Tuesday, October 18, 2011




The Jefferson Tree Blossoms Anew

Rise People of the USA, the world and protest,

For Justice against the rule of tyrants and corporations

Who led us to Serfdom, away from the freedom of 1776

Those in the sidelines where mockery reside

Lay ignorance of the times mere  victims of apathy.

Rejoin your brothers and sisters.

Take back beloved America 

America now in the midst of a revolution,

same as Libya or Egypt.

It has begun, people have tasted power

And they aren’t going back

Just because the corporate press sends out their vultures.

Americans can no longer afford

To be led around by political parties,

Abortion and gun control issues or terrorism paranoia.

It was all a con from day one.....ASC

The enemy has been identified, the war has begun and the people will not only prevail but a major shift of global consciousness is already happening.

The three stages of the “Occupy Wall Street” movement appear to be:

Stage 1.    Occupy and establish a visible presence and a moral vision opposing wars of aggression, corporate welfare, cuts in social programs, and the subversion of the Constitution.

Stage 2.    Demand the  truth, including “9/11 Truth”, reform or abolition of the FED, the prosecution of Wall Street fraud and an end to the exploitation of the public by banks and other financial institutions.

Stage 3.    Strike, revolt and demand real change, a living wage, where corporations are required to promote the general welfare and where stakeholders ( everyone effected including the environment ) are given priority over stockholders.

The OWS movement has already established a highly visible presence throughout America and is in the process of establishing a moral vision of fairness, cooperation, distributive justice and social responsibility. The diagnosis is fairly obvious and the OWS movement is part of the cure ~ which starts with truth and transparency.

'Occupy Wall Street' Protests

A coalition of clergy carry a "False Idol" to the Occupy Wall Street encampment in Zuccotti Park, Oct. 9, 2011 in New York. (Henny Ray Abrams/AP Photo)

There are no people in the world like Americans.  Americans love their country so much and have, because of that blinded love, Americans have become, if any people today are, the representation of the power of Satan on earth.

That  love turns to hate quickly and never with a moment of thought that those who point the fingers, where to bomb, where to hit, are, invariably the enemy themselves.

Americans lie.  America’s real history is stealing land from Indians, slavery, treachery of every kind at every turn, the Mexican War, the Spanish American War, the Robber Barons who owned our government then, 150 years ago.

Their great grandchildren help control the world and orchestrate war, drug dealing, eternal disease and poverty, these are American also. This is the heritage of American “conservatives.”

More American heritage is that of crime, imported from the sewers of Europe, some organizations centuries old, criminals to prey upon a nation of immigrants, keeping them in generations of slavery while our cities grew tall and fat and hard cities governed by criminals.

They are much the same today, industries controlled by cabals of gangsters, hardly just banking, oil and defense, all of them, from timber and coal to diamonds and gold, all rigged, fixed like our elections.

The Five Points Gang – Early  1900′s

Our government has and always will be the collection of thieves we deserve.  No office can be held without the nod from the mob leaders, without millions in drug money flowing in.

Moments ago, I was watching a Youtube video of a county sheriff talking about his oath.  Before three words were out he began to show his real bosses, the timber companies.  For others, it is the mine owners, the plunderers of the land, fracking America into a poisoned pit of filth.

We love America so much we put our children in schools we hate, move them on to jails and prisons where they are sexually abused, starved to death on frozen “pot pies” and baloney sandwiches made from discarded mouldy bread. 

Fifteen million of our children rot in prison, two million more serve in our military.

Where our troops go – the drugs flow

You can load bales of heroin onto planes, told that this is how we “stabilize” Afghanistan as we stabilized so many other nations before, across South and Central America, Southeast Asia, always leaving death in our wake.

America?  One family, the Bush boys, three generations of them, managed to put one commodity on a downward price spiral, perhaps the only economic success we enjoy.

Our children can now buy heroin and cocaine, ecstasy and “meth” at bargain prices, dropping every day as planeloads fly in from around the world or are carried over the Mexican border that we talk of so much but leave wide open.

We used to just love slave labor but the drug money pays better.  But who does it pay?

Drug money pays those who talk the loudest, the gun totin’ sheriffs, the prosecuting attorneys, those empowered with protecting our borders, those who run our banks and, most of all, drug money flows into the retirement funds of our congress.

They get several billion dollars a year in drug profits. Why do we have 15 million of our kids locked up?  Drugs.

This is the primary reason and to market drugs in a carefully orchestrated collapsed economy is like selling candy to a baby, which, of course, is what we do.

What are our other addictions?  Americans pay.  We don’t like taxes, instead prices of everything in America reflect rigging, every day, just to survive, bills arrive.

Welcome to the nuclear age – literally.

For those stupid enough, you can spend your entire income on texting, “tweeting” and “pay per view” television.

We also pay for water, something quickly disappearing or sewers or electricity and the sulphurous smoke or invisible radiation that is the byproduct.

Every nuclear plant leaks, leaks a hundred times more than we are told, actually, we are never told. Drive the highways, look at half of America’s trees, dying from acid rain, state after state, laws “revised” during the Bush43 regime.

There is no poison deadly enough, no pollution dirty enough, nothing so bad that Americans can’t breath or eat or drink it, no medicine dangerous enough or expensive enough, not when there is profit to be made.

While you aren’t looking, we double the interest on your mortgage.  Your home, years of savings and work, years of pride, now worthless, “upside down” as we call it, owned no longer by you but a bank.

Do, they really own it?

Then we look at the banks, the money they lent wasn’t theirs, they things they say they own they had sold off long ago, sometimes twice, as during the Reagan “savings and loan” period.

Pick up the newspaper, look at the job ads.  There are no real jobs, not even for college grads, not for nurses or police officers or teachers.  In most of America, a college education won’t buy you a job making hamburgers on the midnight shift.

Another generation of soldiers get to play destroyed health roulette.

Every job, what do we offer?  We offer our children jobs where they are taught to lie, to prey on the hopes of the poor, claims “We will save your home,” or worse, magic elixers to cure all ills.

We offer imaginary training for jobs that never existed, our children work as shills for gangsters or they join the military and take their chances.

How does our military care for its own?

Over one million veterans who claim the government has cheated them will testify.  And 50,000 soldiers, once “heroes” who were thrown out of the military after years of service will testify.

War crimes tribunals around the world will testify to the good works we set to in the name of “freedom.”

Good works = drugs and death

I look back nearly half a century ago.  I see a nation of factories and small homes, of new and growing businesses, a nation learning to respect its own, challenges of racial prejudice and equal rights based on gender, that and other vital issues were our failure.

We were raping our land, poisoning our workers, we would learn, for awhile at least, we would grow, we would change and then, I pick the year 1972, it stopped.

We began going backwards, first slowly, then more rapidly.

Was this the forerunner of what our lives were going to look like?

Our new middle class, larger homes, better jobs, more education first grew then it shrunk and now it is gone.

The homes, millions of them, stand empty as do thousands of factories.

The money is there but now we know it isn’t real.  Before we had less and owed nothing.  Now we have nothing and owe everything.

I knew then Washington was filled with thieves and I saw myself as above them somehow.  There is still an America.  People still work a long hard day.  There are few families, most are broken, children with one parent, the other unemployed, jailed, addicted to drugs or alcohol.

Trillions of dollars are out there, 40% with a few dozen people, the rest with a few thousand more. There is fear.  I have watched a dozen friends go from relative wealth and ease, private planes, summer homes, luxury vacations to sleeping outdoors and begging food.

They had the wrong skills.  Instead, I was trained to shuffle money back and forth, to tap telephones, to rig elections, to tell people what they wanted to hear.

I got to be one of the hundreds of thousands who fit in the NWO’s version of the world, where nations order car bomb attacks the same way you order “take away” Chinese food.

SWIFT – Turning electrons into money – At least for a while.

I remember, years ago, when I first learned I could create a billion dollars out of thin air using the SWIFT system and “less than nothing” for collateral for what we termed “financial instruments that carry the full faith and credit….”

Ah, language, the delightful moral flexibility of language.

Yesterday, former vice president Dick Cheney endorsed Mitt Romney for president.  Cheney is the single most hated person of the last 75 years.

Were people better informed, you might take that to the last thousand years.

The job of the endless “lie machines” is to convince Americans that electing Romney, a despicable fraud and moron, to the White House doesn’t matter.  They can prove they are correct.

Were they more honest they could simply admit that since the Supreme Court is controlled by organized crime and most of Congress is under the thumb of an unspeakable secret society, even I won’t touch this further, it doesn’t matter who you elect.

My only comment is simple.  How fast do you want your kids to die?  Romney can certainly hurry up their end, his every word tells us that. Study his beliefs, take time, look into them carefully, his history, what he says, watch his face, hear his words. Evil? I believe he is genuinely evil.

Are there people who wish all Americans dead, who wish America a smoking ruin?  Of course there are.Our problem is that many of those people are members of our government, some leaders of our military, fewer now than in 20 08, but they are Americans.

Where is the Romney big money coming from? What do they want in return? Watching Romney tell the NAACP that he would gladly begin a race war, basking in their endless booing, one could take that as a sign, not one from heaven certainly.

Romney is a Mormon and to him, heaven is a planet where he will inseminate endless virgins, mindless floating vaginas of no distinguishable age or race.

Yes, this is exactly what Romney believes, this is the core of Mormonism, kind of like Scientology, actually, a lot like Scientology.

You get lots of “being a god” rather than following the teachings of a god.  Think of it as like selling free car insurance, which is exactly what it is compared to.

Hey, but with Washington filled with buggering thieves, what does it matter anyway?


Father George and son Mitt Romney

Few are aware but George Romney, father of Mitt, was born in Mexico.  What fewer know is that his parents had fled the US and renounced their American citizenship.

They never had it renewed, instead entered the US illegally through Mexico with their Mexican born son, father of Mitt Romney.

This would make Romney, Mitt Romney, the son of an illegal alien.

This was a confusing time in American history, with Mormons fighting two wars against the United States, not just over polygamy but over the genocide that the Mormon Dannites practiced against Christians.

Finding this history, as with much more, will be a challenge.  Mormon history is one of violence, some perpetrated by Mormons, massacres, and some against.

However, it did lead to two wars, 1858 and 1880, where Mormons rebelled against the United States, many fleeing the country, renouncing citizenship and many returning without complying with required oaths of allegiance or following citizenship guidelines.

To an extent, even today, areas of Mormon majority inside the US tend to follow theocratic law, not unlike Sharia law, rather than English Common Law as expressed through the Constitution.

Ask a Christian who shows up in a Mormon based court.

Ah, but this is, part and parcel, the nature of regionalism, is it not?

It has been without question the most spectacular failure in the history of American misadventure.   After a decade marked by the waste of trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of American lives, the stunning bankruptcy of our internally burglarized nation, and a consequent recession more fundamentally damaging than the Great One, Imperial America has nothing to show for the botched folly of its arrogant overreach but unequivocal disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, with no end of madness in sight.

An impartial observer would have to say that the hypnotic hold of the American Myth on the loyalty of the people has led only to disgrace and disaster, and set a direct course to inevitable imperial decline and ruin.   That would be inarguable on any rational basis, but it entirely mistakes the motive for, and the purpose of, the myth.   The American Myth was never intended to serve the interests either of our country or of our people: it was created solely to buttress, shield, and exalt the ruling financial class.   It has done that with astonishing and unbroken success that staggers the imagination from our earliest days.

The massive looting of Iraq/Afghanistan/Pakistan war funding to enrich the Corporate Tyranny—for that is what it has become—is on an unique scale of its own, without anything remotely comparable to its flagrant obscenity in the whole long history of war.

Neither the Pentagon nor any branch of the U.S.   government can give any accounting whatever of the many billions of tax-generated dollars that have vanished, evaporated.   There is no doubt but that beyond the outrageously inflated, no-bid contracts handed to giant corporate favorites with their preposterous guaranteed profits, much of the money was simply stolen in bulk by, through, or in spite of the military, and distributed among thieves and accomplices, some of it on huge pallets… for convenience, presumably.

* * *

While this wholesale robbery was going on under the oversight of the military abroad, the Corporate Tyranny had evolved a whole set of impenetrably complex devices for the generation of money without any economically productive source or result at home.

The sole driving force and purpose of Capitalism is the realization of profit.   According to that calculus, reducing production costs increases profit margin.   This leads to the obvious conclusion that as production costs near zero, profit is maximized.

There is no provision for social good in Capitalist theory.   Corporations, created to optimize business opportunity through efficient specialization, were originally required to operate for public benefit but that provision was quickly finessed and forgotten.

American law courts have always favored corporate concentrations of wealth since they, like the Congress, exist to serve the moneyed interests.   The American Myth was created to provide cover for the financial oligarchy to exploit the country and the citizenry, and the judiciary has consistently cooperated in ruling for corporations against the people.

Indeed, without ever considering the question in law, the Supreme Court long ago endowed corporations with “personhood”, that is with all rights of human beings under our Constitution.   The way this travesty occurred–the slipshod by-product of an obliquely related case–shows that the court preferred to incorporate this perversion of the plain intent of the 14th amendment as an unexamined assumption rather than risk an eventual test which would unquestionably have created violent public outrage.

Given the collusion of Congress and the courts in securing legal invulnerability for the Corporate Tyranny and the principle that the only duty of corporations is maximization of profit, it was not surprising that megabanks, huge brokerage houses, giant insurance conglomerates, gilded hedge funds and the credit agencies pretending to certify their work, all engaged in massive and systemic fraud and deception for just that purpose.   The result was the crash of ’08, the recession, and the stunning and unprecedented rescue and bailout of the biggest banks, investment houses, and insurance and credit conglomerates with taxpayer dollars.   So much for the hallowed Invisible Hand of the Free Market…

* * *

The last decades have seen two related megatrends in American geopolitical mechanics, both with dire effects on the power of the American Myth.   First, what belief the world at large had in it has been shattered by a catastrophic series of imbecile and irretrievable military failures and disasters, which has caused erosion of its efficacy at home.   Second, in response to this, the State has made increasingly crude efforts to boost the Myth’s waning power by the imposition of totalitarian methods of surveillance, intimidation and coercion on the American people to a degree unprecedented in scope and scale.

The whole clanking, medieval apparatus of Homeland Security that has sprouted like an enormous poison fungus since 9/11 with its brutal police state mindset; the odious Patriot Act with its flagrant subversions of the Bill of Rights; the endless, fantasy-based terror-peddling of the prostitute corporate media with its clowns and harpies churning irrational fear and anger in the uninformed: all this grim, repressive endeavor is a concerted attempt to distract Americans from the real causes of their injury, abuse, and oppression.

And yet, even with the American Myth now totally and irreparably blown full of holes and exposed demonstrably for the tissue of lies, deceptions and frauds that it has always been, it somehow keeps its phenomenal hold on the great mass of the American people.   The tragic reality is that, for the majority, their own identities have been so deeply and thoroughly infused with the myth that to disbelieve it is to disbelieve in themselves.

The National Defense Authorization Act NDAA ( Denies Individual freedom ) and HR 347 (Denies Mass Popular protest ) are the desperate acts of a corrupt and financially weakened American Empire that has lost the hearts and minds of its people and is desperately trying to protect itself from its real enemy ~ the people armed with the truth and demanding freedom and change.

In the meantime, the Occupy Movement continues to build momentum this spring and Matt Taibbi & Keith Olbermann verify this on Countdown ~ with many new people and more highly visible and vulnerable targets scheduled in 2012. Six Minute video

In essence, 2012 will eventually pit the Will of the People versus the Will of the Government (Establishment) and it will climax in Chicago ~ with the G8 and NATO meetings in May and the Republican and Democrat national conventions in late August in Tampa Bay, Florida for the Republicans and early September in Charlotte, North Carolina for the Democrats.

It really doesn’t matter whether Obama or Romney win the Presidency because both are beholden to the financial elite and the status quo. Bill Hicks brilliantly explains that hiring process in this one minute video  political satire ~

Both parties have sold their souls to the corporate elite (Establishment) and are rightfully held in scorn by the vast majority of the American people for one simple reason ~ The Republican and Democratic establishment no longer care what the majority of the American people feel now that the corpocracy has a vote (courtesy of the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court Decision) and the corpocracy can quite literally buy an election.

So we find candidates speaking for their special interest groups, such as AIPAC and ignoring the will of their constituencies. Here’s a perfect example regarding the fact that assassination is not diplomacy.

Even as it remains a CONSENSUS among the 16 US intelligence agencies that there is NO evidence that Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon ~ one of our own Presidential candidates (Santorum) is busy undermining any sense of diplomacy by basically announcing “We will kill you.”

Free expression in all forms is fundamental in democratic societies. Without it, all other freedoms are at risk.

Included are free speech, a free press, freedom of thought, culture, and intellectual inquiry. It also includes the right to challenge government authority peacefully, especially in times of war and cases of injustice, lawlessness, official incompetence, and abusive government behavior.

Denying it risks tyranny. Voltaire defended it, saying “I may disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

Howard Zinn called dissent “the highest form of patriotism.” It includes the right to speak and write freely, assemble, protest publicly, and associate with anyone for any reason lawfully.

Democracy depends on it. Bill of Rights freedoms affirm it. Nonetheless, US history is strewn with abusive laws. The 1798 Sedition Act criminalized publishing “false, scandalous and malicious writing” against President John Adams or Congress, but allowed it against Vice President Thomas Jefferson.

The 1917 Espionage Act imprisoned anyone convicted of “insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or (encouraging) refusal of duty in the military or naval forces of the United States.”

It targeted First Amendment speech against WW I and American’s participation in it. The 1918 Sedition Act went further. It criminalized “disloyal, scurrilous (or) abusive” anti-government speech.

The Supreme Court upheld the Espionage Act, notably in (Eugene) Debs v. United States. A five-time socialist presidential candidate, he served prison time for opposing militarism and America’s WW I entry.

In 1968, the Warren Court disallowed draft card burning on grounds it would disrupt the “smooth and efficient functioning” of American recruitment.

However, in 1969, the Court upheld student rights to wear black arm bands, protesting the Vietnam War. In Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), it ruled government can’t punish inflammatory speech unless directed to incite lawless action.

In Texas v. Johnson (a 1989 flag burning case), Justice William Brennan wrote the majority opinion, saying:

“(I)f there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable.”

America has no Brennans today. As a result, speech and all other liberties are threatened. Under either major party, the nation’s hurtling toward tyranny.

Forgotten is Jefferson’s warning, saying:

“What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance.” He also said free speech “cannot be limited without being lost.”

Former US Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall added:

“Above all else, the First Amendment means that government has no power to restrict expression (regardless of its) ideas…subject matter (or) content….Our people are guaranteed the right to express any thought, free from government censorship.”

Suppressing Free Expression

Major media scoundrels are thought control gatekeepers. Instead of reporting vital information accurately, they suppress it. The free interchange of speech, ideas, and opinions suffers. Public opinion’s manipulated to support what people should oppose, denounce, and refuse to accept.

Police state laws pass largely below the radar. They erode and destroy fundamental freedoms. The USA Patriot Act alone wrecked key constitutional protections, including:

  • Fifth and Fourteen Amendment due process rights;
  • First Amendment freedom of association rights;
  • Fourth Amendment protections from unreasonable searches and seizures;
  • prohibitions against unchecked government surveillance powers to monitor virtually all our activities, and use secret “evidence” unavailable to counsel in prosecuting politically targeted defendants.

In addition, the Act created the federal crime of “domestic terrorism.” It applies to US citizens and aliens. It states criminal law violations are considered domestic terrorist acts if they aim to “influence (government policy) by intimidation or coercion (or) intimidate or coerce a civilian population.”

By this definition, anti-war and global justice demonstrations, environmental and animal rights activism, civil disobedience, and dissent of any kind may be called “domestic terrorism.”

As a result, Occupy Wall Street and other protesters may be arrested and so charged.

HR 347 increases the likelihood. The Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011:

“Amends the federal criminal code to revise the prohibition against entering restricted federal buildings or grounds to impose criminal penalties on anyone who knowingly enters any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority.”

“Defines ‘restricted buildings or grounds’ as a posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area of: (1) the White House or its grounds or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds, (2) a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting, or (3) a building or grounds so restricted due to a special event of national significance.”

On February 6, a Senate amendment titled, “Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011″ passed unanimously with no dissent.

On February 28, the House suspended the rules and passed HR 347 388 – 3. The bill awaits Obama’s signature.

Only the fullness of time will determine how much damage is done, but clear red flags are raised.

On February 29, Russia Today reported how First Amendment rights are risked, saying:

“Just when you thought the government couldn’t ruin the First Amendment any further,” this measure threatens legitimate protests near locations where US officials are present, even with no knowledge they’re there.

Participants may be criminally prosecuted for exercising their First Amendment rights.

Section (c) states:

“the term restricted buildings or grounds means any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area -

(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds;

(B) of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting; or

(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance; and

(2) the term ‘other person protected by the Secret Service’ means any person whom the United States Secret Service is authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title when such person has not declined such protection.’ ”

In fact, they may be covered wherever they are any time for any purpose. Virtually any event may be designated “significant.”

Among others, they include congressional sessions, party conventions, G8, G20, IMF, World Bank, and NATO meetings/summits, public appearances for any reason, funerals of prominent officials, locations with visiting foreign dignitaries or despots, and other events unrelated to government business.

Vague language leaves it up for grabs how authorities will use this measure, and how courts will interpret it if challenged.

OWS protesters target government, corporate, and related locations for redress. Many hundreds already have been harassed, violently attacked, arrested and detained.

Expect worse if they’re criminalized for exercising their First Amendment rights. As a result, they may be subject to arrest, prosecution, imprisonment up to 10 years, and/or fines.

Whether it turns out this way isn’t clear. However, numerous police state laws currently target First Amendment and other freedoms. Activists are wrongfully imprisoned on bogus domestic terrorism charges.

A Final Comment

Will sweeping anti-OWS crackdowns follow under HR 347 and other measures entirely destroying inviolable constitutional rights cast aside to enforce tyranny? Only the fullness of time will tell, but don’t bet against it.

Remember Jefferson’s warning that “All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.”

In today’s climate of permanent war, corporate predation, and state-sponsored fear, if ordinary people don’t defend their rights, who will?



Obviously, our leaders (and that includes President Obama) are out of touch with what is important to the American people. This must be the year we take back our lives and inherent freedoms ~ for we most certainly have the power to do that and history backs up that claim.

Here are some excerpts from an interview with Jonathan Schell, author of “The Unconquerable World,” on how non-violence and the quest for freedom can topple the greatest of empires ~ and will eventually topple the current American Empire. The interview was conducted on March 1, 2012 by Andy Kroll, associate editor at TomDispatch and staff reporter at Mother Jones.

Excerpt:   Andy Kroll: You’ve written a lot before on the nuclear problem, and one feels that throughout the book. But The Unconquerable World also stands on its own as something completely original. How did you come to write this book?

Jonathan Schell: It was a long time in the making. The initial germ was born toward the end of the 1980s when I began to notice that the great empires of the world were failing. I’d been a reporter in the Vietnam War, so I’d seen the United States unable to have its way in a small, third world country. A similar sort of thing happened in Afghanistan with the Soviet Union. And then of course, there was the big one, the revolutions in Eastern Europe against the Soviet Union.

I began to think about the fortunes of empire more broadly. Of course, the British Empire had already gone under the waves of history, as had all the other European empires. And when you stopped to think about it, you saw that all the empires, with the possible exception of the American one, were disintegrating or had disintegrated. It seemed there was something in this world that did not love an empire. I began to wonder what exactly that was. Specifically, why were nations and empires that wielded overwhelmingly superior force unable to defeat powers that were incomparably weaker in a military sense?

Whatever that something was, it had to do with the superiority of political power over military power. Actually, the National Liberation Front and the North Vietnamese understood this, and if you read their documents, they were incessantly saying “politics” was primary, that war was only the continuation of politics.”

We are angry at a political system that favors incumbents with vested interest in a seniority system that is highly rewarded by special lobbies with no limitations on tenures and were members of the House or the Senate can stay in until they are in diapers and become senile and yet, they keep winning and keep raking up the special health and retirement plans denied to all Americans.

We are angry at a political system that allows out of state and out of district money to influence local, congressional and senatorial elections and where money counts more than votes and where we as citizens as voters do not have much choice or influence over a corrupted political process where money is every thing.

We need  a party that stands against the one percent capitalism that rules, and for the 99% democracy that should.

Whenever murmurs among the people indicate growing awareness that they are paying an exorbitant price in order to enrich a tiny minority, the terrified cry of “class war” is raised by the poor huddled masses of billionaires, millionaires and their corporate servants in politics and media.

This contradicts the fictional notion that there are no classes in American society, that we are all “middle class” and oh, a few unfortunates are poor but that’s only temporary. As soon as their investments pay off they too will arrive at the exalted status of “middle”. That would be right after the Easter bunny delivers chocolate covered Tooth Fairies to all the little boys and girls.

Shay’s Rebellion “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that the people preserve the spirit of resistance? … The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” ~ Thomas Jefferson

In truth, this nation has been a stratified class society since its origins under the rule of rich Europeans who drafted a constitution ensuring their rights of property and assuring that the majority rabble would not threaten those sacred scriptures. It was Shay’s Rebellion, an uprising of the common people incensed over debts and foreclosures – sound familiar? – that brought about the first ten amendments to that document and saw to it that human beings and not just their property owning masters had some rights. Unfortunately, you still need lots of money to establish that equality in court but corporate mind management has done a great job creating illusions among a great mass of Americans that they are somehow equal to  a very small group which  earns (?)millions and even billions a year. In fact, while demonstrators at Wall Street and in other cities representing the 99% of us who live below the top 1% strive to create real democracy, it should be understood that only a fraction of that 1% are rich beyond the imaginations of ancient rulers who were seen as deities by the peasants of their times.

Author Naomi Wolf and her partner Avram Ludwig are arrested in New York at an Occupy Wall Street protest. Photograph: Mike Shane

That these modern god-like creatures  can manipulate citizens of an alleged democracy into thinking they are just like common working people is indication of how successful their faithful servants in media and politics have been at warping the collective mind. But those days are nearing an end.

Even though the “class war”  label still draws negative response from subjects who have been on their knees for so long they may never be able to stand up, a majority of citizens who refuse minority masters ruling their world into what could be a terminal state are indeed on their feet loudly saying, no way. That scares the hell out of rich owners of a fiction they have been calling  democracy. It’s threatening to become just that and they and their minions are in desperation that the majority rule they fear may soon become reality.

In defense of inequality, hand wringing pleaders for the opulent weep about their enormous tax bills, leaving out the massive amount of dollars they maintain after taxes. Even with the old 90% top tax brackets of the 1950s republican Eisenhower administration, a poor soul with a billion dollars would be left with a measly 100 million. Oh dear! And rest assured that after their well compensated accountants took massive deductions and did other book juggling, nobody ever paid anything remotely close to 90%. And now we have tax rates on the wealthy that are so low even some of them are embarrassed.

When the 400 richest Americans have as much wealth as the bottom 150 million Americans – about half the population – and use that wealth to buy politicians and government power , only corporate mind management and slack jawed imbeciles can call that a democratic system. Our income disparity is greater than at any time since 1928. As evidence, over the past twenty five years 80 percent of increased income in America went to the top 5 percent, while the bottom 60 percent lost 7.5 percent. The US has the most billionaires in the world (413), and among those global deities with $5 billion or more there are 57 from the US. If you’re not weeping in pity but in rage, you’re part of the 99%.

The last major crisis of capitalism, the Great Depression, ended with what was called the New Deal. It simply replaced private investment with public investment in order to create jobs, avoid social revolution and save the capitalist profit system for the wealthy minority. This time the crisis is even more serious and it calls for something greater than a New Deal. In fact, we need a whole New Deck.


The increased problems of warfare, environmental destruction, unemployment, poverty and a besieged public sector cannot be solved by relying on the market lust for private profit which created them in the first place. These universal crises call for radical transformation of the political economics at their core. It does seem that more people the world over are demanding change but the forces of reaction will try to channel those demands into further acceptance of a status quo. We need  a party that stands against the one percent capitalism that rules, and for the 99% democracy that should. Republicans boldly stride toward soft-core fascism while Democrats mince closer to hard core neo-liberalism. Not just America but humanity cannot accept anything less than wholesale, radical restructuring of the system that threatens all into one that benefits everyone.

We are angry at a financial and economic system that favors the very rich, favors Wall Street, its bankers, its lawyers and financial analysts. A financial system that simply sucks the blood out of the hard working people of America and take us to the cleaners every few years if not every day. The ills of our economy and loss of jobs did not start with the working people of America; it started and ended with a corrupt Wall Street that has nothing but contempt for the working class of this nation.

We are angry at a political, economic and financial system that allows more than 45 million Americans to live below poverty line. We are angry at a political, economic and financial system that denies 45 million Americans medical care and health insurance. We are angry at a political, economic and financial system that allows more than 15 million American children to go hungry every day.

We are angry at our system of government that till this day does not recognize education as a basic human right guaranteed by the US Constitution and are angry at a political system that discriminates between children who live in poor and rich areas and does not equalize the funding of our schools so that children, irrespective of the district they live in, can have access to the same education and same funding, and once again, we perpetuate inequality that starts with kindergarten and continues through high school.

America, with its great world class institutions of higher learning, does not count education as a right?  Why?

We are angry at a political system that forces our children seeking college educations to go into debt to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars simply to get a 4-year college education. Unlike countries in Europe and the Far East were education is within the reach of every one who is smart enough and diligent enough to want a college or graduate education.

Our Congress makes its so easy for greedy investors to make a killing on student loans.  Its’ criminal!  Simply ask any graduate of medical, law or graduate school how much debt he starts his working career with?  It’s appalling!

We are angry at a political system that is out of tune with the country, its needs, and its heart beat and its people, a political system that is driven by and managed by media tycoons who own and control politicians and with enough power and influence to take us to wars that we have nothing to do with. War organized by self-serving groups of ideologues who wanted to test their theories and ideology with the blood of our brave men and women and special groups who wanted to test their loyalty to other nations with our tax dollars.

We are angry at a political, financial, economic and legal system that simply rewards greed and corruption, where big time corporate managers and owners can cheat the government and us of course us tax payers out of tens billions of dollars, only to get a slap on the wrist, and a few millions of dollars in fines and have an audacity to run for and win political office.

We are angry at such a system that so far, after years of the economic meltdown of the nation and ruined us as citizens, as taxpayers and homeowners. Yet no one has gone to jail for the crimes committed in trillion dollars of fraud perpetuated by banks, Wall Street and the Federal Reserve of course with collusion from a very appreciative Congress happy with the billions in financial contributions to election campaigns.

How many millions of Americans lost their homes to foreclosures, seen their only saving disappear as their property values took a nose dive? How many millions of people lost their retirement plans, hard earned dollars they put in their 401Ks and in pension funds in major corporations while Congress and Wall Street enjoyed the good life.

Did our politicians and the Justice Department ever wonder how and why such big companies and corporations simply go out of business or go bankrupt wiping out billions of dollars of the people investments only for Wall Streets and their buddies to resurrect these corporations making a windfall profit for certain groups of people and individuals? Did any one wonder how General Motors or Chrysler simply went under and then resurrected and did any one wonder the role Wall Street played in all this?

We are angry at a political system that does not hold politicians accountable for their votes to take us to wars, to take the nation and its citizens to financial ruin and deny us our basic rights of decent life and a decent opportunity in a country we built with our hard work and sweat.

We are angry with a Congress that put the interests of Israel ahead of the interests of this nation and its people. A Congress were candidates must make the pilgrim to Jerusalem and Tel-Aviv seeking blessings and endorsements while forgetting to visit the ruins of small towns, factories shut down, the tens of millions of unemployed.

We are angry at a Congress that and administrations that provide loan guarantees to a foreign nation like Israel to build first class housing for its criminal trespassers on stolen land while tens of millions of Americans live in poor substandard housing all over America. A tour of South East Washington is a good example of this.

Yes, America you have every reason to be angry and we the people have every reason to be angry with our political, economic and financial systems that stopped rewarding hard work, honesty and decency and rewards incompetence, greed, fraud and scruples behavior and conduct among politicians, bankers, and lawyers.

Perhaps it is time to overhaul our entire political and economic system that failed us as people, as taxpayers and as a country and go back to the very basic ideas and principals that made this country a great nation. We need a new social, economic and legal contract with our government and our representatives and for sure we need to put Wall Street, its bankers, its lawyers and financial analysts out of business and take back our economy.

We need to give business managers the right to manage their companies for the benefits of both stockholders and workers independent and free from the daily interference and dictates of Wall Street where young ambitious and scruples financial annalists’ have a God say over the value of our stock and investments if not our jobs and our lives. We need to take back America from our Congress, from our politicians and from our Federal Reserve, certainly from Wall Street and once again empower the “we the people”.



The video below is on the “must see” list. This is not just because of what it says but because so many are being counted now.

More and more “mainstream” voices are ready accept social disruption, even violence as the only solution to the covert economic war that has collapsed the world, the “magic act” that has made the earnings of the world’s producers, the earners, business, labor, those who are alive for a reason disappear into the secret accounts of financial criminals and speculators.

You won’t hear Brzezinski tell you that some people no longer deserve to live, not unless you listen very carefully.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The real target of yesterday’s broadcast is the “1%.” Expressing strong support for worldwide revolt against economic injustice, even where rioting and violence have taken place, Brzezinski sees this movement, one he predicted in 2009, as totally inevitable and a true assertion of human will.

While the “slogan makers” talk about cutting social security and veterans benefits, the “mysterious” money world created what is called “toxic derivatives” in place of the “real money.”  Money quit being real when America went off the gold standard.

The Real Meaning of Being Under Water

In a world where few really make anything and real commerce seldom reaches the past a few million dollars except in the oil and arms industry, an imaginary world of equally imaginary money has created a super-class of criminal elite, “Ponzi-schemers” and hucksters whose hidden wealth dwarfs that of even the Saudi princes.

How much money is out there, how big a figure?  America’s national debt, in the billions during the Carter Era will hit $16 trillion any day now.

This, however, isn’t the real figure.  The banks hold “derivatives,” actually unauthorized “mystery money” estimated at $240 trillion dollars.  Where is that “mystery money.”

The “1%”  have it and are enjoying it as though it were real, that and the money that used to be your 401k or the value that should represent the home you worked for.

That $240 trillion they have will also be the money your children and grandchildren will never earn, not unless they become banksters and hedge fund managers, trading “mystery money” in endless cycles, hoping the merry-go-round won’t stop again like it did in 2007.

What Do You Mean - Too Much for Me ??

Brzezinski’s real attacks, politely veiled, are on our national character itself.  With 1% of America’s rich controlling more wealth than 90% of our population, money he points out is generated through economically and socially unproductive means, through mysterious manipulation of markets, unregulated, unaccountable, purely destructive, Brzezinski calls for tight controls on worldwide financial activity.

As for American politics, he views the disposition to turn to “slogans” instead of substance as something he hope the current waves of social unrest sweeping America can end.

A key issue pointed out, congress is almost entirely made up of the “1%” that vast majority of Americans view as their enemy.  You will also find, among this list, the governors and mayors, the judges, whose political lives are spent punishing Americans that don’t share their love of greed.

Look at Michigan, Wisconsin and Ohio, just three of many.  Think of the 5 Supreme Court justices that overthrew every rule of g-d and man by making “corporations,” not into humans but into feudal nobility, ruling over America

Zigggy With Osama bin-Laden - 'Once Upon a Time'

Brzezinski’s demand:

Lists of those who take, those who have grown wealthy beyond measure on speculation but who have given nothing, donate nothing to charities, pay no taxes, give nothing to the world.

Brzezinski points out that these are the “norm” of the wealthy, the vast majority, not the few.

He calls for lists to “shame” those who have brought America to it’s current level of collapse and the people to their current level of suffering.

Behind this is an unheard and unseen subtext.  What if “shame” doesn’t work?

In New York, off duty cops are getting $50 bucks an hour, some paid in cash, working for the banks.  They are working “private security” with pepper spray and full arrest powers which they are using.  We call it corruption, a department now

falled into the same sewer it was during the Serpico years, the Knapp Commission of the 70′s and the Mollen Commission of the 90′s. 

Now NYPD is even worse, never having gotten out of the sewer of the Kerick/Giuliani days.

There is a reason I mention Afghanistan.  There were no “hijackers” there.  Solid sources went public awhile ago, Osama bin Laden was never a terrorist and has been dead for nearly 10 years. 

I heard it from his CIA handlers, I heard it from top Marine Corps officals, I heard it from those who briefed General Petraeus, Secretary Gates and Secretary of State Clinton.  I know they had been told, those who told them, told me. 

We went to Afghanistan to create a war, not to free people.  The Taliban ruled Afghanistan because America wanted the Taliban to rule Afghanistan.  This is the history, the real history. 

When it was profitable to run up hundreds of billions in a useless war, we attacked on no premise whatsoever, starting a war that would last even longer than Vietnam.

It is a war where a billion dollars a month in “nation building” funds is stolen, according to the General Accounting Office, and a billion dollars a week of heroin is shipped out of the country, according to the Russian government.

Vietnam was started by Wall Street.  The “Global War on Terror” was orchestrated there, the real planners of 9/11 work there, part of the endless “revolving door,” Wall Street to Washington and back.

When an American fights for America he has to fight Wall Street, he has to fight Boston too.  The Koch Brothers, the dark center of the worldwide conspiracy against America live there, Rupert Murdoch, homes in dozens of countries, he is “Boston” too. 

What have we learned?

Bernie Showboating in Iraq - Catch the AK-47's !!

We know that the Department of Homeland Security gives guns to the cartels.  It does more, much more and law enforcement officials are now facing investigation. 

Funny thing, for those who don’t remember it, the original nominee for Director of Homeland Security was Bernie Kerick, a New York Police Commissioner, nominated by President George W. Bush on the recommendation of former New York mayor, former prosecuting attorney Rudy Giuliani.

Instead, Kerick went to prison. We didn’t just create the Department of Homeland Security, a two edged sword, equally capable of creating acts of terror, of phony terror warnings, of the “Chertoff effect.” 

Editors Note: When Bernie went to Iraq as a police consultant the troops learned real quickly that he was just polishing up his resume to charge high fees for his services when he got home. He sucked up a lot of security personnel for his big photo op tour and left our people disgusted… Jim W. Dean

You don’t know what that means?  Imagine a doctor who passes out diseased and poisoned candy to patients who go to a hospital he owns. 

I am actually describing the real nursing home business, doctors who put patients on Haldol, a major cause of dementia, then put them in nursing homes because of the dementia brought on by Haldol.  On more than one occasion, we find the doctors own the nursing homes. 

I have taken elderly patients, family members, one my own mother, out of such facilities, had them taken off these drugs.  They recovered from their “treatment,” no “dementia,” only greed.

Whose Homeland Are They Really Protecting?

When the Department of Homeland Security was created, when the Patriot Acts were passed, the mechanisms for seizing America’s guns was created, oddly by the party of the National Rifle Association, who oversaw every aspect of it. 

The organizations that talk the most about the constitution, about saving American freedoms, about the right to bear arms, are fronts for Wall Street, dictated to by them. 

Time to clean these groups out as well. 

We are told that everything decent we create will be bought, controlled, used against us.  We’ve seen it.  We can stop it. 

The Tea Party movement, originally created to investigate 9/11 was hijacked and rerouted to save us from “socialism.”  There was no “socialism,” only Wall Street pumping in their cash.

Now we watch Republican candidates fall all over each other, they can’t say enough about protecting the banks or giving money to finance Israel’s wars or about “winning” our own, wars we lost before they even began.

No war is ever won, not by anyone but Wall Street. 

The demonstrators who are in the streets across America, the “99%” that really represent the people of the United States, what the Tea Party should have been, are there for us.  Against them is the “1%” with their congress, with their unconstitutional laws, with their crooked courts, with their rigged elections and with their police departments whose only real purpose anymore is looking the other way.

I said “police departments,” not “police.”  Many real police are veterans, blackmailed into lives of crime to feed their families. They too are one paycheck from homelessness, like nearly every other American that make up the 99%.

The JFK Days - To be Replaced by Johnson's

During the 60s and 70s, America still had a free press.  That is gone.  We still had a constitution, that went away in 2001. 

The 8 years of “Bush the Lesser,” a coup de etat against America, the installation of the police state, detention without trial, blanket wire tapping without court orders (overturned eventually), illegal wars, torture made “legal,” and, of course, Wall Street behind it all.

Wall Street is more than simply theft.  Wall Street is torture, murder, oppression and the onset of a new “dark age.”

The police, thus far, are there to help them.

With no free press, Americans won’t be hearing the truth.  You can read it here. 

Why do Americans have guns? The answer is simple.  Our guns are to protect us.  The problem, of course, is that the guns are useless when those who own them are being led around by the nose.

Wake up! The political system is owned and operated, Wall Street, the crooked press, our “out of control” police.

Over the last few decades, an international mechanism has been put in place to control money laundering.

Money Laundering is an 'Official' Franchise Now

States that fail to follow rules on bank transactions, movement of cash, the endless flow of bribe money, drug money, that has bought and sold governments for centuries, have been isolated and eventually brought under control.

This left the real money laundering to intelligence agencies with their private contractors, their private air forces that move cash by the ton, the CIA and Mossad not the only ones by far, the French, the Russians, the Turks more than involved along with Pakistan’s ISI and India’s RAW.

Diplomats have laundered cash, drug money, particularly any Bush envoy and even members of congress, both House and Senate, have carried financial instruments worth hundreds of millions from nation to nation to circumvent UN conventions on money laundering.

Without such laws, there can be no free governments, no free elections.

Then the US Supreme Court did a very strange thing.  It decided that corporations could send unlimited money on elections as part of their “free speech’ as “individuals.”

There is nothing in the Constitution that establishes corporations or gives them rights over normal humans.  In fact, a corporation can now be the most powerful person in America if not one stockholder is American and the corporation has only one “registered agent” in the US, and even he doesn’t have to be an American citizen.

Did the Supreme Court Destroy Our Republic ?

What isn’t said is this:  The Supreme Court decision fully circumvents UN conventions on money laundering.  Any normal legal controls that would prevent the movement of bribe money, drug cash by the billions, is now considered, according to US law as “protected speech.”

Yes, the Supreme Court made corporations “people.”  It also turned “money” into “speech.”

This is how corporations talk and any attempt to enforce international laws is now, by US law, an infringement on the “free speech” of corporations.

So if a dictator somewhere or a drug baron, cares to buy congress, and, I assure you, they already have, the FBI can do nothing.

There can be no investigations, Interpol can’t be involved, the UN can’t stop it, no international court has authority, as it does in every other nation.

American criminals are now, not only above the law, they constitute our government itself.

Was America Raped ?

The driving force behind this change was the need to provide “political expression” for the $80 billion dollars of drug money flowing out of Afghanistan.

This money would no longer be secure unless 100,000 US troops was there to provide security for the drug production, aided by 100,000 more private contractors, all paid for by the US government.

It is the same government that is now bought by that same money as carefully arranged by 5 members of the US Supreme Court carefully appointed for this purpose and others.

Those others include sitting silently by American leaders become war criminals, invasions, kidnappings, torture, constitutional rights violated, habeas corpus suspended, and not one word from the Supreme Court because Justices like Clarence Thomas, ducking impeachment for financial issues for years, are allowed to run our government, a front for the drug barons.

Massive incontrovertible evidence now indicates that the Bush Administration, at some point, recognized drug revenue as a powerful political tool to control America and much of the world.  Working off the “Bush I” model, the Iran/Contra drug cartels, at some point, perhaps as early as 2002, America went “rope-a-dope” on the War on Terror and guarding our southern border with Mexico and “full speed ahead” with flooding the world with narcotics.

Whether you believe Afghanistan was involved in 9/11 or are a part of the ever increasing numbers who view 9/11 as a Bush conspiracy, one fact is inexorable. 

Who Did the Supreme Court Put Under the Gun ?

America has built the largest drug empire imaginable in Afghanistan, not just “looking the other way,” but spending millions on improving opium harvests and building a heroin processing industry.

American military and intelligence resources have been used to distribute drugs worldwide and handle tens of billions of dollars in narco-profits.

The US Supreme Court went as far as to, by a 5/4 margin, as is so often the case, legalize drug profits to be flooded into the American political system. 

The “corporations” given unrestricted rights to “donate” to campaigns are doing so with laundered drug money, now approaching a billion dollars an election cycle, buying, not just members of congress but governors as well, invariably Republicans for some reason.

The numbers themselves are staggering.  Between 60 and 80 billion dollars in heroin is now produced in Afghanistan, distributed worldwide, trucked into Russia, flown to Europe and America.

At the same time, America’s border with Mexico sits open, for a decade now, 8 years of Bush administration partnering with the Mexican drug cartels, trucking narcotics across America with full continuity into the Obama administration through the Department of Homeland Security, CIA and Pentagon.

Another Narco Victim Down - Many More to Follow

It isn’t like anyone doubts this. We talk of 30 million illegal aliens but not of the truckloads and planeloads of drugs that enter the US every day. 

Fleets of vehicles distribute narcotics across the US, to municipalities whose police, whose courts, whose local governments are increasingly being paid, not just to look the other way, but to fully participate. 

Yet all we see is a half dozen photos of Marines walking through poppy fields in Afghanistan, not the dirt cheap heroin that children in Americas schools can buy on the playground.

In fact, there is no reporting of any of this at all, not even in the midst of the “Operation Fast and Furious” scandal where Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Agency were caught arming cartels with weapons used against American law enforcement personnel.

The real findings from “Fast and Furious” were more than guns, but one of the dozens of times law enforcement stumbled over the mechanism of America’s narcotics driven economy.  When is the last time you heard about the “War on Drugs?”

The answer is simple. America changed sides.  Talk to your children about drugs, how cheap they are, how easy to buy.

Then take a good long look at your government, your police, your courts, your judges and prosecutors and the gang in Washington. How serious is the drug problem in America?  Why isn’t it being reported anymore?  Who has that kind of power? Why the silence?

Not the Fields of Glory From the War Poem

Think money, enough money to buy anyone, anywhere.  Where do you think the mysterious millions come from that pay for our elections. 

It used to cost $10 million to run a presidential campaign.  Now some members of congress in rural areas, nearly unopposed, spend that and more.

Our last congressional election cost $1.2 billion and nobody knows where that money came from and nobody can ask.

Asking is now illegal.

Tracking down money, bribes, drug money, it doesn’t matter, kickbacks from crooked banks, part of the trillions stolen by defense contractors, “following the money,” as long as some of that money is paid to politicians is now a violation of “free speech.”

In fact, with a little checking, there are very few crimes that have not been “legalized” for corporations, for members of the government.  They are all above the law.  They can’t be sued, only those that speak up can be arrested but are usually murdered.

Now, sometimes, out of “kindness,” the drug barons simply remove them from office using a flood of cash sent into the US with the help of the Supreme Court.

If you think any of this is made up, find a law enforcement official and send this to him.

Ask if it is possible to investigate corporate campaign donations, even if it is knowingly drug money.

There is no saving it or there is no saving us. Nobody disagrees with this, no sane person anyway.

Banksters Have Been Busy - Offense and Defense

The enemy is simple, the American financial system.  The heart of it is what is called “the Federal Reserve.” 

The “Fed” is a criminal group of banks that runs up debt and prints counterfeit money.  The “Fed” is illegal.  The “Fed” is criminal. 

The “Fed” is how gangs took over America, a global cabal of organized crime and bled America dry. 

The “Fed” is the heart of Wall Street, the heart of worldwide crime, the engine of poverty and despair, the mother of wars and suffering. 

It is a criminal conspiracy.  Criminals belong in prison.  It is our job to bring America to a stop until that happens.  The criminals? 

Much of our government, 5 Supreme Court justices, many of those who run our military and security agencies, those who run our banks, the insurance industry, “pharma” and oil, the list is huge. 

The crooks are the planners, the manipulators and the weak that follow them, those who looked away on 9/11, those who looked away when America began kidnapping, torturing, wiretapping, when America began stifling free speech.

The America generations fought for has withered.  The proof?  One hour of watching Fox News alone is proof but it isn’t just them, its every paper, its movies, its books, its in your email, its everywhere, America has only one product it produces anymore.  We are the lie factory for the world.  Time for real courts and arrests, for real police, real investigations, time to end it here and now.  Time for a list.

You Too Can Become an Influence Peddler!

The list has to be huge, the problem is huge and the threat?  They are turning us into slaves, they are destroying the lives of our children and grandchildren.  “They” are unAmerican, purely unAmerican in every way.  There is no room for them here, not outside prison.

Thus far, much of our own government is the enemy too, bought and paid for.  Elections are bought with money. 

Anyone who has taken one cent of corporate cash, one free vacation, one free golf outing, a job for a wife, a huge cash bonus for a book no one will read, every one of the “Gingrich’s,” the “Doles” and so many more need to be recognized, need to be named and must be shunned by the American people.

It took a “New Pearl Harbor” to push Americans into looking away while gangsters took everything.  Every time you hear about 9/11 hijackers and Al Qaeda, its the same story, the criminal acts of Wall Street blamed on terrorists who never existed. 

Invade a country, see them fight back, suddenly they are terrorists.  There have always been a few nut cases, anarchists, extremists but there never has been a worldwide terror conspiracy. 

That’s a “bedtime story” written by the Neocons and Wall Street, sold on 9/11 by government (s) that turned on their own people, criminal gangs who believed that “breaking a few eggs” would make the “omelet” they wanted.

Now the police, the courts, our entire government has turned against the people.  They live on money we pay them, they work for us. Time to fire the lot of them.

Ever hear the term “rich and shameless?”

For millions of Americans and others around the world, President Obama has been an enigma.  One person was elected and another took office, or so it seems.  How do you know?  The news tells you, news we all know is controlled by Wall Street Corporations or worse, the Murdoch empire. 

Worse still are the “think tanks” and phony groups funded by the Koch Brothers, the oil billionaires to bought the Tea Party and are now running “Mr. Bunkum,” Herman Cain for president, a man who makes Michelle Bachmann seem stable. 

Cain is a maniac and simpleton, typical of all the candidates Wall Street has sent against Obama. 

Who do you think financed the “birth certificate” attack on Obama?  Every cent behind it was Wall Street, while they had their controlled press telling people he was just like Bush.  The best explanation is from film:

What am I saying?  Most people are evaluating what President Obama has done based on information from sources we know to be pathologically inaccurate, owned and controlled by the organizations the world has risen against.  


“It has been almost 300 years since the financial collapse of 1720 in England and France, and this episode today has all the trappings of a replay.”

Daily rumors suggest plans to save Eurozone countries from crisis. “All are bogus to keep stock and bond markets from collapsing. There is no way out for Europe nor for the entire financial system.”

No one will admit the system is broken. Sooner than expected perhaps it’ll be too evident to deny. Even with US economic data manipulated to look better than reality, economist David Rosenberg said America’s economy hit “stall speed” in Q I and Q II, 2011. Q III saw more stagnation, even contraction, he said.

Moreover, back-to-back declines in nonfarm business productivity occurred. Historically it happens 5% of the time around economic cycle inflection points. It was noticeable in 1981 and 2008.

Copper prices reflect economic prospects. On October 21, they hit a 2011 low. Since July, the Conference Board’s coincident economic indicator held steady at 103.2 or 103.3. Every economic expansion ends shortly after it peaks. It reached 107.5 in December 2007. In 2008, economic conditions crumbled toward collapse.

In 2000, it peaked at 98.7. Recession began six months later. In 1990, it peaked at 75.0. Recession began the same month. In 1981, it peaked at 60.3 at the same time recession began. Since 1960, downturns coincided with peaks or shortly thereafter.

Many years of destructive US policies headed America for day of reckoning inevitability. Recent year excesses hastened its arrival.

In his article headlined, “The End of History,” Paul Craig Roberts wonders how Washington will finance its growing empire given enormous budget deficit constraints. Only money printing provides it. Inflation inevitably results.

Based on how calculated decades earlier, economist John Williams has it at 11.5%. So far, money supply shrinkage, contracting credit, stagnant wages and declining house prices keep it from surging higher.

As 2012 approaches, only America’s super-rich have prospered. Others have “been assigned to the trash can,” said Roberts.

“Nothing whatsoever has been done for them since the financial crisis hit in December 2007.” Only America’s top 1% matters. Why else would mad as hell people be raging.

In the new millennium, political Washington destroyed rule of law standards, public accountability, and “every moral principle to achiev(e global) hegemony….”

At the same time, it showered Wall Street and other corporate favorites with trillions of handout dollars, wrecking America’s economy in the process.

Has it also ended America’s chance to rule the world, or will it engineer a last hurrah global war to try?

With lunatics running the asylum, don’t bet they won’t, at the risk of destroying humanity entirely.


The issue today is economic, bad reporting and how we can slap down Obama when he is bad and reward him when he is good, when everything we hear is either a lie or worse, ignorance. 

Our problem is that the powerful reforms put on the economy by the Obama team were never reported, reforms that crippled the ability of the 1% to steal. Why the news blackout?  Who has that power?

Another issue is the alternative press.  We now call it “the controlled alternative press.”  They are more owned and hand fed lies than the New York Times or Guardian, at least in many cases. 

Remember this.  The press doesn’t always lie.  Sometimes the weather, even the sports scores are accurate. 

They get other things right also, only when they aren’t getting orders from “above.”  The “alternative press” is much the same way, with the right wing version crazy scare mongers and the progressive version, the majority we have learned, willing to lie to readers based on “donations” or “access.”   Some give their lives, sacrifice everything for the truth while those, more often those “better known,” the “gatekeepers,” run their circus acts, traveling the world, lecturing, selling books and spending money that shouldn’t exist.  The king of this group is Julian Assange.


Where we caught the alternative press was with the “Wikileaks/Assange” issue and on Libya. 

No surprises, everyone has a price, the only question is “how much.” 


Julian Assange told that “9/11 truth is a distraction.”  He could just as easily have said “truth is a distraction.”  This is what he meant.

There is a real enemy out there, one that can’t be underestimated, an enemy with endless resources and access to talent, albeit “sick talent.

Thus we have taken on a rather jaundiced view of those we saw at one time as associates.   This reminds me of something once said by President Harry S. Truman:  “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”  With the press, it’s worse.

We found the money trails, we traced Julian Assange to Israeli intelligence and phony “leaks,” and we tracked the pro-Gaddafi gang to money laundered through Israel and American neocons.  Readers know we published all of it, dates of meetings, who paid who, and history, the judge of us all, has been kind. 

Obama is a tough one.  A week ago, he came out in support of the “Occupy” demonstrations, the only leader to have done so. 

What young people are told is that Obama is the same as Bush in his policies. They don’t know where to find real news, and, in reality nobody does, even the best news organizations depend on “experts” who know nothing of banking or economics.

Nothing in the world is less true but this is said continually. When we hear it from the alternative press, we have two assumptions:

  1. We are reading stories from people who know nothing of Wall Street and economics but actually are reading the mainstream press and feel an obligation to parrot what they hear, knowing that readers always love it when leaders are “bashed,” even when the writer is totally ignorant, which is 95% of the time.
  2. The same folks who dictate phony stories to Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, the Atlantic and a thousand other media outlets, actually “thousands,” dictate to savvy members of the “alternative press” who manage to enjoy a bit more financial security than do others.  This is done through their “organizations,” some “not for profit” or their “subscriptions” or “newsletters” which get an influx of Wall Street cash or worse, bucks from foreign intelligence services.


Let’s get some basic facts set out:

  • When Obama took office, a mechanism was in place to rig any national election and all “red state” elections.
  • A “capability” was created during the Bush administration to use “deadly force” against political leaders who threatened international drug cartels, the oil business, Wall Street or other “key industries,” financed by tax money, termed as “privatization,” murder squads run by the party of Koch/Scaife/Bush and Cheney, made of former rogue CIA agents and religious extremists from the military have been allowed to operate outside the law, outside official American policy, as a “secret police” that has intimidated President Obama and other leaders.
  • We know exactly who is running this, how it was set up, how it was financed and what it does.  These are not brilliant folks.  Their new business partners are the drug cartels in Mexico.  They run the world’s heroin business and they are actually capable of influencing legislation and even foreign policy.  Doubt it?  Look for their trail, you see it in the news every day.

Rupert Murdoch with Mayor Bloomberg Behind Him - Are They Working Covertly Together? - And Against Whom?

Look at what we have seen in Britain.  We were told a newspaper “bugged” some phones.  Then the head of Scotland yard resigned.  We find it wasn’t just movie stars but the prime minister and royal family and it wasn’t just bugging but bribery as well.

A simple newspapers scandal exposed an organization, supposedly “media” that made policy and has controlled, more literally “appointed”  the last 3 prime ministers.

Now the Minister of Defense has resigned, supposedly over “other” reasons.  What we have learned is that the government of Britain was totally controlled by media company that spied, bribed and worse.

This same company control’s much of the media in the US and is, with the Koch Brothers, the driving force behind the Republican Party.  Orders are given to the press, what to print, how to lie.  Congress receives the same orders as do the courts and, as we learn in New York, the police as well.  When it comes to issues of financial fraud, those orders mostly go to Republicans, a party that seems to exist only to work for the 1%.

Without control of the “liberal press,” the GOP wouldn’t exist, not in its present corrupt form.

Editors Note: In all of these media scandals the press has never mentioned the well known fact in the Intelligence community that media platforms are prime bases of operation. No politician has ever told the public about this, no Supreme Court judge, retired FBI or CIA director. Why not? They take the oath to defend us.  What are they afraid of? …Jim W. Dean

The biggest thing harped on is Obama’s “bailout.”  Let’s talk a bit about that:

  • First of all, the auto industry failed, not because of issues it caused, as with banking but was killed by Bush gas speculation that doubled the price of fuel in a few weeks, killing the sale of larger, more profitable vehicles.  The companies that took “bailout” money quickly paid it back, became more profitable and pay taxes here, employ Americans and have been a tremendous success.  Why is a success attacked as a failure?  Who has the power to rewrite reality like that?
  • As for the banks, when we hear bailout, what we don’t hear is credit.  Lets understand why Obama was forced to bail out the banks that went bust under Bush deregulation.

First of all, it had nothing to do with Acorns and mortgages, little at least.  This is from people reading too much corporate news.  The “bust” was caused by “toxic assets.”

Bank Bailouts Had to be Done to Prevent a Worldwide Credit Collapse - It's That Simple - But the Banks Shafted Obama by Keeping Credit Tight After the Bailouts

Some folks have heard of the Federal Reserve.

The US borrows money at interest, yes, we borrow our own money, yes, our own government borrows its own money, pays for it, from a group of banks that took control of our economy in 1913.

These banks, known as the Federal Reserve System are a combination of American and European banks that are, in actuality, little more than a criminal gang.

To pay “the Fed” for our own money, we sell treasury bills, which make up our national debt.  Foreign governments buy most of them, giving them control of America.

Technically, China holds the mortgage on the United States and can dictate our policies.

The bailout issue is about credit.  With banks in collapse, credit collapses and with it, there is one result, full scale and total depression, the catastrophic collapse of all business and industry, the remaining industry, in America.

The choice then is welfare state or starvation or a form of fascism.  When Germany went  fascist in 1933, Hitler’s government created jobs, set up a welfare state with universal health care, social security and pour money into education.  Let’s stick to this early period.

The American fascist state wants to have Hitler’s wars and certainly has come close as possible but doesn’t like feeding kids, paying decent wages or as Hitler did, taxing corporations for the benefits of government policies that made them millions. For more on parallels between the Bush family and Hitler, read Webster Tarpley’s book, The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush.

But the real issue in the bailouts, as we point out, the only news organization to do so, is credit.  Commercial credit is how American business runs and how it finances operations, from the corner store to the largest corporations.  All partner with banks, a partnership that ended when the banks went “Bush/Bust.”


Bankster Counterfeit Money - A Retro ATM

The banks get cheap money from the Fed, really “counterfeit,” as it is backed by nothing and technically “illegal,” the Fed or “central bank” is strictly prohibited by our constitution.

Central banks is “Federalism,” another term for foreign control of America, as we have now.  Central banks lead to cascading debt and interest, which eventually puts all money into the hands of the few.

This is why we have “Occupy.”

Look it up.  Running the Federal Reserve is a crime but those who control the criminal organization also control the majority of the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court controls America, capable of making any law, no matter how just or how legal “illegal.”

They even appointed a psychopath as president as we all know only too well, using an authority they never had but exercised anyway.

The constitution is clear in this, only congress has the right to coin money, “central banks” are illegal, the “Fed” is illegal.

Moreover, the function of our government, a congress controlled by an illegal foreign lobby, elections financed by corporate money, much of it laundered from drug trafficking and a total abandonment of the Bill of Rights under “counter-terrorism” legislation has left nothing of America other than the name and the flag.

If the Fed can’t print money, surely the banks can’t either but this is exactly what Bush let them do and, in the process, 1% of Americans got control of 80% of America’s money.  99% of that 1% were supporters of George “W” Bush.

Banks make huge profits getting nearly free counterfeit money and lending out with high interest and unregulated fees, 36% credit card rates, ATM fees, car loans, bizarre mortgage “points” that nobody understands.  This is all now and has always been financial fraud.

That wasn’t good enough for banks.  They saw the Fed printing counterfeit money, with some regulation and oversight by congress and wanted to get into the game.

Derivatives - Assets Created Out of Thin Air as Collateral for Real Money Loans - The Greatest 'Bank Robbery' in the History of the World

Bush let them through “deregulation.”  Every bank was allowed to, through complex “slight of hand,” create their own money out of nothing, creating “derivatives,” assets they loaned out, not from money printed by the Fed but from “assets” the banks simply invented.

A bank would get $50 bucks.  They would take this, an abandoned vacant lot and underwrite an “instrument” used as “collateral” to claim it was all worth a billion dollars.

What they didn’t tell us is that “deregulation” was based on the  neocon principle of the “flying pig.”

When the pigs didn’t fly and the vacant lot in a rundown area didn’t become a huge high-rise, the banks assets began to smell.  The banks “assets” were more garbage than real money.

Problem is, they had loaned out this money they never had, and used the exorbitant profits they made to reward stockholders and pay out billions in bonuses to the “flying pig brigade.”  These are people who all belong in prison, tens of thousands of them who stole trillions of dollars.

Instead, they are using more stolen money to finance American politics, working day and night to bring on another disaster than nobody will ever be able to save us from.  They don’t care.  They live in a world where the poverty, the starvation and wars they cause never touch them.


Bush hoped the explosion would happen after he left office, that America would go bankrupt the day after he left office.  Instead, it exploded quicker than he hoped.  Obama ended up having to bring life back into a body that had already been dead a year.

The key is the credit markets.  When the banks went “belly up,” they could no longer lend money to businesses to buy inventory.  Thus, factories would close and close forever.  Car loans were impossible, mortgages were and still are impossible but the biggest victim of Bush economics was American business.  He was willing to allow 30% of American companies that use bank credit lines to simply disappear.

This would have added 30% to our already high unemployment rate, taking it to 40%, would have cut our tax revenues by 30%, raising our deficit by another trillion a year above the already massive figure and, in the process, crash the value of the dollar.

Were These Men Dupes? - Or in on the Scam?

Obama’s choices were to dismantle the Federal Reserve system, which he couldn’t do because of the 5/4 majority Republicans held in the Supreme Court or to push money into the credit markets through existing banks but pass regulations that made derivatives illegal.

He did that and derivatives are illegal.  However, the Republican party just introduced legislation that would allow banks to do what they did under Bush, do what crashed our economy.  Herman Cain loves the idea as do all Republican candidates.  Wall Street loves it too although it will destroy the United States.

What we can blame Obama for is that much of the money meant to keep commercial credit going was stolen by the banks.  Some of that stolen money financed a political group.  We call it “the Tea party.”

Obama should have been strong like Bush, had his enemies silenced, locked in mental hospitals or charged with phony crimes.  Their phones would have been tapped, their children threatened, they may have been kidnapped, send to Bulgaria or simply “disappeared.”  This was the fate of untold thousands.

Anyone who tried to stop the financial thievery or those who exposed American involvement in the planning of 9/11, many well before it happened, suffered terribly as did those who told the truth about Afghanistan and Iraq, that there were no weapons, no terrorists, nothing to attack at all.

We are seeing the same thing now with the Saudi/Israeli plot to force America to attack Iran, one Obama seems to embarrassed about to admit his has been “had.”

Was He Chosen Because He Would Be in Over His Head?

Obama was weak, still is.

That doesn’t seem to be an issue to Republicans.  They figure they can cut military pensions, kill social security and medicare and “poof,” out of nowhere, the trillions that the banks are planning to steal again will be taken care of.

Truthfully, the world economy will collapse and all power will be pushed into the hands of a globalist oligarchy which will turn every government they touch into a full police state.

We saw this under Bush, the Patriot Acts, FISA, the illegal wars, the kidnappings and torture, the rigged elections, the loss of freedom of speech.  This was only the beginning.

Here’s a question.  Remember the issue of “torture and rendition?”  This was a big issue a few years ago, the war crimes of Bush and Cheney.

We know President Obama is still using drones to shoot up weddings and funerals in Pakistan, Yemen and Afghanistan.  I believe it’s a continuation of an insane Bush policy but the Pentagon insists that it is necessary to keep Americans safe.  I think its a war crime.

But, what do you know about torture or “rendition?”  Is it still going on?  Have you noticed that nothing has been in the newspapers or  on TV or even the “alternative media” for years.  If things that Bush and Cheney did were still going on, wouldn’t we be told?

Why is there a news blackout?  Is it because Obama stopped Bush policies here they way he outlawed the Ponzi schemes on Wall Street?

Are we saying Obama may not be “Bush 2″ after all but that those who report this may have another agenda, one meant to confuse the American public and provide cover for years of Republican wrongdoing? Is this why Obama supports “Occupy?”

Republican Spoof Ad on Gitmo and Obama

Let’s look at what we know.

Obama didn’t close “Gitmo” but are they getting new prisoners?  The news has a forced blackout on that.  Why?

When Obama and Geithner “smacked down” Wall Street, why wasn’t it reported?  It happened.

I don’t think they went far enough but Wall Street hardly supports Obama as “the controlled alternative press” continually states.

They are totally behind the GOP and spending millions on the nutty new Republican candidates.

Why is the press not reporting this?  Who does it help?  Who controls the press?

Where is this going?  We all know the press is controlled by the 1%.  We all know the press lies but, when examined closely, all assumptions, even by those who call themselves “alternative media” comes from “news” that traces back to the “1%.”

Let’s go further, into a reality check.  America is totally out of Iraq in a couple of months, has been out of combat there for years.  We are only there to waste taxpayer money, not many Obama supporters line up at that trough.   Those “pigs” are all GOP.

What about Afghanistan?  Nobody knows why we are there.  9/11, to all but the dimmest bulbs, is accepted as a Bush/Cheney plot.

Their idea, kill a few thousand here, a few more thousand Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq, spend trillions and make your friends rich.

Witnesses Lied - Withheld Information - And It Was All Legal

9/11 was pure theater, written and staged as a neocon production from day one with a mixed cast of Americans and Israeli’s just as the real Osama bin Laden always said.

No, he never claimed responsibility for 9/11.  That was an actor hired by the Mossad posing in front of a camera long after the real Osama bin Laden died of kidney disease in December 2001.

If you still believe otherwise, this is how vulnerable you are to wild conspiracy theory peddled as fact by a press controlled by folks who gave you the world you now hate living in.

This is the simple truth, which you will either already know or figure out quickly.

If you choose, like some, to believe what you know to be lies for some reason, you deserve what you get and you can expect to get more and more of it.

In fact, you will not only bring it on yourself, but you spend your life doing it to others.  Ignorance isn’t excusable nor is it harmless.  How can you tell your brain is getting enough oxygen?  This is what you will realize:

  • All wars are over money, every single one of them, especially “the good wars”
  • “Patriots” are all either mental midgets or con men

What about Obama?  This is where Afghanistan comes in.  The only thing America has done there is build a vast drug empire, now producing 92% of the world’s heroin, flown around in CIA hired planes with the billions in profit moved by the same banks Bush and company partnered with for so long.

What are we describing?

A Big Heroin Roast - But Just a Dent

This is organized crime, gangsters with paid killers by the hundred, perhaps thousand in they payroll, backed by news networks, backed by 5 Supreme Court justices, backed by Wall Street.

And as we are noting, not only the Federal government but police departments and governments all over the country, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin and Florida to name a few in are getting in on it.

Drug money runs it all. What am I suggesting.

I am saying we have no real government but rather a struggle between those who wish good for America and those who would rather run drugs, tons of them, and rob our banks.

I am suggesting that armed thugs, blackmailers, spies and killers, the kind that cause plane crashes, mysterious diseases, envelopes of anthrax or “lone gunman” shootings have put the word out that they stand ready to protect their clients.

Speaking for the latter is Fox News, the GOP, Herman Cain, the Koch Brothers and so many we dare not count.

The end result? I see eventual civil war in America, a shooting war or slavery for most Americans.  As for slavery, we are half way there now.  As for the war, we have seen the opening salvos already.

The sides? The people v. “them”

If enough Americans stay stupid, “they” will win and the rest of us will see the world turn into a virtual post apocalyptic nightmare.

Political Washington is corrupted, broken, and unfixable. Thomas Jefferson wrote in America’s Declaration of Independence:

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…”

That time is now! Change never comes top down, only bottom up by committed people demanding no less.

Fed up Americans across the country want long denied social justice. Slogans like “Banks Got Bailed Out! We Got Sold Out!” are chanted. Occupy Together.org said “meetups” were established in 761 cities and towns.

They’re heading everywhere, despite enormous obstacles confronting them. Corporate money wants them co-opted. Corrupt union bosses and political insiders are involved.

Committed leaders city by city aren’t evident. Neither is focus on what matters most. Without it cosmetic changes only are possible.

Issue one is money power in private hands to make more of it. Political Washington gave bankers control for private enrichment. Wall Street crooks took full advantage, transforming America into an unprecedented money making racket.

Working Americans got scammed. They’ve lost their savings, jobs, homes and futures so privileged elites can get richer and more powerful.

Transforming America depends on returning money power to public hands, according to the Constitution’s Article 1, Section 8, giving people through Congress sole control.

Not Goldman Sachs. Not JP MorganChase. Not Bank of America or other Wall Street giants, running America like a wholly owned subsidiary. Taking full advantage, they exploit people for profit, bribing public officials to go along.

They willingly grab all they can, getting more every election cycle to serve power, not popular interests.

They, crooked bankers and other corporate criminals transformed America into a corrupted business-run sinkhole.

Change depends on people power regaining what’s lost. It includes making the business of America social justice and peace, not unbridled greed and war.

On Thursday, thousands came to Washington for social change. They also want imperial wars ended.

Their October 2011.org site said “(j)oin us in Freedom Plaza starting October 6. STOP THE MACHINE! Create a New World!”

It’s for everyone concerned about “injustice, militarism and environmental destruction to join in ending concentrated corporate power” and corrupted politicians serving America’s super-rich alone.

“Agitate! Agitate! Agitate!” urges wrongfully imprisoned human rights lawyer Lynne Stewart until another world worth struggling for is gotten!

Now’s the time for full throttle action. Rage against the system until it is!

On October 6, after massing in Freedom Plaza, thousands marched past the US Treasury, White House and Commerce Department, shouting:

“We Got Sold Out!” “We Want Jobs! We Want Jobs!”

On the Progressive Radio News Hour, Ray McGovern said he and other were heading to Washington to stay until their demands are met.

In his September 18 Charlottesville, VA speech, he said he “look(ed) forward to descending on our own ‘Tahrir Square’ at Freedom Plaza in Washington….In the final analysis, we will be confronting the ‘upper crust,’ which my Irish grandmother described as ‘a bunch of crumbs held together by a lot of dough.’ ”

In Washington and across America, fed up workers, students, teachers, and others vow no longer to take it anymore. Hopefully that spirit won’t wane despite enormous corporate pressure to co-op it, when cold weather arrives up north, or because cops keep beating up on people as crime boss enforcers.

So far, committed activists vow to stay the course. October 2011 Americans want “to take control of our country and our lives.” They’ll occupy Freedom Plaza “and hold a People’s Assembly (to) come up with just and sustainable solutions….and demand….people’s needs be addressed.”

Civil resistance is planned to achieve long denied “inherent rights and freedoms (so) our children have a chance to live in peace, to breathe clean air, and to grow edible natural food.”

Urging millions to join them in person or online, “peace, justice and equality….starts here.”

“History is knocking. Will you answer the call?”

Martin Luther King’s Message

On April 4, 1967, one year to the day before his assassination, Martin Luther King spoke at New York’s Riverside Church, saying:

“We still have a choice today: nonviolent coexistence, or violent co-annihilation. We must move past indecision to action. If we do not act, we shall surely be dragged down the long, dark and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who possess power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight.”

King headlined his speech, “Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence.”

Silence is “betrayal,” he said. War in Vietnam was “an enemy of the poor.” So are multiple Obama ones today.

“(I)t should be incandescently clear that no one who has any concern for the integrity and life (in) America today can ignore the present war. If America’s soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read Vietnam.”

“This madness must cease….We must stop now….We must continue to raise our voices if our nation persists in its perverse ways in Vietnam.”

He called for a “revolution of values, (including) declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism.”

He ended quoting James Russell Lowell (1819 – 1891), saying:

“Once to every man and nation

Comes the moment to decide,

In the strife of truth and falsehood,

For the good or evil side….”

That time is now, said King. It still is unfulfilled 44 years later.

A Final Comment

On the Progressive Radio News Hour, Trends Analyst Gerald Celente discussed a visionary new society – “DIRECT DEMOCRACY NOW!”

America’s “representative democracy” never worked. Today it’s too corrupted to fix. Presidents and congressional members serve monied, not popular, interests.

“DirectDemocracyNow.org is a global movement to spread Direct Democracy,” using popular referenda power replacing back room deal making.

Victor Hugo said, “There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time has come.”

That time is now. With enough believers committed to stay the course, “Direct Democracy can happen if we make it happen.”

Get involved. Enlist family and friends. Join groups. Link up with others. Do it for yourself and children. Do it for their future and yours.

Do it to stop political Washington and Wall Street crooks from selling you out. Do it to save humanity before imperial warmakers consume it.

Do it because it matters! Do it now!

The Revolution We Will Never See


Good Versus Evil in a Battle of Life and Death

by  Gordon Duff



50 million Americans are homeless, living in travel trailers, in tents…500,000 young veterans, too many with families, have applied for 100% disability compensation.

All have supportable medical diagnoses of total disability.   Their “paperwork” will remain in limbo for years, until they kill themselves, perhaps their families too.  For the best of them, luck, as it has for me, will intercede.

I am lucky.  Those around me, family, friends, suffer and die while I go on.  This is what “luck” has come to mean in America.

Everything is luck with some exception.  This is what I want to talk about.

Some people make their own luck.  They come in many varieties of predator.  Some rob banks and gas stations, steal cars, break into homes.  Eventually they go to prison.

Others have more choices.  They live in business, politics, where I come from, at least part of my life anyway.

I still have those I knew years ago who criticize me for giving employees of my defense contracting firm health insurance.  I could have paid the entire amount to myself as a bonus, millions a year.

I did the whole thing, paying decent wages, decent working conditions, paid vacations, company Christmas parties.  We were raking in money, I certainly was and I had pride in hiring the handicapped, giving opportunities to others who, in turn, were making me wealthy.

I was a capitalist, or so I thought.  Now I realize that, in actuality, my version of management ethic is technically Fascism.

On the Street

Yes, I made money on defense, helped organize a PAC and lobbied for government contracts.  I believed in small government, in hard work, in paying bills, in delivering quality products that protected America, that saved lives. Now I know I was an idiot.

Let’s take a second to talk about revolution.  This is what the Hutaree milita is accused of, planning a revolution.

The case is, for the most part silly and unfounded but as we watched the Detroit “crotch bomber” get 5 life terms in prison though easily proven to have been duped by intelligence agencies, proof endlessly overwhelming.

I tend to keep a careful watch whenever “revolution” or “terrorism” is mentioned.  9/11 made me a skeptic.

The lead photo  is the Hutaree militia.  We don’t share politics. Many if not most of this group will die in prison.  We will explain more about them and their bizarre trial which is going on now, but I want to touch on a couple of key points:

  • The political beliefs of the Hutarees is “mainstream Republican”
  • Their religious cult is exactly the same one President Bush and Vice President Cheney belong to, the Hutarees are “Dominionists”
  • We will eventually learn that this organization was actually created by the government because they needed a domestic enemy to justify otherwise useless and certainly illegal laws recently passed that supersede constitutional rights

The area the Hutarees come from is poor, now at least, without hope, once a region of small but successful farms, of powerful industries, of hope, a land both fertile spirit and endeavor. Years of “overgovernment” killed that as it has killed all of America.

The Dufster (R) - Vietnam,1969 with the new guy smile

I feel helpless to change any of this and am unlikely to be seen in what to me is the Marine “camo” of my youth, the uniform of my service in Vietnam.

I remember when I would drive to Lansing and sit in the governor’s office with him.  We would go out to lunch.

I had rich friends and seemed “electable.”  There are few real elections, politicians are “selected,” not “elected.”

The idea was for me to take a Congressional seat where I could be another “armed forces” voice.  I wasn’t that stupid, I knew I was being groomed because it was believed I would do what I was told.

I refused a seat in Congress which another friend took.  He appointed Eric Prinz to Annapolis and did what he was told, for awhile at least.

Then they replaced him. President Reagan appointed him as UN ambassador.

Today, he is waiting to go to federal prison.  His crime, technically “obstruction of justice,” is that he, as with so many others, earned the retaliation of a police state by telling the truth when he had been ordered to lie.

Truth tellers, government insiders believed to be loyal, meaning they were willing to do anything, no matter how evil, if ordered, prosper while those who chose an honest path are destined to suffer.  Over the years I have know so many of them.

Robert 'Bud' McFarlane, a Marine, got a pardon and wants one now for spy Jonathan Pollard

Then there are the others.  During Reagan’s era, a shadow government was formed that never really protected America, never fought communism, in fact, they did nothing but steal and run drugs.

Some paraded in front of congress in Marine “dress blues,” while others received presidential pardons, more than you would ever guess.  More slipped under the radar, never caught.

Now they may not own the world but many of them certainly run it. They all belong in prison minimally.

This is why I think about revolution.  We the people, the ones who were going to form a “more perfect union,” have proven powerless to deal with these predators.

Talk to your children.  If you are reading this, you have internet.  For others, if they are lucky, they will get see this in print, dropped off at a campground or a tent city in the forest or under a bridge.

Perhaps they are raising their children in an abandoned factory, using buckets as toilets, walking blocks to a gas station to get water in plastic jugs. With luck, you may find a job near a bus line and you won’t be killed for the change in your pocket.

The aboriginal Americans 5000 years ago had a more advanced society, more social cohesion, more conscience and were better able to deliver needed human services.

We are back to the stone age, for 50 million “invisible poor” at least.  You see, for every person with a sign, “will work for food” along the road, on the way into the shopping mall, there are a thousand others, spending their days, looking for help from a social network in tatters or seeking employment.

Steady and Counting

Problem is, where I am, Northwest Ohio, minimum wage jobs that it is impossible to get to in cars that don’t run, public transportation that doesn’t exist, using gasoline nobody can afford to feed children destined to grow up in anger, poverty and want, those jobs are not the answer.

They don’t even exist.  There hasn’t been a “help wanted” sign in front of a fast food restaurant in 3 years.

The woman that searches my shopping cart as I leave my local membership club store may be 80.

Last week, I was at a large department store/grocery chain.  I seldom shop there as food prices have gone up so much I find it impossible to buy anything.  I go to producers now, or to the military commissary or wholesalers.

At the front of the store was a group of women, employees, watching customers move toward the exit.  One woman hurried past me.  The women watching looked at each other and the leader said, “There goes another one.”

Then one of the employees began running behind her, seizing the customer, a shoplifter, outside the door.  It make you wonder.  Was this a common thief, stealing items of value to resell on Ebay or was it a mother stealing food for a child.

Homeless tent towns are springing up

I will never know, I only looked away.

After all, food for the starving is supposed to be supplied by the government, through food stamps or welfare that hasn’t existed for the last 15 years.

All of that you hear politicians talk about is gone.

I even helped draft some of the legislation believing I would never see an America with millions of children growing up in tents, sleeping under piles of blankets in freezing weather, out in the open, children with no food.

This is America after all, and these things don’t happen here.  Had you wondered?

We have 50 million home foreclosed on, unemployment rates that we know are lies, gross understatements of fact.  Hadn’t you wondered where the people had gone to?

When they left, the mom and dad, the children no longer in school, the jobs lost to “economic disaster tied to Bush policies,” where do you think they went?

Then I listen to presidential hopeful, drowning in mob money, Newt Gingrich or sociopath and maniac Rick Santorum or Mitt Romney with his billions of laundered bucks in offshore banks talk about how lazy Americans are.

That there has not been a revolution, 500,000 veterans rising up, the 50 million homeless with starving children, the disenfranchised, the heavily armed millions who see a government out of control, that nothing has happened while the wealthiest nation in the history of the world has become a nation of hopelessness and starvation, what does it say about the kind of people we are.

Food banks are booming

President Obama talks about taking care of those in need yet the agricultural commodity programs of the 1950s and 60s are no longer there.

We used to give surplus food to the poor, after all, we pay billions to store it, we have enough to feed the planet for decades.

We have limestone caverns, miles long, filed with just powdered milk and cheese.  Building them cost hundreds of millions.  They exist to hide food to keep prices up.

Here is my question to all of you:

Can you continue to live in a country where children live in snow covered tents and go hungry? How long will you be silent?

Today, the “monsters,” the GOP candidates in the Michigan primary search for votes.

Each has made their mark, insulting the character of the American people, telling us how lazy and worthless we all are, how we should clean their toilets or simply starve and die because those to finance or bribe them have stolen America’s wealth, shipped her jobs overseas and destroyed her government.

Then I think, it was President Kennedy that was murdered.  Can there be more possible proof that there is no g-d?

When Gingrich, Romney and Santorum are struck by lightning, expect me to light a candle.

Then we have the other question.  Are there so many Republicans in congress that President Obama would let children starve to death?  Can’t we just arrest all of them for torture or war crimes?  International lawyers tell me we can, could have done it any time, not everyone but most of them.

Would that let us feed children, get their teeth fixed, clean up our streets and turn America back into the nation it should be?

Where does the siezed dope go?

Perhaps we could get the CIA to stop importing drugs, get the banks to stop laundering the money, get the politicians to stop accepting “cartel” donations and empty our prisons of the 15 million Americans guilty of using or selling our own governments narcotics.

Anyone want to dispute this last statement?  Want to ignore it?  Chances are you already have.

What will happen, of course, is that the thieves will eventually reach nearly all of us.

Governor Snyder of Michigan, elected by “senior citizens” fearful of evil black people passed a bill that now taxes pensions.

The fearful idiots living on next to nothing now have even less than that, fear and ignorance. Kasich of Ohio and Walker of Wisconsin are worse.

It isn’t just the state governments but drug money and organized crime has bought state and local governments across America.  They have learned that stealing in just Washington isn’t enough.  You can steal everywhere, from every school or police department, you can tax everything and everyone.

When governments like Republican Snyder of Michigan tax, then they can spend.  When they spend, the money goes to their friends, those who own and operate them.

This is the nature of organized crime, the real government of the United States.

Try talking about fighting back.  Then you will be a “terrorist” and your best friend will turn out to be an FBI informant.  Helicopters will come, a SWAT team will knock down your door, you will become a “lone gunman” or a member of a “milita” and your church will be called a “cult.”


Thomas Jefferson opined of the Rothschild-led Eight Families central banking cartel which came to control the United States, “Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day, but a series of oppressions begun at a distinguished period, unalterable through every change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery”.

Two centuries and a few decades later this same cabal of trillionaire money changers – mysteriously immune from their own calls for “broad sacrifice” – utilizes the debt lever to ring concessions from the people of Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy and now the United States.

In their never-ending quest to subjugate the planet, the bankers’ IMF enforcer – chronic harasser of Third World governments – has turned its sites on the developed world. To further advance their dizzying concentration of economic power, the whining banksters take a giant wrecking ball to the global middle class as they prepare to eat their young.

No one can argue that the US deficit is not a problem. Much of it accrues paying interest on the $14 trillion debt. Stooped-over Congressional cartel shills with names like Cantor and Boehner argue for slashing entire government departments to satiate the bloodthirsty bond-holders. Liberals argue for higher taxes on the rich and massive Pentagon cuts.

I agree with these latter proposals. The super-rich paid 90% under Eisenhower and 72% under Nixon. Both were Republicans. They now pay 33%. Most corporations and many elites utilize offshore tax havens and pay nothing.

The argument for progressive taxation is that those who benefit more from government should pay more. Cartel apologists propagate the fiction that the poor soak up middle-class tax dollars, sowing division between the poor and middle class. Meanwhile, the Eight Families financial octopus feeds mightily at the public trough be it the SEC (rich investors), the FCC (Gulfstream jet fliers), the USDA (the richest farmers get the biggest checks), Medicaid (insurance fraud, Big Pharma gouging) or the Pentagon (Lockheed Martin, Halliburton, Blackwater).

Still, $14 trillion is an insurmountable debt. Increasing taxes on the super-rich combined with a global American military withdrawal from its current role as Hessianized mercenary force for the City of London banksters, while welcome, will not be enough to deal with this monster debt, what Jefferson termed, this “deliberate, systematic plan of reducing us to slavery”.

The belt-way dialogue on the deficit remains locked in a tiny intellectual box created by the corporate media and their Federal Reserve cartel owners. But there is another way.

It is a myth that most of that $14 trillion debt is owed to the Chinese or other “governments”. The vast majority – around $10 trillion – is owed to the Eight Families Federal Reserve crowd.

In a June 9, 2011 article for Marketwatch, Unicredit’s Chief US Economist Harm Bandholz stated that the Federal Reserve is the largest holder of US debt with around 14% of the total. This does not include debt held by Rothschild-controlled central banks of other nations – including China, Japan and the GCC oil fiefdoms.

Through the recent QE2 program, the Fed purchased another $600 billion in Treasury bonds. They claimed it was a last ditch attempt to save the global economy from deflation. Instead, the banksters who got the interest free taxpayer-backed money pushed us further towards deflation by refusing to lend their welfare bonanza to potential homeowners or small business.

Conversely and inherent in the printing of zero-interest money, they created inflation – speculating in oil, food and gold futures and rolling this increased US debt on the roulette tables at their various wholly-owned global stock exchanges. Is it any wonder the financial parasite class is now clamoring for QE3?

What follows is a ten-step proposal which President Obama and the Congress could enact to lift the $14 trillion debt from the backs of future generations of Americans. These should be done concurrently as part of a single sweeping financial reform bill. Modeled after last week’s release of strategic petroleum reserves by twenty-seven nations, this measure should be enacted in tandem with as many willing nations as possible. The same Rothschild-led cabal controls the central banks of most every nation and there is power in numbers. If these measures are enacted separately or by only one nation, the Eight Families cartel will use their financial clout to target and destroy the US:

1) Introduce a Treasury Department-administered infrastructure investment fund, which workers should be strongly encouraged to opt into using accrued funds from their private 401K plans. This is important because the banker’s stock market casino will crash due to the next nine steps and workers must be shielded from this event. This fund can be used to rebuild America’s infrastructure, with American workers acting as lenders and receiving a fair rate of interest in return.

2) The US needs to withdraw from the Bank of International Settlements, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the IMF and all Eight Families-controlled multilateral lending facilities. We would save billions funding these banker welfare schemes while freeing ourselves from rules which prevent our financial emancipation.

3) De-link the dollar from all currency baskets and IMF special drawing rights. Ban trade in dollars on all global exchanges. This will create a demand for dollars and strengthen our badly devalued currency. Impose currency controls by fixing the dollar at 1:1 euro, Chinese yuan, Canadian dollar and Swiss franc; 100:1 Japanese yen. During the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad fixed the nation’s currency – the ringit. It was the only currency in the region that did not crash when Rothschild front-man George Soros took aim at the region.

4) Nationalize the Federal Reserve. According to a London barrister I have been in contact with, under the Federal Reserve Act there is a provision that allows for the US government to buy back the Fed’s charter for $4 billion. We should pay this fee, revoke the Fed charter and launch a new US dollar issued by the Treasury Department. With the dollar fixed, the vampires cannot crash it.

5) Cancel the $10 trillion debt to the Illuminati bankers. Debt obligations to foreign governments and small bond-holders should be honored at par.

6) Arrest the perpetrators. Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law all fraudulent transactions involving the Fed cartel. Send the FBI to the New York Fed. Seize all documents. Confiscate the world’s largest gold reserves which are stored there. These were stolen from various governments including from our own Ft. Knox reserves.

7) Forget just repealing the Bush tax cuts on the rich. The top tax rate on people who make more than $1 million/ year should be raised to 75%. People making more than $500,000/year should pay 50%. All tax brackets below $75,000/year should see tax cuts. If you get more from government you need to pay for it, instead of soaking the middle-class and blaming it on the poor.

8) Slash Pentagon spending. Shut down all US military bases on foreign soil, including those in Europe, Japan and South Korea. Withdraw ALL troops from Iraq and Afghanistan immediately. Use the savings to pay off government and small bond-holders.

9) Outlaw offshore banking by US citizens and corporations. Bring your money home and pay taxes on it or surrender your US passport/corporate charter. The dramatic increase in tax revenue would be enough to pay off the remaining debt to sovereign governments and small bond-holders, while keeping our obligations to the Social Security trust fund.

10) Introduce single-payer health care and price controls on prescription drugs. The current corporate for-profit health care bonanza depends upon sickness and ill health for its hefty profits. In 2006 Canada government spent $3,678 per person for free single-payer coverage for all its citizens. The US government spent $6,714 per person covering the insurance, pharmaceutical, hospital and AMA cartels. The savings attained from eliminating insurance/pharmaceutical/hospital chain/doctor-perpetrated Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security fraud will save the US Treasury billions. It is the only solution to skyrocketing and unsustainable health care costs.

Using this methodology the US could wipe out both its deficit and its debt within a year. These measures should be planned in secret and introduced swiftly and in rapid succession. Social security and Medicare will be saved. The middle class will see their tax rates go down, while their retirement fund finances the rebuilding of a 21st Century America. Manufacturing jobs will come home, since the Chinese yuan will have seen a dramatic appreciation. Our national security will be enhanced by withdrawing from the role of global policeman.

If we keep thinking inside the banker-manufactured beltway box, our children have no future. They will live in a Third World country which produces nothing, lorded over by debt-collector parasites known as the “financial services industry”.

The wealth-destroying Eight Families banker elite are the perpetrators of the US debt crime. Should a woman who is raped serve the sentence of her rapist? That’s absurd. Then why should Americans or any other nation pay a fraudulent debt foisted upon them by con-men? It is time for Obama and the Congress to get a backbone and force the criminal Federal Reserve cartel to make the “broad sacrifices”.

Now senior citizens and veterans take to the streets in Occupy Wall Street demonstrations

  • Washington protesters build on momentum of New York
  • Video of cop boasting he looks forward to using nightstick sparks furious reaction among protesters
  • Protesters 'storm the barricades' at Stock Exchange, prompting police to use pepper spray
  • Herman Cain: 'If you are not rich it's your own fault'
  • Obama addresses protesters in economic speech
  • Protests held across the country from Jersey to  Washington and Dallas

It started as a student protest, led by the disgruntled and disenfranchised youth.

But as the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations have gained momentum, it has quickly become clear that fury against bankers is not a feeling restricted to just one demographic.

Among the protesters marching as part of the angry and struggling '99 per cent' were many older faces - one so elderly he required a zimmer frame to walk.

Scroll down for video

Energy: Protestor Julia Botello, 85, shouts as she leaves a Bank of America branch in downtown Los Angeles Jaime Vazquez, a Vietnam war veteran, chants during an

Charles Helms holds a sign during an

Energy: Jaime Vazquez, left, a Vietnam war veteran, chants during a protest outside the Goldman Sachs building in New Jersey, while Charles Helms displays a sign

Energy: Protestor Julia Botello, 85, shouts as she leaves a Bank of America branch in downtown Los Angeles

Energy: Protestor Julia Botello, 85, shouts as she leaves a Bank of America branch in downtown Los Angeles

Others held up banners and yelled with voices just as strong as their young counterparts.


Protesters calling themselves 'the 99 per cent' continued to gather momentum in several cities across the country yesterday, with groups descending on on Washington D.C., Jersey and Texas.

The marchers - campaigning against America's richest 'one per cent' with perceived tax breaks and other perks - have swelled their ranks since mid-September, leading President Barack Obama to call the demonstrators a 'movement'.

Never too old: One man, a war veteran, joins the protests in New York with the aid of a zimmer frame

Never too old: One man, a war veteran, joins the protests in New York with the aid of a zimmer frame

The protests became even more furious after an NYPD officer was caught bragging about using his nightstick on the group just hours before violence broke out between demonstrators and police on Wednesday night.

In the video, which appears to have been shot just hours before the clashes, the officer can be heard saying 'my little night stick's going to get a work out tonight' as he saunters past a police barricade.

The protests have slowly grown in size and attention over more than two weeks, with the president's acknowledgement at a news conference a sign they might be jelling into a political movement.

Stand: About one thousand people gather and form a large

Stand: About one thousand people gather and form a large "99%" in the middle of Freedom Plaza. The chant refers to the richest 1 per cent of Americans which the political right are trying to protect .

As Americans anxiously wait for an economic recovery to surface, numerous myths have been disseminated in order to justify policies favoring the wealthy.  For instance, the right-wing arm of the establishment has fooled many into thinking that lowering corporate taxes will resolve the unemployment picture. A similar argument has been made by the same masters of propaganda in order to keep taxes low for the wealthy. Neither of these strategies will help the economy recover. What Americans have not been told is that the effective corporate tax rate in the U.S. (the net rate paid after all deductions, credits and other allowances) is one of the lowest in the world. If this seems hard to believe, consider that corporate tax revenues as a share of economic growth are at record-lows despite record-high profits. For the majority of Americans, there has been no “trickling down” of the fruits of productivity. Most of financial gains over the past three decades have gone to the top 5% of wage earners. Large corporations and their ultra-wealthy shareholders have been the biggest beneficiaries over this period. The less money paid in the form of corporate taxes boosts profits, which goes to shareholders; not you or me, but the ultra-wealthy who own millions of shares. It’s amazing how people still buy into the “trickle down” deceit from the Reagan era. You know you’ve reached the pinnacle of your career as a con artist when you are able to convince those who have received the short end of the stick that the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations should keep paying the lowest tax rate through financial trickery.

Americans are exposed to various shills and snake oil salesmen who preach the same myths on a daily basis. They are introduced as financial or economic “experts” in the print and broadcast media.

In addition to their poor track record and questionable credibility, financial interests serve as motivation for their delusional views. Unfortunately, these views are in opposition with those of the American people.

On the other hand, the left-wing arm of the establishment has fooled many Americans to think that “big government” offers a much better alternative. These idealists believe that everyone should be taxed to the max so that the government can provide for the people.

What they fail to recognize is that government spending primarily goes to fund corporate profits in the form of uncontested contracts, industry subsidies, tax breaks and many other arrangements.

Finally, both arms of the establishment continue to insist that unfair rules of trade serve the best interests of the American people. On the contrary, it is an absolute fact that U.S. trade policy has been the single largest factor accounting for income inequality in the United States.

The strategy utilized by Washington to maintain control over the people is simple. Create the illusion of democracy, freedom and free market economics, all while running a fascist economic and political regime.

All that’s required to achieve this control is to convince voters that one political party has all of the answers, while the other has caused the problems.

Accordingly, Americans will continue to vote for candidates from one of the two fascist parties in Washington. Thus, Americans get the same results regardless which party is in power. This is specifically why America’s rich continue to get richer at the expense of its working and middle class.

When it comes to trade policy, monetary policy and foreign policy, both parties always agree. They are going to ship U.S. jobs overseas, allow the Federal Reserve and Wall Street crime syndicate to commit massive fraud, and fight wars for Israel. Regardless who they vote for, Americans always lose. Thus, heading to the voting booth serves no purpose other than to endorse America’s fascist regime.

On rare occasion when fraud has been exposed, none of the establishment crime bosses goes to jail. At best, one or two scapegoats are pulled from the bottom of the criminal food chain to serve as the “fall guy.” But even the fall guys come out of the deal shining. In most cases, after a couple of years in club fed, they are rewarded by their colleagues for taking the heat.

[Take for instance, the $104 million pay day received by this low-level Wall Street crook. News of this award was published AFTER this article had been written. Whistleblower awards should NOT be provided to those who commit crimes when these awards are directly related to the crimes they committed! Notice that this scoundrel is Jewish. Would he have received this ridiculous sum of money if he were not Jewish?]

The only viable solution that will realign the U.S. economy with promising long-term growth is one that strikes a healthy balance between economic equity and optimal resource allocation. In order to achieve this, at the very least the U.S. must stop spending trillions of dollars on wars, redesign its healthcare system for the people rather than profiteers, restructure trade policy, and demand accountability from both the public and private sector.

Looking at the big picture, one cannot help but to blame the American people for their nation’s decline. Americans whine like babies after being defrauded of trillions of dollars by Wall Street and corporate America, but they don’t do anything about it. Soon after the crooks have made off with the loot, Americans go back to self-indulging activities, while giving into mass media control.

Year after year, the American people sit back while the criminals in Washington commit treason, facilitate corporate and banking fraud, keep U.S. borders open to the third world, destroy the U.S. Constitution, spy on and murder innocent Americans. And now they are permitting Washington to slash entitlement benefits in order to pay for wars in the Middle East.

Nothing has changed. The same criminal gang has been pulling the same stunts for decades. Yet, with each wave of criminal activity, Americans have allowed the crime bosses to escape prosecution.

Until Americans stand up and take action, they will continue to be exploited by Washington, Wall Street and corporate America. This is guaranteed. The time has come for Americans to take back their country from the criminals. Otherwise, they can blame no one for their misery other than themselves.

Spread: Participants march with signs past the White House to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce during an

Spread: Participants march with signs past the White House to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce during an "Occupation of Washington" protest in Washington

March: Protesters march in front of the Federal Reserve Building in Dallas today

March: Protesters march in front of the Federal Reserve Building in Dallas today


For the left-wing students and unionists marching to ‘occupy Wall Street’, it may not be a comparison they much appreciate.

In an unusual observation, Vice President Joe Biden has likened protesters camping out in the financial district to the Tea Party movement – saying they share anger over federal programmes which favour the richest in America.

‘There's a lot in common with the tea party,’ he said. ’The tea party started why? TARP [The Troubled Asset Relief Program, which bailed out the banks in 2008]. They thought it was unfair - we were bailing out the big guy.’

He added: ‘What is the core of that protest, and why is it increasing in terms of the people it's attracting? The core is the bargain has been breached with the American people.

‘The American people do not think the system is fair or on the level.’

Local protests against corporate America are planned in New Jersey on Thursday as a show of solidarity with demonstrations that started last month outside the New York Stock Exchange.

Rallies met at the Statehouse in Trenton and in Jersey City. Protesters are expected to call for an end of corporate control of government.

The movement has surged in less than three weeks from a ragged group in downtown Manhattan to protesters of all ages demonstrating from Seattle to Tampa.

'I am a mother. I want a better world for my children,' said Lisa Clapier, 46, a producer who lives in Venice, California, who joined protesters in Los Angeles.

In Seattle, where protesters had set up an encampment in a city park, about two dozen people were arrested for defying police orders to dismantle their tents.

'The cops are doing their job, and we're going to let them do their job. Then we'll come back and occupy the park again,' said Michael Trimarco, 39, an unemployed carpenter.

On Wednesday night, unions lent their muscle to the long-running protest against Wall Street and economic inequality, fuelling speculation about how long the camp-out in lower Manhattan - and related demonstrations around the country - will continue.

As around 5,000 protesters marched toward the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday, demonstrators tried to storm the barricades but were stopped by police about two blocks away.

There were multiple reports of police using pepper spray to try to ward off the marchers.

A video posted on Youtube shows officers swinging their nightsticks at protesters and has sparked a furious reaction among demonstrators.

Police said about 28 arrests were made, mostly for disorderly conduct.

One person was arrested for assaulting an officer; police said the officer was pushed off his scooter.

Famous: Tim Robbins speaks to Occupy Wall Street protesters at the start of a rally held at Foley Square, Manhattan

Famous: Tim Robbins speaks to Occupy Wall Street protesters at the start of a rally held at Foley Square, Manhattan

Spray: A Protester gets pepper sprayed at Occupy Wall Street March

Spray: A Protester gets pepper sprayed at Occupy Wall Street March

Barricades: Protesters attempt to break through police lines at Wall Street and Broadway

Barricades: Protesters attempt to break through police lines at Wall Street and Broadway

Violence: A video posted on Youtube shows officers swinging their nightsticks at protesters has also sparked furious reaction on blogs and across the internet

Violence: A video posted on Youtube shows officers swinging their nightsticks at protesters has also sparked furious reaction on blogs and across the internet

Swinging: Police can be seen laying into protesters around Wall Street

Swinging: Police can be seen laying into protesters around Wall Street

Thousands of protesters, including many in union T-shirts, filled lower Manhattan's Foley Square on yesterday and then marched to Zuccotti Park, where the protesters have been camping since September 17.

Earlier Republican presidential hopeful Herman Cain told protesters in a Wall Street Journal interview: 'Don't blame Wall Street, don't blame the big banks, if you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself.'

But labor leaders say they will continue to support the protests, both with manpower and donations of goods and services.

'The great thing about Occupy Wall Street is that they have brought the focus of the entire country on the middle class majority,' said George Aldro, 62, a member of Local 2325 of the United Auto Workers, as he carried the union's blue flag over his shoulder through lower Manhattan.

Line: Police officers try to restore barricades after Occupy Wall Street protesters tried to get past them and march to Wall Street

Line: Police officers try to restore barricades after Occupy Wall Street protesters tried to get past them and march to Wall Street

Cuffed: The protests have gathered momentum and gained participants in recent days as news of mass arrests and a coordinated media campaign seeded protests around the country

Cuffed: The protests have gathered momentum and gained participants in recent days as news of mass arrests and a coordinated media campaign seeded protests around the country

'We're in it together, and we're in it for the long haul.'

The protesters have varied causes but have spoken largely about unemployment and economic inequality, reserving most of their criticism for Wall Street. 'We are the 99 percent,' they chanted, contrasting themselves with the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans.

Ed Figueroa, a janitor in a public school in the Bronx and a shop steward with Local 32BJ of the Service Employees International Union, said the march was 'the first time in these weeks that unions have shown their face.'

'But it won't be the last time,' he said. 'We'll be back.'

Force: People watch from the steps of Federal Court (L) as members of trade unions join

Force: People watch from the steps of Federal Court (L) as members of trade unions join "Occupy Wall Street" protesters

The unions were donating food, blankets and office space to the protesters, said Dan Cantor, head of the Working Families Party. But he said the young protesters would continue to head their own efforts. The movement lacks an identified leader and decisions are made during group meetings.

'They're giving more to us than we're giving to them. They're a shot in the arm to everybody,' Cantor said.

'The labor movement is following the youth of America today and that's a good thing.'

Victor Rivera, a vice-president for the powerful 1199 Service Employees International Union, which represents health care workers, said the union had donated 'all the food they need for this entire week' to the Zuccotti Park campers. Union leaders had also assigned liaisons from their political action committee to work with demonstrators.

'We are here to support this movement against Wall Street's greed,' he said. 'We support the idea that the rich should pay their fair share.'

Fall guy: Protesters affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement rally with a photo of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon in Foley Square

Fall guy: Protesters affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street movement rally with a photo of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon in Foley Square

Point: Occupy Wall Street protesters posing as billionaires stage a protest near Wall Street

Point: Occupy Wall Street protesters posing as billionaires stage a protest near Wall Street

Agitation: A police officer grabs the arm of a woman at the Occupy Wall Street protest

Agitation: A police officer grabs the arm of a woman at the Occupy Wall Street protest

The Occupy Wall Street protests started Sept. 17 with a few dozen demonstrators who tried to pitch tents in front of the New York Stock Exchange. Since then, hundreds have set up camp nearby in Zuccotti Park and have become increasingly organized, lining up medical aid and legal help and printing their own newspaper.

On Saturday, about 700 people were arrested and given disorderly conduct summonses for spilling into the roadway of the Brooklyn Bridge despite warnings from police. A group of those arrested filed a lawsuit Tuesday, saying officers lured them into a trap before arresting them.

Several Democratic lawmakers have expressed support for the protesters, but some Republican presidential candidates have rebuked them. Herman Cain called the activists 'un-American' Wednesday at a book signing in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Mass: Yesterday at new York's Zuccotti Park and Foley Square, Occupy Wall Street protesters were joined by local students and unions

Mass: Yesterday at new York's Zuccotti Park and Foley Square, Occupy Wall Street protesters were joined by local students and unions

'They're basically saying that somehow the government is supposed to take from those that have succeeded and give to those who want to protest,' the former pizza-company executive said. 'That's not the way America was built.'

On Tuesday, CBS reported that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney called the protest "class warfare" at an appearance at a Florida retirement community.

Activists have been showing solidarity with the movement in many cities: Occupy Providence. Occupy Los Angeles. Occupy Boise. More protests and sit-ins are planned across the country in the days ahead.

Ride: A participant in the

Ride: A participant in the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstration displays a "pink unicorn" ride during a march to join teacher's unions near Wall Street yesterday

Camp: The demonstrators are protesting bank bailouts, foreclosures and high unemployment from their encampment in the financial district

Camp: The demonstrators are protesting bank bailouts, foreclosures and high unemployment from their encampment in the financial district

Multitude: Thousands of protesters including union members and college students from an organized walkout joined the rally

Multitude: Thousands of protesters including union members and college students from an organized walkout joined the rally

On Wednesday, more than 100 people withstood an afternoon downpour in Idaho's capital to protest, including Judy Taylor, a retired property manager.

'I want change. I'm tired of things being taken away from those that need help,' she said.

In Seattle, demonstrators tussled with police officers and clung to tents as they defied orders to leave a park. Police said they made 25 arrests. The reception was warmer in Los Angeles, where the City Council approved a resolution of support and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa's office distributed 100 rain ponchos to activists at another days-long demonstration, according to City News Service.

In Boston, hundreds of nurses and Northeastern University students rallied together to condemn what they called corporate control of government and the spiralling costs of education. The students banged on drums made of water jugs and chanted, 'Banks got bailed out, and we got sold out.'

'This is an organic process. This is a process of grassroots people coming together. It's a beautiful thing,' said David Schildmeier, spokesman for the Massachusetts Nurses Association.

Many of those protesting are college students. Hundreds walked out of classes in New York, some in a show of solidarity for the Wall Street movement but many more concerned with worries closer to home. Protests were scheduled at State University of New York campuses including Albany, Buffalo, Binghamton, New Paltz and Purchase.

Danielle Kingsbury, a 21-year-old senior from New Paltz, said she walked out of an American literature class to show support for some of her professors who she said have had their workloads increased because of budget cuts.

'The state of education in our country is ridiculous,' said Kingsbury, who plans to teach. 'The state doesn't care about it and we need to fight back about that.'

Occupy Wall Street protests across the nation resulted in arrests on Friday. In Denver early Friday, police in riot gear herded hundreds of protesters away from the Colorado state Capitol, arresting about two dozen and dismantling their encampment. In Trenton, N.J., protesters were ordered to remove tents from their encampment near a war memorial. New York police arrested 14 people, including protesters who obstructed traffic by standing or sitting in the street, and others who tuned over trash baskets, knocked over a police scooter and hurled bottles.

Captured: Occupy Nation


Colorado State Patrol officers drag a Occupy Denver protester away as the group is evicted from its home since September 22. Joe Amon, The Denver Post #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Protesters march around Civic Center Park, defying an 11 p.m. curfew as part of the Occupy Denver movement in downtown Denver across from the Colorado Capitol building on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011. (Daniel Petty, The Denver Post) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Occupy Denver protesters remove anything that might be mistaken for a weapon from their security tent at Lincoln Park Friday before Colorado State Patrol officers arrive to break up the protest. Joe Amon, The Denver Post #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Occupy Denver protesters wait for Colorado State Patrol officers to break up their protest. Joe Amon, The Denver Post #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Colorado State Patrol takes to the streets to oust Occupy Denver protesters from Lincoln Park Friday morning as the group is evicted from its home since September 22. Joe Amon, The Denver Post #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Colorado State Patrol officers roust Occupy Denver protesters from Lincoln Park Thursday from night as the group is evicted from it's home since September 22. Joe Amon, The Denver Post #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Colorado State Patrol officers destroyed the tents of Occupy Denver protesters before ousting them from Lincoln Park Friday morning. Joe Amon, The Denver Post #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Several hundred Occupy Denver protesters remain in Lincoln Park, across from the State Capitol building in Denver early Friday morning, Oct. 14, 2011, even as the park was deemed closed by executive order. Dozens of police in riot gear advanced early Friday on the last remaining cluster of protesters supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement at the state Capitol in Denver. The demonstrators retreated without resisting, but some were arrested. (AP Photo/The Denver Post, Joe Amon) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


A Occupy Denver protester tries to block a dump truck before they were evicted from Lincoln Park in Downtown Denver. Joe Amon, The Denver Post #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators with Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park hours before a scheduled clean up, in New York, Oct. 13, 2011. The cleanup of the Lower Manhattan park that has been occupied by protesters for nearly a month was postponed Friday, averting a feared showdown between the police and demonstrators who had vowed to resist any efforts to evict them from their encampment. (Robert Stolarik/The New York Times) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Colorado State Patrol separate Occupy Denver protesters that are arm-in-arm in Lincoln Park early Friday, Oct. 14, 2011 in Denver. Dozens of police in riot gear advanced early Friday on the last remaining cluster of protesters supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement at the state Capitol in Denver. The demonstrators retreated without resisting, but some were arrested. (AP Photo/The Denver Post, Joe Amon) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Registered nurse Patricia Hughes is escorted by police from the medical tent as Occupy Denver protesters were ousted from Lincoln Park Friday morning as the group is evicted from its home since September 22. Joe Amon, The Denver Post #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators with Occupy Wall Street in Zuccotti Park react to the news that a scheduled clean up was cancelled, in New York, Oct. 14, 2011. The cleanup of the Lower Manhattan park that has been occupied by protesters for nearly a month was postponed Friday, averting a feared showdown between the police and demonstrators who had vowed to resist any efforts to evict them from their encampment. (Victor Blue/The New York Times) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators associated with the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement face off with police in the streets of the financial district after the deadline for their removal from Zuccotti park was postponed on October 14, 2011 in New York City. Many of the 'Occupy Wall Street' demonstrators have been living in Zuccotti Park in the Financial District near Wall Street. The activists have been gradually converging on the financial district over the past three weeks to rally against the influence of corporate money in politics among a host of other issues. The protests have begun to attract the attention of major unions and religious groups as the movement continues to grow in influence. Dozens of protesters were arrested in the morning demonstrations. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators associated with the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement face off with police in the streets of the financial district after the deadline for their removal from Zuccotti park was postponed on October 14, 2011 in New York City. Many of the 'Occupy Wall Street' demonstrators have been living in Zuccotti Park in the Financial District near Wall Street. The activists have been gradually converging on the financial district over the past three weeks to rally against the influence of corporate money in politics among a host of other issues. The protests have begun to attract the attention of major unions and religious groups as the movement continues to grow in influence. Dozens of protesters were arrested in the morning demonstrations. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators associated with the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement face off with police in the streets of the financial district after the deadline for their removal from Zuccotti park was postponed on October 14, 2011 in New York City. Many of the 'Occupy Wall Street' demonstrators have been living in Zuccotti Park in the Financial District near Wall Street. The activists have been gradually converging on the financial district over the past three weeks to rally against the influence of corporate money in politics among a host of other issues. The protests have begun to attract the attention of major unions and religious groups as the movement continues to grow in influence. Dozens of protesters were arrested in the morning demonstrations. (Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators with Occupy Wall Street march in New York, Oct. 14, 2011. Many demonstrators started marching through the winding streets of Lower Manhattan after learning that the cleanup of Zuccotti Park had been called off, averting a feared showdown between the police and demonstrators who had vowed to resist any efforts. (Robert Stolarik/The New York Times) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


A protestor participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests screams while marching towards Wall Street Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. At least ten people were arrested during the march, which began after protestors heard the news that the owners of Zuccotti Park had withdrawn their request to have the park cleaned by the New York Police Department. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Police create a barrier near demonstrators with the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, Oct. 14, 201. Many demonstrators started marching through the winding streets of Lower Manhattan after learning that the cleanup of Zuccotti Park had been called off, averting a feared showdown between the police and demonstrators who had vowed to resist any efforts. (Robert Stolarik/The New York Times) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


A New York City police officer shoves a demonstrator affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street protests as they march through the streets in the Wall St. area, Friday, Oct. 14, 2011 in New York. The cleanup of a plaza in lower Manhattan where protesters have been camped out for a month was postponed early Friday, sending cheers up from a crowd that had feared the effort was merely a pretext to evict them.(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Protestors participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests lock arms as they sit down in the road in protest of the police during a march towards Wall Street Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. At least ten people were arrested during the march, which began after protestors heard the news that the owners of Zuccotti Park had withdrawn their request to have the park cleaned by the New York Police Department. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators with Occupy Wall Street march in New York, Oct. 14, 2011. Many demonstrators started marching through the winding streets of Lower Manhattan after learning that the cleanup of Zuccotti Park had been called off, averting a feared showdown between the police and demonstrators who had vowed to resist any efforts. (Robert Stolarik/The New York Times) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Protestors participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests face police during a march towards Wall Street on Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. At least ten people were arrested during the march, which began after protestors heard the news that the owners of Zuccotti Park had withdrawn their request to have the park cleaned by the New York Police Department. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


A protestor participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests is tackled and arrested by police officers during a march towards Wall Street on Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. At least ten people were arrested during the march, which began after protestors heard the news that the owners of Zuccotti Park had withdrawn their request to have the park cleaned by the New York Police Department. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Two men affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street protests are arrested by police officers during a march towards Wall Street in New York, on Friday, Oct. 14, 2011. The official cleanup of a plaza in lower Manhattan where protesters have been camped out for a month was postponed early Friday, sending up cheers from a crowd that had scrambled to scrub the park on its own out of fear the effort was merely a pretext to evict them. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Police officers arrest an Occupy Wall Street protestor as hundreds march towards Wall Street after being heartened by a postponement of a scheduled cleanup of their camp at Zuccotti Park that many saw as a de facto eviction, Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. Some arrests have occurred after a few hundred protesters left Zuccotti Park and marched to the area around the New York Stock Exchange. There are barricades and mounted police around the exchange. About a half-dozen arrests were seen in the surrounding blocks. (AP Photo/John Minchillo) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Protestors participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests march towards Wall Street Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. At least ten people were arrested during the march, which began after protestors heard the news that the owners of Zuccotti Park had withdrawn their request to have the park cleaned by the New York Police Department. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


A man affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street protests tackles a police officer during a march towards Wall Street in New York, on Friday, Oct. 14, 2011. The official cleanup of a plaza in lower Manhattan where protesters have been camped out for a month was postponed early Friday, sending up cheers from a crowd that had scrambled to scrub the park on its own out of fear the effort was merely a pretext to evict them. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Protestors participating in the Occupy Wall Street protest pull a garbage can of brooms during a march towards Wall Street on Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. At least ten people were arrested during the march, which began after protestors heard the news that the owners of Zuccotti Park had withdrawn their request to have the park cleaned by the New York Police Department. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Protestors participating in the Occupy Wall Street protests march towards Wall Street Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. At least ten people were arrested during the march, which began after protestors heard the news that the owners of Zuccotti Park had withdrawn their request to have the park cleaned by the New York Police Department. (AP Photo/Andrew Burton) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators with Occupy Wall Street march on Water Street in New York, Oct. 14, 2011. Many demonstrators started marching through the winding streets of Lower Manhattan after learning that the cleanup of Zuccotti Park had been called off, averting a feared showdown between the police and demonstrators who had vowed to resist any efforts. (Victor Blue/The New York Times) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


A New York City police officer runs over a National Lawyers Guild observer as Occupy Wall Street demonstrators march through the streets near Wall Street, Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in New York. The cleanup of a plaza in lower Manhattan where protesters have been camped out for a month was postponed early Friday, sending cheers up from a crowd that had feared the effort was merely a pretext to evict them. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator is detained by police while others march nearby, in New York, Oct. 14, 2011. Many demonstrators started marching through the winding streets of Lower Manhattan after learning that the cleanup of Zuccotti Park had been called off, averting a feared showdown between the police and demonstrators who had vowed to resist any efforts. (Victor Blue/The New York Times) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Alexander Higgins, left, of Bricktown, N.J., and Justin Phillips, of Cranford, N.J., work at their computers at a table across from the Statehouse Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in Trenton, N.J., after the participants affiliated with the Occupy Wall Street protest complied with an order to remove tents from New Jersey's World War II Memorial. State Attorney General Paula Dow on Thursday ordered those occupying the memorial can stay as long as they like, but they must remove any signs of permanency. Higgins says a state trooper arrived around 2 a.m. and the group removed most of the material. (AP Photo/Mel Evans) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


New York Police officers check the workplace ID cards of people walking down Wall Street, after "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators marched in the financial district on October 14, 2011 in New York City. Many of the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators have been living in Zuccotti Park in the Financial District near Wall Street. The activists have been gradually converging on the financial district over the past three weeks to rally against the influence of corporate money in politics among a host of other issues. The protests have begun to attract the attention of major unions and religious groups as the movement continues to grow in influence. Dozens of protesters were arrested in morning demonstrations. (Photo by Michael Nagle/Getty Images) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


NEW YORK -- OCTOBER 14: "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators rest in Zuccotti Park after marching in the financial district on October 14, 2011 in New York City. Many of the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators have been living in Zuccotti Park in the Financial District near Wall Street. The activists have been gradually converging on the financial district over the past three weeks to rally against the influence of corporate money in politics among a host of other issues. The protests have begun to attract the attention of major unions and religious groups as the movement continues to grow in influence. Dozens of protesters were arrested in the morning demonstrations. (Photo by Michael Nagle/Getty Images) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Occupy San Diego protesters form a human barrier as San Diego police officials remove tents and structures from the Occupy San Diego movement Friday, Oct. 14, 2011, in San Diego. One man was arrested Friday as police officials removed the tents, where protesters have been camping out for days. (AP Photo/ Gregory Bull) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


"Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators sleep in Zuccotti Park after marching in the financial district on October 14, 2011 in New York City. Many of the "Occupy Wall Street" demonstrators have been living in Zuccotti Park in the Financial District near Wall Street. The activists have been gradually converging on the financial district over the past three weeks to rally against the influence of corporate money in politics among a host of other issues. The protests have begun to attract the attention of major unions and religious groups as the movement continues to grow in influence. Dozens of protesters were arrested in the morning demonstrations. (Photo by Michael Nagle/Getty Images) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Protester Leigh Statum sits in her tent she has been living in at Freedom Plaza, on October 14, 2011 in Washington, DC. The United States Park Police, who oversees Freedom Plaza, has allowed the groups Occupy DC and Stop The Machine to camp there temporally. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Demonstrators with Occupy Wall Street at the encampment in Zuccotti Park, in New York, Oct. 14, 2011. The cleanup of the Lower Manhattan park that has been occupied by protesters for nearly a month was postponed Friday, averting a feared showdown between the police and demonstrators who had vowed to resist any efforts to evict them from their encampment. (Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times/The New York Times) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Members of Occupy Wall Street are arrested as they clash with police during a celebration march after learning that they can stay on Zuccotti Park in New York, October 14, 2011. Occupy Wall Street protesters and the New York Police Department avoided a potential clash as the real estate company that owns Zuccotti Park, where the protests began, decided to put off its planned cleaning of the square. Amid what was described as a celebratory march by a small group of protesters, scattered clashes with the police broke out, who bulked up their presence at the Zuccotti Park location, which has been home for hundreds of the protesters. (EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP/Getty Images) #

Captured: Occupy Nation


Occupy Seattle protesters prepare to be arrested by Seattle police at Westlake Park on Thursday, October 13, 2011. Ten protesters were arrested for refusing to move from a makeshift structure in the park. Earlier, city officials said that people needed to clear from the park at 10 p.m. when it closed. Eventually police withdrew, causing the crowd gathered to erupt in cheers. (AP Photo/seattlepi.com, Joshua Trujillo) #

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” Alexis de Tocqueville (From Democracy in America)

The extensive Constitutional republic they envisioned, in reality, became a place of liberty and opportunity for countless millions of people from all over the world. The experiment has worked because the ideas put forth were based on enduring principles which recognized human imperfection and the need to structure a limited government of laws, dependent upon the consent of a people who, themselves, understood the principles.
• Our Constitution acknowledged that individual rights are derived from a Creator.
• Our rights are based on enduring principles compatible with “the laws of nature and of nature’s God”, and not granted by government.
• The Founders knew all about human imperfection and that a tendency to abuse power is ever present in the human heart.
• To limit the power of government through the remarkable document called the Constitu¬tion they carefully divided, balanced, and separated the powers granted to government and then delicately balanced them equally with a system of checks and balances.
• Power was left to the people, except those which, by their consent, the people delegated to government ¬and then made provision for their withdrawing that power, if it was abused. They even foresaw the need for such protection by maintaining the God given right to self protection by the implementation of the 2nd Amendment.

When asked by a curious citizen after the adjournment of the Constitutional Convention what kind of government had been structured by the Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin is said to have answered: “…a republic, if you can keep it”.

By comparison yesterday’s Founders were far more brilliant than today’s politicians. The U.S. Constitution contains just 34 Articles and is comprised of just 4543 words, while the still non-ratified Constitutional Charter of the European Union contains over 200 articles and exceeds 250 pages in length. I believe this to be the propensity of politicians to micro-manage all phases of government with minute detail that only a bureaucrat can understand.

So…how have we strayed from the path of righteousness?

As Andrew Jackson observed: “It is well known that there have always been those amongst us who wish to enlarge the powers of the general government…and…overstep the boundaries marked out for it by the Constitution”. The very nature of bureaucracy is to try to expand influence and power which become so entrenched as to be unchangeable without herculean measures. Add to the creeping desire for power of the central government the deterioration of society by the ever increasing dependency upon government for that which should be done by the individual, and we have a formula for the demise of our way of life.

The saddest of all realities however, is that we have allowed our way of life; our freedoms; our independence; to be stolen out from under us by those we elect to hold office. We allow them to ingratiate themselves at the public trough; enrich themselves at taxpayer expense; continue to reelect them; and allow them to retire with benefits fitting a god. We the voters have been the enablers here, and must share much of the blame.

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