of this is on the internet and much of it is correct. The total amount raised, based on collateral supplied by the US Department of Treasury in a secret intelligence operation was 27 trillion USD.

Over the years, all but $4.5 trillion was stolen, much of it by a previous US president, some by the CIA, much by banks. Years ago, I was sent account numbers on some of the money and tried to locate it in concert with foreign intelligence agencies.

I would have returned the funds to the US government. Included is 2000 tons of gold, and dozens of bank accounts around the world. I have the account numbers, talked to the bankers and even, in one case, went directly to a chief of state.

What Has Been Stolen by the MegaCrooks is Beyond Imagination

Stolen cash is impossible to recover when half of it is paid out in bribes. As most of what I am writing is probably classified, let’s pretend I am making this all up.

Anyway, back to Wanta. During this time, Wanta had gone to court to recover his funds, which had grown to over $7 trillion.

The rest of the money, much of which came from currency trading at the largest scale in world history, we will never find.

Now a court has ordered Wanta to receive his money.

The company to receive the money is Ameritrust. The board members of Ameritrust are well known public people, a former Vice President, senators, generals and admirals and, of course, me.

The money is, officially, in the Federal Bank of Richmond and the order to return the funds was signed by the President of the United States based on an agreement with the Federal Courts.

Involved, over a period of years, is a group of people every American will know, from presidents and vice presidents to the heads of the Federal Reserve, Secretaries of Treasury, names like Bush and Cheney, Paulson, Bernake, Al Gore, some names working for America and too many trying to steal part of the money for themselves.

(Fax header from “deep cover” classified memo directly to President Bush)

Some tried to steal all of it.

Federal Reserve

When you heard news stories about the Federal Reserve making secret loans to the crooked “bail out banks” that weren’t authorized by congress, they were lending out the $7.2 trillion “Wanta dollars” ordered paid by President Obama and the Federal Courts.

If you wondered how the Federal Reserve, that couldn’t print a few billion dollars without authorization from congress, lent out trillions that technically didn’t exist with no permission at all and there was no investigation, no questions asked and the story forgotten a day later, you will begin to understand by the end of this.

You will be extremely upset and angry also.

Thus far, here is part of that settlement I can tell you of but first, I had Wanta checked out.

To do that, I went to a top army intelligence officer from the Pentagon, one who had been Defense Attache to Israel and who had worked in Special Operations, war plans, clandestine operations and such since he was an A Team leader in Vietnam. I put him on with Wanta for hours and had Wanta interrogated.

Wanta knew dozens of the highest classified operations in US history, knew every Pentagon official including much highly detailed personal information. To our top Army intelligence officer, we were able to confirm that he was, unquestioningly, working for years at the highest levels of US intelligence.

The man who grilled him still hangs up the phone whenever I mention 9/11, a close personal friend of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu.

This is the deal:

Ameritrust agrees to buy $1 trillion in 10 year treasury bonds, which will finance America’s national debt for the next year.

Ameritrust, as outlined by the court, agrees to pay $1.7 trillion in income tax, reducing the national debt significantly overnight.

Ameritrust has set aside $6 billion for disbursement, under my advisement, monies for two purposes:

  1. Development of a program to end veteran homelessness and save a generation of young veterans. This is entirely privately donated money. A non-profit entity exists and programs can start today. Not one cent will be stolen or diverted.
  2. Fund efforts to aid in closing the US border and put a 100% end to illegal immigration and drug trafficking. This involves billions of dollars, carefully administered, with the full cooperation of state and local officials who have already been consulted and are onboard.

Ameritrust has set aside, minimally, $1 trillion USD to build a high speed rail system for the United States with almost all components domestically constructed. This system includes stations, hotels and much more. The minimal impact will include:

  1. Initial employment will begin at 80,000 with full employment in the manufacture, installation and security of this system 400,000 new jobs, all privately financed without one cent of taxpayer money.
  2. Veterans will receive preference on all jobs but, as is obvious, employment goes well beyond our available veteran community.
  3. Required technologies and the entities that control such will be purchased and manufacturing facilities will be located within the United States.

The economic impact on other transportation systems, particularly airlines, has been predicted and funding is available to minimize disruption.

America, of course, will become the world’s tourist destination, travel costs for top domestic destinations will lower by a minimum of $65% and no debt will be involved.

The Great West of America – Grand Canyon

Four hundred thousand paychecks will put a dent in the recession, produce tax revenue to allow additional pay down of national debt and, for the first time in decades, actually raise the standard of living in America.

This is all documented.

Studies showing lowered emissions and freedom from oil imports are almost frightening.

All this does, of course, is give Americans things that other nations around the world have had for years but at lower cost, financed through the foresight, frankly, of President Ronald Reagan.

This entire project was his plan. He entrusted the currency trading critical part of it to Lee Wanta, who some now considered the greatest intelligence coup of the Cold War. I had no idea.

That we are dealing with it now is because criminal elements within our government and financial industry including the Federal Reserve System have subverted this plan, ignored court orders and violated so many laws we can’t even count. They believe they can claim immunity and hide behind an national security justification.

This money is here today, it is 20 years old, it requires no new currency issue, it pays down debt and adds nothing but jobs, revenue and hope.

To stop this from moving forward, Wanta was kidnapped and jailed, court cases involving the top lawyers in the United States have gone on for 6 years and millions have been spent to either keep this out of the press or misrepresent facts that exist on enough legal documents to fill a Fed Ex van.

Lee Wanta

More than that, laws of diplomatic privilege have been violated and, a more serious security threat, Wanta was protected by federal statutes that protect intelligence agents, statutes misused by Oliver North and others. Wanta’s prosecution, on no evidence at all other than requests from governmental elements tied to organized crime, human trafficking and narcotics, moved forward despite motions to dismiss filed that any court would have immediately accepted.

Laws meant to protect America are now laws of convenience, used when they serve the banks or own our politicians, violated when patriots need to be silenced.

At one point, Wanta was put in a mental institution. He gave the psychiatrist a telephone number to call. Vice President Al Gore answered and confirmed Wanta’s identity.

Vice President Gore also confirmed that he had been informed that Lee Wanta was dead. When Gore learned Wanta was alive in the room, we suspect this is why Wanta is here and the Reagan/Ameritrust program is coming back to life.

The psychiatrist ordered Wanta’s release. Instead of release, he was jailed and the psychiatrist “warned” and then fired. We can prove this.

You have heard these stories a dozen times, Sibel Edmonds, John Wheeler III, Susan Lindauer and a hundred names you will never hear. Ask why Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota and his family are dead.

This is the real world we live in, why we pay so much for gas when the world money markets have crashed, when demand is nothing but prices rise daily and nobody ever asks anything.

We Want to Know

What we want to know and “we” is not a harmless bunch of cranks. “We” means many of the people who formerly and currently represent key “capabilities” that protect and defend the United States.

We want to know why, for years, the Federal Reserve illegally “loaned” trillions of dollars to banks that claimed they were insolvent, money in escrow and not under their authority for distribution.

We want to know why, for years, the Secretaries of Treasury authorized these illegal acts which have been reported in the news but never investigated.

We want to know where the trillions of dollars are in profits that were generated by using this currency to collateralize offshore transactions never listed by the banks who received the illegal loans.

Read that one again until you understand the extent of what I am saying and how obvious all of this is.

The money has been there to put America on her feet.Nobody ever explained how the Federal Reserve could lend trillions of dollars “illegally,” money never under their official control but rather under the supervision of the Federal District Court of the Eastern District of Virginia.

In addition to funding existing legal authorities to end illegal immigration overnight and begin a real war on drug trafficking, at some point there will be unpaid state income taxes totaling over $200 billion dollars.

We have the full backing of state governors, select members of congress and those financial leaders who choose to profit from honest business instead of insider trading and financial scams. This means “change.”

What we demand?

We want monies owed and ordered to be paid as law requires to be paid. All we are demanding is restoration of rule of law in accordance with existing court orders and legal judgements, nothing more.

We also have law enforcement and intelligence officials who tell us that they will never sleep another night until they have hunted all these people involved down and have seen justice done.

They say they are willing to spend their lives hunting assets, even to the ends of the earth, beginning with vacation homes, yachts, family trusts, safe deposit boxes, anywhere on the planet and that existing laws covering money laundering and terrorism give them the needed tools.

How Many Were Involved in Cooking the Books?

The term I keep hearing is “continuing criminal enterprise.” I am more a builder than one to seek retribution but others are not so forgiving. We believe this is why funds are being held up, out of fear.

As there is enough money here for Ameritrust to be the most powerful congressional lobby, being a “corporate person,” the richest ever imagined, think of the irony.

The laws meant to deprive Americans of their rights being used to restore democracy and rule of law. The idea is frightening.

This is What These Mega Thieves are Doing to America

As billions are assigned for veterans relief at a time of extreme national emergency, failure to do so is unthinkable.

America was never intended to be what it has become. We have the funds, the plans and the people to begin a rapid and well conceived turn-around of America.

This is a plan of investment in America, of hard work, of the most extreme form of financial conservatism thinkable.

This is about work and paying taxes and building in America for America by Americans.

Ask yourself who has been blocking this, who is above the law? Court documents on all of this, as required by law, are in the public domain.

Welcome to any who think this is less than we say.

by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

President Obama inherited two wars, a collapsed stock market and massive debt. We look at the market today at 13,000 plus and still wonder why our pension funds are down and our homes are impossible to sell. We also note that rents are up, food is up, gasoline is way way up yet that 13,000 market isn’t the same one it was in 2007. It is a different group of companies, what we call a “fix.” The old “blue chip” companies went broke, or so we are told, and we picked new ones and are pretending things are better. We make up for it by, not only printing massive amounts of counterfeit currency for ourselves but for Europe as well.

The Funny Money Game

More honestly, it wasn’t just the currency but the ambiguity of the banking business that let trade and investment build jobs.

Money was lent that never existed, collateralized by imagination, derivatives, overvalued real estate but real jobs were the result, jobs that came with home purchases, paid taxes, people buying things, when the “phony dollar, euro and pound” died, so did our ability to supply jobs.

We are now dependent, partially at least, on a couple of ways to continue that we see and some that are highly secret. What we see are these:

Every financial prediction is that the end came years ago but we are still moving on as though things were OK. This is a magic balancing act run by Timothy Geithner and President Obama who are trying to stop the massive thievery, overtly at least, and restore revenue through taxes on the rich, something that Reagan onward ended.

We are basing our economy on wartime spending, which is financed by borrowing. The wars, the Bush “terror wars” are the most insane and dishonorable in American history.

I even have Army Intel telling me the World Trade Center towers were brought down by sophisticated miniature hydrogen bombs. Photo analysis exists of all the attacks, millions of dollars of it, like that we released of the UFO in Korea last week. We are told it can never be released and it hasn’t ten years later, not to anyone.

Continuing on this is purposeless.The Republican Party, working with Israel and the Koch brothers, using manipulated polls, gas and oil speculation and rigging food prices is trying to crash the American economy before the election.

They are afraid of President Obama and rightly so. The GOP is primarily tied to narcotics, organized crime and has its only backing from Americans that no longer are willing to believe the outlandish lies they have been told as news for a decade.

The problem, a worse one, is that, since at least 1947, our history has been rigged as well. That story is not just strange but bizarre, frightening, and “topsy-turvy.”

We will get to some of it later. Now we move into the darker aspects of our economy, if such a thing were possible.

Federales Reservistos !!

Over the past few months, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a rogue operation even by Federal Reserve Standards, without any authorization, created $31 trillion and simply “gave it away,” pumping it into European banks, we have records as there was a partial audit done at the request of congress.

Congress, however, went silent. The reason, overtly at least, is that the foreign owned banks that represent the Federal Reserve System, really an ancient expression of 18th century “moneylenders”, had “gone under.” Their massive private debt, amounting to “qau-trillions,” imaginary though it is, has made continuation of our monetary system impossible.

Only America can illegally counterfeit the massive imaginary currency needed to float these banks while about two thirds is eventually bled off, 1/3 to organized crime and another third we can’t find at all and nobody is asking.


"They're Heeeere!!!"

For nearly 60 years, movies and TV have slowly focused on a plotline involving secret Nazi flying saucers, alien landings, inter-dimensional travel and a future that never came.

We were supposed to be living in “Star Trek” already, having settled the moon in “1999″ as the old TV show, not even available on Netflix, told some of us.

Our “conspiracy television” tells us of flying saucer crashes,  and astronauts who saw “alien spacecraft” speak up now and again.

And finally, we have recognized what has been minimally “inter-planetary” aircraft built by our own governments using technology that we have had for decades, technology that represents unlimited “free energy,” perhaps uncontrollable planetary development but worse, disclosure of some “dark secret.”

Word goes two ways:  you tell folks that everything is free, free water, free electricity, and “free lunch” and we go into a population hell of “not so white” folks who worship what many Americans think might be the wrong gods.

With Romney, our Mormon candidate, his religion is based on secret inter-galactic travel, transmigration of men only into gods and the use of women as sex tools after the “brain sucking machine” finishes them off.

This really is the religion of Mormonism, this and much more.  It makes Scientology look better and better.

Mormons are all Republicans.  Who else would think that exploiting brain dead slaves would make you  ‘godlike?”



Senior reliable sources, by that I mean mainstream “Big Army” flag officers, have been consulted about the use of cold fusion, hydrogen/boron fusion and other “non-lethal” or “aneutronic” devices that can provide all power needed on earth at extremely low cost. Wind and solar are considered “dead duck” technologies as fusion is both very simple physics, containable, produced not only unimaginable power but expels usable electric current without any traditional conversion required by nuclear technology.

The questions are only design and construction with working models out there already.

This technology is decades old, as is similar technology that nullifies gravity. This means that conventional rocket travel, our guided missiles, our airplanes, even our most advanced secret projects have been entirely “cover and deception.”


It is no secret to most of you that “bad space guys” have been visiting earth.  In fact, the only crazy part is the number of films that try to depict off world or interdimensional civilizations as having any human characteristics at all.

Any “advanced civilization” could be millions of years beyond us, questions continually brought up for fans of “Dr. Who,” the British science fiction series that runs decade after decade as a demented “Scooby Doo” type show with cardboard scenery.

The “dark side” is that all this exists.  The dark side is that America, seen as the representative world power, primarily at least, has decades of interaction with alien species, multiple alien species, and has “bought time” as it were through denial and through agreements that allow the seizure of humans for something far worse than the “anal probe.”


Lying about this while basing much of our entertainment industry on what borders on fairly full disclosure, of the threat at least, is almost a joke. Our denial comes in the cost.  There is little or no sign that much in advanced technology has been passed on.

Documents outlining the relationship indicate the existence of a highly secretive and advanced committee that oversees our response which is, primarily, the divestment of technologies and resources, trillions of dollars, into programs that are meant, and this is a guess only, to allow us to defend ourselves.

The point of conjecture, based on easy to “figure out” disinformation campaigns and our decades of frozen technology, all new mobile phones and little else, is that basic concepts in physics involving both field and energy systems has created capabilities that are incompatible with a planet where stone age to iron age civilizations coexist.

We are a planet where animals are bred for food under brutal conditions and where continual warfare, too often near “UFO” level technologies used against virtually unarmed civilians are seen as acceptable by most people.

Moral and ethical concerns seem to have been systematically bred out of the most advanced societies through continual exposure to highly propagandized public education and history that barely passes for mythology.

You can add in absurdly childish economic and political systems that pontificate while, in reality, reproducing pre-feudal values, theft of resources, enslavement of the mass of population, and the defilement of the “middle” or “professional classes” within bureaucracies that foster apolitical lives or attempt to replace philosophy with dogmatic religions.

This only leaves the need to discredit or contain real creativity or advancement through a system of “branding” those who disclose truths as “whistleblower,” the genuinely talented as “elitist kooks” and the rest as “radicals” or “conspiracy theorists.”

Anyone else can be and is murdered.

When need to “manage” comes to play, appetites for perversion, buggery, abuse of power, murder and torture, satiate those who wish to prove to themselves their power is real.

Toward that end, we have seen the torture, so much of it over the past dozen years that thousands have died in secret prisons, many filmed and the most obscene acts shown to the most powerful, some members of the Supreme Court, congress and the White House.


DC Boy Toy - James Guckert/Gannon

Years ago, there were accusations made against a president by a “pimp” who organized the kidnapping and murder of children who were sold for sexual favors to leaders of our government and key industries.

The tradition, for decades, had been to supply politicians with “road secretaries, women who would provide sexual favors in lieu of normal family lives, keeping errant politicians in line and retiring with senior executive (GS 15) positions.

Some of these women held America’s greatest secrets and these relationships have glued America together, or at least did, until the middle of the Reagan administration when pedophiles, mostly homosexual, had infiltrated the government as they had the Catholic Church.

A search, Google, yahoo, of words like Bush, Farmer and DeCamp will barely touch on it.

The basic accusations, kidnapping of children off the streets of America, chosen for “type” based on “requests” by the supposedly powerful and influential were quieted by groups within the FBI and intelligence agencies with dozens being murdered.

“Politics as usual,” the murder of several senators, key government scientists, FBI agents, the discrediting of dozens, imaginary street crimes, Chandra Levy, Dr. David Kelly, John Wheeler II, Vince Foster, Steve Kanga and hundreds of others, were only “safety valves.”

The only one spoken of anymore is Senator Paul Wellstone who was assassinated with his family for political reasons.

The release of the recent photograph showing Lee Harvey Oswald standing in the doorway of the Texas School Book Depository at the exact second he was supposed to be shooting President Kennedy is now accepted, part of the public record, and, not only denied but defiles us in ways we are now too stupid to begin to understand as does 9/11 and the 20 square miles torture prisons in Poland and a dozen other countries, or are they prisons?

No one has ever spoken to anyone who has ever been in one, either stationed as a guard, janitor, guard, nothing.  America now has more secret prisons than Nazi Germany was said to have “concentration camps, far larger, far more expensive and, unless we can prove otherwise, capable of certainly more deaths.

How strange is that?  In a nation of “human rights activists, no one asks, not a word from Ron Paul or the ACLU, not the SPLC, in fact no one has ever said a word other than mild complaints but never a law or request for an investigation or any curiosity at all.

What isn’t mentioned is that these facilities are huge, entirely secretive and show no signs of funding, no one has ever met a prisoner who has been in one, no accusations or trials are arranged, no named suspects are brought up, no crimes mentioned, no plots, no imaginary terrorist acts, in fact there is no proof that these are prisons at all.

Some of these are larger than our biggest military bases.  What are they?  We can’t prove they are prisons, no photos emerge, no witnesses come forward, no survivors have ever made it out, the Red Cross has never inspected them yet the Red Cross visited Auschwitz hundreds of times.

The best we could hope for is that they are CIA heroin and cocaine distribution hubs but they are too big and there are too many plus, we already know that Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo is where we run our drugs and where we manage our partnership with the Albanian Mafia.

U.S. Camp Bondsteel - Kosovo

Ever wonder why we have one of our largest military bases in the world in “Kosovo,” but nobody remembers every being stationed there or why it exists?

We had touched on stories of one or more presidential pedophile.  I have talked with officials during the Bush administrations that were invited to “diplomatic functions” that ended with “private parties” upstairs.  They said they thought it was just cocaine, this was the cover story.

I have since learned it was not cocaine.  What was done with the kids when they had been “used up?”  Does anyone believe the man in prison for killing Chandra Levy really did it?


Organized Crime's Best Friend

There are two areas of economic secrets we will mention today, at the request of others.  We have available incontrovertible proof that over half the diamonds that come into the United States are tied to terrorism and organized crime.

We also know that documents proving this, scientific papers, testimony, were turned over to both the FBI and State Department by credible sources in the international law enforcement community.

Published studies show that equipment used by American customs officials have been sabotaged to allow illegal diamonds, most manufactured using a sophisticated process more difficult to detect than simple “cloning” or simply smuggling conflict diamonds.

Fifty percent of diamonds brought into the US from Tel Aviv are illegal. Both customs and the organizations involved in overseeing diamond quality for the jewelry industry are financially involved. Quantities of proof are vast, authoritative and have caused several major firms such as DeBeers to restructure and divest.

Diamonds are the primary source of both money laundering and terrorist/weapons financing in the world and the US is quite purposefully avoiding demands they quit taking part in these activities.

America does the same thing with drugs.


China is telling the world it can use “gold tailings” to remove 40 times more gold from ore than possible before.  This is untrue.

Years ago, the South Koreans developed a methodology, though expensive, to actually manufacture gold.  China has very small gold reserve for a nation as wealthy as they claim.  In fact, their currency is one of the worst in the world and their banking system is inherently incompetent and corrupt.

It was also rumored, several years ago, that China, upon examining gold reserves it held in Hong Kong, found nearly 1/3rd to be counterfeit.

The issues have been, of late, seeking a currency for world trade and to secure and underwrite industrial growth while the “fiat” currencies of the west, all of them, have proven to be worthless.

Down the Black Hole

The $31 trillion dollars in unauthorized Federal Reserve currency exports is proof that, in actuality, there is no world currency exchange and it is now and has been for years, nothing but an act.

China has sought more, and to advance the process of creating a parallel currency as a hedge against political instability, to continue hiding from the public their recent political collapse and economic downturn, China has licensed South Korea’s technology for producing gold.

As cover for this, China has sent groups around the world buying non-producing mines, producing offers for worthless “gold tailings” and has been loading the internet and technical publications with pseudo-science, utter fiction and deception.

What we don’t know is how much it actually costs to manufacture gold.  Is it $100 per ounce or $2000 per ounce?

Where we picked up the South Korean ploy is when they let market prices fluctuate up to $150 per oz. below accepted value.

The problems are twofold:

  1. It creates gold as a derivative of subjective value, something Korea would never have done.  Thus, any currency underwritten by gold will not only eventually have no trade value but, when the public learns of the process, gold market will crash.
  2. Diamonds, a vastly larger market, both gem quality and industrial, have been manufactured for decades.  Currently, there is no accepted technology that can detect phony diamonds.  This is the truth and those who say otherwise are unaware of advances in growing diamonds from much smaller “seed crystals” with individual DNA.  This is far different than “cloning” and, as yet, no equipment used by any government, quite purposefully, can detect these phony stones.  Thus, all world diamonds are technically worthless.


This leaves very few ways of expressing value and power.

Future Tax Collectors?

If all currencies, all debt also, are deniable, if gold can be manufactured, and we can prove this beyond question, if all diamonds are useless and governments are choosing to turn to narcotics, weapons and hydrocarbons to express both political power and value, economic systems will continue until one of the bubbles burst or we have a world war, which is a more likely scenario.

Syria is the likely basis with US expansion of missile bases into Central Europe as the initiator.

Then again, the Serbian elections and a new realignment between Serbia and Moscow would flank US efforts to dominate the Black Sea region.  With Russian power west of NATO, with Turkey and Israel at odds, with India producing ICBMs, aimed at China and Israeli ICBMs from India pointed at Europe and their real enemy, the United States.

Don’t believe this, start reading the Jerusalem Star.

US attempts to control Central Asia are going to fail until and unless we are willing to follow the unwritten Obama doctrine, trading Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and India for Israel and Britain.

When the Chinese have settled into Africa, each day planeloads arrive, they will find themselves overextended and dependent on an American military presence that has moved down the west coast of Africa in relative stealth.

The continuing problems will be narco-dependency and our lack of an American currency.

Our most crippling problem is the lack of a government, particularly the ability of the Supreme Court to go  “activist” and usurp states’ rights, interfere in elections, write its own legislation, that and our “money in politics” issue, primarily involving Israeli interference in the House of Representatives is likely to bring about use of emergency presidential powers after the election.

Thus far, one Supreme Court Justice is guilty of tax evasion, another tied to organized crime, both “neocon-activists.”  Both face arrest.

Despite the entertaining flurry of testimony regarding our army and Secret Service and their “whoring,” we have multiple high level confirmations of an Israeli attempt on President Obama’s life, to have been staged during the visit to Colombia.

If anything, problems with Israel are problems with Netanyahu alone.  He hates black people and can’t help but show it.

Despite his lack of intellectual accomplishment, this is not a particularly clever guy, he talks to Obama as though he were talking down to a slave, which is how we are told Netanyahu thinks of anyone of African background.

On the other hand, Obama, Biden and General Dempsey, though all three extremely disappointed in Netanyahu’s lack of ability and manners, he has repeatedly insulted all three, believing his “mob” connections in the US make him “bulletproof,” see the writing on the wall.

Israel has been isolated, not by Arab dictatorships but by democracies.  If Egypt can get rid of its military junta, Israel will be a lost cause, leaving them only their Wahhabist friends in Saudi Arabia.

The Muslim heresy of “Wahhabism,” spreading terrorism and ignorance, is and we aren’t kidding, a deal cut between the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel to open terrorism schools in every poor Muslim area, raising kids to be suicide bombers.

Why, we might ask?  If you aren’t aware that Israel has made billions in profits peddling protection from “suicide bombers” around the world, you need to catch up on the defense industry.

To keep up business, if a real suicide bomber, some poor mentally abused kid preyed on my religious crazies can’t be found, “someone” will build a car bomb anyway.  Look into it, a growth industry, invest, I am considering printing up a list of companies that do it all, disease and cure.

I found a lot of graphic suicide bomber images but just too gross for a Monday morning, so we go with generic...Jim

Without the Saudi’s funding extremist movements across the Middle East in concert with Israel and friends in the US, nations such as Turkey, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan, whose elections are rated as more democratic than either those held in America or Israel, something unreported in the US press, will, as threatened, let the “sands of time” erase Zionism.

The reality, of course, is that there never was a Zionist cause.  There never was a “Greater Israel” or hope of it.  There is no great nuclear arsenal in Israel as there are no nuclear weapons in North Korea and very few in China.

There is only oil theft, drug running,  money scams, phony terrorism and propaganda.  Israel is like one of those children’s charities, where they show the poor starving child, flies around their eyes, yet your donations do nothing but buy private islands, whoring vacations and private planes.

The Plot to Destroy the United States

Synthetic Aperture




“The 2010 election had one purpose, war with Iran, even if the risk is world conflict and the real loser, no matter what happens on the battlefield is the United States.”

Plans are in motion for a “false flag” attack on America.   Iran will be blamed, everyone knows that and Iran will be totally innocent.  This is the last thing Iran would ever want.  The most likely scenario is a nuclear attack. 

Two bombs are missing, bombs built by Israel in South Africa and lost long ago.  These were supposedly Saddam’s bombs.  Now we are told Iran has them.  Israel has had them all along and the fear, they may be inside the United States already.

The Israeli game with these weapons is one of the worst kept secrets in the world and has already cost the deaths of many.  It will take nothing short of the detonation of one of this Hiroshima sized Israeli nukes to push America into Israel’s war with Iran, much as hunting for these nukes which Israel informed President Bush were in Iraq, led “the decider” to making one of the many blunders of his career.  Our next 9/11 will be nuclear.

The purpose will be to push America into a 20 year war that will destroy Iran and Pakistan, take oil to over $300 per barrel and collapse the dollar and Euro.  Iran isn’t Iraq of 2003, toothless and starving.  This will be America’s last military adventure, and the end of America’s place in the world as we know it.  We know the details of the proposed military campaign and the military and political leaders who support it are the worst imaginable incompetents and traitors.

Invading Iran is an impossible task for America.  Other than there be no reason whatsoever to engage in such folly, something that, of recent years, seems to concern fewer and fewer Americans.   Turn on the TV, if the “rodeo clown” says “wipe ‘em out” then we do it.

Invading Iran is an impossibility for America. Going to the moon was easier.  No matter how senseless, how impossible, the decision has been made, more in Tel Aviv than Washington, for sure, but one that will be obeyed.

There are only two scenarios that can fulfill the nightmare Israel and her shiny new congress have in store with us.  One is a preemptive nuclear attack on Iran and the other full scale total war with up to 500,000 Americans being drafted into the military.


Forcing America to return to a draft and begin a major war, one America can never really win as with Iraq and Afghanistan and, let us not forget Vietnam, is something absolutely vital to hang around the neck of a Democrat,

America at its best, TEA PARTY ART


especially one of African American ancestry.  Anyone who doesn’t think the real heart of American politics has always been racism is a liar.  Family values means “white” family values.  African Americans know shame at the relief they have felt seeing Muslims targeted for persecution.  Every political position in today’s America is derived from institutionalized racism, be it immigration, health care or “constitution.”

When a return to the “constitution” is brought up, by people who wouldn’t know the document from a Croatian take-out menu, the reality is always race, fear, hate and envy, the glue that holds American society prisoner.  Decades ago, and even more recently during our last presidential election, African Americans were represented as animals, “goyim” to the Jews.  Now we play “Kill the camel jockey.”  Is this why the Christianized army we sent to Afghanistan murders innocent civilians for sport?

An America in total economic collapse will require another “decider” and more “Patriot Acts,” even more totalitarian and vicious than the last, that and an end to the even farcical elections that are now inundated with drug money and cash from US based foreign corporations.

This is the plan and a criminal gang in America, some in government and the military but more behind the scenes, “banksters” and media moguls, many with ties to Israel, are working feverishly to bring it about.  However clever the planners may think they are, their mechanations can be tracked through the media, the army of “Wolf Blitzers” that “work” the American people with the subtlety of carny shills.


Why would anyone want to destroy America, kill millions, leave the nation that has been there to save the world over and over a virtual wasteland?  If you think America’s castrated government or the military, now relegated to acting as virtual mercenaries for drug lords, oil cartels and bizarre Zionist plots, have the will or ability to stop what has already begun, you have not been paying attention for some time.  While the “circus of deception” went on, the utterly phony “war on terror,” imaginary enemies, the 9/11 disaster, orchestrated by Israel and its puppets,

Israel has decided that America is going to war with Iran.  The new congress, the one Israel openly boasts is under their total control, will make it happen, it was why they were put there.  The upcoming war will leave the United States crippled, castrated, a “third world” nuclear power like the old Soviet Union.  The plot isn’t against Iran and Pakistan, that’s just an excuse.  The real enemy is what is left of a free and democratic America.

The real goal is to end America’s leadership role in the world.

Israel has plans for Russia, China and India, especially India, to rule the world with them pulling the strings.  America had been their “milk cow” for some time, now that cow is going to slaughter.

Iranian Patrol Boat



This is how it is going to play out.  The news media has gotten their orders, Wikileaks is part of it.  From now on, key members of congress will, on cue, begin harping about the threat of Iran.  Governments in the Middle East that are under the total control of Israel and the American military will aid in every way possible.  Thus far, of all the Islamic nations in the world, only Syria and Afghanistan are not taking orders from Tel Aviv.

The next step will be to replace key military staff as was done prior to 9/11, with “Israel friendly” third stringers, “dominionists” and “Israeli firsters” who place “end times” religious mythology over the welfare, safety and sovereignty of the United States.  This group has been infiltrating the American military for years and has gained control of every service but the Marine Corps, starting with the United States Air Force.

The military pundits, with their laundered payoffs and free trips to Israel and the dozens of propaganda websites have already begun.  If you have a computer, you can check this easily.  Simply go into your email, it will be filled with warnings of Iran and nuclear terrorism.  An Israeli teenager paid dearly to bring you that message, spending a difficult night in a hotel with one of our political or military “pro-Zionists.”

Our newly elected “Tea Party’ gang will be visiting Israel soon, watch and see, there is a “Monica Lewinsky” in their future.  This is how it works, how it has worked for a long time and why we have sunk so low.

Anyone who talks about “liberal” media is part of it.  A cursory check of who owns the media, “liberal” or any other media is easy.  Israel owns our media, all of it.  The stories will start with tales of Iran controlling the Shiite government of Iraq.  Then you will hear of them controlling Karzai’s government in Afghanistan.


Then the stories will start, Iran has to be tied to terrorist attacks on American troops.  Watch for this.  Americans will start dying and Iran will be blamed.  Wikileaks started this with their fanciful stories about Iranians training Iraq in making explosives.  A few years ago, we invaded Iraq because we believed they were building nuclear weapons, or so we were misinformed, now they can’t build pipe bombs without Iranian help?  Wikileaks is a clear demonstration at how childish, how outlandish the lies are going to be.  Wikileaks is prestaging terror attacks on Americans as much as if they made the bombs themselves, no question about that.

Every media outlet that, under specific directions, carries the “party line” on Wikileaks and the rest of it, no matter how absurd, carries these fabrications without question or embarrassment, should be considered a terrorist organization and their employees enemy combatants.

It will be Israel doing the killing just as with 9/11 and the USS Liberty and, frankly, so many other times Americans have died, like the Marines killed in Beirut, an attack Israel admitted knowing of in advance.  More and more, we are finding everything was “known” in advance, “known” because those who knew planned it.

Getting the scene set, all the assets in place, buying or blackmailing congress, keeping the president surrounded by Israeli advisors as he is today, silencing voices of reason in the military, all this is going on right now.

Years have been spent branding Iran and Pakistan as dangerous, the press continually ignoring reports that Iran has no nuclear program or endlessly repeating outrageous rumors that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are almost in the hands approaching “Taliban” forces.  With Karzai’s government Afghanistan openly negotiating with the Taliban after American forces, 9 years of fighting, have only managed to secure 3% of the country, building a case for war tied to Iranian “interference” in that conflict is going to be unmarketable.

This leaves Pakistan.  Drone attacks in Pakistan have brought about considerable destabilization and an increase in terrorism in Pakistan.  They have, as seemingly planned, worked to harm American interests in the region while attempting to bring about the dissolution of Pakistan.  Continual reports of American contractors in Pakistan, working for the CIA and State Department, aiding terrorists, go unreported in the American media.  Even when caught with weapons and explosives inside Pakistan, such reports are suppressed.

Increasingly, evidence is showing that the Mumbai attack, the massive terror assault on India blamed on Pakistan, was orchestrated by one of these American groups.


However, considering the financial collapse engineered though Bush era deregulation frauds combined with unstable tax policies and massive increase in government spending, combined with cost of two failed wars, America’s options are limited.  There is simply no revenue to pay the current military without rollbacks or sustain moderate capabilities and readiness.  America is too broke, not just to fight a new war but to continue the two that are going or even maintain a fully peacetime force at near current levels.

In fact, our military expenditures need to be cut by 30% or more, as studies being reviewed by the Department of Defense and congress are showing.  We have the choice of cutting back now or dealing with consequences later, including, not only cuts in military and veterans health care but substantial cuts in pensions and disability compensation as well.

Another war, and there is no question that another war is planned, will push American debt to $20 trillion or more, half being military expenditures, always a combination of pork, payoffs and “misplaced” weaponry and the rest looted from the economy by the planned massive manipulation of oil prices made possible by the shutoff of world petroleum supplies.



In March, 2010, a Chinese built missile factory opened in Iran.  The plant builds a variety of missiles, primarily anti-ship, with ranges from 100 to 300 miles or more.  These are advanced weapons that can be launched from hardened facilities along Iran’s rugged coastline, from aircraft, both fixed and rotary, from patrol boats, from nearly anything.  One of these missiles can sink a frigate, perhaps even a destroyer.  Several can disable an aircraft carrier.  Approaching Iran from sea is impossible.

Iran controls Hormuz, not just with missiles but patrol boats as well, and not just from their own shore but from the islands in the gulf, some of which were seized 30 years ago and are still held.

The government of the United Arab Emirates has discussed, from time to time, a canal bypassing the strait, through to Oman and into the Persian Gulf.  However, the cost would be outrageous as a ridge of hills would have to be crossed, something difficult to manage with a lock system capable of handing the largest ships in the world, oil supertankers.

The missiles, the torpedo boats and the almost impossible network of islands and swamps along the coast would make suppressing Iran’s capabilities impossible.  The strait would close, oil would stop, Iraq, Iran certainly, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.  In days, currencies would collapse, stock markets shut down, gas lines would form and gas rationing would be required around the world.  All western economies would disappear overnight.

Iranian Facilities at Hormuz


There is simply no way into Iran by land.  We can barely keep American troops in Afghanistan supplied with many routes being hundreds of miles long, narrow roads from the Port of Karachi in Pakistan.  Recently we found how easily this supply line could be cut off.  Agreements with Iran, not to mention religious affiliations between Shiites in Iraq, the majority there and the Shiite based government in Iran, make an approach through Iraq impossible.

We could also consider that our existing forces in Iraq and the entire Persian Gulf could be cut off by Iran with no resupply by sea possible for, not only Iraq but Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait and Iraq.  These nations and the US forces there would be immediately isolated.  The only way in to Iran, restricted because of the topography, is through the province of Baluchistan, a remote area of Pakistan that borders Iran.



This isolated region has become the staging area for attacks against Iran, supposedly by Jundallah “rebels” but actually orchestrated by the Mossad and CIA.  There are two independence movements wanting to break Baluchistan from Pakistan.  One of the leaders I met in Islamabad while he was recovering from gunshot wounds.  The other lives in Israel, surprise-surprise.

Because of the topography of Iran, the only way to approach Tehran is over more than a thousand miles of valleys.  They can only be approached through Pakistan and there is only one port that serves that region.  The only way to resupply other than through this small Chinese built port, Gwadar, is to truck into Kandahar, hundreds of miles, then back down into Pakistan, following the 500,000 man army into Iran in something closely akin to Napoleon’s ill fated invasion of Russia, but even worse if that is possible.

Gwadar, Baluchistan, Pakistan

Tiny port, dirt roads, narrow gauge rail only

The military analogies are inescapable, Dien Bien Phu and Stalingrad are two that come to mind.  Though the government of Pakistan lacks strong civilian leadership and is largely dependent on US aid, the use of Pakistan’s territory for another aggressive war in the Middle East that will perceived by almost all the world’s population, not just Muslims, as a sign of Israel’s control of the United States and its ability to get America to commit any crime, will not be acceptable to the people of Pakistan.  It is also highly unlikely that even Karzai’s government in Afghanistan would abide such an action.

Thus, America could become beset, not just from Pakistan but by its own allies in Afghanistan and, quite possibly, the newly trained and surprisingly effective army in Iraq as well.

America would become a rogue state, even if purporting to respond to a devastating terrorist attack.  In the aftermath of 9/11, America lacks any credibility.  The second a disaster strikes inside America, the world will immediately assume the worst, Israel has deemed such an act necessary to push America to war.  No rational person could assume otherwise.


In order to stabilize the situation with our allies, those likely to become enemies, it will likely necessitate the decapitation of several regimes, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan initially.  Others will quickly fall into line though some will be directly under the control of Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, in particular.  They will become indefensible except through massive airlift, resources that will be needed elsewhere.  Half the troops needed to secure America’s lines of supply left military service after multiple deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq for nearly a decade.  Many are sick, some are homeless and hundreds of thousands are simply “fed up.”

This leaves the new citizen army, the one America had to turn to because of a “9/11 – Pearl Harbor” disaster fewer and fewer believe the cover story on as days go by.  Even in America, despite what Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu thinks, you can only fool people so many times.  The most glaring example of the lack of foresight some of our “War College” grads have can be seen in the Gwadar Port facilities, the only place American can use for supplies for the most difficult invasion in history, with, perhaps, the exception of Okinawa.



The 2010 election paid for a war, there is no question of that.  Many of the puppets in America’s government had to be replaced as there was fear some of them might object to something as obscene as what is in the planning.  Lies, fear mongering and childish rhetoric had never reached the levels seen in 2010.  Never had a nation, since Germany in 1932, gone over to the “darkside” as clearly as America has done, a rejection of decency and common sense.

When the bill becomes due, and it most certainly will, that “smaller government” so many thought they would get will most certainly come true.  What won’t happen is a return to constitutional rule, that will be gone forever.  Habeas Corpus won’t be missed so much in a country where those without the cash to buy their way out of military service, yes, that great American tradition, will be one step ahead of the press gangs working to keep the military training camps filled to capacity.  America may, quite likely, have bitten off a bit too much, a world war, and this time, no allies, none, not a chance.


  • SOCIAL SECURITY: Plans for less government have always been around, we have seen attempts to put these plans in place many times, starting with attempts to have Social Security declared unconstitutional back in the 1930s.  This will be first to go, Social Security.  Getting rid of Social Security has long been a dream of the GOP, either through outlawing it as “Socialism,” or “borrowing” the trust fund to cover war expenses or, more recently “privatization.”  Now, none of those will be needed.  The money will simply disappear overnight, not to pay war expenses, not hardly.  It will be split up and stashed in Swiss bank accounts the same place the “bail out” money went, the same place every 401k in America went, the same place the assets of our largest banks went.
  • MEDICARE/MEDIAID: They will be the next to go.  States will be asked to pay fund this themselves.  There won’t be any more questions about illegal aliens using our medical care, there won’t be any, not for them, not for the poor or not for the senior citizens who paid into medicare all their lives.  Just because it was paid for doesn’t mean the government can’t simply break its promise, there are loyalties more powerful and more important that our government has than to the people.  9/11 proved that to any rational person.
  • TAX INCREASES: The time for borrowing, counterfeit money, the “Federal Reserve System” and selling T -Bills will be over.  China and Iran are close.  China will be finished with us, India too and no more Arab money.  The dollar, the instrument we use to buy oil, fertilizer, metals and so many other things, will be worthless.  We are going to have to invent a new form of monopoly money or go on the barter system.  The dollar, as a world currency, will disappear.
  • SCHOOLS SHUT DOWN: One good thing, schools will shut down.  Thus, America’s inferior education system will no longer do the damage it once did.  Along with that, mothers will be home to take care of children, a “blast from the past.”  The downside, of course, the mothers will have lost their jobs, the homes will be unheated, some with no electricity, more with no water, all eventually repossessed and, unless the government starts giving out food as it had in the past, we will see starvation.  The money that financed Food Stamps will be long gone.
  • MILITARY AND VETERANS PENSIONS HALVED: Long seen as “freeloaders,” veterans and military retirees will be cut off.  Pensions once seen as a “promise” have long been referred to as “entitlements.”  Any entitlement can be “unentitled” and these will.
  • MILITARY PAY CUT: Troops in Vietnam were paid $30 dollars a week.  We are going to see that again.


The draft, worthless money, gas lines, martial law, metal detectors in supermarkets, cameras everywhere, everything filmed, recorded, everyone every day, biometrics, face recognition, these things will be part of our lives from now on.  These are the plans and putting this machinery in place, much of it “designed” in Israel, is what Americans voted for, this and the invasion of Iran, part of a war where only Americans will fight and die.

No one cares about Iran.  No knowledgeable person ever thought they had nuclear weapons or wanted them.  It was never about them.  They were never a target, they were never a threat.  The threat, the target, was always the United States.  We were the danger, a free people.

Free people can’t be trusted, can’t be managed.

The plans are in place to bring that to an end.  How many Americans will continue to be a part of it?


Since the end of the Second World War, national intelligence organizations have gained direct control over almost every non-governmental entity working for political and social change.  We aren’t just talking about trade unions and political parties.  We are talking revolutionary groups and, in particular, terrorist organizations.  Israel alone has an estimated 300 agents among the top leadership of Muslim organizations, be they the Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Hizbollah or Al Qaeda.  When arrests are made or we see drone strikes or even assassinations, are they meant to destroy capabilities or are they simply helping an intelligence organization consolidate control over an operational asset, one used to manipulate world events to serve an agenda.

We know for certain that the latter is the case.

We are now told the CIA has saved American tourists in Europe from being kidnapped, dragged off the Eiffel Tower, bludgeoned at the Tower of London or lassoed at the Louvre.  This isn’t July.  America is in the middle of a depression, kids are back in school, finding an American tourist in Europe would take some work, even for CIA trained terrorists that make up Al Qaeda.  The story would have almost passed muster if it didn’t carry the embellishment of mysterious training camps and personal directions from Osama bin Laden.

This is just another scary story to go out on internet news letters filled with conspiracy tales about Obama the Muslim-Socialist from Kenya.   These are the “good conspiracies,” the ones that frighten, confuse, anger, blind and keep the public from looking “behind the curtain.”

Many experts contend that Al Qaeda is a construct made up for the news, for duping the President, not all that hard according to Bob Woodward, or the fools in congress.   Never has an organization been as ethereal or as timely.

Both elements of “Al Qaeda” along with its clear history as a CIA established organization make every mention of it suspicious.  Whenever there is a need for a “wag the dog”news story, “Al Qaeda” is dragged out as the whipping boy.  Never has any organization, one as mysterious and insubstantial as this one whose supposed leader, Osama bin Laden,  has not only been dead for years but when he was alive, not only worked directly for the CIA but comes from a family directly tied to, not only the Bush family, but, in fact, close friends and business partners for decades at every level.

If we can’t make a decent enemy out of Iran or North Korea, then we can always reinvent Al Qaeda and keep reinventing it, moving it to any part of the world that needs destabilization to promote the interests of powerful multi-national corporations or Israel.  Our current scare, a “pre-election special,”  is based on, we are told, stories received from an “informant” held by the CIA, the same CIA whose “reliable informants” sent 5,000 Americans to their death in Iraq looking for non-existent weapons of mass destruction.

We are told all this information comes from a source being held at the infamous Bagram detention center, a “source” claiming that groups trained in Waziristan under the direct supervision of Osama bin Laden are now all over Europe, top quality passports, probably made in Israel, hunting down Americans.  I don’t buy a word of it.  When CIA Director Leon Panetta said nobody had heard from bin Laden since 2001, do you think he was trying to make a point?  Won’t anyone come out and say it, bin Laden has been dead for nearly a decade.  Why don’t we admit it, keeping the ghost of Osama bin Laden alive is now seen as saving a valuable franchise, in effect, a license to lie, steal and kill.

Even when he was alive, bin Laden worked for the CIA.  He always worked for the CIA, and we are told continually, “Nobody ever quits the CIA.”  We can prove, beyond a doubt, that bin Laden was a major CIA asset in Afghanistan.  What we can’t prove is that he ever quit.  Did he go to work for Israel instead?

This idea of terrorist training camps is also a crock.  Please, load me on a plane, get me a Pakistan visa ( I have one) and fly me into Lahore.  3 ISI agents will follow me out of the airport, one will be driving my cab.

"Hey, this isn't the way to Waziristan!"

“Please take me to Waziristan, either north or south, I don’t care which, just get me to the nearest terrorist training camp as quickly as possible.  See if you can lose the guy following us, yes, the one on the motorbike with the AK-47.  No, the other one on the motorbike with the AK-47, the guy with the blue T-shirt. No, the dark blue shirt, plus, that guy has an MP 5 sub-machine gun and, anyway, I think that one is a girl.”

Driving in Lahore is alot like Detroit.

We aren’t saying there aren’t terrorists.  In fact, there are more terrorists today than ever before, the United States has been running a huge recruiting campaign for terrorists.  Not only do our wars recruit terrorists but our Predator attacks that have killed so many innocent civilians are bringing more and more onboard.  Even more successful is our campaign of wanton slaughter of civilians by death squads, referred to lovingly by the American press as “killing for sport.”  This recruits terrorists.


This is the conventional cover story:  Saudi Arabia gives millions of dollars to extremist Mullahs.  Poor children, boys only, go to these schools, memorize the Koran and bang their heads on the ground all day.  Upon graduation, each student is either given a suicide vest or sent to America to learn to fly aircraft into buildings.

Poor and semi-illiterate children aren’t very “telegenic,” however.  So, when television has to depict terrorists, it picks dark skinned “bad boys” who are both threatening but somehow compelling.  Most TV terrorists have one thing in common.  They are Jews.  After all, these are highly valued roles, playing the “heavy.”  Thus, our “TV terrorists” are tall, well groomed, highly educated, expensively dressed, have the best cars, stay in the best hotels, eat in the best restaurants.

Where do I sign up?

Who are the “real” terrorists then?  They are all educated, speak several languages, fly “first class” only and bounce around the planet like “jet setters.”  Funny thing is, we never find out who pays the bills, helps them through airports, sponsors and co-signs their visa applications, helps them rent apartments.

“What we do know is that none of them come from the primitive border regions of Af-Pak, where America, NATO, Pakistan and dozens of agencies, mercenary armies and assassination teams, not to mention scores of lethal drone aircraft, search day and night for, lets be honest, something that doesn’t exit and never has.”

The “terrorism franchise” driving, not only American TV, but British television as well, is far from entertainment.  Benny Hill is entertainment.  Dancing with the Stars is entertainment.  The tireless selling of terrorism, not only as a threat but, in view of the fact that these TV shows are all seen in the Islamic world as well, as an attractive alternative lifestyle, is both duplicitous and sinister. A few years ago, we learned how TV and movies influenced organized crime in the United States.

During a number of trials of organized crime figures in recent years, it was revealed that the Godfather films and others like them,  supplied the historical context used by real organized crime to establish a distinctive group identity.  Without the movies, they said they wouldn’t know how to talk like gangster, how to stage “hits” (assassinations)  or hold initiation ceremonies.  The movies told them how to organize on the basis of ancient Roman traditions. Problem is, the things they learned were fiction.  The “Mafia” as seen on television never existed and the Italian based crime organizations established to mirror fiction could very well be considered a “construct” of the entertainment industry.

Well, the exact same thing is true for terrorists.  They learn how to dress and act, how to pick out targets, even how to evade authorities from watching TV.

It is probably true that, without American television, most “terrorists” would never have imagined a career in that kind of thing.  After all, it isn’t the first thing that pops into mind after getting a degree from a university.


We aren’t talking training.  There hasn’t been a credible terrorist attack that doesn’t have the signature of an intelligence agency on it in years.  Even the “Crotch Bomber” and the “Time Square Fizzler” had clear trails, perhaps dual trails, showing them to be “terrorists” but also showing the magic hand of fate, passing through airports, doors mysteriously opening for them, helping hands everywhere.  There are even doubts about Dr. Hassan,  the “Ft. Hood killer.”  When his name was found on the “premium” guest list at a security conference for Bush officials we wondered.  When we contacted the conference and got a lame cover story and then watched the whole thing disappear as though it never happened, as is so often the case, we may have found another “hybrid.”

In a world “gone mad” with security protocols making travel a near impossibility, the only group of people capable of getting anywhere anymore are terrorists.  Is there, perhaps, a special passport they are given, like diplomatic passports but better?  Who has that kind of power?  Does a country that does things like this come to mind?


The concept of “privatization” is a recent one for terrorists.  Traditionally, most terrorist organizations were organized and financed as part of Cold War initiatives, either under the guise of anti-colonialism or, as with the establishment of the State of Israel, ethnic cleansing.  Little or nothing is allowed to be taught about the Zionist movement and its allegiances to Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia or the infiltration of the corridors of power and finance in London or Washington.  Zionism would be the “third movement,” neither purely communist nor capitalist but both ethnocentric and predatory but largely economic in nature.   Much less is taught about the roots of Israel and the terror war waged against, not only the residents of Palestine but the British administrative forces in the region as well.  Even less is discussed about the efforts to force Jews to relocate to Palestine and how “doors were closed,” not by anti-Semites but Zionists themselves.

In fact, Jews killing other Jews, directly or indirectly, in order to push for the establishment of Israel is one of the best kept secrets of the 20th century.


The period of the Cold War, typically 1947 through 1990, is described by most scholars as one during which there were three power bases, the “communist” East, the “capitalist” West and the non-aligned nations.  East and West were seen in a half-century struggle over the ‘hearts and minds” of the former colonial world, Africa, Latin and Central America, the Middle East and Asia, particularly Southeast Asia.

There was a special group of powers seen as both aligned and “non-aligned.”  These were spoken of as “surrogates” or “puppets” or even “rogue states.”  They were Israel, Iraq, Iran, South Africa, North Korea, Libya, Cuba, East Germany, Turkey, Taiwan, Rhodesia, Czechoslovakia and South Africa.  Another of the “great secrets” of the 20th century is that these nations often operated in unison, sharing intelligence services, weapons, jointly spying on the United States in particular, and, in general, making up a real “axis of evil” in much the vein spoken of by Presidents Ronald Reagan and George “W” Bush.

Working closely with them were “off center” groups within the intelligence agencies of the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, Pakistan, India and others.  Helping facilitate the relationships between these nations, the “off center” intelligence groups and a myriad of customers, terrorist groups, revolutionaries and criminal organizations were the arms dealers, including Bush family members, Saudis, Israelis, Rhodesians, South Africans and hundreds of others from around the world including international bankers, diplomats and UN officials.

Osama bin Laden came from this shadowy world.  200 more names could be put behind his, constituting some of the most dangerous people in the world.  Most are still around, many are still active, still in business and growing richer every day.  When a powerful United States Senator vacations on a yacht in the Mediterranean, his host is likely to be one of these 200.  When that same Senator visits a head of state, chances are, the message he is carrying is not an American one, but from his vacation host.  It isn’t just “senators” and it isn’t just one.  These “merchants of death” control more political leaders than any other group, any lobby, even more than the State of Israel, although, and this is no secret, a significant number of these “merchants of death” are Israelis.

Their trade, bio weapons, nuclear centrifuges, German submarines, American cluster-bombs, anthrax, land mines, missiles of all kinds, shapes and sizes, is a 300 billion dollar industry, working hand in hand with global espionage and drug rings, money launderers, “military contracting” companies and, oh yes, the oil industry.

Welcome to reality as it exists, not “TV” reality but one that explains the real world.

These three great powers, two representing opposing power blocs and the third financing both sides and playing one against the other, all used terrorism extensively around the world to support their aims.  Any populist leader or agrarian reformer would quickly find himself inundated with offers of weapons and training.  Some became dictators and potentates while others strayed and became “axis of evil” cartoon bandits.  All, at one time, served the West, the East, Zionism or all three.

Let’s look at a few names:  Castro, Chavez, bin Laden, Marcos, the Shah, Noriega, Sukarno, Saddam, Karzai, Pinochet, Duvalier, Diem, Ho Chi Minh, Chaing Kai Chek, Pol Pot, Robert Mogabe, Idi Amin, Franco, Suharto, Somoza, Trujillo, Mobutu.

This is the top of a list of those who rose to power, some at the behest of the West, some the East, many both, more than a few financially entangled with our Israeli friends and the mechanisms for generating a control far more pervasive than simple politics or economics through sovereign debt manipulation.  When you add another hundred names to the list, not just the warlords and dictators but the “liberation movements” that have been infiltrated with cash or taken over through “surgery,” assassinations and manipulation, you can develop a clear picture of how revolution, dissent and terrorism are used to support oligarchical agendas.

What is the “oligarchical agenda?”

Oligarchy is about control, about ignorance and about power through centralized wealth through distribution of, not wealth but debt.

Were they hypotheses presented here to be valid, there would have to be a consensus as to whether a historical model of the past 50 years is described, one that seems to fit.  Are people getting poorer, less powerful and is the world increasingly controlled by unseen and unexplained forces capable of creating conflict at will and successfully hiding who they are?  Are we continually bombarded with opposing “conspiracy theory” and yet find the “world view” we are presented, the “official and certified” version,  as unsatisfying  and unable to describe the world convincingly?

The Occupy Wall Street movement is facing evictions in multiple cities after two months of demonstrations in city parks and squares. In the past two weeks, police have forcibly removed protesters from their encampments in Denver, Portland, Salt Lake City, Oakland, Zurich, and now New York City. Overnight, New York City police officers moved into Zucotti Park, handing out fliers telling protesters they had to leave or face arrest. (The Mayor's Office claimed it was only temporary, to allow for cleaning.) Currently some 150 protesters are gathered around Zucotti Park, preparing to re-occupy if a judge decides the city has not shown just cause for eviction. Collected here are images from several of the recent evictions, as Occupy Wall Street protesters face a turning point in their movement.

Police move through a makeshift kitchen, known as the Thunderdome, at Occupy Denver, smashing as they walk. The clearing out of Civic Center Park began on November 12, 2011, six Saturdays after Occupy Denver began with hundreds of participants marching through the city's downtown. (AP Photo/Leah Millis - The Denver Post)


An Occupy Denver protester is searched after being tackled and arrested by Denver police, who began arresting people on the 16th Street Mall, on November 12, 2011, in Denver, to end their second march of the day. (AP Photo/Leah Millis - The Denver Post) #


Smoke lingers after police put out a large fire in a grill before moving protesters out of Civic Center Park, on November 12, 2011. (AP Photo/Leah Millis - The Denver Post) #


Police officers hold the line as they remove belongings left behind after they cleared Civic Center Park, on November 12, 2011. (AP Photo/Leah Millis - The Denver Post) #


Riot police are engulfed in a mass of defiant protesters at the Occupy Portland camp, on November 13, 2011, in Portland, Oregon. In spite of an eviction notice for early Sunday morning, Portland police delayed closing two downtown parks early today as thousands of people converged to support the Occupy Portland movement. (Natalie Behring/Getty Images) #


A protester pleads with police during a demonstration near the Occupy Portland encampment, on November 13, 2011, in Portland, Oregon. Portland police have reclaimed the two parks in which occupiers have been camping after a night of brinksmanship with protesting crowds of several thousands. (Natalie Behring/Getty Images) #


Police officers arrests a protester in the Portland encampment, on November 13, 2011, in, Portland, Oregon. In a tense escalation of the Occupy Portland protest, police in riot gear Sunday surrounded demonstrators in a downtown park area after hundreds of people defied the mayor's order to leave the park by midnight. By early afternoon, officers had mostly surrounded the camp where the protesters were holding a "general assembly" meeting to discuss their next moves following the eviction order. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) #


Debris is scattered on the grounds of a park where Occupy Portland demonstrators camped, on November 14, 2011, in, Portland, Oregon. Two downtown Portland parks where Occupy Portland demonstrators camped for weeks are clear Monday and police say crews will be removing debris and assessing damage. Mayor Sam Adams ordered the camps cleared over the weekend because of unhealthy conditions, drug use and other crime. (AP Photo/Rick Bowmer) #


Police in riot gear are silhouetted against cyclone and barbed wire fencing surrounding Chapmen Square where the Occupy Portland camp used to be in Portland, Oregon, on November 13, 2011. Protesters were allowed back into the camp early Sunday morning but police in riot gear came in later in the day, moved the protesters out and started cleaning up and fencing the park blocks. (AP Photo/Don Ryan) #


Police arrest an Occupy Wall Street protester in Portland, Oregon, early November 13, 2011. (Reuters/Steve Dipaola) #


Protesters at the Occupy Portland camp chant slogans and hold up signs on November 13, 2011, in Portland, Oregon. In spite of an eviction notice for early Sunday morning, Portland police delayed closing two downtown parks early today as thousands of people converged to support the Occupy Portland movement.(Natalie Behring/Getty Images) #


Members of the Occupy Paradeplatz movement look on as Zurich riot police officers stand guard during their removal from the Lindenhof in Zurich, on November 15, 2011. Police began to clear the Lindenhof in downtown Zurich on early Tuesday morning, where protesters from the movement have been camping since October. (Reuters/Christian Hartmann) #


Zurich riot police officers carry a protester as they remove members of the Occupy Paradeplatz movement from the Lindenhof in Zurich, on November 15, 2011. (Reuters/Christian Hartmann) #


Police officers arrest an Occupy Oakland demonstrator inside a tent at Frank H. Ogawa Plaza in Oakland, California, on November 14, 2011. (Reuters/Stephen Lam) #


An Occupy Oakland protester is handcuffed to be detained as police officers take down the Occupy Oakland encampment at the Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of the Oakland City Hall, on November 14, 2011, in Oakland, California. Hundreds of police in riot gear swept into the Occupy Oakland site at dawn on Monday, an officer said, ordering protesters to leave the camp, which has been a weeks-long source of tension for the California city. (Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images) #


Police officers take down tents of the Occupy Oakland encampment to evict Occupy Oakland protesters, who are camping at the Frank Ogawa Plaza in front of the Oakland City Hall, on November 14, 2011, in Oakland, California. (Kimihiro Hoshino/AFP/Getty Images) #


Police break up an encampment for an Occupy Wall Street demonstration in Oakland, California, on November 14, 2011. Police in Oakland began clearing out a weeks-old encampment early Monday after issuing several warnings to Occupy demonstrators. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma) #


A view shows the empty Occupy Oakland campsite following an eviction, in Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland, California, on November 14, 2011. (Reuters/Beck Diefenbach) #


Workers clear debris from Frank Ogawa Plaza in Oakland, California, on November 14, 2011. (Reuters/Robert Galbraith) #


Demonstrators re-enter the Frank H. Ogawa plaza after authorities moved in and evicted Occupy Oakland's encampment in Oakland, California, on November 14, 2011. Police moved in early on Monday and cleared out anti-Wall Street protesters from Oakland's City Hall plaza, arresting 33 people but avoiding the sort of clashes that marked a previous attempt to shut down the Occupy Oakland camp. (Reuters/Stephen Lam) #


Pat Kanzler, of Eureka, California, stands outside the Humboldt County Courthouse in Eureka, California, Monday morning, November 14, 2011. Earlier Monday, authorities arrested 32 people and cleared out an Occupy encampment. Eureka police Sgt. Stephen Watson told the San Francisco Chronicle that the people arrested will be held until they post bail, and that the Humboldt County district attorney will file unlawful lodging and other charges. (AP Photo/The Times-Standard, Josh Jackson) #


Police officers disperse Occupy Wall Street protesters near the encampment at Zuccotti Park in New York, early Tuesday, November 15, 2011. At about 1 a.m. Tuesday, police handed out notices from the park's owner, Brookfield Office Properties, and the city saying that the park had to be cleared because it had become unsanitary and hazardous. Protesters were told they could return, but without sleeping bags, tarps or tents. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) #


People link arms a few blocks from Zuccotti Park as New York City officials clear the Occupy Wall Street protest from the park in the early morning hours of November 15, 2011, in New York. (Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images) #


A man confronts a New York Police Department officer a few blocks from Zuccotti Park as New York City officials clear the Occupy Wall Street protest from the park in the early morning hours of November 15, 2011, in New York. (Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images) #


New York City police officers scuffle with Occupy Wall Street protesters after they were evicted from Zuccotti Park, on November 15, 2011, in New York City. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images) #


A New York City police officer scuffles with Occupy Wall Street protesters after they were evicted from Zuccotti Park, on November 15, 2011, in New York City. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images) #


An Occupy Wall Street protester is arrested by New York City police officers after the protesters were evicted from Zuccotti Park, on November 15, 2011, in New York City. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images) #


An arrested Occupy Wall Street protester screams from a police van, on November 15, 2011, in New York. Police evicted the protesters from Zuccotti Park. Hundreds of police in riot gear dismantled the Occupy Oakland camp Monday, evicting and arresting protesters in the second such US move in as many days as authorities get tough against the two-month-old protest movement. (Don Emmert/AFP/Getty Images) #


A protester affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement pours milk over the eyes of another fellow protester to ease the pain from pepper spray during an unannounced raid by the New York City Police Department outside Zuccotti Park in New York, in the early hours of November 15, 2011. (Reuters/Andrew Burton) #


A woman yells at New York Police Department officers as New York City officials clear the Occupy Wall Street protest from Zuccotti Park in the early morning hours of November 15, 2011, in New York City. (Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images) #


An Occupy Wall Street protester yells out at police after being ordered to leave Zuccotti Park, the Movement's longtime encampment in New York, early Tuesday, November 15, 2011. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) #


Police officers order Occupy Wall Street protesters to leave Zuccotti Park, the Movement's longtime encampment in New York, early Tuesday, November 15, 2011. (AP Photo/John Minchillo) #


Trash is piled high near Zuccotti Park, Occupy Wall Street's longtime encampment in New York, during the cleanup effort early Tuesday, November 15, 2011. (AP Photo/John Minchillo) #


Lieutenant Hayward of the New York Police Department prepares to strike Brent Schmidt (right) after members of the Occupy Wall Street movement were removed from Zuccotti Park in New York November 15, 2011. (Reuters/Lucas Jackson) #


New York City sanitation workers clear the Occupy Wall Street protest from Zuccotti Park in the early morning hours of November 15, 2011, in New York City. (Stan Honda/AFP/Getty Images) #


A member of the Department of Sanitation removes a drum, among other belongings of the Occupy Wall Street movement, from Zuccotti Park in New York, on November 15, 2011. Authorities declared that the continued occupation of Zuccotti Park -- which had become a sea of tents, tarps and protest signs with hundreds of demonstrators sleeping there -- posed a health and safety threat. (Reuters/Lucas Jackson) #


Workers use pressure washers to clean Zuccotti Park after New York City police in riot gear removed Occupy Wall Street protesters early on November 15, 2011, in New York City. (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) #


A man sits on the back of a New York Police Department squad car as he is surrounded by demonstrators affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement in New York, on November 15, 2011. Police wearing helmets and carrying shields evicted protesters with the Occupy Wall Street movement early on Tuesday from the park in New York City's financial district where they have camped since September, dismantling their tent city and arresting about 70 people. (Reuters/Lucas Jackson) #


A pedestrian takes a picture of an empty and closed Zuccotti Park in New York, early on November 15, 2011. Police officers evicted Occupy Wall Street protesters from the park overnight. The National Lawyers Guild obtained a court order allowing the protesters to return with their tents to the park, where they have camped for two months. The guild said the injunction prevents the city from enforcing park rules on the protesters. (AP Photo/Seth Wenig) #


A statue of a businessman sits behind a police barricade at the edge of a closed Zuccotti Park in New York, on November 15, 2011, after the Occupy Wall Street encampment was cleared form the park in the early morning hours after a nearly two month occupation. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

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