Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hidden UFO Imagery Hacked The secret truth of UFO”s now uncovered


The sonar picture of the unidentified object resembles the famed Star Wars ship the Millennium Falcon Unidentified treasure: Shipwreck divers are perplexed by the oddly-shaped object that they found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea      

NASA: Hidden UFO Imagery Hacked

The secret truth of UFO”s now uncovered

The Editor World News Tomorrow


All images copyright protected, vigorously enforcedCounter Intelligence Agency

By Gordon Duff with Ricardo Baretzky

Veterans Today, working with Ricardo Baretzky, Operational Director of the Counter Intelligence Agency Asian desk has cracked NASA’s encryption block.

The craft shown above and in the video, we are informed, is in Australia without government approval.  They don’t even know it is there.

This is an armed military craft, US Department of Defense, capable of use against any potential target on earth.  Sources indicate that this craft has been used against “targets.”

There have been reports of unusual drone attacks in Pakistan and Afghanistan where victims have dissolved or are found with their bodies in a “rubberized” state.

These are confirmed.


This allowed one of the TR 3C spacecraft to have been photographed at its mooring site in the Australian “outback,” where all “non classified” observation has been blocked.

This is the third version in the TR series, the first built in 1953.  Full capabilities of this craft are classified.

This is a fully armed and operational craft, capable of planetary defense against any known weapons including but not limited to ICBMs.

The drive is said to be a mercury/rare earth plasma system and a highly classified “energy cannon.”

There are two types of systems in use, including a “round” UFO of gigantic size which is not of “terrestrial origin.”

Satellite imagery from within “Area 51″…in flight:


Partial failure of field generated camoflage of large craft moored in Area 51, a possible explanation of the “Phoenix Lights.”

Photograph of “Phoenix lights:”

July, 2008, Phoenix, AZ

WORLD NEWS TOMORROW -USA. For decades the UFOlogist have tried to proof the existence of UFO”s. Some believe they exist but although much evidence was presented with over 179 000 reported cases annually worldwide, the global entities persisted that they are a mere hoax and the fiction of the imagination of man.

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Now this story of a global security threat, is about to unfold. Ricardo Baretzky, one of the world leading global security threat analyst and specialist has taken the daunting task to once and for all provide that analytical proof that there was indeed some kind of global cover-up and not the imaginations of man but rather a fact of existence.

Several NASA images of Google maps that emerged were analyzed and interesting findings were made, that proof beyond any reasonable doubt that strange lights in the skies might not be your imagination at all, but a reality truck from your consciousness to avoid you to know the truth.

One image that emerged and brought clarity to light was that of the TR 3B, a so called secret black project denied by many officials of its existence. The mercury plasma driven triangular build UFO, is a technology that reaches and stretch far beyond our skies. With a estimated top speed of 17000 miles per hour, one should asked the questions why?

The myth of the UFO can now be once and for all be clarified. During the investigation it was discovered that the picture (see video below) emerged from a NASA Satellite taken in 2012 during flight over the Australian territory . It also come to light that some of google earth maps might have been altered to deliberately block out the images and seems to have been deleted from another versions in public use.

Baretzky said that more interesting pictures have emerged and is still at the counter intelligence laboratory for analyses, but so far it seems very promising and highly unlikely that these could be any false flag since they were taken by NASA’s own satellites in orbit.

The fact that this is an unedited satellite image from NASA published by google maps, makes it by no doubt the original evidence needed to procure the existence of these technologies. The coordinates of these NASA Google map images is as follow 30°30’38.86″ S /115°22’58.17″ E


The truth is out there... we just can't find it: Australia's military loses its UFO X-Files report

It's a mystery worthy of Mulder and Scully, and is sure to deepen the suspicions of conspiracy theorists. The Australian military has lost its X-Files.

After a two-month search, in response to a newspaper Freedom of Information request, Australia's Department of Defence was forced to admit that it could not find the documents.

They detail sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects, or UFOs, across the vast, sparsely populated country.

It's a mystery: Mulder and Scully, played by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, in hit U.S. sci fi series The X Files

It's a mystery: Mulder and Scully, played by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson, in hit U.S. sci fi series The X Files

'The files could not be located and Headquarters Air Command formally advised that this file is deemed lost,' the department's FOI assistant director, Natalie Carpenter, told the Sydney Morning Herald.

The only file staff were able to locate was a folder called: 'Report on UFOs/Strange Occurrences and Phenomena in Woomera'.


Woomera is a military weapons testing range in the centre of Australia's vast outback.

All other files had been lost or destroyed, which the Herald said could fuel conspiracy theories about their disappearance.

The single remaining file detailed a sketchy series of sightings from around the country and overseas, including people living in towns near Woomera, in South Australia state.

Woomera Rocket Launch Base: The remaining files all relate to UFO sightings in and around this area

Woomera Rocket Launch Base: The remaining files all relate to UFO sightings in and around this area

Established as a restricted access township in the Forties, Woomera Defence Village is an Australian Defence Force run town.

It supports the Woomera Test Range which is used to assess military and civilian missile, ordnance, and aerospace systems.

Like the secret Area 51 base in the U.S., it seems to have hosted a range of paranormal sightings.

X Files, named after a popular U.S. television science fiction programme, refer to supposed government records detailing paranormal mysteries, often involving fictitious aliens.

Australia's military had decided to stop taking UFO sighting reports in late 2000, the Herald said, asking members of the public to report incidents to police instead.



Deny all knowledge: How the Ministry of Defence now handles reported UFO sightings


The murky world of alleged alien activity has become even more secretive because defence officials have been instructed to destroy all UFO reports they receive, it was revealed today.

The bid to prevent publication of the sightings is contained in a previously secret memo.

Britain's official UFO investigation unit and hotline were closed down at the start of December.


The truth is out there: But not at the MoD where all reports of supposed alien activity will be destroyed

Since then reports of strange sights in the skies sent to the MoD have been kept for 30 days before being thrown out, the newly released policy document shows.

This stance was adopted so defence officials would not have to publish the information in response to freedom of information (FoI) requests or pass it to the National Archives.

The memo, dated November 11, 2009, sets out the MoD's reasons for shutting its UFO unit and ceasing to invite the public to send in details of sightings.

It notes that the number of reports the department received soared last year, taking up extra resources and diverting staff from 'more valuable' defence-related activities.

The MoD recorded 634 UFO sightings in 2009, the second-highest annual total after 1978, when there were 750, according to UFO expert Dr David Clarke.

This compares with an average of about 150 reports a year over the past decade.

The memo states: 'The dedicated UFO hotline answer phone service and e-mail address serve no defence purpose, and merely encourage the generation of correspondence of no defence value.

'Accordingly these facilities should be withdrawn as soon as possible.'

The official document covers what defence officials should do when they receive reports of UFOs in the future.

UFO drawing

Reported sighting: A drawing of an alleged UFO, recently released by the National Archives. Such releases will not be possible in the future due to new MoD rules

It says: 'Reported sightings received from other sources should be answered by a standard letter and... should be retained for 30 days and then destroyed, largely removing any future FoI liability and negating the need to release future files post-November 30 2009.'

The memo reveals that MoD chiefs made a point of not discussing their plans to close the UFO unit with other countries because of fears this could be perceived as part of a global cover-up.

It states: 'We have deliberately avoided formal approaches to other Governments on this issue.

'Such approaches would become public when the relevant UFO files are released, and would be viewed by 'ufologists' as evidence of international collaboration and conspiracy.'

But the document includes as an annex a printout from the US Department of Defence website explaining that the American government stopped collecting reports of UFO sightings in December 1969.

Dr Clarke, a lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University, obtained the memo through an FoI request.

He said: 'This is the final rubber-stamping of the decision - they just want to totally wash their hands of the UFO business altogether.

'It's just been a millstone around their necks ever since the Cold War. They have decided that whatever they do, it reflects badly on them.'

The expert said the MoD's new policy on destroying UFO reports would make it much more difficult to uncover the truth about incidents in the future.

'It's like they're desperately trying to avoid having to answer FoI requests on this subject,' he said.

'Even if something quite serious happened, perhaps where there was a near-miss with an airline, the MoD will say, 'we may have had a report on it, but we've destroyed it'.'

The MoD is releasing its historic UFO files gradually through the National Archives.

Five instalments have been made public so far, amounting to about a third of the total.

'It was a craft that did not come from this planet': CIA agent speaks out on 65th anniversary of Roswell 'UFO' landings

  • 'Box' of information includes photographs that prove Roswell UFO was real
  • Report by veteran CIA agent who
  • Information concealed in 'Vault' beneath CIA's Langley headquarters

A long-serving CIA agent has spoken out on the 65th anniversary of the Roswell Incident to reveal a hidden CIA file on the 'UFO' that was supposedly found at the site - and says, 'It really happened.'

Conspiracy theorists believe that alien bodies from the crashed 'disc' were autopsied - and that modern technologies have been built on discoveries from inside the craft.

Chase Brandon, an agent who served 25 years with the agency, said that the information is concealed in a hidden vault within the agency's Langley headquarters.

'It was in a vaulted area - there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell. I rummaged inside it, put the box on the shelf and said, "My God, it really happened."

The truth is out there? The U.S. Air Force released this 1972 photo of a Viking space probe as part of its report on the so called 'Roswell Incident' of 1947.

The truth is out there? The U.S. Air Force released this 1972 photo of a Viking space probe as part of its report on the so called 'Roswell Incident' of 1947.

CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia: Chase Brandon claims to have seen a secret room in which the 'truth' about the Roswell incident is kept

CIA headquarters at Langley, Virginia: Chase Brandon claims to have seen a secret room in which the 'truth' about the Roswell incident is kept

Chase Brandon worked for the CIA for 35 years, and has overseen covert operations in 70 countries

Chase Brandon worked for the CIA for 35 years, and has overseen covert operations in 70 countries

'It was not a weather balloon - it was what people first reported,' says Chase Brandon, a CIA agent who served 35 years with the agency. 'It was a craft that did not come from this planet.'

Brandon spoke out on the 65th anniversary of the Roswell incident - and claims to have seen direct evidence of the 'alien' visitation in a high-security area of the CIA's Langley headquarters.

For twenty-five years Brandon served in the Agency’s elite Clandestine Service as an undercover, covert operations officer carrying out foreign assignments involving international terrorism, counterinsurgency, global narcotics trafficking and weapons smuggling.

When the Roswell incident occurred, military authorities issued a press release, which began: ‘The many rumours regarding the flying disc became a reality yesterday when the intelligence officer of the 509th Bomb Group of the Eighth Air Force, Roswell Army Air Field, was fortunate enough to gain possession of a disc.’

Yet, just 24 hours later, the military changed their story and claimed the object they'd first thought was a 'flying disc' was a weather balloon that had crashed on a nearby ranch.

Amazingly, the media and the public accepted the explanation without question.  Now agents such as Brandon are once again calling into question the 'official' line on the incident.   Brandon, a covert operations officer who served with the Agency for 25 years, worked in counterinsurgency and weapons smuggling, but also liased with the entertainment industries.  He is the author of several books. He says he will not reveal exactly what lay within the box that 'erased' his doubts about the Roswell incident.  ‘Some written material and some photographs, and that's all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box,’ he told the Huffington Post.

A room known as 'The Vault' at Langley is said to house secrets such as pictures and information on the Roswell Incident

A room known as 'The Vault' at Langley is said to house secrets such as pictures and information on the Roswell Incident

The Roswell incident in 1947 when autopsies were allegedly carried out on aliens who crashed in the New Mexico desert, and then covered up by American authorities

The Roswell incident in 1947 when autopsies were allegedly carried out on aliens who crashed in the New Mexico desert, and then covered up by American authorities


Lieutenant Walter Haut was the public relations officer at the base in 1947, and was the man who issued the original and subsequent press releases after the crash on the orders of the base commander, Colonel William Blanchard. Haut died in 2006, but left a sworn affidavit to be opened only after his death. The text asserts that the weather balloon claim was a cover story, and that the real object had been recovered by the military and stored in a hangar. He described seeing not just the craft, but alien bodies.
Haut's affidavit talks about a high-level meeting he attended with base commander Col William Blanchard and the Commander of the Eighth Army Air Force, Gen Roger Ramey. Haut states that at this meeting, pieces of wreckage were handed around for participants to touch, with nobody able to identify the material.
He says the press release was issued because locals were already aware of the crash site, but in fact there had been a second crash site, where more debris from the craft had fallen.
Haut also spoke about a clean-up operation, where for months afterwards military personnel scoured both crash sites searching for all remaining pieces of debris, removing them and erasing all signs that anything unusual had occurred.  ‘But it absolutely, for me, was the single validating moment that everything I had believed, and knew that so many other people believed had happened, truly was what occurred.'  Earlier publicly released documents appear to back up Brandon's story - or at least the idea that American authorities covered up involvement with aliens.  One memo that appears to prove that New Mexico prior to 1950 has been published by the FBI.  The bureau has made thousands of files available in a new online resource called The Vault.  Among them is a memo to the director from Guy Hottel, the special agent in charge of the Washington field office in 1950.  In the memo, whose subject line is 'Flying Saucers', Agent Hottel reveals that an Air Force investigator had stated that 'three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico'.

The investigator gave the information to a special agent, he said. The FBI has censored both the agent and the investigator's identity.

Agent Hottel went on to write: 'They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter.

'Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall,' he stated.

The bodies were 'dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.'


As some insiders at the highest levels know, there is an “Alien Agenda” controlling the USG that is administered by top Policy-Makers who sit at the top of the “Pyramid of Control” (POC) comprised of several notorius individuals who occupy the top positions of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG). (1)

This POC which controls the SSG is also known by insiders as the top leadership of Majestic-12 (aka Majesty 12 or MJ-12).  Some have called this the “Circle of 12″ but at this time, it has not been publicly reported or verified who these individuals actually are, although many have some well justified suspicions.

These folks are several “senior policy makers” who determine the course that the visible, ceremonial or “pretend” US Government takes.

These few top Policy-Makers at the top of the POC have essentially hijacked the USG by taking the controls of the SSG (aka the “Military Industrial Complex”) which emerged as a parallel government during WW2 and rose to complete, unchallenged power after Roswell, using the Alien ETs and their “need” to protect the secret of anti-gravity craft, using it as an excuse to set up a “National Security State” and institute spying and counter-espionage against the American People.

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Note:  The subject of this article is noticeably incredulous to those that are uninformed of the basic related evidence.  Unless you have read and studied the history of Roswell, know about Dr. Steven Greer’s disclosure project, what happened at Roswell, and the Alien Agenda, it is recommended that you don’t waste your time reading this article.

Roswell was a major turning point and the true origin of the Secret Shadow Government (SSG).

It was at this point, after Roswell (2), that the SSG started back-engineering captured alien technology as well as instituting a covert war against “we the people”. This covert war against American citizens was no mere coincidence, it has been alleged to have been largely a by-product of identification of these top policy makers with aliens they began to work with in “beyond-black” shared technology development programs (special access unacknowledged programs with no written budgets or records).

51+AjsxID4L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_It is also believed that the POC/MJ-12 was working with aliens ETs in underground alien/human hybridization genetics labs located  in several Deep Underground Bases (DUMBs), the most well known one of which is Dulce, NM. (3) This deep RICO criminal secret has been revealed thanks to some great American whistle-blowers who worked there and believed that what they were doing was abject evil in the truest definition and that the American people have an absolute right to know, despite official SSG policy.

After Roswell, a secret Shadow Government (SSG) and Majestic 12 emerged followed by the National Security State, aka the “iron fist in the velvet glove” and treaties were entered into with alien ETs to gain ultra-high technology and anti-gravity in exchange for access to human abductees and human genetics.

During the years since Roswell that MJ-12 has been working with certain alien representatives, it is now believed by some at the peripheral levels of all this that that those at the top levels of MJ-12 who set the policies of the SSG as well as the visible ceremonial government, have been infected with a Cosmic Parasite which essentially strips away their human soul and replaces it with some kind of “hived” and noticeably inhuman, evil spirit entity. Apparently these soul-stripped leaders of the POC/SSG/MJ-12 could not have been transformed, that is, taken in the Cosmic Parasite as served up by the alien leaders they were working with until several things occurred.

In order to become infested with the Cosmic parasite of Evil they had to have become “human compromised” that is they had to have willingly entered into into sexual honey traps or done some very criminal and socially unacceptable crimes against humanity like bribery, murder, starting wars, participation in eugenics, mass theft by fraud, pedophilia, etc., best summarized as habitually violating the Golden Rule (“Do unto others as you want them to do unto you”).  Once they have become human compromised, their souls become stripped and they become even more evil, giving up all their humanness, and giving control over their actions to the influence of this evil Cosmic Parasite which has its own specific “Alien Agenda”, which is eugenics, soft-kill and hard-kill to depopulate the earth, to Terra-Form the earth and then to repopulated it with Alien/human hybrids.

Once these top Policy-makers have lost their souls and taken in the evil Cosmic Parasite, they can then proceed with invading the Health and Welfare of other human beings and have almost no pangs of conscience.

If they do they can quickly be brought back in line or silenced if necessary by human compromise operations (Humint) or other direct executive actions such as various types of “neutralizations, sometimes terminations with Extreme Prejudice. This means placing their own wants, needs and satisfaction first before concern for anyone else, technically functioning as a criminal psychopath.  The reason for Terra-forming the earth is not yet known for sure, but perhaps it is being done to help radically reduce the human population as well as to prepare the earth to better support in-habitation by alien/human hybrids as well as mining and extraction of minerals and resources desired by the aliens. Several highly informed researchers, and one high level intelligence officer, Gordon Duff, Senior Editor of Veterans Today have alleged or reported that these top Policy-Makers have actually had personal alien ET “spiritual guides” that have been assigned and introduced to them.

These entities can reputedly run interference for these super-elite deviant top Policy-Makers, invoke Babylonian evil “Black-Magick spells” and do some limited Psi-powered spying and remote viewing for them. And they are rumored to require human sacrifices in return and expect and require their Kingpins within the “Circle of Twelve” to create as much human suffering and death as they can get away with, without being discovered for what they are.  This requires very crafty acts of constructing cover and deception for their various hard-kill and soft-kill operations and use of cutout, often multiple layers of such.

These inter-dimensional spirit guides are energy parasites that feed off of their induced, manipulated human suffering and mass death.

These inter-dimensional “spirit guides” which can materialize and dematerialize in front of their assignees during secret rituals are claimed to receive their life energy and great enjoyment from massive human suffering and mass-murder, the more the better.  There are however “rules of play” that limit their ability to operate, and the biggest block to their complete takeover is human free-will and the Golden Rule or treating others the way ones desires to be reflexively treated. the ability of these “Cosmic Parasite” evil spirit guides to gain control over society if based on their skills and ability to deceive and tempt folks to violate the Golden Rule and harm others or fail to care anything about others.

Aerial Chem-trails sprayed by DOD contract airlines are real and they are secretly mandated by the SSG as part of their required Alien Agenda for soft-kill.

is2And it has been determined by some scientists that private DOD contractors are spraying toxic chemicals into the atmosphere, chemicals such as barium salts, nano-particles of aluminum and other toxic substances now showing up in grossly elevated human blood-levels, ground water and soil. It is suspected by not yet proved that such toxic contaminants are also being added to jet fuel in smaller but still toxic concentrations.

chemtrail_planeSome DOD contractors/pilots have come forth and shared what they were told about the spraying, an obvious false cover story. In fact several false cover stories have been told to different contractor/pilots, narratives that contradict each other so we know that someone is lying. One cover narrative is that the chemicals are being sprayed to block Global warming, but some scientists say they would tend to promote it.

Others say these chemicals are being sprayed in association with top secret satellite based radar experiments to pick up inter-dimensional alien anti-gravity craft (AGCs). Another cover story is that these chemicals are biological agents needed to mass immunize the world’s population against new pandemics which would otherwise occur.

A very small Ruling Cabal uses the power of the National Security State which emerged after WW2 and Roswell to implement an Alien Agenda which is so evil it is incredulous to even those who are briefed on it.

The bottom line is that a very small secret “Ruling Cabal” of top Policy-Makers are able to impose their agenda upon the earth’s masses and this appears to be in line with a evil, anti-human agenda, one which some insiders have called an “Alien Agenda” to depopulate the earth of humans, Terra-form it, and repopulate it with alien/human hybrid which will be mass bred with a hived-mind, always obedient to the “Queen Bee” (aka the New Caesar of the Ages” who the aliens are planning to install as their NWO leader as soon as they take over.

After these top Policy-Makers were successfully human compromised, they became infected with the evil Cosmic Parasite as their souls were snatched and also became “hived” to the master Alien Agenda, a most evil script. It was at this point that these top policy Makers began to institute secret but radically evil covert programs to eugenicize and/or “soft-kill” the American public.

Here is a listing of the various anti-human programs instituted by these top Policy Makers to soft-kill “we the people” in a covert war against American citizens:

1-Eugenic vaccination programs which inject dumbing-down chemicals like ethyl mercury (aka Thimerisol), toxic adjuvants like squalene and aluminum, other toxic substances and cancer viruses like SV-40, and in some vaccines various serious diseases like HIV/AIDS added (such as hepatitis B and smallpox vaccines for certain specially targeted populations).

2-Flouride added to the public water at toxic levels with no concern for the overall health effects.

3-GMO foods which are gene spliced to create higher crop yield, have “built in pesticide properties which are toxic to humans, and which contain top secret special RDA or DNA fragments which can alter human genes, effect health and create disease.

4-Aerosol spraying of known to be toxic chemicals in toxic concentrations which dumb-down the populace, create cognitive slippage (aka “senior moments of memory lapse” and difficulty with word selection–i.e. temporary “mental blocks”), reduced intelligence and various disease.

5-Advanced, beyond-black psychotronics using cell phones, cell phone transmission towers, other ELF ground waves, Lilly waves, and ground voltage which can produce related conditions such as impaired cognitions, and blood disorders, dyscrasias and slow but progressive intra-cranial tumor generation in some high level users.

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Climbing the super-elite deviant food chain requires abandoning the “Golden Rule”, allowing ones soul to be extracted and replaced with an evil Cosmic Parasite.

By now you can see that anyone who intends to climb the super-elite deviant food chain must prove themselves worthy according to the evil performance standards of the SSG top Policy-Makers. This way no one gets to the top unless they have already lost their souls (some may have never had them and came from “bloodline families” believed to be Nephilim/human hybrid already). And those that are on their way up that stumble to a re-emergence of conscience (aka soul starts to re-assert or come back) are further human compromised and blackmailed for horrendous anti-social acts they get involved in due to temptations provided that they are not able to easily withstand.

Everything done by the SSG to spy on, tyrannize and harass Americans (especially the Federal Whistle-blowers) is a byproduct of this evil alien Cosmic Parasite influence, bets known as the “Alien Agenda”.

Top Policy-Makers are RICO criminals.

The following two videos show the work-products of these few Top Policy-Makers actions to soft-kill American Citizens in secret, which are RICO criminal acts by RICO criminal psychopaths which just happen to be in high SSG policy making.

The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, AKA as the RICO Act, is a “United States federal law” that provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil “Cause of action” for acts performed as part of an ongoing “Criminal organization” or crime syndicate. The RICO Act focuses specifically on criminal Racketeering and it allows for any syndicate leader to be tried for the crimes which they had “Dirty hands” in because they had ordered others to do, or assisted them in doing, thus closing a previous loophole that allowed someone who ordered a subordinate to, for example, murder, or to commit another crime, to be exempt from the prosecution and conviction because he did not actually commit the crime personally.

RICO was enacted by section 901(a) of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (Pub.L.91-452, 84, Stat. 922, enacted October 15, 1970). RICO is codified as Chapter 96 of Title 18 of the US Code, 18 USC §1961-1968. While its original use in the 1970s was to prosecute the Mafia as well as others who were actively engaged in organized crime, its later application has been more widespread and can involve civil actions as well as criminal prosecutions and should certainly be applied to SSG/USG and central Bankster criminal Kingpins and their cutouts or partners in crime.

The abject power of these top RICO criminal psychopaths is so isolated, so protected and so enhanced by the illegal application of so-called “national security” to protect their “national security state. Thus these SSG/USG RICO criminals are able to institute massive soft-kill eugenics (as well as “hard-kill mass murders of induced war) all over the world with the public unable to learn about this because the Controlled major Mass Media (CMMM) which is merely a SSG propaganda dispenser, refuses to report on these events or give them proper, realistic coverage.  In stead the CMMM merely provides debunking and cover-up. It is only the advent of the Alternative News now available on the worldwide Internet that is finally disseminating this hardcore truth exposing these most evil parasites on the human race, the RICO gangsters who are the top Policy-Makers that truly make all American policy, run all major American institutions and run America at almost every level.

here is a video video about the secret development of HIV/AIDS and its deployment as a bio-weapon, paid for by Congressional and DOD funding (Operation Naomi).

Here is a controversial video which proposes that HIV/AIDS was a biological weapon developed with Congressional and DOD funding.  Some experts believe this was done as ordered by top SSG Policy-Makers, the folks who sit at the top of the Pyramid Of Control (POC) and appears to be acting according to an alien agenda.

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Here is another important video for those who have time which  is called “Flouridegate”. If you are short on time, you can skip ahead through the various sections.

This movie is a very detailed “snapshot” into how the USG health watchdog agencies are controlled by the hidden “Policy-Makers” who operate according to an evil, alien SOFTKILL AGENDA, rather than according to their supposed assigned role of protecting the health of Americans (they do just the opposite). The amount of deceit, lying and debunking that goes on in the top positions of these USG and private agencies and association is simply amazing and constitutes high level fraud and criminal negligence at a minimum, most likely mass murder too, prosecutable under RICO statutes.

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For those that dig enough and do enough detailed research, it becomes obvious that top Policy-Makers are hidden deeply within the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) which is the nexus of the National Security State, itself which is blatantly unConstitutional, violates all “Rule of Law”, is beyond reach of ordinary societal correction, is technically a very large RICO crime syndicate and is “evil beyond normal perception”, that is more evil than a normal human being can imagine. The actual reason?  It is because the origin of this agenda that these top Policy-Makers impose upon Americans and the rest of humanity is a byproduct of an evil Alien Agenda which they have internalized and adopted in exchange for unlimited wealth, power, fame and luxury. To keep their positions they must continue to work together with their like to create as much human suffering and death as they can get away with, without being exposed publicly, thus providing the “negative energy” their Cosmic Parasite evil alien Overlords require and feed on.

But in the final analysis it is a deal with “these evil entities” some have identified as the “spawn of lucifer” and in the process they lose their very souls, and become agents of evil and the Alien Agenda. Stay tuned, in my next article the very interesting and largely unknown process by which Presidential “front-men”or cutouts are selected by these top Policy-Makers will be identified and the process by which public policy is “administered” i.e. deployed upon America will be explicated.


(1) http://www.bilderberg.org/secret.htm

(2) Corso, Philip, The Day After Roswell, http://www.amazon.com/Day-After-Roswell-Philip-Corso/dp/067101756X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1383429461&sr=1-1&keywords=the+day+after+roswell%2C+corso

(3)  http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/08/04/secret-space-war-vii-joint-usgalien-hybrid-program/


Decade of the UFO: Secret files show alien sightings, including an object that buzzed a Lancaster bomber, have tailed off since their heyday in the 1970s


The West was still in the grip of the Cold War.

But rather than scanning the skies for Soviet nuclear missiles, it seems, the British had their eye on a different menace.

Secret documents released yesterday show that the 1970s were the heyday of UFO spotting, with hundreds of people peering skywards for evidence of extraterrestrial life, though the below 2004 picture of multi-coloured lights in the sky suggest some alien enthusiasts still believe the truth is out there.

The Sri Lanka doughnut: A doughnut-shaped phenomenon was photographed by a retired RAF officer in Sri Lanka in 2004 and sent to his old bosses at RAF Fylingdales in North Yorkshire.

The Sri Lanka doughnut: A doughnut-shaped phenomenon was photographed by a retired RAF officer in Sri Lanka in 2004 and sent to his old bosses at RAF Fylingdales in North Yorkshire. He described it as ‘a ring like a doughnut... orange in colour with a white/cream finger pushed through, the head of the column glowed an orange colour, behind the doughnut was a second cloud of colour’

Bomber buzzed: A man contacted the MoD in summer 2002 after a photo he took of a flypast at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, showed 'an unidentified shape ... looking decidedly triangular in shape' next to a Lancaster bomber

Bomber buzzed: A man contacted the MoD in summer 2002 after a photo he took of a flypast at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, showed 'an unidentified shape ... looking decidedly triangular in shape' next to a Lancaster bomber

Crop mystery: The sketch shows a UFO flattening a cornfield, and was drawn by an Oxfordshire resident who said they observed the hovering ball creating crop circles in the area.

Oxfordshire mystery: At 40ft tall and in a fetching shade of pink, it is a wonder farmers never spotted it. The sketch above shows a UFO flattening a cornfield, and was drawn by an Oxfordshire resident who said they saw the hovering ball creating crop circles in the area. The craft is adorned with flashing lights and an ankh, the ancient Egyptian symbol of life. The anonymous observer sent the drawing to the MoD in November 1998, with a letter saying: ‘I have developed contact with these craft and their enemy forces.’ The MoD did not investigate

In April 1979 the Home Office issued guidance to all police forces, fire services and councils about what to do in the event of a ‘nuclear satellite crash’ – code for UFO wreckage from space that could be radioactive.


In October 1998 a man in Barnes, West London, claimed aliens had landed in his garden and abducted him after he fell asleep and woke to find he had lost an hour.

MoD officials wrote back explaining the clocks had gone forward that night.

It says: ‘There would be a possible radiation hazard... debris from the crashed satellite might be scattered over a very large area, perhaps the greater part of the country.’

People would be ordered to keep 100 yards away from potentially harmful debris and any fragments would be sent to the Ministry of Defence.

A UFO sighting hotline was also set up. The document is among 35 files made public yesterday, containing 8,500 pages of alleged UFO sightings, spacecraft landings, bright lights and alien abductions reported by the public and filed away by the MoD’s Secretariat 2A unit.

As the blockbuster movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind seized the public imagination, UFO sightings jumped from 435 in 1978 to a high of 750 the following year.

In the early hours of April 16, 1978, the RAF launched an investigation after 17 witnesses claimed extra-terrestrials were at large across southern England in a cigar-shaped UFO. They described lights covering its base, an exhaust and a white cockpit. Some said it fired out flames or a ball of fire.

Unknown: A UFO seen over the Thames

Unknown: A UFO seen over the Thames

Illustration: A sketch of a UFO in Scotland

Illustration: A sketch of a UFO in Scotland

In November the House of Lords held a three-hour debate on UFOs – the only full debate on flying saucers held in Parliament.


An RAF Tornado crew flying over the North Sea in November 1990 saw a UFO as big as a C130 Hercules plane, glowing with a light blue flame and moving at high speed.

The pilot said he had ‘never seen anything like it’.

Lord Clancarty, a self-confessed ‘ufologist’, claimed there had been thousands of mysterious visits. But others said sightings were down to ‘natural phenomena’.

In December 1980 came Britain’s biggest UFO mystery, the Rendlesham Forest incident in Suffolk, when U.S. Air Force personnel apparently saw bright lights descending outside RAF Woodbridge and discovered a small triangular-shaped craft.

But it emerged yesterday that when the MoD trawled its records in 2000, the Defence Intelligence files for 1980-82 that would have covered the incident were found to have been inexplicably destroyed. Those from the years directly before and afterwards survive.

The files also reveal that a forged document about Rendlesham was posted on the MoD website in 2002, claiming that an unknown craft landed, crewed by ‘entities approximately 1.5 metres tall’, speaking in an American accent and with ‘claw like hands with three digits and an opposable thumb’.

Detailed: A sketch of UFO sighted over Liverpool, complete with details on 'navigation' lights

Detailed: A sketch of UFO sighted over Liverpool, complete with details on 'navigation' lights

Landscape: A drawing of an alien planet landscape describes cities with two or three 'domes, very large in size housing one million citizens in each'

Landscape: A drawing of an alien planet landscape describes cities with two or three 'domes, very large in size housing one million citizens in each'

The MoD noted in a memo: ‘This document is clearly a forgery... this could be rather embarrassing if it ever found its way to a newspaper.’

More recently, 15 unidentified aircraft were detected on radar approaching the UK in the months before 9/11. Just one UFO report was received on September 11 itself.

By 2001 UFO sightings had plunged, with an average of 130 a year until 2007, when the decision was made to prepare the files for public release.



Churchill and Eisenhower 'agreed to cover up RAF plane's UFO encounter during WWII', secret files reveal


Churchill and US General Dwight Eisenhower are alleged to have discussed how to deal with the UFO encounter and simply decided to classify it

Churchill and US General Dwight Eisenhower, left, are alleged to have discussed how to deal with a UFO encounter

Sir Winston Churchill was accused of covering up a close encounter between an RAF aircraft and a UFO during the Second World War, newly-released files reveal today.

The former prime minister allegedly ordered that the unexplained incident over the east coast of England should be kept secret for at least 50 years because it would provoke 'mass panic'.

The claim, made by a scientist who said his grandfather was one of Churchill's bodyguards, is recounted in declassified Ministry of Defence UFO files made available online by the National Archives.

Allegations of the cover-up emerged when the man, from Leicester, wrote to the government in 1999 seeking to find out more about the incident.

He described how his grandfather, who served with the RAF in the war, was present when Churchill and US General Dwight Eisenhower discussed how to deal with the UFO encounter.

The man, who is not named in the files, said Churchill was reported to have exclaimed: 'This event should be immediately classified since it would create mass panic amongst the general population and destroy one's belief in the church.'

The incident allegedly involved an RAF reconnaissance plane returning from a mission in France or Germany towards the end of the war.

It was over or near the English coastline when it was suddenly intercepted by a strange metallic object which matched the aircraft's course and speed for a time before accelerating away and disappearing.

The scientist said: 'This event was discussed by Mr Churchill and General Eisenhower, neither of whom knew what had been observed.

'There was a general inability for either side to match a plausible account to these observations, and this caused a high degree of concern.'

Close call: Was a Mosquito trailed by a flying saucer

Close call: Was a Mosquito trailed by a flying saucer

A eyewitnesses sketch of an alien encounter of a dark grey, U-shaped alien hovering in the air over Inchkeith in Scotland in 1995

A eyewitnesses sketch of an alien encounter of a dark grey, U-shaped alien hovering in the air over Inchkeith in Scotland in 1995

He added: 'During the discussion with Mr Churchill, a consultant (who worked in the Cumbria area during the war) dismissed any possibility that the object had been a missile, since a missile could not suddenly match its speed with a slower aircraft and then accelerate again.

'He declared that the event was totally beyond any imagined capabilities of the time.

'Another person at the meeting raised the possibility of an unidentified flying object, at which point Mr Churchill declared that the incident should be immediately classified for at least 50 years and its status reviewed by a future Prime Minister.'

The scientist said his grandfather did not talk about what he heard, other than to tell his daughter when she was aged nine.

He added: '(He) remained convinced until his death in 1973 that technological capabilities existed that were not generally known to the public or indeed even to world leaders.

'He would occasionally hint that our flight technologies were far inferior to the possible limits of development without elaborating on the events that he witnessed during the war.'

Whitehall officials investigated the claims but could find no records of the discussions between Churchill and Eisenhower, the newly-released documents show.

An MoD official wrote back to the man in September 1999: 'It was generally the case that before 1967 all UFO files were destroyed after five years as there was insufficient public interest in the subject to merit their permanent retention.

Mysterious circular lights seen floating over a house in 1982

Mysterious circular lights seen floating over a house in 1982

Sketch of a UFO that looked like a space station in 1998

Sketch of a UFO that looked like a space station in 1998

'Therefore, any UFO report files from the WWII era would most probably have been destroyed.'

And a month later a civil servant in the Cabinet Office told him: 'In your letter, you say that the discussion between Churchill and Eisenhower on the UFO sighting should have been recorded.

'We have had a look through our lists of material for this period, and I am afraid that we cannot immediately see anything on this subject. Neither do we have any filed on this matter which remain closed.'

Churchill is known to have expressed an interest in UFOs.

The newly released files also revealed that UFOs were once taken seriously enough to be discussed by intelligence chiefs in 1957,

A betting slip, showing a 100-1 bet that aliens would land on earth. A gambler appealed to the government for help after a bookmaker refused to pay out on his 100-1 bet

A betting slip, showing a 100-1 bet that aliens would land on earth. A gambler appealed to the government for help after a bookmaker refused to pay out on his 100-1 bet

The latest batch of UFO files from the National Archives includes details of a memorandum on 'aerial phenomena' prepared for a meeting of the Cabinet Office’s Joint Intelligence Committee in April 1957.

And the files show that modern reports of UFO sightings reached a peak in 1996.

According to an Air Ministry note included in the ‘Red Book’ - the weekly intelligence survey - four incidents involving UFOs tracked by RAF radars remained “unexplained”.

It said it received one UFO report a week on average, and that six out of the 16 sightings it had learnt about since January 1 1957 were either unexplained or still under investigation.
One of the six unexplained sightings was accounted for by lack of evidence and another was thought to be a weather balloon.

The note stated: 'The remaining four incidents still under investigation are all radar sightings.

'In each, unusual behaviour of the radar blips in terms of course, speed and heights were reported.

'Attempts are being made to trace the cause of these sightings to aircraft known to have been near, inexperienced operators or spurious echoes of unexplained origin.'

The files contain dozens of UFO sightings reported to the Ministry of Defence between 1995 and 2003, including more than 600 reported sightings in 1996 alone.

Dr David Clarke, author of The UFO files and Senior Lecturer in Journalism from Sheffield Hallam University said: 'These papers demonstrate how far official policy towards UFOs changed after the Cold War.


Berwyn Mountans

A  famous UFO incident dubbed the 'Welsh Roswell' was dismissed by ministers as an earthquake happening as a meteor passed across the night sky.

Scores of witnesses claimed a spaceship had crashed in the Berwyn Mountains on January 23, 1974, after hearing a huge bang, feeling a massive tremor and seeing strange lights in the sky and men dressed in black scouring the area.

Comparisons were immediately drawn with Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947, where it was claimed U.S. officials concealed that an alien craft had plunged to earth.

But the Ministry of Defence dismissed claims that a flying saucer had crashed and the bodies of extra-terrestrials covertly transported to a top-secret research facility.

'In 1957, some officials were so concerned by a spate of incidents involving UFOs the subject was placed on the agenda of the Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC).

'But by the 50th anniversary of the ‘flying saucer’ mystery in 1997 the MoD was no longer interested in UFOs as a defence problem but as a purely public relations issue.

'This inevitably led to the closure of the MoD’s public UFO hotline at the end of 2009.'

Among hundreds of reports of sightings, 'UFO crashes' and other close encounters, the files also reveal details of several unusual incidents which landed on the MoD’s ‘UFO desk’ - Sec(AS)2 - before it was eventually closed in 2009 .

These include the unlikely tale of a peeved punter from Leeds who believed his 100-1 bet on alien life being discovered on earth before the end of the century was a winner.

The punter had £17 placed with Ladbrokes on extraterrestrials being found dead or alive by the end of the 20th century.

But the bookie said it would not pay up because the United Nations had not confirmed the existence of aliens.

A drawing and description of a UFO sighting in 1995

A drawing and description of a UFO sighting in 1995 that was sent to the MoD. IT describes the rear of the rocket as a 'flower-head'.

A eyewitnesses sketch of an alien encounter of a dark grey, U-shaped alien hovering in the air over Inchkeith in Scotland in 1995

A eyewitnesses sketch of an alien encounter of a dark grey, U-shaped alien hovering in the air over Inchkeith in Scotland in 1995

Asked to intervene, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) agreed there was no evidence of visits by lifeforms from other planets and backed Ladbrokes.


Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair

Tony  Blair was challenged to reveal the truth about Britain's knowledge of UFOs just weeks after he became Prime Minister.  A flying saucer enthusiast asked him to confirm that UK governments had 'habitually covered up' evidence of aliens.

He also claimed UFO-related programmes being shown on TV at the time, including The X Files and Star Trek, were part of a government ploy to prepare the public for the admission that extra-terrestrials existed.

The man, who has not been named, wrote to Downing Street on June 27, 1997 - less than two months after Mr Blair's Labour Party won a historic general election on May 1.

The newly-declassified documents reveal that the enthusiast, from Faversham, Kent, was keen to hear the new leader's 'insights and personal views' on UFOs.

He wrote: 'Can you confirm that previous British, U.S., Soviet and Asian governments have habitually covered up the truth about UFO/alien incidents and encounters?

'Can you also confirm that the current media exposure of UFO/alien phenomena featured in TV programmes such The X Files, Star Trek, Babylon 5 and infotainment like Strange But True: Encounters... and films such as Independence Day, Mars Attacks and Men In Black are a strategy by western Governments to prepare the populace for the admission that there has indeed been contact from aliens, extra-terrestrials, trans-dimensionals and/or time travellers?'

Number 10 passed the letter to the MoD who told the man there was 'no evidence' that aliens existed.

The man, from Beeston, Leeds, who is not named in the files, placed a successful £2 bet on West Germany winning the 1990 World Cup at 6/1.

His winnings were added to a £3 wager on 'aliens to have landed (dead or alive) on Earth before December 31 1999' at 100/1, meaning he stood to win £1,700 if extraterrestrials were found.

But Ladbrokes refused to pay out, writing to him in April 1999: 'We advise that at present your bet is not a winner as the United Nations, who we use as our source of authenticity, has not yet confirmed the existence of aliens.

'However, as the bet stipulates 'before December 31 1999', should the United Nations confirm this before that date we will be only too pleased to make payment to you.'

The punter made a complaint 'as a last resort' to the minister for sport, which was passed to the MoD.

He said he had found 19 books in Leeds Central Library reporting the famous Roswell incident, in which an alien spaceship was reported to have crashed in New Mexico in the US in July 1947.

He wrote: 'I placed my bet on facts, Ladbrokes hide behind government propaganda weighted heavily to prevent public alarm and panic.

'Which I agree with it (sic). I do not want the media reporting my wager, but I should be paid out. My bet is a winner.'

An MoD official replied on July 23 1999: 'The MoD does not have any expertise in respect of UFO matters or to the question of the existence of extraterrestrial lifeforms, about which it remains totally open-minded.

'However, to date the MoD is not aware of any evidence that might substantiate the existence of alien lifeforms and therefore supports the view  that your bet should not be upheld.'

A UFO spotted in the skies over Manchester in 1991

A UFO spotted in the skies over Manchester in 1991 was a large curved shape with thrusters at the rear

A black triangle

A black triangle with a red, pulsing light in Stanley, County Durham in 1995

He approached the government for evidence to support his claim after Ladbrokes refused to pay out. While the MoD said they were open-minded about extra-terrestrial life they had no evidence of its existence.

Another file relates to the infamous Rendlesham Forest Incident in Suffolk in December 1980.

A triangular spacecraft which hummed as it flew is depicted in sketches by one alarmed Lancashire resident

A black, triangular spacecraft which hummed as it flew is depicted in sketches by one alarmed Lancashire resident

Often described as 'Britain's Roswell', the incident began with a sighting by US Air Force (USAF) security police of bright lights descending in Rendlesham Forest, outside the perimeter fence of RAF Woodbridge.

Three patrolmen claimed they saw a UFO in the forest and investigations found marks on the ground and on trees and allegedly higher than expected levels of radiation.

Two nights later Lt Col Charles Halt, the deputy base commander, and other USAF personnel reported seeing more unexplained lights over the forest.

The MoD file on the incident was first released in 2001 but some papers were withheld.

Reports of mysterious sonic booms and an aircraft crashing into the Peak District hills, on the border between South Yorkshire and Derbyshire, triggered a search of moorland by the police, RAF and mountain rescue teams in 1997.

No wreckage was found and no aircraft reported missing. An RAF police investigation concluded space debris or meteorites may have been responsible.

Further highlights from the files include also a 'psychic premonition' of a terrorist attack on an RAF base in Stanmore in 1990.

A mountain rescue team called to investigate a 'crashed UFO' in the Berwyn Mountains in Wales in 1974. The incidents was later attributed to a minor earthquake in the region.

Dr David Clarke continued: 'These files reveal that before the collapse of the USSR in 1991 RAF aircraft were scrambled on average 200 times a year to investigate unidentified objects on radar, the majority of these turned out to be Soviet reconnaissance aircraft.

'However, between 1991 and 1996, no scrambles were recorded. In contrast during the same five year period the MoD received almost 1200 reports of sightings from members of the public, most of which were filed away

'In 1996 alone there were more than 600 reports, 343 letters from the public and 22 enquiries from MPs, perhaps related to the popularity of TV shows such as The X-Files at the time.”

There are 18 files in total, released today as part of a three-year project between The National Archives and the Ministry of Defence.

The files are made up of more than 5,000 pages of UFO reports, letters and drawings drawn from correspondence with the public and questions raised in parliament.


  • Photographer describes getting a strange feeling as he took the picture
  • He was stunned to look back at his photo and see the mystery object
  • It shows UFO above the imposing Romanian parliament in a beam of light
  • Snap mirrors famous film scene of spaceship flying over Washington
  • The eerie picture is attracting interest online from around the world

In a shot eerily similar to a scene from the blockbuster film Independence Day, an unidentified flying object hovers over the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest.

The man who took the photograph of the flying saucer in Romania's capital has spoken of his shock at his brief encounter.

Cosmin Garlesteanu described getting a strange feeling while taking a picture of the imposing government building, and was stunned when he looked back at his snap to see a strange green and blue light beaming down on it.

Strange sighting: A photographer captured this UFO hovering above the Romanian parliament in Bucharest

Strange sighting: A photographer captured this UFO hovering above the Romanian parliament in Bucharest

Inside the beam there appears to be two elliptical shapes hovering above the grand structure.

The image mirrors a famous scene from Hollywood's Independence Day, starring Will Smith, where a spaceship appears above the White House in Washington and blows it up.

The photograph, taken on February 4, has attracted global interest after Mr Garlesteanu uploaded it onto a photo-sharing website.

Viewers around the world have been coming up with a host of theories about what the unusual sight could be. Some are convinced it is an alien spacecraft, while others dismiss it as a simple trick of the light.

The amateur photographer said: 'I was walking after work and decided to take some photos. It was a very cold and windy and there was a cloudy sky.

'It was the first time I've taken pictures of the Houses of Parliament at night and I was not dissapointed by the result.

'I took five or six pictures but when I took the last one I got a strange feeling. I looked again and again and couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't know what the strange light was.

Welcome to earth: The photo mirrors a famous scene featuring the White House from Independence Day

Welcome to earth: The photo mirrors a famous scene featuring the White House from Independence Day

'I saw it when I viewed my picture. I can't explain it. I showed the picture to my friend and he said it looked like a scene from Independence Day. It was very unexpected.

'It's a strange light with a form I can't really describe, it looks like a UFO. I always think miracles can happen.'

Mr Garlesteanu's spot follows a spate UFO sightings over Bucharest. In January, a triangle UFO formation of three unexplained lights in the sky above the city were captured on video.

Also last month, another person reported sighting a large black disc, believed to have a four miles diameter, with multiple lights above Bucharest.

The spotter describes seeing the UFO at 2.30am with a group of friends, which 'sat still for four minutes with lights on'.

They describe seeing more lights turning on 'rapidly in a sequence and after few seconds it just went up, turning the whole disc and disappeared in a fraction of a second to the east side of the city'.

A YouTube user claims he has found proof that NASA is covering up evidence of aliens because the agency's spacecraft that monitors the Sun went offline after he spotted a 'UFO' on its video feed.

On May 5, user 'rob19791' posted a YouTube video of a mysterious-looking 'object' hovering near the sun. The footage was taken from video that the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory beamed back to Earth and streamed online.

But the claims are likely to fall on deaf ears at NASA after two other similar sightings of 'alien spaceships' have been debunked with simple explanations.

NASA spaceship

What is it? The YouTube video zooms in on this mysterious object hovering above the surface of the sun earlier this month


'Coverup': After a YouTube user posted the video of this object, NSAS took the spacecraft that shot it, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, offline for 'emergency Sun reacquisition' mode. The video zooms in on a pyramid-shaped object hovering above the sun's surface. One day later, NASA shut down the spacecraft's video feed as it went into 'emergency Sun reacquisition mode.' 'This is a cover up to prevent us from seeing these things again. NASA must have seen this video and started making plans to change the way you and I are allowed to view it,' he said in a second video. 'I think this is proof that NASA are covering this up. 'NASA are clearly trying to stop us looking at the sun,' he added. This is the third time in recent months that believers have pointed out 'proof' of UFOs based on supposedly unexplained phenomena on NASA's space-monitoring equipment.

Youtube user 'Sunsflare' captures the strange orb 'anchored' above the visible surface of the sun in photos from Nasa's Solar Dynamics Observatory

Been here before: In March, conspiracy theorists claimed they saw this 'Death Star' hovering above the Sun. Scientists said it was a solar filament. In December, a man says he found a 'cloaked' space ship orbiting Mercury. March brought the 'Death Star,' a planet-size object seen 'refueling' at the Sun -- similar to rob19791's triangular discovery. In March, NASA scientists debunked the Death Star theory by explaining that cameras had simply captured a solar filament -- a tunnel of matter extending out from the sun and cooling to form a dark 'spot.'It appears this might be the explanation for the second 'UFO,' as well. While the answer is shorter on conspiracy, it is no less puzzling to scientists. They still aren't sure what the filaments are or what caused them to form.





Will divers finally get to the bottom of the Baltic Sea 'UFO' mystery? Team heads into the abyss to discover the origins of strange, 400-metre 'Millennium Falcon' object. Since June last year, the strange shape at the bottom of the Baltic Sea has caused so much speculation.  Sonar pictures showed a massive, metallic cylinder with a 60 metre diameter and a 400 metre-long tail resting about 300 feet below the Baltic Sea - and no-one knows what it is.  It must be man-made, or a sonar anomaly - the alternative, perhaps, is that it comes from a universe far, far, away, as its startling likeness to the Millennium Falcon ship from the Star Wars saga implies.  Hopefully an answer is forthcoming, with deep sea divers heading to the shape today to get to the bottom of the matter - and surely it will be an eerie descent as they await to discover the secrets of the deep.

Their sonar pictures show that the object is a massive cylinder with a 60 metre diameter and a 400 metre-long tail. A similar disk-shaped object was also found about 200 metres away.

Their sonar pictures show that the object is a massive cylinder with a 60 metre diameter and a 400 metre-long tail. A similar disk-shaped object was also found about 200 metres away.

The Ocean Explorer team's sonar pictures show that the object is a massive cylinder with a 60 metre diameter and a 400 metre-long tail deep in the Baltic Sea. A similar disk-shaped object was also found about 200 metres away

Unidentified treasure: Shipwreck divers are perplexed by the oddly-shaped object that they found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea

Unidentified treasure: Shipwreck divers are perplexed by the oddly-shaped object that they found at the bottom of the Baltic Sea . Deep sea divers, using remote-controlled cameras, are now on their way to the side, ready to find out once and for all what is down there. A Swedish company named Ocean Explorer discovered the unidentified sunken object using their sonar technology in a secret location in the Baltic Sea, between Sweden and Finland. Because of a lack of funding and bad timing, they have were not able to pull a team together to see for themselves - just the strange, metallic outline, and a similar disk-shaped object about 200 metres away.

The sonar picture of the unidentified object resembles the famed Star Wars ship the Millennium Falcon

The sonar picture of the unidentified object resembles the famed Star Wars ship the Millennium Falcon. At this point, the story behind the object is anyone's guess. 'We've heard lots of different kinds of explanations, from George Lucas's spaceship - the Millennium Falcon - to "it's some kind of plug to the inner world," like it should be hell down there or something,' said Peter Lindberg, a diver on the team.  Speaking to Fox News, he said: 'We don’t know whether it is a natural phenomenon, or an object. We saw it on sonar when we were searching for a wreck from World War I. This circular object just turned up on the monitor. 'We’ll be searching the area in a number of ways.  'We’ll use sonar to make 3D images of the bottom, the clay bottom, of that part of the sea. We’ll send down deep-sea divers too. And a camera robot.  'We’ll also take samples from the sea bed and measure them for toxicities and radiation.'  But Benjamin Radford, deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, told the Huffington Post: 'My guess is that they won't find anything. They may just find a large roundish rock.

'"Side-scan sonar is not a photograph and it can create false echoes, so it's not crystal clear what exactly it is that you're recording.  'The object that we're talking about is basically flush with the ocean floor, and side-scan sonar is much less reliable for things like that.'  While the Ocean Explorer team is understandably excited about their potentially earth-shattering find, others are slightly more sceptical and are questioning the accuracy of the sonar technology.  In the past, such technology has confused foreign objects with unusual- but natural - rock formations.  The Baltic Sea is a treasure trove for shipwreck hunters, as an estimated 100,000 objects are thought to line the cold sea's floor.  The company have created a submarine that they hope will appeal to tourists and wannabe shipwreck hunters who will pay to take a trip down to the bottom of the Baltic Sea to see for themselves.

Tourist trips: Diver Peter Lindberg is hoping to take wealthy tourists down in this submarine to see the object

Tourist trips: Diver Peter Lindberg is hoping to take wealthy tourists down in this submarine to see the object

The Baltic Sea is a treasure trove for shipwreck hunters, as an estimated 100,000 objects are thought to line the cold sea's floor.

The Baltic Sea is a treasure trove for shipwreck hunters, as an estimated 100,000 objects are thought to line the cold sea's floor.

As Hitler's armies began to crumble on fronts as far apart as Stalingrad and North Africa, he turned in increasing desperation to his scientists to create a war-winning super-weapon. Some, like the V2 rockets and the first jet fighters, saw action but came too late to halt defeat. Others were so outrageously ambitious that they never got past the drawing board. The idea of building flying saucers to bomb London and even New York could have been just such a scheme.

UFO: Was this bell-shaped craft being developed by the Nazis? True or false? These images have been published on the internet and claim to be the prototype of a German UFO

Claims: Was this bell-shaped craft being developed by the Nazis? A Polish former journalist and historian of military claims the Germans built a UFO

True or false? These images have been published on the internet and claim to be the prototype of a German UFO

But now it is claimed that Hitler’s scientists had indeed designed this type of aircraft – and were so far advanced with the project that a prototype may even have flown.

The programme, under the command of SS officer Hans Kammler, was said to have made significant breakthroughs with their experiments, says a report in the German science magazine PM.


Target: Hitler ordered Luftwaffe chief Hermann Goering to develop the super weapon that would change the war

It quotes eyewitnesses who believe they saw a flying saucer marked with the Iron Cross of the German military flying low over the Thames in 1944.

'The Americans also treated the existence of the weapons seriously,’ it adds.

At the time the New York Times had written about a 'mysterious flying disc' and published photos of the device travelling at high speeds over the city’s high-rise buildings.

The magazine says that the Germans destroyed much of the paperwork on their activities but in 1960 in Canada UFO experts managed to recreate the device which, to their amazement, 'did actually fly'.

The project was called the Schriever-Habermohl scheme. Rudolf Schriever was an engineer and test pilot, Otto Habermohl an engineer. It was based in Prague between 1941 and 1943.

Initially a Luftwaffe plan after Hitler ordered his airforce chief Hermann Goering to come up with a super-weapon, it was eventually taken over in 1944 by Kammler.

Prisoners of the Allies claimed to have seen the silvery flying saucer, which was about six yards across, on several occasions.

Joseph Andreas Epp, an engineer on the project, said 15 prototypes were built.

He described how a central cockpit was surrounded by rotating adjustable wing-vanes which formed a circle and gave the craft lift.

 UFO: Eyewitnesses claim they saw a flying saucer marked with the Iron Cross of the German military flying low over London in 1944 What the Nazis actually flew: The BMXM7E Messerschmitt 262 German Luftwaffe plane was the most advanced Nazi craft

UFO: Eyewitnesses claim they saw a flying saucer marked with the Iron Cross of the German military flying low over London in 1944. This picture is taken from a magazine, but the Iron Cross has been added by our illustrators

What the Nazis actually flew: The BMXM7E Messerschmitt 262 German Luftwaffe plane was the most advanced Nazi craft

After take-off, horizontal jets or rockets were ignited.

After the war, many German scientists helped with the U.S. space program.

Construction crew members stand in front of the South Pole Telescope (SPT). Joshua Miller, Ryan Kunz, John R. Mallon III, Chris Kendal and Eric Nichols assembled the ground shield (the 'squarish' outer rim) around the 10-meter parabolic dish during the 2011-12 austral summer. The shield will help prevent ground reflection interference. The SPT is examining Cosmic Microwave Background and Dark Matter. Photo taken on January 11, 2012. (National Science Foundation/John Mallon III)

A magnificent green aurora australis encompasses the South Pole Telescope (SPT) at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, on May 15, 2012. The SPT, designed to study the Cosmic Microwave background. is the largest telescope ever deployed at the South Pole. (National Science Foundation/Sven Lidstrom) The materials are not the images you see - they are given for illustration purpose only - but the pieces of story itself. They are ALL in open, independent from each other sources accessible to public. However, in order to read them, you have to speak at least a few languages. In the meantime, it were like a puzzle. After I put the facts together, I just realized how fascinating this is. These events took place 60 years ago, but they are still able to steal the show. This story gives us the answers to greatest mysteries of our times...True origin of UFOs...Do aliens are really aliens here?.. Is it true a paradise exists within this planet?.. Earth Geophysics is not the same as we were taught at school?.. Food for thought. Keep your mind open. For serious thinkers and just for anyone who know the truth is out there...


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