Tuesday, May 17, 2011

John F. Kennedy Jr.: Evidence Of A Cover up




'I should have kept my mouth shut': JFK Jr's assistant reveals her torment over urging Carolyn Bessette to board that ill-fated flight

Almost 12 years after JFK Jr and his wife Carolynn Bessette's untimely deaths, his assistant has revealed how she talked his wife into taking the flight the couple perished on.

RoseMarie Terenzio, 44, was John F Kennedy Jr's personal assistant, publicist and one of his closest confidantes during the last five years of his life.

In her book, 'Fairy Tale Interrupted', she reveals that the couple were having serious troubles in their marriage and Carolyn had initially refused to join John on that ill-fated flight on July 16, 1999.

Tragic: John F. Kennedy Jr and wife Carolyn Bessette are pictured here outside their New York City apartment soon after they wedded in secret in 1996

Tragic: John F. Kennedy Jr and wife Carolyn Bessette are pictured here outside their New York City apartment soon after they wedded in secret in 1996

Fairy Tale Interrupted

Untold story: JFK Jr's personal assistant RoseMarie Terenzio, right, said now after 12 years she is able to tell the story of her employer's final few years in her new book Fairy Tale Interrupted, pictured left

With their marriage under intense strain, Carolyn, a Calvin Klein executive, who struggled with the constant media attention her husband attracted, had said she was not going to join him at his cousin Rory's wedding on July 17.

John,39, who ran George magazine, had told RoseMarie that Carolyn was determined to stay at home and that he was not 'going to fight with her about it', she recalls in People Magazine.

But RoseMarie tried to change her mind.

'I'm not a priority,' she said. It's always something else. George. Somebody getting fired. A trip to meet advertisers. I just want some normal married time. I'm exhausted' RoseMarie remembers Carolyn telling her.  


Strained: The couple, pictured here in October 1998 on their way to attend the reopening of Grand Central Station, were said to be experiencing troubles in their marriage

But RoseMarie said she urged Carolyn to take the flight and go to the wedding in Massachusetts.

'I know. But now's not the time to take a stand. His whole family's going to be at this wedding. Listen. You don't want to put yourself in a position of being judged, you get enough of that.

'Go get a dress and I'll get you a car to the airport.' RoseMarie told her, according to People.

As he left, John had thanked RoseMarie was talking Carolyn around.

'He turned to me and said, 'Rose you're the best. Thanks for smoothing things over.'

Hours later, John's plane crashed in the Atlantic Ocean near Martha's Vinyard, Massachusetts killing him, Carolyn and her sister Lauren.

After the tragic, untimely deaths, RoseMarie said her whole world came crashing down around her, along with her hopes for the future.

Writing the book 'felt like paying tribute to them. It felt really good.'

In her book, RoseMarie reveals John and Carolyn's sometimes tumultuous relationship and the strain Carolyn felt from the constant media attention after their secret wedding in September 1996.

'Whenever she went out - to get coffee, walk the dog, or meet a friend - they were there, pushing in close and shouting things like wh*re and b**ch. If they could break her perfect exterior, it would be an instant story,' RoseMarie says in the report by People.

Destroyed: The remains of the cockpit controls of John F. Kennedy Jr's. Piper Saratoga II are seen in this photograph released after the crash that killed him, his wife Carolyn and her sister, Lauren Bessette

Destroyed: The remains of the cockpit controls of John F. Kennedy Jr's. Piper Saratoga II are seen in this photograph released after the crash that killed him, his wife Carolyn and her sister, Lauren Bessette

Fatal flight: John was flying a 1999 model Piper Sratoga II similar to the plane pictured which was also used in a desperate search for John, his wife and her sister, after their plane first vanished

Fatal flight: John was flying a 1999 model Piper Sratoga II similar to the plane pictured which was also used in a desperate search for John, his wife and her sister, after their plane first vanished

'Carolyn retreated into herself. Unfortunately John didn't understand. 'Just don't pay attention to it. I don't,' he said

'I knew that John's dismissive attitude was due to his frustration. He couldn't protect his wife. He should have told her as much - I know she really wanted to hear it,' she added.

The book also gives an insight into the couple's more loving relationship and how John proposed to Carolyn on a fishing trip.

RoseMarie revealed to People; 'The couple teased each other a lot, one Valentine's Day there was some tabloid story about him cheating, so she sent him flowers from all these famous models and actresses, like Pamela Anderson. He thought it was hilarious.'

She added that she felt the marriage became strained because they struggled to find 'peaceful marriage time' amongst the media frenzy and the magazine struggling.

RoseMarie also delves into how she planned the couple's secret wedding on Georgia's Cumberland Island as well as their tragic funeral and how she struggled to cope with their deaths.

RoseMarie TerenzioThe couple, pictured here in October 1998 on their way to attend the reopening of Grand Central Station, were said to be experiencing troubles in their marriage

Newlyweds: Pictured here just two months after they got married, the couple were said to have a loving, playful relationship before the strains of the media spotlight started taking its toll on Carolyn

Newlyweds: Pictured here just two months after they got married, the couple were said to have a loving, playful relationship before the strains of the media spotlight started taking its toll on Carolyn

Reluctant: Carolyn, pictured here sharing a conversation with her husband John had apparently initially refused to join him on the ill-fated flight


Reluctant: Carolyn, pictured here sharing a conversation with her husband John had apparently initially refused to join him on the ill-fated flight

'I don't feel responsible for what happened, but I will certainly always have the feeling that I should have kept my mouth shut and not told Carolyn to get on the plane,' said RoseMarie reports People magazine.

Only now as the head of her own public relations company, is RoseMarie finally ready to tell her story, giving a very real insight into the lives of the tragic couple.

'John was more than a mannequin of good looks and privilege; Carolyn was not this uptight, cold and guarded person,' RoseMarie told People magazine.

General Background Info

Gay Head

Martha's Vineyard Airport (NOA satellite image)


The aircraft

Click to go to aircraft specs.


The Weather That Night.

Weather Radar Shows Clear Skies.

Click for full size image.

Weather radar image taken 10:40 PM the night of the crash. The radar was set for "clear", a much more sensitive setting than "precipitation" which tracks rain. That this radar image is showing fog and haze as opposed to clouds is proven by the fact that the FAA had listed conditions as VFR with 8 mile visibility for the area.

This radar image shows fog and haze along New York and Long Island, but Martha's Vineyard is definitely in clear air.






Too Much Light at New Airport

To the Editor:

The Vineyard has taken another step towards becoming
Orlando north.
Last weekend, we took a late ferry back to the Vineyard
after a few weeks away. When we arrived at our house south
of the EdgartownVineyard Haven Road, turned off the car
lights and stepped out of the car, I was astonished to see
the sky to the north of us lit up as brightly as the Boston
I drove north to discover that the new airport had
apparently been opened in our absence, and there were now
60 new roadway lights in operation! Unlike the old street
lights, which had their bulbs up inside a reflector where
they would illuminate the ground but be shielded from the
sky, these new lights are very bright and completely
unshielded. Not only do they direct much of their light
upwards, the glare from the bright, unshielded bulbs
prevents you from seeing the grounds clearly.
Considering The Martha's Vineyard Times series last year on
the issue of light pollution, numerous letters to the
editors of the Gazette and The Times about light pollution,
the new Aquinnah building regulations covering lighting,
and letters to the airport commissioners pleading with them
to consider the issue of light pollution in the design of
the new airport, who was the genius who specified these new
street lights? They may have "architectural presence," but
they destroy a large area of night sky.
Please call and write the commissioners, demanding that
they replace these lights with ones that shield their bulbs
from the sky, like the new lights on the Vineyard Haven-Oak
Bluffs causeway. We do not have to let "progress" turn the
Vineyard into just another metropolitan suburb.

Peter Jones
Belmont and Edgartown


These new lights directly contadict the image being put out in the media that Martha's Vineyard is a very dark place with no visual reference at night.

Even were it hazy, the glow of light through the haze would be visible.

AN UPDATE by Sherman H. Skolnick

What Happened To America's Golden Boy. WHO BENEFITS? That is a question that should be asked following a political assassination, or even when foul play is suspected. The monopoly press, from the time of Abraham Lincoln to date, never asks THAT QUESTION. Common Americans are to be fed from a bottomless garbage can of "lone assassin", or "accident" rubbish.

John F. Kennedy, Jr., most would have to admit, was charming and articulate, and had none of the ghosts and scandals in his closet that others of his relatives seem to have had or have. If he ran for important public office, he most likely would sweep the field if not just giving every other candidate a hard time.

There are two reasons for his death, one being the main one and then, for some, an alternative. Main reason:

His family knew he planned, on August 1, 1999, to announce, that like his father, he was going to run for President. His relatives, however, warned him that the U.S. Secret Service would not and could not protect him and they did not protect his father. The head of what is now called the U.S. Secret Service, Lafayette C. Baker, was part of the plot to murder President Abraham Lincoln. ["The Lincoln Conspiracy" by Balsiger, was also a movie in the 1970s.]

The presidential guards likewise permitted an assassin to murder President James Garfield and President William McKinley. Both were anti-British, pro-American at a time when Great Britain persisted in their schemes to take back this Continent as their puppet colony [an ongoing plot from the time of the War of 1812 to now.] Further, the Secret Service allowed a plot to go forward to disable or murder in 1981 newly-elected President Ronald Reagan. A so-called "lone assassin", Hinckley, part of a family close to oil-soaked family of George Herbert Walker Bush, then Vice President, was blamed. A trial that might have brought out inconvenient facts was cut short by a purported insanity plea by the would-be "lone assassin". Two TV network reporters stated live that there were shots from another gunman, a matter never repeated on the air but never rescinded.

John F. Kennedy, Jr., made one grave mistake. He trusted the presidential campaign officials of Albert Gore, Jr. to know that JFK Jr. planned to announce on August 1, 1999, that he was going to run for President. That would have interfered with the plans of Gore as well as George W. Bush, the Texas Governor. The Gore campaign reportedly promised total secrecy, a pledge they never kept. The Elder Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush, was reportedly part of the scheme to assassinate President Kennedy. According to the book not allowed for many years to be openly sold in the U.S., "Farewell America", the oil industry wanted President Kennedy dead, dead, dead. JFK wanted the oil cartel's tax dodge, the oil depletion allowance, to be cancelled. [The book was written under the pen-name "James Hepburn" by the French CIA that infiltrated the plot. In the 1970s, I and another assassination researcher were the only ones to get copies into the U.S. Alas, I have only one copy left now.] What's that? So you did not know or believe books are suppressed in the U.S.? Too bad for you.

The latest front for the oil fraud, George W. Bush, likewise would most naturally have an interest in the demise of JFK, Jr. George W. just before the fatal plane take-off, somehow was near the New Jersey airport where JFK Jr. kept his plane without proper security. A coincidence?

After all, JFK Jr. was a captivating speaker and would have most likely swept the field of Presidential candidates. Conservatives and liberals, both could join together to support America's Golden Boy.

According to our best, long-time reliable sources, Jr.'s sister, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg likewise warned her brother that running for President would be a death warrant. Nevertheless, she reportedly said she would support his plans. After his death, reportedly feuding with the Kennedy family, she did not go to the family get together. Her family reportedly threatens to silence her with a "Marilyn Monroe" needle, by a psychiatrist to change her views. [Remember, Marilyn Monroe was planning to go public at a press conference with details of her sex episodes with President Kennedy and brother Bobby, Attorney General. A psychiatrist reportedly gave her the "needle".]

To understand why and how the Kennedy family financially benefits by not fighting or exposing the cabal murdering their family members, visit our website, the four part series, What Happened to America's Golden Boy. Have you forgotten the attempt in 1964 to murder Teddy Kennedy by a sabotaged plane crash? Or the frame up in 1969 at Chappaquiddick?

An alternative reason, which some accept, is that JFK Jr. was going to run, not for President but for U.S. Senator from New York. Thus interfering with the plans of what we call The Dragon Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton.[Visit our website.] Visit, as well, various websites of the Clinton Body Count. Upwards of a hundred eyewitnesses have been "suicided", "accidented", or plain murdered, who knew too much about the criminality of the CIA couple known as Bill and Hillary. So, as an alternative, if Jr. were planning to run for U.S. Senator from New York, who benefits from his demise? Hillary. So you think that she did not know or suspect early on that her original opponent, Rudy Guiliani, was going to remove himself from the Senate race, because of cancer treatment, or marital scandal? Hillary reportedly knew that when Guiliani was Chief Federal Prosecutor in New York, he reportedly covered up plenty in the worldwide cases called the "Pizza Connection". The Rodham family reportedly are tied to Gambino crime family in Pennsylvania. Visit our website: "The Government-Criminal Connection". Hillary's original opponent, Rudy, was plenty blackmailable.

The FBI covered up the bombing of JFK Jr.'s plane. We obtained the details of the secret FBI report which was not to have been disclosed for 30 years. {Naive people heckle me claiming they cannot "find" it on the FBI's website. See: Golden Boy on our website, Part 4.] Within 48 hours of the time the FBI knew we had their secret report, they mysteriously announced, without explanation, that henceforth all public visitors would be cancelled to the Bureau's headquarters in Washington, D.C. They claimed unspecified "terrorists" were threatening them. By the way, Hillary put me and my TV show assistant, Joseph Andreuccetti, on an "enemies list" falsely labeling us as "domestic terrorists". A crooked, blackmailable federal judge in Chicago dismissed our case without legal formality against Hillary and others.

The National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB, released a report claiming the JFK Jr. plane crash was due to "pilot error". Over the years, the federal crash investigators have covered up several sabotaged plane crashes. For details on the long-time lies and frauds of the NTSB, visit our website story "Air Crashes, Black Boxes, and Unsafety Boards".

John F. Kennedy, Jr. was murdered before he could get to his planned announcement of August 1, 1999. If he lived and ran for President, he would have been 40 years old just after the 2000 Presidential election. Slightly younger than his father when he ran for President. Has the murdering of the Kennedy would-be dynasty ended with the rub-out of Jr.? We intend to post more updates on What Happened to America's Golden Boy. Stay tuned. .

The Kennedys at play: Intimate photos show First Family enjoying a day out with their children 50 years ago - including haunting picture of JFK Jr posing at controls of presidential helicopter

Gorgeous photographs show President John F. Kennedy leaving behind the pressures of Washington and unwinding with his attractive family at the presidential retreat at Camp David.

The Kennedy Presidential Library posted the collection of photos to their website on Monday, 50 years after the Kennedy clan was captured enjoying some fresh air at the rustic Naval fortress in Frederick County, Maryland on March 31, 1963.

The Kennedy mystique pervades the images of the smartly dressed yet uninhibited children, the easy going commander-in-chief and the always glamorous Mrs Kennedy, still in high heels and a stylish coat despite being in the outdoors.

Scroll down for video

Love of the skies:

Love of the skies: John F. Kennedy, Jr., aged two, sits in the cockpit of the Presidential helicopter during a weekend trip to Camp David


Playtime: The first couple's son pretends to take the controls of the grounded aircraft

Ready for takeoff

Ready for takeoff: The photos show JFK Jr. at the Maryland presidential retreat with his parents and older sister on March 31, 1963


Peekaboo: John F. Kennedy, Jr., affectionately known as John John, sits in the cockpit of the Presidential helicopter

Touching photographs show a two-year-old John F. Kennedy Jr. playing in the cockpit of the presidential helicopter during the first family's visit to the retreat at Camp David.

Looking delighted at having the chance to try out the pilot's seat, the youngest Kennedy looks full of optimism in the pictures though viewers now can't help but feel a tinge of sorrow knowing that the boy would grow to love flying and that hobby would ultimately lead to his death.

Dressed adorably in a bright red sailor jacket, light blue pants and ruby red shoes, the young Kennedy boy bears the mark of his stylish mother even while at play. Free and unrestrained, the toddler tried his hand playing with the controls, sitting in the pilot's seat and wearing pilot earphones on the olive green colored presidential helicopter.

As adorable as the brown-haired boy appears, the pose seems a harbinger of things to come.

In July 1999, at the age of 38, JFK Jr. was piloting a Piper Saratoga II HP when it crashed into the Atlantic Ocean off Martha's Vineyard.

Kennedy's wife, Carolyn Bessette, 33, and his wife's older sister, Lauren, were also on board the plane when it went down and all perished.

Giddy Up

Giddy up: President John F. Kennedy and First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy (both at right) make a stunning pair. Mrs Kennedy holds John F. Kennedy, Jr.'s hand as the little boy pets his sister's pony

Giddy Up

Gifts for a princess: Caroline's pony, Macaroni, was a gift from her father's vice-president, Lyndon Johnson. For this photo, the horse is wearing an elaborate saddle that was a gift from Morocco's King Hassan II

Riding posture

Riding posture: During the Camp David weekend in 1963, Caroline takes her pet out for ride in the wilderness

The first family's daughter is also captured in the photographs from the 1963 weekend trip.

Then aged five, the little girl is seated astride her pony, named Macaroni.

A gift from her father's vice-president, Lyndon Johnson, the small horse would roam freely on the grounds of the White House during JFK's presidency from 1961 to 1963.

In the photos from the Camp David weekend, the pony is seen wearing an elaborate Moroccan saddle that was given to the first daughter by Morocco's King Hassan II, during a state visit that year.

Caroline looks the picture of happiness and innocence playing with her pony.

Singer Neil Diamond would later reveal that seeing the joy of the first daughter on her pet horse would serve as the inspiration for his 1969 hit song Sweet Caroline.

Mother's guidance

Mother's guidance: First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, herself a keen rider, helps saddle the pony while little Caroline looks on

Team effort

Team effort: With the help of stablehands from Camp David, Mrs Kennedy prepares the pony for riding while President Kennedy (back right) smokes his pipe

Daddy and me

Daddy and me: JFK Jr. holds fast to his daddy's hand, while a member of the retreat staff guides the pony for Miss Caroline's ride

The couple's oldest child is seen riding her horse with the help of a stablehand from the Camp David grounds.

The girl's friend, Sally Fay, daughter of Under Secretary of the Navy Paul 'Red' Fay, also is photographed taking a turn for a ride on the pony.

The March weekend looks like an idyllic getaway for the leader of the free world and his young family.

Just five months later, the president would be assassinated during a trip to Dallas on November 22, bringing a shocking end to that 'one brief shining moment that was known as Camelot.'

John F. Kennedy - The Family Man

Taking a stroll

Taking a stroll: The president takes his son for a walk, while the first lady walks behind the pair as she chats with Under Secretary of the Navy Paul 'Red' Fay and his daughter, Sally

Your turn

Your turn: Caroline lets Sally Fay, daughter of Under Secretary of the Navy Paul 'Red' Fay (left), take a ride on Macaroni

Weekend trip

Weekend trip: President John F. Kennedy (right, holding pipe) sits on a bench with Under Secretary of the Navy Paul 'Red' Fay at Camp David

Having fun

Having fun: President Kennedy (right, holding pipe and wearing sunglasses) looks on as Under Secretary of the Navy Paul 'Red' Fay picks up John F. Kennedy, Jr. The Kennedy family dog, Charlie, observes the scene

Carolyn attend a function in honor


JFK Jr. married the glamorous Carolyn Bessette (left) in 1996. The pair and Carolyn's sister, Lauren, all died in July 1999 when John's plane went down in the Atlantic Ocean (right, a search effort to look for wreckage)



Many unbiased researchers have spent the years since JFK Jr.'s July 1999 plane crash and untimely death, carefully gathering the facts about what really happened, and this investigation leads them to only one conclusion: MURDER, from a bomb placed aboard his aircraft. Their painstaking investigations reveal a massive cover up by the controlled national media. They expose the false statements and lies that were fed to the apathetic and gullible American public, who only too gladly will swallow the swill dished out daily by the managed news and disinformation networks.

Here are the raw, cold facts that they have come up with. Contrary to what the puppet media claim, JFK Jr. was a good, experienced pilot who always played it safe when operating his plane. Visibility was good as he made his approach to Martha's Vineyard, his destination point. Kennedy made contact with the airport at 9:39 p.m., and stated that that everything was normal, and that he was commencing his descent to the airport. Seconds later, radar indicated his plane started making a nose dive into the ocean at 6,000 feet per minute. Kennedy's plane had autopilot, capable of flying itself to within 100 feet of the airport.

All a cautious and methodical pilot would have had to do was sit back and let the plane fly itself. At least three witnesses reported seeing an explosion in the sky at that time, and in exactly that part of the sky where JFK Jr.'s plane disappeared from radar. The media were not allowed to get anywhere near the scene of the recovered wreckage, and no photographs were permitted of the recovered bodies. Kennedy's emergency locator was removed, the cockpit recorder was disabled, and the flight log was taken. Add to this the strange rushed autopsy (done in less than four hours), then the weird request for cremation and burial at sea (to remove all evidence, of course!), and you have a powerful case for criminal conspiracy to cover up a crime scene.

Who would have killed JFK Jr.? The same people that murdered his father. The International Bankers, the Shadow Government, the One Worlders, the Illuminati, the secret societies, those who will not hesitate to get rid of anyone who gets in their way in building their socialistic One World Government. JFK Jr. was the only Kennedy to ever acknowledge a conspiracy in his father's death. He not only acknowledged it, he published an article by Oliver Stone in his magazine about assassination conspiracies, and lying history books. He planned on turning his magazine, George, into a true political vehicle for change. For the American public, not the New World Order. In fact, he had already begun this process by publishing factual exposes on George Wallace, and the Rabin assassination. This alone is enough to have gotten him killed. And according to people close to JFK Jr., he was looking into who was behind his father's death. According to them, he was convinced that because his father was about to pull the plug on any US involvement in Vietnam, the people who run the international war machine, and get rich off of it, had him assassinated.

Apparently he was in the process of documenting and proving with facts that these hidden forces, along with the international bankers and their operatives, the CIA, were responsible for the foul acts against his father, and his uncle RFK. Facts such as on October 11, 1963 John F. Kennedy signed national security memorandom no. 263, which ordered 1000 American advisors home from Vietnam by December 25, 1963, and that the remainder of the U.S. military be withdrawn by 1965. The day after Kennedy's funeral, on November 26, 1963, Lyndon Johnson signed national security resolution no. 273, which completely reversed Kennedy's plan for a withdrawal from Vietnam. Then Johnson fraudulently used the gulf of Tonkin resolution as a blank check to fund the massive military buildup in Vietnam, an agreement Johnson apparently made with the CIA in exchange for them taking out Kennedy, and handing the presidency to him. JFK Jr. was intending to publish these details in his magazine GEORGE. Several investigator's have asserted that JFK Jr. was planning to announce that he was running for President as a traditional Democrat, or even possibly as a third party or independent candidate in the 2000 election. This incident represents another nail driven into the coffin of the free republic of the United States of America.

It appears that neither JFK, RFK, or JFK Jr. would do the bidding of the secret government ruling the U.S. These shadowy figures include the "Grand Masters" (a reference to those who control freemasonry, and the secret societies) and the "moneychangers" (International Bankers). The Federal Reserve Bank system, is owned and operated by the major Banking families. These private individuals and families own and print the U.S. currency for their own power, profit and gain, and maintain the federal government in a state of bondage to them through their corrupt system of loans and credit, and the creation of the national debt. The modern banking system is a fraudulent system wherein the bankers create money out of thin air and then charge the governments and the people interest on something that was created with the stroke of a pen. Who authorizes them to do this? The government that they control!


The Kennedy Presidential Library has released a collection of photos sho


JFK had plans to abolish the Federal Reserve system. He wanted to use United States Notes, and he signed a presidential document, called Executive Order 11110, on June 4, 1963. This gave JFK, as U.S. President, legal clearance to create true money, that would belong to the people, and eliminate the Federal Reserve Bank, and their false money. Kennedy had already begun issuing U.S. government money that was free of debt to replace the Federal Reserve dollars we have been using. A number of "Kennedy bills" were indeed issued - with the heading "United States Note", instead of "Federal Reserve Note" - but were quickly withdrawn after Kennedy's death. Records show that Kennedy issued $4,292,893,825 of true money. It was clear that Kennedy was out to eliminate the criminal Federal Reserve System. The day after Kennedy's assassination, all the United States notes which Kennedy had issued were called out of circulation. All of the money President Kennedy had created was destroyed, and not a word was said to the American people.

International Bankers along with the Rockefeller's have been planning a One World Government for a long time. David Rockefeller and these international banker's secretly rule the United States. These incomprehensibly greedy and corrupt individuals are working to build a world government. All of the mainstream politicians are merely puppets of the money manipulators. Anyone of them who gets out of line, who wants to be his own man, gets discredited in the news media, which they also own, and which performs the function of sedating the masses so they can't think for themselves. If that doesn't work, then blackmail will usually do the job. In extreme cases, like JFK, RFK, JFK Jr., they must be eliminated.

According to government whistleblower Sherman Skolnick, JFK Jr. planned to reveal a well-kept secret that on or about August 1, 1999, he was to announce he was running for president, as a traditional Democrat or in view of the distrust of both parties, to run as a independent on a third party ticket. John F. Kennedy, Jr., made one grave mistake. He trusted the presidential campaign officials of Albert Gore, Jr. to know about his plans. That would have interfered with the plans of Gore as well as George W. Bush, the Texas Governor. The Gore campaign reportedly promised total secrecy, a pledge they never kept.

He said he originally thought to run against Hillary Clinton for U.S. Senator from New York but decided instead to run for President. The secret got out. George W. Bush, likewise would most naturally have an interest in the demise of JFK Jr.. About three days before John's plane took off and exploded in mid-air, Michael Harari, and another Mossad agent were seen with former President George H. W. Bush and his son, Texas Governor George W. Bush at the Essex County, New Jersey airport where John Jr. kept his plane. This fact was also confirmed by separate U.S. intelligence sources who are also willing to testify before a grand jury. All four were positively identified by an aircraft mechanic and a maintenance worker. A coincidence? JFK Jr. was a captivating speaker and unlike other members of his family was unscarred by scandal. He would have most likely swept the field of Presidential candidates. Conservatives and liberals, both could join together to support him.

The FBI covered up the bombing of JFK Jr.'s plane. Skolnick obtained the details of the secret FBI report which was not to have been disclosed for 30 years. The National Transportation Safety Board, NTSB, released a report claiming the JFK Jr. plane crash was due to "pilot error". Over the years, the federal crash investigators have covered up several sabotaged plane crashes, for example, FLIGHT 800, and FLIGHT 587. John F. Kennedy, Jr. was murdered before he could get to his planned announcement of a presidential run. If he lived and ran for President, he would have been 40 years old just after the 2000 election. Sherman Skolnick's secret FBI report:


1. No declassificatin until 7/22/2029.

2. This is in deference to the wishes of a senior member of the Kennedy family.

3. Also in deference to the order of the national government and in respect to certain foreign intelligence agencies having reciprocal agreements with the U.S.

4. POTUS order and national security findings attached.

5. The recovered aircraft shows evidence of an explosive device having been glued or affixed within the tail luggage compartment.

6. Device was apparently actuated by a barometric trigger. Radio signals not ruled out.

7. Tail of aircraft was dismembered from the plane making it front heavy.

8. Study of radar shows the plane fell in excess of 6,000 feet per minute up to radar cutoff.

9. Satellite images supplied by the National Reconnaissance Office record an outbursting flash from the aircraft just prior to it going into perpendicular descent.

10. Tail structure was dismembered just prior to descent.

11. Recovery of a piece of luggage from beyond the flight path of the aircraft correlates with it being hurtled out of the tail luggage compartment at outburst.

12. Preliminary examination of the aircraft shows residue of an explosive device the Laboratory identifies as being the type used by certain foreign intelligence agencies. Refer to POTUS order and findings.

13. Study of Air Traffic Control and other radio signals shows no Mayday report from the aircraft, explained by rapidity of descent.

14. Investigation and examination has been strictly compartmentalized.

15. A short, perfunctory examination of the recovered bodies was completed. Examination revealed that Carolyn Bessette Kennedy was in third trimester pregnant, the fetus a boy. The four bodies were transferred to a senior member of the Kennedy family. The Bureau was not informed whether the bodies were actually cremated. Indirect advisories report that the bodies may have been shipped in untagged containers to foreign destinations. Reliable assets are to submit reports.

The conclusion? JFK Jr. was a qualified pilot, in control of his flight, flying a reasonably new aircraft, in excellent condition. Visibility was 8 miles. Wind: calm. All indication from forensics and physical evidence investigations lend themselves to a violent explosion from a bomb placed aboard the aircraft. The aircraft exploded in mid-air, as evidenced by the eyewitness accounts, and the widespread debris gathered from the ocean and several different beaches, and the nature of collateral damage to recovered aircraft parts, and items on board such as the headrest, foot pedals, steering yoke carpeting and so fourth. All showed signs of violent damage, having been "ripped" or blown from their normal positions/locations. This could only have been caused by an onboard explosion. Considering the nature of the current political atmosphere in America, and the before mentioned facts, there is little doubt that JFK Jr. was murdered. In all likelihood, it was a political assassination of the highest order, meant to alleviate a potential threat to the ruling elite.



Okay. We now know from eyewitness accounts and from the weather radar picture that the air was actually clear enough for people on the ground to see aircraft out over the ocean. Ergo, if this witness saw a white flash up "in the sky" (as opposed to "on the ocean") then it was indeed up in the sky.

Note that this article also reports 8 mile visibility.

I hadn't noticed it before, but the beacon signal is interesting. It starts at about the correct time for the crash, but in the wrong location, then just as mysteriously shuts off sometime later. Misdirection?

Click HERE for news article which quotes an eyewitness report that conditions on Martha's Vineyard were not hazy. This report also shows that people on the shore of the island could see aircraft on approach out over the ocean, proving that aircraft out over the ocean could see the shore.

It Wasn't Dark at all.


Martha's Vineyard has bright lights shining up into the sky.


Click HERE for a Letter to the Editor published in the Martha's Vineyard Times complaining how new lights which point up into the sky have turned the center of the island as bright as the "Boston Skyline".




Deliberate Disinformation That Points to a Cover-up.


New York Post reporter Cindy Adams outs C. David Heymann for deliberately planting false information with the press, information which implies that JFK Jr. was an incompetent pilot.




Deliberate Disinformation That Points to a Cover-up. Part 2


New York Observer reporter Andrew Goldman confirms C. David Heymann for deliberately planting false information with the press, information which smears JFK Jr. as a reckless and incompetent pilot.




The on again off again beacon.



The very first night the aircraft carrying JFK Jr. vanished, there were early reports of an emergency beacon being detected, but detected quite a distance away from where the plane's wreckage was actually found.

From the initial UPI story, we get the following odd comment.

 An emergency beacon thought to belong to the plane was activated and heard by the Coast Guard in Long Island, N.Y., at 3:40 a.m. But as the search went on, authorities seemed to discount the relevance of the beacon signal.


Was another plane down in the area that night? If not, then the beacon has to be relative.

   Kurt Hartman, spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard's district
headquarters in New Haven, Conn., said this morning, "We received a call from our district office in Boston directing us to conduct a
shoreline search off Horton Point, in Long Island Sound, for an
emergency locating transmitting beacon."
But by 10:30 a.m., the Coast Guard was no longer receiving a signal
from the emergency beacon that was believed to be on Kennedy's small plane.


Here we find that the beacon that has the Coast Guard ordering a search in the WRONG LOCATION simply goes away. The source of that beacon has never been identified.

For those critical first few hours, this beacon had searchers looking in the wrong place. Then it simple went away.


Bright lights over Martha's Vineyard


The following letter to the editor was published in the Martha's Vineyard Times "Letters To The Editor" on Wednesday, July 28, 1999. A phone call to the Times confirmed that the lights described in this letter were indeed in operation on the night that John Kennedy Jr. crashed.

News Articles.

The first UPI article.

Click HERE for news article which confirms JFK Jr. to be in calm radio contact with the ground, in 8 mile visibility, and reports a witness who saw a white flash up in the sky. This article also tells a story of a strange radio bacon, thought to be that of JFK Jr's plane, which started at the time of the crash but in the wrong location, then mysteriously shut down some hours later.

There was no heavy haze.

The UPI article about radio contact and an explosion in the sky.

(UPI Focus)
Hopes fade for missing Kennedy plane
AQUINNAH, Mass., July 17 (UPI) - After a daylong unsuccessful search
for a missing single-engine plane piloted by John F. Kennedy Jr., the
National Transportation Safety Board is launching an investigation into
the aircraft's disappearance.
An official statement tonight says an NTSB team has been dispatched
to Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts as the Coast Guard continues to
coordinate "aggressive search-and-rescue activities."
As daylight faded, Air Force helicopters returned to Otis Air Force
Base, to resume the search Sunday morning.
Hopes faded today as bits of debris from the Piper Saratoga were
recovered and a piece of luggage was positively identified as belonging
to Lauren Bessette, Kennedy's sister-in-law. Kennedy's wife, 33-year-old
Carolyn Bessette, was also traveling with him.
The luggage, along with what appeared to be an airplane tire, washed
up on Philbin Beach on Martha's Vineyard, and Lauren Bessette's name was
on the tag of a black suitcase, said First District Coast Guard
spokesman Lt. Gary Jones.
Jones said other debris - a head rest and carpeting that appeared to
be from the plane - were found this afternoon floating in the water
about 100 yards from nearby Gay Head Beach.
Kennedy and the Bessette sisters were traveling from Caldwell, New
Jersey, to Hyannis Port for the wedding of Mark Bailey and Rory Kennedy,
the last unmarried daughter of Ethel Kennedy and the late Sen. Robert F.
Kennedy Jr.
The event was postponed, and what should have been a joyous gathering
of the clan turned into a grim vigil as members of the Kennedy family
waited anxiously at their storied oceanfront compound for word on the
fate of the three.
An outdoor family mass was held, presided over by three Roman
Catholic priests, as Mrs. Kennedy, other family members and around 275
guests gathered to pray.
Among those present were Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., former U.S.
Rep. Joseph Kennedy, Rory's older brother and JFK Jr.'s cousin, and U.S.
Housing Secretary Andrew Cuomo, who is married to Kerry Kennedy.
John Kennedy's older sister, Carolyn Kennedy Schlossberg, was away
on a rafting trip and had not planned to attend the wedding.
Sen. Kennedy's son, Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I., was also away in
California and immediately flew back to Boston, according to media
Family spokesman Brian O'Connor said the family was initially hopeful
that the three would be found alive.
But he said the mood at the compound turned somber when debris,
apparently from the plane, began washing up on the western end of
Martha's Vineyard.
There was no immediate comment from any of the family members.
Before the effort was scaled back at sunset, Rear Adm. Richard M.
Larrabee told journalists the Coast Guard was still in a search-and-
rescue mode. But the dispatch of federal investigators suggests
authorities are now presuming the plane has crashed.
Coast Guard cutters equipped with high-powered lights will continue
to search the sea south of Martha's Vineyard throughout the night.
Earlier in the day, the Civil Air Patrol withdrew from the search 15
aircraft that were combing a 15-by-15-mile grid from Long Island to
Martha's Vineyard after debris and luggage washed ashore on Philbin
Jones said the Coast Guard was notified about the missing plane at
around 3 a.m. EDT, and the search started immediately.
About 15 Coast Guard and Air Force aircraft and some 150 personnel
joined in the search.
Kennedy, a licensed private pilot, was expected to arrive at Martha's
Vineyard Airport in Massachusetts in his Piper Saratoga II TC sometime
before 10 p.m. Friday.
At 9:39 p.m. Friday, Kennedy radioed the airport and said he was 13
miles from the airport and 10 miles from the coast, according to WCVB-TV
news in Boston. He reportedly said he was making his final approach.
Moments later, radar operated by the Federal Aviation Administration
showed the plane went into a dive and dropped 1,200 feet in just 12
seconds, according to ABC News.
In his final approach message, WCVB-TV said Kennedy told controllers
at the airport that he planned to drop off his wife's sister and then
take off again between 11 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. for Hyannis Airport. Kennedy's family then called Hyannis Airport - around 2:15 a.m.,
reports say - when he failed to arrive. The airport then checked with
the Martha's Vineyard airport, and the search began.
The plane took off from Essex County Airport in Caldwell, N.J., at
8:38 p.m. Friday and lost contact with the FAA on its final approach to
Martha's Vineyard, Mass., said Coast Guard spokesman Steve Carleton.
An emergency beacon thought to belong to the plane was activated and
heard by the Coast Guard in Long Island, N.Y., at 3:40 a.m. But as the
search went on, authorities seemed to discount the relevance of the
beacon signal.
Kurt Hartman, spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard's district
headquarters in New Haven, Conn., said this morning, "We received a
call from our district office in Boston directing us to conduct a
shoreline search off Horton Point, in Long Island Sound, for an
emergency locating transmitting beacon."
But by 10:30 a.m., the Coast Guard was no longer receiving a signal
from the emergency beacon that was believed to be on Kennedy's small
Petty Officer Virginia Adams in Boston confirmed to United Press
International that the Coast Guard lost the signal Saturday morning.
Adams also confirmed that Kennedy was piloting the plane, and that his
wife and sister-in-law were aboard.
Jamie Gaspar, spokesman for Martha's Vineyard Airport, told UPI that
"someone was at the airport to pick up the passengers on the plane, but
it never arrived."
A reporter for the Vineyard Gazette newspaper told WCVB-TV in Boston
that he was out walking Friday night about the time of the crash and saw
"big white flash in the sky" off Philbin Beach.

Kennedy did not file a flight plan, leading some to first suspect he
altered his route. But by 9 a.m., his arrival at Martha's Vineyard was
more than 12 hours late, and the Kennedy family postponed the wedding he
was traveling to attend.
The Air Force and Air National Guard mounted a massive air search
using helicopters, Falcon jets and a TC-130 aircraft over a 1,000-
square-mile search area that eventually concentrated on Martha's
The ongoing Coast Guard search involves a 47-foot utility boat, two
41-foot utility boats and an 87-foot patrol boat, as well as two Coast
Guard helicopters.
Expected to join the search late tonight was a special ship from the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration equipped with sonar to
conduct underwater searches.
A special infrared-equipped helicopter was also set to join the
nighttime search. Its temperature-sensitive equipment is capable of
detecting a person in the water.
Kennedy Jr. - the only son of President John F. Kennedy and
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, and the nephew of Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass.
- has worked as an assistant district attorney and is currently the
editor of the political magazine George. Kennedy, 38, married Carolyn
Bessette during a secretive ceremony in 1996.
WCVB-TV says Kennedy got his pilot's license last year after
undergoing training at Flight Safety International, a respected pilots'
school in Florida. He was licensed to fly visually, but not by using
instruments alone.
Visibility at the time was reported to be 8 miles,
clear enough to fly without instruments.

The Piper Aircraft Co. says the six-passenger plane Kennedy was
flying was built in 1995. WCVB-TV says Kennedy bought it in April of
this year.
White House Chief of Staff John Podesta telephoned President Clinton
this morning at Camp David with news of the missing plane. Clinton and
Kennedy have met often.
In a statement issued from Camp David, where he is spending the
weekend, Clinton said, "All our prayers and thoughts are with the
families of those on board." The president has asked to be kept
informed about the search effort.
Kennedy is a native of Washington. He was born on Nov. 25, 1960, just
two months before his father was inaugurated as president.





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