Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Death Of John Kennedy


“The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs and explosions and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices – to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own for the children and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is that these things cannot be confined to . . . The Twilight Zone.” — Rod Serling, 1960




Earl Warren and members of the Warren Commission present completed Report to President Lyndon Baines Johnson on September 24, 1964. In the photo are (left to right): John McCloy, J. Lee Rankin (General Counsel), Senator Richard Russell, Congressman Gerald Ford, Chief Justice Earl Warren, President Lyndon Johnson, Allen Dulles, Senator John Sherman Cooper, and Congressman Hale Boggs.

Warren Commission Presents Report to President Lyndon Johnson

Still a Taboo Subject for the Mainstream Media in the United States

A thoroughly documented criminal indictment establishing beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of George HW Bush as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John Kennedy. The evidence relies primarily on governement documents and public records. The center piece of the evidence is a memo entitled “Assassination of President John F. Kennedy”, signed by J Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, 5 days after the assassination, which names Bush as a supervisor of CIA-trained assassins. Another FBI memo establishes Bush’s presence in the Dallas area at the time of the assassination.


Oswald's face was added to someone else's body

Almost 48 years after President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, the mainstream media (MSM) in this country still treats it as a Taboo Subject. This is a strange state of affairs, given the MSM’s propensity to tout its own courage and independence, and its important role as the Fourth Estate in our democracy.Let me provide just two recent examples. Last year, as MSNBC “Hardball” host and moderator Chris Matthews interviewed the author of a book about the JFK assassination, he employed a sneering, dismissive tone toward all persons who are convinced there was a conspiracy to murder the 35th President–by implication, tarring all such people as misguided idiots, and irresponsible. As usual, he characterized such persons as nuts, cranks, crazy people, and conspiracy theorists (the ultimate insult employed by anyone still supporting the Warren Commission’s seriously flawed and unsupportable findings), and in a rather brutal and intellectually overbearing and arrogant manner, proclaimed that Lee Harvey Oswald was a crazy person, a lone nut, who killed JFK all on his own. In doing so, he was disagreeing with (and insulting) over 75% of the American people, but this didn’t seem to bother him.

Three different rifles introduced as "the assassination weapon"

The real question is, WHY does he continue to proclaim this stance in such an insistent manner? Aside from this issue, Matthews appears to be a pretty bright and well-informed guy. How, I asked myself, could he so loudly and insistently proclaim that the Warren Commission got it right, when there is so much overwhelming evidence that its conclusion cannot possibly be true? On this one issue he has consistently shown a very ugly, and obnoxious side of his personality–a “dark side,” if you will. I wondered last fall if he really believed the nonsense he was spouting, or whether he was reflexively adopting a stance he had been instructed to adopt in public. And if he had been so instructed, who provided him with his JFK assassination marching orders? Was it the management structure at MSNBC, or was it a cadre within the American intelligence community that remains fixated on this subject (and others that are crucial to the attitudes of Americans toward their own governmental institutions)?

Sadly, Keith Olberman and Rachel Maddow, two MSNBC journalists whom I highly respect most of the time, have also spoken derisively about “conspiracy theorists” and have painted anyone who believes that JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy with this overused tar brush.This past week, a new public opinion poll was released showing that the number of Americans who now trust the American government to “do the right thing all or most of the time” is at an all time low–it is now down to only 15% of those polled. CNN, in reporting this story and providing context, then proceeded to promote inaccurate history about the polling numbers in its background pieces on the story. CNN stated that under President Eisenhower, in the late 1950s, this trust figure was as high as 73% (which is true), and then falsely implied that this was as high as the trust figure had ever been.

Clint Hill riding on the back of the Lincoln limousine

THIS WAS UNTRUE. In his 1994 book, Arrogant Capital, conservative author Kevin Phillips wrote that in January of 1964 this figure was 78%, and that this was the all-time high watermark for trust in the American government. He published a graph showing that from 1960 through January of 1964, the figure was continuously rising, and therefore, it is clear that the figure rose from 73% to 78% during the Presidency of John F. Kennedy, America’s 35th President: a rationalist who touted openness in government, who opposed withholding information from the American people, and who even gave a speech against secrecy and secret societies. (I published the graph used by Phillips as Figure 71, in my own book, Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, published in 2009 and still available at Study of the graph reveals that this trust starting dropping precipitately after January of 1964.

The CNN talking heads and anchors proclaimed this past week that the primary reasons for the sharp decline of the high numbers seen in the late 1950s were the Vietnam War and Watergate. But this is only a half-truth, at best. They conveniently omitted mentioning when the figure was at its highest (at the end of JFK’s Presidency), and also conveniently chose not to mention that the rapid decline in confidence in the U.S. government began very shortly after the JFK assassination. It is clear to me when studying this graph (you can access it in either Phillips’ book or in mine), that the American people began to lose faith in the American government immediately after the JFK assassination; no doubt people smelled a rat when LIFE magazine, and later the Warren Report, began to blow smoke up our collective asses about how (and why) JFK was murdered.

JFK has already been hit, but the Secret Service has no response

The sharp decline on the graph accelerated in 1968. And what happened that year? Three things: the Tet Offensive in Vietnam (when the American people finally realized the USG had been lying to them about the conduct of the war and the prospects for victory); the Martin Luther King assassination; and the Robert F. Kennedy assassination. These two assassinations, like JFK’s, were all blamed on lone nut individuals acting on their own—and in each case, there is strong evidence that the official story is not true. The next sharp drop in confidence in the graph occurs between 1972 and 1976, and almost certainly reflects the Watergate scandal, and America’s unceremonious ejection from Vietnam, after losing a war for the first time. The nosedive in confidence continues at a rapid rate through 1980, and it is likely that one contributor was the unsatisfactory way in which the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) handled the JFK and MLK assassinations. The HSCA stirred up the muck of bad memories and feelings about those two events, and the electrified public which had demanded the Congressional investigations into the JFK and MLK murders was more than a bit nonplussed about the HSCA whitewash of both events.

So what happened this past week with CNN? I explain it in this way: if the high watermark for faith in the U.S. government during JFK’s presidency is event A, and the rapid decline in faith in government after January 1964 is event B, then the MSM could not mention A, without mentioning B and WHY it occurred. Event B (the loss in confidence in government) began immediately after the assassination, clearly caused by the government’s attempt to calm public opinion with soothing lies after JFK was murdered. NBC, CBS, and ABC (most of the time, but not all of the time) have all been participating in the same collective “groupthink”—namely, that Oswald was the lone assassin who killed JFK and that he did it all on his own—since December of 1963. The MSM would have us believe that that JFK’s assassination was the work of a lone malcontent, devoid of any political significance. CNN has now joined the club. FOX news is…well, FOX news; one week before air time, the network removed my interview clips (containing explosive new material which the producer had promised me would be used) from its 2003 documentary about the JFK assassination after network officials objected to the content.

The anchors and reporters employed by the mainstream networks have obviously been instructed by managing editors and company vice presidents that you do not mention the JFK assassination, unless it is to (1) blame Lee Harvey Oswald for the event; and (2) disparage any contrary views as the unstable thinking of “conspiracy theorists.” (A corollary to this pack mindset is that you don’t mention JFK in a historical context unless it is to disparage him or tear down his reputation–since doing so tends to make people not care as much about his assassination.) Event A could not be reported because it would have forced CNN to report event B. If CNN had reported event B, it would have highlighted the fact that the American media had missed the story of the century–had either been asleep at the switch, or muzzled by the government–from December of 1963 throughout 1964. (And indeed, for the most part, it has kept its head in the sand, like an ostrich, ever since the Warren Report came out as well.) The American media is not fond of reporting on its own failures. Doing so, in this case, would raise the ugly specter of why the mainstream media continues to aggressively promote an editorial position on this subject which is diametrically opposed to the opinions of over 75% of the American people.

So in my view, CNN could not mention the truth–that the trust in government was continuously going up (above Eisenhower’s numbers) during JFK’s presidency, and that it fell precipitately after his assassination, because to do so would attract attention to the positive aspects of JFK’s presidency (certainly not in vogue within either conservative or mainstream circles), and would also show, in a way that ANYONE in the viewing audience could understand, that there was a linkage between the corrosion of trust in the USG and JFK’s assassination. The continuous government and mainstream media assassination spin from December of 1963 through the summer of 1964, and the public conclusions of the Warren Report–issued in September of 1964–were clearly the proximate cause of the sharp decline in trust in government, which began in 1964. CNN (and no doubt other networks reporting the same story) could not tell the whole truth about the confidence polling because the whole truth would have contravened the wishes of their corporate and intelligence community masters.

George Herbert Walker Bush was there

In 1975 reporter Carl Bernstein (in a “Rolling Stone” article) and The New York Times (in a series of piggyback articles) both reported that the CIA had used over 400 media “assets” (both abroad and domestically) to promote its spin on world events to the publics of the world—in other words, for propaganda purposes. Author John LeCarre (British master of spy novels and a former MI 6 agent himself) recently stated in an interview that in the 1960s, when his book “The Spy Who Came in From the Cold” was about to be made into a film, he was flown to America and questioned about his loyalty to the West by American intelligence. (They were not happy that the theme of his book, at the height of the Cold War, was “a plague on both your houses.”) In his interview (on the Criterion bonus DVD about that same film), LeCarre stated that most people would be absolutely amazed if they knew how many people in the American intelligence community were sitting around doing nothing but thinking about ways to influence public opinion. (This is clearly against the CIA’s charter, by the way—and unlawful—since it is not supposed to participate in any domestic activities.)

If you think this activity has stopped just because of the Church Committee Hearings in the mid-1970s, then I have a bridge to sell you in the Gobi desert.

There are things that we know and believe, and then there is the much smaller universe of things that can be proved in a court of law. There is no doubt in my mind that the MSM’s blindness about the true facts of the Kennedy assassination and the ensuing government cover-up (and its continued denigration of his reputation) is self-willed, not inadvertent–and that the media’s collective groupthink about the Kennedy assassination (namely, blaming it on a lone nut in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary) is evidence that the CIA is still playing the “Great Wurlitzer” of the media like an impresario. The CIA has in the short term succeeded brilliantly, in that it has gotten the MSM to think and speak in unison, tarring all JFK researchers as “conspiracy theorists” in an effort make them a subject of ridicule, and thereby marginalize their work. When it can, it orchestrates media blackouts of serious new research and new books, for fear that the general public would learn about them and read them, even if they were to be trashed by a hostile reviewer.

A frame used to fake one of the backyard photos

In the long term the CIA/MSM propaganda war against JFK researchers is counterproductive and has failed, because lying to the citizenry of a democracy “to protect its institutions,” in an attempt to bolster trust in the government, only ends up destroying respect for those institutions, when the lies are eventually revealed. And they are all (or most, anyway) eventually revealed, since as Shakespeare noted, “The Truth Will Out.”

Individual reporters dare not report about the overwhelming evidence of conspiracy in the JFK assassination, or the ensuing government cover-up, if their editors forbid them to file such stories, and if they know they will lose their jobs if they attempt to do so. This has been going on since December of 1963; everyone in the MSM knows it; and most of them will not even try anymore for fear of losing their jobs.

This is what we all face as the 50th anniversary approaches. When you are bombarded by even more bullshit and government spin about the assassination of the 35th President two years from now, do not be surprised. Learn to think critically and independently; read as many books as you can; and make up your own minds about what happened in America in November of 1963. If you do not, there is a vast disinformation and propaganda machine out there that will be happy to tell you what to believe on the 50th anniversary of JFK’s murder.

Statue for Nestor "Tony" Izquierdo, who appears to have been one of the shooters, in "Freedom Park", Little Havana

The national security spinmasters, Obama’s information CZAR Cass Sunstein, and the corporate media would prefer that you spend all your time obsessed with game shows, singing and dancing contests, so-called “reality shows” that are cheap to produce (and are, in reality, garbage), and modern age gladiatorial contests in large outdoor stadiums and indoor sports arenas. When you do focus on history from time to time they want you to accept the vanilla, mainstream, and simplistic interpretations of events ground out like sausage by mainstream historians and the MSM. They want you to engage in Goodthink, and think Goodthoughts. “But don’t think too deeply, please.” They don’t want the American people to think too much about deep politics or historical trends; when we do focus on politics every two years or so, they want us to focus on “the horserace” each election cycle, and not on substantive issues. They definitely don’t want us to focus on what has gone wrong in this country since the end of World War II—after all, if we all really get mad as hell, we might demand basic structural changes to our society and our system of government.

These controlling elements of our society prefer that we adopt a “father knows best” mentality, and simply trust the national security elite to manage this nation’s international affairs and military policies. They depend upon their allies and assets in the corporate mainstream media (whores, actually) to keep us distracted with pablum, and to define for us, on a daily basis, the bounds of what is “acceptable” for us to publicly discuss, and what is “not acceptable.” [This is the game Chris Matthews of MSNBC, and CNN and the other major networks on television, are engaged in.] The loss of independence by the MSM and its failure to ever seriously oppose the nation state with any really hard-hitting investigative reporting on substantive issues (such as war and peace, and why people get assassinated) should be of very serious concern to us all. Once an independent media is lost, tyranny is only one step away.

 Captured Blog: Past Inaugurations 

On June 6, 1968, after RFK won the Democratic primary in California, he was shot multiple times as he passed through the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. The official account maintains that he was taken out by a lone, demented gunman, Sirhan Sirhan, a Palestinian who had written, “RFK must die!”, over and over in a notebook. Like the alleged lone, demented gunman accused of assassinating his brother, JFK, however, the evidence contradicts what the government has told us, where both murders appear to have been products of conspiracies and where Sirhan Sirhan, like Lee Harvey Oswald, was the patsy in plots that involved many more.

Victory in California: RFK greets supporters in the Embassy Ballroo,, Ambassador Hotel, in Los Angeles, on June 5, 1968

In spite of efforts to convince the public otherwise, conspiracies are as American as apple pie. All that they require is the collaboration between two or more individuals to bring about an illegal end. That JFK and RFK were taken out by conspiracies should be no more in doubt than the fact of their assassinations themselves. More bullets were fired at Bobby in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel than could have come from Sirhan Sirhan’s gun, which implies at least one more shooter. And the shot to Jack’s back was too low to have exited from this throat, which means the “magic bullet” theory cannot possibly be true. But, if there was no “magic bullet”, then there were at least six shots from three directions. Both assassinations were conspiracies.

The Ambassador Hotel

The weapon removed from Sirhan Sirhan was a small, snub-nosed .22 caliber, Iver Johnson revolver whose chamber held eight rounds, with serial number H-53725 [1]. Sirhan unloaded his weapon from in front of Bobby Kennedy. According to the autopsy performed by Dr. Thomas Noguchi, however, RFK was hit by four bullets, all of which were fired from behind at upward angles, where five other persons were also wounded by separate bullets [2] and others were removed from holes in the walls and ceiling of the pantry. But if there were as many as thirteen shots—some of which hit a ceiling panel that was behind Sirhan’s location—there is no way Sirhan could have fired them all. With more than one shooter, a conspiracy was involved [3].

The autopsy report is usually regarded as “the best evidence” about a crime of this kind. Dr. Noguchi’s medical report, which was “a perfect autopsy”, conflicted with the LAPD report, since he did not conclude that Sirhan had killed RFK [4]. The fatal shot had entered behind his right ear from about an inch and a half away, but the alleged assassin had not been closer than several feet in front of RFK. Sirhan cannot have fired the bullets that killed Kennedy. Yet his defense attorney, Grant Cooper, chose not to defend his client on the ground that the evidence did not support his guilt but argued instead for “diminished capacity” [5]. A firearms expert, DeWayne Wofler, even testified that the bullets fired at Bobby had come from an entirely different gun [6].

As it happened, a security guard named Thane Eugene Cesar had a weapon with the same caliber and was right behind Bobby when the shooting began. Remarkably, even though he admitted having drawn his gun and many witnesses reporting hearing shots from more than one weapon, no one asked to examine his gun [7]. Acoustics expert Van Praag tested an H&R 922 of the kind Cesar had and determined that an H&R 922 had been fired at the same time as Sirhan’s [8]. The indications of conspiracy extended to a couple, including a woman in a polka dot dress, who rushed away from the scene shouting, “We shot him! We shot him! We shot Kennedy!” [9] The conclusion that Sirhan was not “a lone demented assassin” is not rocket science.

Evidence of Conspiracy

William Turner and John Christian [10] have produced a powerful case indicting Cesar for the crime. Their most interesting finding is that Sirhan may have been firing blanks, which they support on the basis of witness testimony that his shots created long, visible flames, which are commonly produced by blanks, where the purpose would have been to insure that those who were in his field of fire—and who were actually responsible for killing RFK—would not be hit by one of Sirhan’s bullets. That would mean that none of the bullet holes were made by his shots and, indeed, at least one witness reported seeing yet a third shooter in the pantry, perhaps as a back-up if Cesar failed.

Moreover, there are multiple indications that the CIA may have been involved. A hypnotist named William Joseph Bryan, for example, was on the air saying the assassin was probably “mind controlled” before Sirhan had been identified as a suspect and later boasted to hookers that he worked for the CIA and had hypnotized Sirhan [11]. Sirhan’s defense attorney, moreover, had just finished representing the CIA’s contact with organized crime, Johnny Roselli, which may have been why he was so accommodating with respect to his client’s guilt [12]. Cesar had worked at Lockeed and Hughes, which have connections with the agency [13]. Even more strikingly, three very prominent CIA officials—George Joannides, David Sanches Morales, and Gordon Campbell—have all been identified as present at the Ambassador.

Bradley Ayers, for example, was an Army captain assigned to the CIA at JM/Wave in Miami from May 1962 to December 1964, who had met all three and identified them in film footage from the Ambassador [14]. Gordon Campbell, in particular, was Ayer’s case officer. But he knew them all. Similarly, Wayne Smith, who served with the State Department from 1957-1982 with JFK’s Latin American Task Force knew Morales very well [15]. When Smith viewed the same footage that Ayers had watched, he immediately recognized Morales. As he told Shane O’Sullivan, “Bobby Kennedy is assassinated [and] David Morales is there? The two things have to be related” [16]. Those IDs, however, have been disputed by some rather surprising sources.

The Cover-Up

David Talbot [17] and Jefferson Morley [18] made an effort to verify the presence of these officials by consulting friends and relatives of the three. Neither of them knew Morales, Joannidies, or Campbell and, as James Richards, an expert on the assassination, explained to me [19], they were very public in visiting the communities they visited during their inquiries. They made open about why they were there and whom they were investigating, letting everyone known that they were looking into Morales, one of the CIA’s most notorious assassins, which alarmed their target audience and filled them with fear. Under the circumstances, it’s hardly surprising their interviewees would clam up and be unforthcoming. They concluded that the evidence was not sufficient for positive identification, but their methodology was flawed.

Indeed, Ayers and Smith both confirmed the person in the film had to be Morales [20]. They were both quite emphatic. Ayers noticed his body language (his way of moving). Richards provided me a photo of Morales, which looks exactly like the Morales-look-alike at the Ambassador. I don’t even think it’s a difficult call [21], [22]. The images of the man who may be George Joannades seems to be wearing a wig. Richards also sent me a photo of Joannides, which makes it obvious why he would have been wearing a wig: the man was virtually bald! Talbot and Morley claimed to have determined that Gordon Cambell died September 19, 1962, but that is rather peculiar, because he was Ayers’ case officer from 1963-1964. The CIA specializes in fabricating documents, such as death certificates.

The LAPD was not subtle in the destruction of evidence related to the crime. It destroyed the ceiling panels and door frames from the pantry on the ludicrous ground they were “too large to fit into a card file” and burned some 2,400 photographs, including a series taken by 15-year old Scott Enyart, who was standing on a table and took three roles of film [23]. When the department created a Special Unit Senator (SUS) to look into the case, moreover, it chose two officers who had ties to the CIA and badgered witnesses who did not support the official line. One of them, Manuel Pena, had done Special Ops for the CIA and was responsible for approving SUS interviews. There is more than one way to insure that contradictory evidence does not turn up [24].

The Shadow of Dallas

David Sanchez Morales, moreover, may have also been involved in the assassination of his brother, John, on November 22, 1963. He said to friends while drinking heavily that he had been in Dallas (“We took care of that son-of-a-bitch!”) and in LA (where “We got the little bastard!”) [25]. His acknowledgement regarding JFK has since been confirmed by E. Howard Hunt, who confessed to his son, St. John, that those who were responsible for the assassination of our 35th president included LBJ, Cord Meyer, David Atlee Philips, William Harvey, and Morales [26]. Others who knew Lyndon well have also implicated him [27] [28]. If that were true, then we would expect to find multiple proofs of government involvement, which is the case.

Not even the open windows were covered and the crowd -- at places eight to ten deep -- was allowed to spill into the street.

There are more than 15 indications of Secret Service complicity in setting him up for the hit [29]. Two agents assigned to the limousine were left behind at Love Field. The flat-bed truck for reporters to that should have preceded the limo was cancelled. The motorcycle escort was cut down to four and was instructed not to ride ahead of the rear wheels. The open windows were not covered, the manhole covers not welded, and the crowd was allowed to spill into the street. Most strikingly, the vehicles were in the wrong order, with the Lincoln first, when it should have been in the middle. This was a blatant violation of protocol that any security expert could have detected it, which is no doubt why, when the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) asked for the Presidential Protection Records for other JFK motor-cades, the agency, instead of providing them, destroyed them [30].

The route was changed just days before the event and included a turn of more than 90°, in violation of Secret Service protocol. After bullets began to be fired, the driver, William Greer, pulled the limo to the left and to a halt [31]. At Parkland Hospital, agents got a bucket of water and a sponge and washed brains and blood from the crime scene [32]. The limousine was taken back to Ford and on Monday, November 25, the day of the formal state funeral, it was stripped to bare metal and rebuilt, including replacing the windshield, which had a through-and-through bullet hole in it, which several spectators had noticed at Parkland and which the Ford official who was responsible for its replacement confirmed, where the Secret Service would later produce yet a third windshield that displayed only interior cracks [33].

The “Magic Bullet”

Two wounds were widely reported on radio and television that day, a wound to the throat and a massive wound at the back of the cranium, which was caused by a shot that entered his right temple [34]. Both wounds were observed by many experienced physicians at Parkland Hospital. Charles Crenshaw, M.D., who closed JFK’s eyes before he was placed into the bronze ceremonial casket, sent me drawings of the wound to the throat and of the exit wound to the head [35]. And Malcolm Perry, M.D., who had made the incision, described the throat wound as a “wound of entry” three times during the Parkland press conference, which began at 2:30 PM [36]. The Warren Commission would cope with these problems by simply reversing the trajectories, turning the throat wound into a wound of exit and the damage to the cranium into the effect of a bullet fired from above and behind [37].

According to THE WARREN REPORT (1964), three shots were fired from the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository, where one missed, but two hit and killed JFK.

It’s greatest problem arose from the discovery that, of the three shots it claimed to have been fired, one had missed and injured a bystander named James Tague. The FBI and Secret Service had concluded that each of the alleged shots had hit: that JFK had been hit in the back, that Texas Governor John Connally had been hit in the back, and that JFK had been hit in the head, which killed him. But since one shot had missed, the commission had to create an alternative explanation, claiming the bullet that hit JFK in the back had passed through his neck and exited from his throat, then entered the back of Connally, shattering a rib and existing his chest, then damaging his right wrist and finally embedding itself in his left thigh, a most unlikely scenario that has come to be known as the “magic bullet” theory [38].

To make the “magic bullet” theory remotely plausible, Gerald Ford (R-MI), a member of the commission, had the description of the wound to the back changed from “his uppermost back”, which was already an exaggeration, to “the back of his neck”, which would not become known to the public until the first releases from the ARRB [39]. This was remarkable, especially since even The Warren Report (1964) had the hole in the jacket 5 3/8” below the collar and 1 1/8” to the right of its center seam and the hole in the shirt was 5 ¾” below the collar and 1 1/8” right of the seam [40]. That location corresponds to the autopsy sketch by J. Thornton Boswell, M.D., the FBI sketch by Agent James Sibert, the death certificate by Admiral George Burkley, the president’s personal physician and the reenactment photographs. A downward bullet at this location means that the throat wound and Connally’s had been caused by other shots and other shooters [41].

The Cover-Up

Michael Baden, M.D., who chaired the medical panel for the House Selection Committee on Assassinations when it reinvestigated the crime in 1977-78, said, on the 40th observance of the assassination, that if the “magic bullet” theory were false, then there had to have been at least six shots from three directions [42]. It is not only false and provably false but turns out to be anatomically impossible, since cervical vertebrae intervene [43]. David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., has shown JFK was hit four times—in the throat from in front, in the back from behind, and twice in the head both from in front and behind [44]. Connally was hit at least once from the side—as he was turning to the left—and at least one shot had missed, so there were at least six shots from three directions. Baden was right for the wrong reasons.

David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D., took a CAT scan of a patient with chest and neck dimensions similar to JFK and found that the "magic bullet" trajectory is not even anatomically possible.

It was not easy to sort this out. In 1992, I organized a research group with the best qualified students to ever study the case. They included Robert B. Livingston, M.D., a world authority on the human brain and an expert on wound ballistics; David W. Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. who had a Ph.D. in physics and was board-certified in radiation oncology; Jack White, a legendary photo-analyst, who had testified to the HSCA and had advised Oliver Stone on “JFK”; Chuck Crenshaw, M.D., who had been present when JFK was treated and then was responsible for the care of his alleged assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, two days later; and John P. Costella, Ph.D., another Ph.D. in physics but this time with a specialization in electromagnetism, the properties of light and physics of moving objects, who focused on the physical contents of the films. We discovered that most of the evidence in this case was fake [45].

Mantik, for example, studied the autopsy X-rays using the method of optical densitometry to determine the relative density of the objects whose exposure to X-rays had created the images [46]. He found an area at the back of the head that had been “patched” using material that was too dense to be human bone and that a 6.5mm metallic slice had been added to other X-rays in an apparent effort to connect the shooting with an obscure Italian Mannlicher-Carcano that Lee Oswald was alleged to have used. Ironically, while the death certificates and the autopsy report state that JFK was killed by high-velocity bullets, the Mannlicher-Carcano only has a muzzle velocity of 2,000 fps [47] and is not high-velocity [48]. Which means the weapon that Oswald is alleged to have used cannot have fired the bullets that killed JFK.

Other Fabrications

More than forty witnesses had observed that massive defect to the back of the head, where about half his brains were blown out to the left rear. Motorcycle Patrolman Bobby Hargis was hit so hard that the thought he himself had been shot [49]. But once it had been patched, there was no place for all those brains to go, which was solved by the substitution of another brain. When Robert Livingston compared the multiple reports from Parkland of cerebellar as well as cerebral tissue extruding from the wound, he concluded that the brain that is shown in diagrams and photographs at the National Archives—the original brain is missing—could not possibly be of the brain of JFK [50].

The deception was compounded by altering the home movies of the assassination, where brains and blood were now shown bulging out to the right-front rather than blowing out the left-rear. Roderick Ryan, an expert on special effects for which he received an Academy Award in 2000, told Noel Twyman the brains and blood had been painted in [51]. This fabrication has been confirmed by the recent discovery by other Hollywood experts that the massive defect to the back of the head was painted over in black [52]. So much attention was focused on the frames around 313, where the fatal head shot was presented as having occurred, that those responsible for the deception did not notice that it remains visible in frame 374, where there is a striking correspondence between Mantik’s “patch” and its configuration [53].

In frame 374 of the Zapruder film, the blow-out to the back of his head is clearly visible, even though it was painted over and blacked out in earlier frames, such as frames 313-317.

Many steps were taken to obfuscate the evidence. The shirt and the jacket were left behind at Parkland Hospital; no transcript of the press conference was provided; the X-rays were altered; the limousine was rebuilt; the patsy was framed [54]. Due to the exceptional work of the Assassination Records Review Board, however, we now know that James Humes, M.D., performed a craniotomy at Bethesda before the autopsy officially began to enlarge the wound to the head and make it resemble the kind of damage that might have been expected to have been caused by a shot from the rear. This recent development has vindicated the work of David S. Lifton, who had postulated alteration of the body [55], which has now been confirmed by Doug Horne [56].

What it Means

The most important element of the cover-up, however, was creating a false photographic record of the assassination. Had JFK been killed in a non-public setting, no one would have believed he had not been taken out by a conspiracy. It was necessary to give as much thought to concealing the truth from the public as was given to executing the assassination itself, where the home movie known as the Zapruder film became the backbone of the cover-up [57]. Among the most important reasons for recreating the film using the original footage and the sophisticated techniques of optical printing and of special effects included removing the limo stop, which was too obvious an indication of Secret Service complicity in the assassination. There were conflicts with the film from the beginning [58]. The evidence of fabrication is overwhelming for those who study it [59] [60] and [61].

These discoveries have considerable impact on alternative theories of the assassination. The Mafia, which no doubt put up some of the shooters, could not have extended its reach into the Bethesda Naval Hospital to alter X-rays under the control of medical officers of the US Navy, Secret Service agents, and the president’s personal physician. Neither pro- nor anti-Castro Cubans could have substituted the brain of someone else for that of JFK. And even if the KGB had an ability to alter films equal to that of the CIA and Hollywood, it had no way to gain access to the Zapruder film. Nor could these things have been done by Lee Harvey Oswald, who was incarcerated or already dead.

Lee Oswald was observed immediately prior to the assassination in and around the lunchroom and was confronted there by a motorcycle police officer within 90 seconds thereafter.

The evidence that exonerate Oswald goes beyond the fact that the weapon he was alleged to have used could not have fired the bullets that killed the president. Co-workers observed him in and around the 2nd floor lunchroom at 11:50 AM, at Noon, at 12:15 PM and as late as 12:25 PM. The shooting took place at 12:30 PM. Within 90 seconds, a motorcycle officer, Marrion Baker, confronted him and held him in his sights until Roy Truly, his supervisor, assured him that he was an employee who belonged there. In their statements published in The Warren Report [62], they explain that he was acting normally was not perspiring or out of breath—except, Truly added, a bit startled as any one might be to find themselves confronted by a drawn revolver [62].

The Controversy Endures

His Russian-born wife, Marina, would observe that Lee admired JFK, which means that the man fingered for the assassination had neither the motive, the means, or the opportunity to take him out. Even if the weapon had been far better, the shots were highly improbable. Thus, the interactive internet game, “JFK: Reloaded”, which used a superior weapon with a properly aligned sight, a smooth trigger action, and no recoil and which allowed endless practice sessions before attempting to hit the target, was won by a shooter who scored only a .782 out of 1.000, which means he only scored a “C+” in attempting to replicate the shots, suggesting the shot sequence was not possible [63]. Those who wrote the script didn’t know enough about the gun to get it right.

That the simple expedient of locating where the bullet hit JFK’s back is enough to establish the existence of a conspiracy has not inhibited those who want to obfuscate the facts. Consider, for example, that a controversy over neutron activation analysis persisted for years, as if discovering that bullet fragments found in the car had come from the same lot as those used by the alleged “assassination weapon” would show the location from which they were fired or who had fired them [64]. And pseudo-documentary after pseudo-documentary has been broadcast over the major networks based upon a film whose revision makes it impossible to reconstruct what actually happened in order to persuade the public that JFK was killed by a lone, demented gunman, even though the authentic evidence refutes it [65], [66], [67] and [68].

JFK was hit four times: in the throat (from in front); in the back (from behind); and twice in the head (from behind and in front). Two shots were fired from the vicinity of the Triple Underpass.

As Martin Shotz has observed, the purpose of the disinformation op in the death of JFK is not really to convince the public of the official account but to create enough uncertainty that everything is believable and nothing is knowable [69]. The reasons are not difficult to discern for those who understand why he was taken out. He was threatening to cut the oil depletion allowance, which the Texas men regarded as their divine right. He had not invaded Cuba against the unanimous recommendation of the Joint Chiefs. He had signed an above ground test ban treaty with the Soviets against their unanimous opposition. He was removing our forces from Vietnam, where they believed that a stand had to be taken against the expansion of communism [70].

JFK’s Attorney General, was cracking down on organized crime. He was going to reform or abolish the FED and, perhaps most of all, he was going to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces. Lyndon wanted to be president of all the people and J. Edgar Hoover wanted to stay on as Director of the FBI. No one could have explained all of this as well as has James Douglass, JFK and the Unspeakable (2008), who traces his evolution from a traditional cold warrior into a statesman for peace. The powers that benefit from the status quo could not allow those changes to occur. Once they had committed the crime, they were intent that no one should ever pay for it, lest the public learn the truth about the institutions of their own government. When Bobby let out he was going to use the full powers of the presidency to uncover the truth about his brother, it sealed his fate. And the lies continue.

Final Judgment: The Missing Link in the JFK Assassination Conspiracy
"...Conspiracy theories abound regarding the Kennedy assassination.

The New World Order
" ...In this century, the degree of control exerted by the Illuminati has advanced to the point that only certain hand-picked individuals, who are groomed and selected by the Illuminati are even eligible to become the prime minister or president of countries like England, Germany, or The United States. It didn't matter whether Bill Clinton or Bob Dole won the Presidency in 1996, the results would have been the same (except maybe for Zipper Gate ). Both men are playing on the same team for the same ball club. Anyone who isn't a team player is taken out: i.e. President Kennedy, Ali Bhutto (Pakistan) and Aldo Moro (Italy). More recently, Admiral Borda, William Colby, and Sonny Bono were also killed because they were either unwilling to go along with the conspiracy to destroy America, weren't cooperating in some capacity, or were attempting to expose/ thwart the Takeover agenda...."

"...In our times this control of the issuance of our currency is in the illegal hands of the Federal Reserve, called the Fed, and the principal owner of the Fed's "Class A" stock is--you guessed it--the Rothschild family. The other president brave enough to oppose the banker barons, whose worth was now in the trillions, was President John F. Kennedy..."
"...President Kennedy pledged himself to what was the best for America and cared not how the greedy bankers of the Fed felt. JFK, like Lincoln in the 1860's. dared to have the U. S. Treasury issue U. S. Dollars, not Federal Reserve notes, and placed them into circulation without paying interest to any bankers, just as spelled out in the U. S. Constitution..."

International Bankers, Credit, and the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC).
Black's Law Dictionary 1990, defines "Money Changers" as: of a banker... today handled by the international departments of banks." Let me think for a moment, what did Christ do to the "Money Changers". Oh, Yes, he severely interfered with their activity. Three days later he was crucified. Lincoln was killed for interfering with the money changers. Kennedy was slaughtered for interfering with the money changers.

Banking Cartel is the Cause of Humanity's Woes
"...Mullins makes a convincing case that every U.S. President since Wilson has been a lackey of the bankers. J.F. Kennedy was assassinated because he started to print his own U.S. government-backed currency. This is also the transgression that led to the murders of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield. Last year alone, the American people paid $360 billion in interest to the bankers. To maintain this massive fraud, the bankers enforce an iron grip on the political and cultural organs of the nation...."

"...It is interesting to note how many assassinations of Presidents of the United States follow their concern with the issuing of public currency; Lincoln with his Greenback, non-interest-bearing notes, and Garfield, making a pronouncement on currency problems just before he was assassinated..."

ON JUNE 4 1963, President John F. Kennedy Signed Executive Order #11110, stripping the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest.

Left: Federal reserve Note
Right: US Treasury Note
Full size later in post

With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business.

~ When President Kennedy signed this Order, it returned to the Treasury Department the Constitutional power to create and issue money without going through the privately- owned Federal Reserve Bank. United States Notes were then issued as an interest-free currency.

~ President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22 1963 and the United States Notes he had issued were immediately taken out of circulation.


[...] Why did President Lyndon Baines Johnson not continue President Kennedy’s Executive order? Was he afraid for his own life?

~ And just who owns the Federal Reserve Bank?
1. The Rothschilds of London and Berlin;
2. Lazard Brothers of Paris;
3. Israel Moses Seif of Italy;
4. Kuhn Loeb and Warburg of Germany;
5. Lehman Brothers, Goldman, Sachs; 6. The Rothschild-controlled Rockefeller interests of New York.

No wonder Europe and the US are so close!


“United States Notes” were issued as an interest-free and debt-free currency backed by silver reserves in the U.S. Treasury. We compared a “Federal Reserve Note” issued from the private central bank of the United States (the Federal Reserve Bank a/k/a Federal Reserve System), with a “United States Note” from the U.S. Treasury issued by President Kennedy’s Executive Order. They almost look alike, except one says “Federal Reserve Note” on the top while the other says “United States Note”. Also, the Federal Reserve Note has a green seal and serial number while the United States Note has a red seal and serial number.

The Conspirators Hierarchy - The Committee of 300
"...The Club of Rome, after playing a key role in the Cuban Missile Crisis, attempted to sell its "crisis-management" (the forerunner of FEMA) program to President Kennedy. Several Tavistock scientists went to see the President to explain what it meant, but the President rejected the advice they gave. The same year that Kennedy was murdered, Tavistock was back in Washington to talk with NASA. This time the talks were successful. Tavistock was given a contract by NASA to evaluate the effect of its coming space-program on American public-opinion..."

"...The drug-trade has a connection with the murder of President John F. Kennedy, which foul deed stains the national character and will continue to do so until the perpetrators are found and brought to justice..."



Earl Warren and members of the Warren Commission present report to LBJ

The Death Of John Kennedy

There have been two official investigations. One concluded Oswald acted alone, the other that there was a conspiracy. After forty four years, many of the key documents which could tell the whole story remain classified. John F. Kennedy's brain is still missing from the National Archives. Why, if it is an open and shut case? Why the secrecy, if Oswald was just a "crazed lone gunman"?

NEW! The Zapruder Film stabilized (Quicktime)

NEW! Jack Ruby worked for Richard Nixon

NEW! Memo surfaces linking George Bush to CIA

NEW! Photo surfaces suggesting George H. W. Bush was in Dealey PLaza during the assassination.

NEW! Memo surfaces proving George H. W. Bush was planting misinformation with the media prior to the assassination.

NEW! Memo surfaces linking Oswald to CIA

NEW! Posthumous book claims Ford knew of CIA coverup in Kennedy assassination

A thoroughly documented criminal indictment establishing beyond a reasonable doubt the guilt of George HW Bush as a supervisor in the conspiracy to assassinate John Kennedy. The evidence relies primarily on governement documents and public records. The center piece of the evidence is a memo entitled “Assassination of President John F. Kennedy”, signed by J Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, 5 days after the assassination, which names Bush as a supervisor of CIA-trained assassins. Another FBI memo establishes Bush’s presence in the Dallas area at the time of the assassination.

E. Howard Hunt's confession! There was a conspiracy, and that's right from the mouth of one of the conspirators.

Video shows Kennedy's Secret Service ordered to stand down. Note the two Secret Service men walking on either side of the car would have been in an ideal position to protect Kennedy when the shooting started, but as this video shows, were ordered back into the Secret Service car following JFK's car. One agent clearly expresses confusion at this order.

New study confirms HSCA conclusion of more than three gunshots and shot from Grassy Knoll.

The House Select Commitee on Assassinations concluded that John F. Kennedy was the victim of a conspiracy based on the recording of the gunshots fired in Dealey Plaza, captured over a police radio. A total of 7 impulses were caught on the tape, but citing budgetary constraints, the HSCA only had 4 of them analysed. The analysis concluded that all 4 were gunshots, two of them occuring within 1/2 a second of each other, too close to be fired by one man. Comparisons of the echoes with test shots fired in Deakel Plaza confirmed that at least one of the recorded shots had indeed been fired from the Grassy Knoll. Needless to say, the existance of 5, rather than just 3, gunshots destroyed the Oswald as lone gunman cover-up. Warren supporters quickly tried to dismiss the audio record of the gunshots by claiming that the recording was actually of gunshots in another part of the city, and confused for Dealey Plaza shots because of a timing error. Without explaining just where the other shots had occured, or why the echo patterns matched matched the test shots fired in Dealey Plaza, the Warren supporters declared victory. New research has shown that the report that dismissed the audio recording of the gunshots was itself deeply flawed, and ignored evidence that confirmed both the locatrion and time of the recording as being in Dealey Plaza at the time of the JFK assassination. This means that the original House Select Committee on Assassinations conclusion is the correct one. There were at least four gunshots in Dealey Plaza, two of them within 1/2 second of each other, and at least one of the shots came from the Grassy Knoll.

Dan Rather's "fib"

Dan Rather, at the time an unknown newscaster from a small market Texas TV station, viewed the Zapruder film, then described it to America on the CBS network. As this recording of that broadcast shows, Rather lied to all of America in claiming that the head shot pushed John F. Kennedy's head forward. Rather's meteoric rise to network status and stardom soon followed. When the Zapruder film was finally shown publicly, during Jim Garrison's trial of CIA agent Clay Shaw, Rather's lie was revealed for all to see. Sound file provided by

JFK Researchers Honored.

Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.



Dead witnesses.

[Kennedy Motorcade]Click for full size picture.

[Zapruder Segment ]


The photos from Post Magazine: Proof the media lies to the public.

Click for eyewitness report of gunshots from grassy knoll. Video file courtesy of Liberty Think

Click for Oswald's voice. Microsoft Wave format. (86.8K) Click here for a wav file of Lee Harvey Oswald claiming he was just a patsy.

Click for HCSA evidence. Wave format(140.9K) This was the evidence which led the House Select Committee on Assassinations to conclude that there had indeed been a conspiracy in the murder of John Kennedy.

Click for complete Zapruder film.

Click for Zapruder frames 186-207.Note the little girl in the background who stops running to look off to the left, suggesting a gunshot far earlier than the Warren Report claimed.

JFK Head X-ray

[Oswald]Click for full size frame. (100K)

This is the X-ray plate from page 170 of the book, Mortal Error, showing bullet fragments still inside JFK's skull. This photo is posted here in reference to the claim that a .38 unjacketed lead slug penetrated Vincent Foster's skull without leaving any fragments at all!


JFK Researchers Honored.

Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.



Dead witnesses.

Read more: The Death Of John Kennedy | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

November 22, 1963
Dallas, Texas
In less than
a second,
America died.


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The Grassy Knoll
Murder Myths
Throat wound
South Knoll
$ 1000 Reward
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Is Files for real?
Jim Garrison
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Dealey Plaza
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JFK's Skull
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Files on CIA
Court Case
FBI Transcript
Files Family
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Oswald and CIA
NSA letter
David Phillips
A Thought
Witness Report

"If you shut up the truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way."
- French author Emile Zola

"Treason does never prosper.
What's the reason?
When it prospers,
None dare call it treason."
Sir John Harrington


JFK Assassination: The Quintessential ‘False Flag’ Operation


Deceptive aka ‘false flag’ operations by real or potential combatants are almost as old as spying itself. While spying was originally intended to find out what other parties, enemies and possible ones, were doing, and planning, it wasn’t long before participants in such matters were trying to fool other parties about what was happening, and who was responsible for it. Assassinations of opponents or potential competitors were almost immediately added to the mix of possible means of gaining the upper hand either at home or abroad.

As human organizations became increasingly bigger, and better organized, columinating in the formation of states of one sort or another, the opportunities for all these activities, especially ‘false flag’ operations, became even more desireable and effective. Their numerous bureaucracies became targets of choice to infiltrate in order to deceive a real or possible enemy of one’s real aims, methods, and agents. The ideal operations, ‘false flag’ ones, are to make one’s opponents or allies think that a third party is responsible for what you really are doing, so much so that it does your dirty work for you – whether it be taking some kind of action against them, changing their whole strategy for dealing with a problem, or simply getting rid of the biggest impediment to whatever you want.

As time passed, JFK’s commitment to Castro’s overthrow became increasingly doubted. No sooner was Operation Mongoose ended at the end of 1962 than Oswald, now relocated in Dallas with a job that the CIA’s George de Mohrenschildt had arranged, was back in business as a hunter of communist leaders while posing as a rededicated Marxist. The Oswalds sent the employees of the Soviet Embassy in Washington a New Year’s greeting, and Marina became pregnant again, hoping that this would induce Soviet authorities to allow them to return so that the seemingly strapped. isolated couple could take advantage of its benefits. To improve Oswald’s credentials as a hitman, he purchased with unaccounted funds a revolver and a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, and apparently fired a shot which narrowly missed the retired, rabid, right-wing General Edwin Walker to prove the point – what he apparently commenorated by having Marina take his photo, holding the rifle in his right hand, communist publications in his left, and the revolver strapped at his hip.

In doing all this, Lee was following directions by American intelligence sources who were embroidering upon it. For example, the famous photo, portraying Oswald as a hunter of fascists, which de Mohrenschildt had a copy of, had an inscription on its back in someone else’s handwriting, making fun of the claim. When the car apparently used in mock assassination of General Walker was found near where Officer J. D. Tippitt was killed shortly after the JFK assassination, the photograph of it that Oswald had allegedly taken had the part where the license plate was located removed in order to prevent connecting the assassinations. Then one has to assume that Oswald sent the photograph of his being a hunter of fascists to Soviet and Cuban authorities – it was simply not intended for some family photo album.

If the communist intelligence services were not informed of the double agent’s reactivation as the Kennedy administration slowly tighted the screws on the anti-Castro Cubans and their supporters in America’s covert government committed to Castro’s overthrow, they soon were, as Oswald wrote a letter to the Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC) in New York City which he had been communicating with since his return from the USSR, stating that he publicly protested in Dallas against American threats to the Cuban regime while passing out their pamphlets to passersbys. He requested more of them. Then the Oswalds moved to New Orleans where they was soon occupied in establishing a FPCC branch, and Lee was demonstrating in July on its docks against the presence of the aircraft carrier, USS Wasp. More suspicion was aroused by the fact that its office was actually at the same address as that of Guy Bannister Associates, the ex-Bureau agent who had made the building the home of the Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC).

By this time, Golitsyn and Wright had so fired up America’s rabid anti-communists in government about the communist menace that they were beginning to think that the Kennedy administration, especially the President, was part of it too. As the so-called Soviet defector ran out of leads of suspected Soviet spies, the CIA’s James Angleton and MI5′s Wright gave him free access to their files to refresh his memory of the KGB’s in the hope he would determine the real Moscow moles in their midst. And MI5 maintained direct contacts with Hoover and Angleton. In making the case, Soviet Naval Attache Yevgeny Ivanov helped out by bedding the necessary hookers, particularly Christine Keeler and Mariella Novotny, in the sex ring Stephen Ward ran for the Security Service – what brought about the resignation of Britain’s War Secretary John Profumo, and later the Macmillan government itself – and Director Hoover amassed a new file on JFK’s sexual exploits, code-named ‘Bowtie’. (N. B. that he usual wordy Wright had nothing essentially to say about either the sex ring or the Dallas shooting.)

JFK had rightly compared the overly loyal Macmillan’s problems with Profumo to his own, claiming:”If they shoot you down, they’ll shoot us down too.” (Quoted from Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover, p. 508.) This use of prostitutes by the Kennedys was far more important than the use of Judith Campbell,
Marilyn Monroe, and other Mafia-connected ‘party girls’ as it called into question their loyalty, not just their honesty and integrity, as the President was now calling for a re-examination of the Cold War, and how it was being conducted.

When Jack’s sexual relations with East German refugee Ellen Rometsch, starting just when Golitsyn defected, and the best JFK ever had, were finally exposed in July – thanks to her gossipping about her Washington relationships – he did everything he could to see that the Bureau hushed up the scandal with the probable communist plant. Then his brother, the Attorney General, ordered the ‘sexy spy’ and her husband deported back to West Germany. Even so, Bobby Baker, at whose Quorum Club she had been consorting, and who had arranged the trists with the President, boasted that he had letters from her which could prove most embarrassing to the Kennedys. And if this wasn’t bad enough, Hoover forced JFK to see that Martin Luther King dropped Jack O’Dell and Stanley Levison from the civil rights movement, claiming that they were following orders from the Kremlin, like former Soviet illegal Colonel Rudolf Abel.

The mere mention of Golitsyn’s claims about the President’s unreliability when it came to national security being apparently true – what could force his resignation if officially investigated – was good enough for his opponents in covert government, especially those in CIA who had worked so hard to eliminate Castro’s Cuba, to start planning his assassination. Harvey, broken by the settlement of the Missile Crisis, and officially relegated to Rome because of his continuing Mafia associations, immediately put together a team to rapidly hypnotize Oswald, who had just asked for new visas for his family to return to the USSR. (John Marks has described the effort in The Search for the ‘Manchurian Candidate’, pp. 202-3, and MKULTRA Subproject 129, Notes, p. 244.)

Langley’s Angleton apparently asked the Mexico City station chief Winston Scott to find a suitable candidate, and it came up with a low-level unnamed agent who the Soviets had apparently doubled, almost assuredly Oswald, and Harvey, it seems, staged the attempt but it failed. A member of Angleton’s Counterintelligence Staff who observed the test claimed that the hypnotic consultant, apparently Dr. George White, assigned to doing the task froze, but it seems much more likely that it didn’t take because of Oswald’s opposition to killing the President despite his desire for the money. The Agency settled for making Lee the programmed “patsy” for the assassination, while Giancana’s underlyings Felix (Milwaukee Phil) Alderisio, Richard Cain, and Chuckie Nicoletti actually did it under Jack Ruby’s direction..

For corroboration of Oswald playing this role, just read about what he – and others conveniently acting for him – did subsequently – see, e. g., Summers, p. 288ff. – and compare it with what Angleton’s agent said about setting up a programmed “patsy” who a hypnotist “…could walk through a series of seemingly unrelated events – a visit to a store, a converseation with a mailman, picking a fight at a political rally. The subject would remember everything that happened to him and be amnesic only for the fact the hypnotist ordered him to do these things. There would be no gaping insonsistency in his life of the sort that can ruin an attempt by a hypnotist to create a second personality. The purpose of this exercise is to leave a cricumstantial trail that will make the authorities think the patsy committed a particular crime. The weakness might well be that the amnesia would not hold up under politce interrogation, but that would not matter if the police did not believe his preposterious story about being hypnotized or if he were shot resisting arrest.” (Quoted from Marks, p. 204, note +.)

With this being the case, it is then essential to determine if the Cubans and Soviets knew about the plot to assassinate JFK, to blame it on Oswald at their expense, and to let it still go ahead as long as they could easily escape blame. The record shows that the CIA was well primed for Lee’s famous September 1963 visit to Mexico City where he and others impersonating him made such a fuss about his immediately getting the necessary visas to go the USSR because of his connection with the FPCC – what so completely turned them off about his going to Moscow via Havana for fear that it was a provocation – while the Agency completely recorded his visits and conversations with their embassies, and duly informed the Bureau of his planned defection. Instead of determining that this was the reinforced work of a programmed “patsy”, both the Warren Commission, and the House Select Committee on Assassinations were only interested in deciding what activities were done by the real Oswald, and what was done by others – what forced both sides of the conflict to change their stories when the plot went so badly awry in Dallas.

Little wonder that Win Scott anticipated Oswald’s trip to the Mexican capital even before he arrived, and made the most of it when he did, thanks apparently to the help of Sylvia Duran, a Mexican woman working in the Cuban consul’s office, and also apparently a CIA informant. She let Oswald run wild in the trying to achieve the impossible result of obtaining an immediate visa to travel to the island within three days, and stay there for a few weeks before moving on to the USSR. During his three attempts, Duran informed the Soviet Embassy of his intentions, and was told that Moscow was still considering the troublemaker’s request for one. Duran then relayed the conversations to her Agency handler, confirming what its taps and bugs had obtained about the meetings from inside the Embassy.

In the Texas city at the same time Oswald was on his way to Mexico City, Silvia Odio was visited by three men, the leader of which, “Leopoldo”, wanted her to translate letters into English, calling for businessmen to support the CRC’s efforts to overthrow Castro. While she declined, two days later he called again requesting help, adding that one of the men with him when he visited was “Leon Oswald”, a ex-Marine marksman who was so unstable that he could kill either the Cuban leader or JFK – who he thought should have been assassinated long ago. While she suspected some kind of plot, she never apparently expressed her concern to her lover, Carlos Lechuga, the Cuban delegate to the UN who was then consulting most secretly with US Special Adviser to the American Ambassador there, William Attwood, about establishing new relations between the two republics. It seems most suspicious that Lechuga never got round to informing Attwood about the visit by “Leon Oswald” to Ms.Odio in the last weeks that JFK had to live.

It didn’t seem as if Khrushchev also had much interest either in JFK keeping alive, though he did admit that he was the best President the Soviets could hope for in the near future. While the General Secretary was hopeful about Kennedy’s speech at the American University about conducting the Cold War in a more sensible fashion – what the signing of the Limited Test-Ban Treaty seemed to augur – he was still most unhappy about Kennedy’s steadfastness on Berlin, as his speech about his being a Berliner demonstrated. Given the contact that a false Oswald had made with the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City when he real one was visiting the Cuban one – especially his dealings with Valeriy Kostikov, allegedly a member of the KGB’s infamous Thirteenth Department, tasked with sabotage and assassinations – his failure to use the just establsihed “hot line” to warn the President of what was afoot, what it was specifically created for dealing with, indicated that he had higher priorities.

JFK sealed his fate when he refused to go along with various tests that the rogue elements in the CIA confronted him with, particularly reviving with Missile Crisis when Captain Glenn Hyde’s U-2 plane was apparently shot down over Cuba in contravention to the terms of its settlement on November 20th, the President preferring to stand up to the personal challenges to his courage by former Vice President Nixon, and Texas Governor John Connally in Dallas. And the President’s enemies, foreign and domestic, would have gotten their way in Cuba and Berlin by his assassination if it had not been for the wounding of the latter in the process, what led him to cry out as he was apparently dying that he had been double crossed. Fortunately, he survived, and he vowed to get those who had done so – what converted the whole conspiracy into a monumental cock-up.

Of course, the first task was to get rid of Oswald, once he had been arrested, thanks to a tip off about his whereabouts shortly after the assassination by those in the plot who were planning to take him to Cuba to implicate Castro in the killing. While Ruby tried to save the connection during the press conference regarding his arrest, correcting the District Attorney when he said that Oswald belonged to the Free Cuba Committee rather than the FPCC – just making matters worse as it threatened to make his dealings with it a matter of the greatest inquiry when the assassination was investigated – he was then forced to assassinate him to make sure that the reason for his becoming a “lone nut” was not determined, as the CIA veteran had explained for Marks about minimizing the weaknesses of using programmed “patsies”. Besides, Oswald had an alibi for the shooting, as he was standing at the base of the TSBD when the President was assassinated, as the photograph of it by AP photographer James Altgens established.

Ruby’s correction of the Dallas DA about Oswald’s association with the FPCC forced Gilberto Lopez to flee across the border to Mexico the next day, and he was flown a few days later on a special flight which only carried himself from Mexico City to Havana. When Langley still called off investigating the Mexico City angle to the assassiantion for obvious self-serving reasons Win Scott went ballistic, writing a memorandum about the whole affair, including apparently a photograph of the real Oswald there and possibly others, which he placed in his safe. When he died, Angleton went out of his way to recover them, and the Agency still refuses to divulge their contents. “There is no justifying such suppression of the facts,” Summers concluded, “and the CIA should, even now, be forced to explain itself to Congress.” (p. 523.)

Khrushchev and Castro showed a similar economy with the truth when it became their turn to explain any possible involvement in the assassination. While immediately assuming that the killing would be followed by a devastating attack upon Cuba, they never explained why they thought they would be blamed, and they protested a bit too loudly about their innocence to be completely believed, given their actions. Nikita, after putting Soviet forces on maximum alert in anticipation of an American attack, refused to go to Washington for JFK’s funeral, and cancelled his plans yet again to visit Castro. It seems that he was not sure that they would accept his claims, and possibly there would be difficult repercussions. Castro was too eager to make light of Oswald’s association with the FPCC, and his being one of his admirers.

It was only after Jim Garrison started talking about a possible right-wing plot that the Soviets induced Yuri Nosenko to defect, so that he could clear up the remaining suspicions about Oswald, and the KGB added to the clamor about those in Dallas and New Orleans who wanted JFK killed. Angleton believed that Nosenko could be stressed enough, tortured, into admitting that the Soviets had killed the President, but he only knew about what Oswald had done for the KGB during his defection to the USSR – essentially nothing. When the Warren Commission so reported, Khrushchev was off the hook too, allowed to retire rather than face some international tribunal for the ‘false flag’ operation which would have changed the world if it had not been for one small oversight – the test firing of Oswald’s alleged rifle which almost killed Connally when Richard Cain fired it at JFK from the sixth floor on the TSBD.


Earlier this summer Dr. Ralph Cinque, Professor Fetzer, Professor David Wrone, and I, Richard Hooke, founded the Oswald Innocence Campaign that is a gathering of researchers, and concerned individuals, committed to spreading the truth that Lee Harvey Oswald was the “Man in the Doorway” in the famous photo, by Ike Altgens, which thereby exonerates Oswald of having shot at President Kennedy.   In this case, a picture really is worth a million words, since it trumps the massive media effort to the contrary.  We are taking a stand for what, upon close examination, the photo clearly reveals and cannot be denied by rational thinking people.  The founding of the OIC marks a sea change in JFK research.  A new breed of JFK researcher has emerged.  Nevertheless, there are those on the internet, such S.V. Anderson and other “lone gunman” shills, who comb internet forums and cannot quite figure out why I, and others, of this new breed of conspiracy theorist, are so persistent and will not be silenced.  The moment for the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth has come.

The explanation is that enough time has passed that ‘The Power of Officialdom” has long since worn off and we are now sensing the warm rays of truth beginning to break through–and at an ever increasing rate.  We are no longer content to shuffle around the same familiar arguments.  The assassination of JFK happened a long time ago and nearly a world away, yet for many of us, born in the 1940s and 50s, it seems just like yesterday.  We have lived nearly our entire lives being told conflicting and crazy explanations of the of deaths JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald and we are tired of it.  We are not going to be content passing our lives without knowing what really happened to our President and to the enigmatic Lee Harvey Oswald on that fateful November day.  We realize that if we can get more Americans to face what really happened, no matter how painful that may be, we will be leaving the world a better place for our children.  In the course of human events, it was inevitable that the argument would swing back toward truth.  Our very existence demands it, and “the vector of truth”, as it might be called, is now pointing at the “Man in the Doorway” in the Altgens6.

The light has finally dawned that the question of whether or not Lee Harvey Oswald was the man in the Texas School Book Depository doorway can be answered. At 12:30 PM, on 22 November 1963, the famous Altgens6 photo by Dallas Associated Press photographer James “Ike” Altgens, shows JFK as the Presidential limousine passes the TSBD, with his arms crossed and hands near his throat, as he reacts to being shot by a bullet that passed through the windshield.  You can see the bullet hole itself, which is the dark spot at the center of a while, spiral nebula, where his left ear would be were it visible.  Altgens ran east to west, across the grass, toward the south curb of Elm, stopped across from the Plaza’s north colonnade, and snapped his photo approximately 295 feet south of the depository’s doorway with his 35mm Nikkorex-F single-lens-reflex camera, with 105mm telephoto lens.  The Altgens6 has been assumed to corresponds to frame 255 of the Zapruder film, where the film, like the photo, has been revised.  Altgens’ picture was allegedly “on the wire” within minutes (12:57 PM) of the assassination and forwarded to the AP in New York. It was among the first assassination photos widely printed in newspapers across the nation.  The negative remained at the Dallas AP office but was subsequently “lost”, one of many reasons that controversy has dogged the Altgens6 photo from the beginning.

Points of Comparison

The official line, for nearly 50 years, has been that another TSBD employee, Billy Lovelady, was the real man in the doorway.  Not the least of the problems with that story is that, on 2 March 1964, Billy Lovelady told the FBI that he had been wearing a red and white, vertically striped, short sleeved shirt buttoned near his neck–and the FBI took photographs of Billy wearing it.  Lee Oswald, by comparison, had on a long sleeve, brown tweed over shirt, which was unbuttoned more than halfway down his torso. Beneath it, he was wearing a white under shirt (or “t-shirt”) with collar stretched into a V.  His clothing, his stance and posture, his right ear, his left eye and brow, his mouth, expression, chin, and facial bone structure, points of light and shadow, and hair are the same as those features of Doorman (as this article explains).  There are multiple unique and identifiable features of Doorman and Oswald’s shirt, collar and lapels, alone.  First consider his left lapel and then consider the right, as follows:

George H.W. Bush once spoke of “a thousand points of light”.  But in this case we can settle for 27 points of similarity between Doorman and Oswald.  If you were to assume that two different people, taken at random, might share one of these features in common at one time in ten–which is probably an exaggeration, but useful for calculation–then the probability that they would share 27 features in common would be equal to 1/10 times itself 27 times, which is a one over a one followed by twenty seven zeros or 1/1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000, which we would all agree is a very small number.  If these similarities are not assumed to be occurring merely by chance because Doorman and Oswald were the same person, however, then the probability that they would have 27 features in common approximates the value of one.  Since an hypothesis is preferable when its probability (technically, its likelihood) is greater than an alternative, unless one is a value that is smaller than 1/1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000, the Oswald = Doorman hypothesis has been confirmed:

It wasn’t Billy Lovelady

Critics have noticed that Billy Lovelady was pictured in the Warren Commission documents in the short sleeve, red and white, striped shirt that he had told the FBI he had worn on 22 November 1963.  Obviously, if that had been the shirt that he had been wearing, then if the choice was between Lovelady and Oswald, Doorman had to be Oswald.  So, in 1967, Lovelady changed his story.  He claimed that it was all a misunderstanding and that he had actually not posed for the FBI in the shirt that he had actually worn, despite it having been unbuttoned and folded over in order to expose his undershirt, in an obvious attempt to simulate Altgens6 Doorman. Here are the photos that were taken by the FBI, where they described the shirt in their own report back to FBI Headquarters:

In 1967, Billy and his wife, Mrs. Lovelady, began claiming that he had worn a red, black, and white long sleeve checked shirt.  Well, anyone can see the second shirt Lovelady claimed to have worn did not a match Doorman either and that it is very difficult to imaging that Doorman’s shirt to have been a red-and-black check (with a white fleck) shirt with a very delineated horizontal and vertical pattern.  Their contention was reinforced by the claim that Billy had inadvertently been captured in footage taken as Oswald was escorted through the offices of the Dallas Police Department and that he had likewise been filmed in front of the depository, where Professor Fetzer also believes that features of the image on the left were slightly altered to make him look more like Oswald, which is not far-fetched (see below):

Approaching the HSCA investigation of 1977-78, film clips began to surface providing additional evidence Lovelady was wearing a long sleeve red-and-black check (with a white fleck) shirt on the day of the assassination.  Images of Lovelady appear to have been superimposed into the Martin, Hughs, Dallas PD and Dave Wiegman films to provide bogus, after-the-fact, evidence that Billy Lovelady had been in the TSBD doorway wearing a long sleeve, red-black-and-white check shirt.  A frame of the Martin film shows a phony Lovelady (in this bogus check shirt) in the doorway with his shirt buttoned clear up to his neck, yet a frame of the Hugh’s film (supposedly depicting Lovelady at the same moment in time) shows Lovelady with his shirt sprawled wide–clearly a blunder in attempting to imitate the man in the doorway.  The difference are virtually those of a Dr. Jekyll and a Mr. Hyde, where Jekyll looked normal but Hyde looked like a gorilla:

More Proof it wasn’t Billy

Photos of Billy Lovelady were never provided for the public and no one on the Warren Commission ever saw Lovelady.  The only authentic photo of Billy we have from the approximate time of the assassination was taken by attorney Mark Lane in the 1964-65, which was included in Forgive My Grief (1966), by Penn Jones Jr.  It is included here and, as you can see, Lovelady was far too bald to be Doorman, and his cranium and facial bone structure do not look like Doorman’s:

Even the ears of Doorman can be compared with those of Oswald and of Lovelady, where again the features (indistinct as they may be) favor Oswald and undermine Lovelady.  But those who were working with the photo took measures to create ambiguity about the face of the man in the doorway, where it was Ralph Cinque’s astute observation that the clothing was the decisive indicator of the identity of Doorman, not the face itself, that cracked the case wide open, but which, upon closer, minute inspection, the other comparable features of their faces provides extraordinary additional proof.

Rearranging Doorman’s Face

Careful scrutiny and extensive study of the Altgens6 reveals that it was tampered with, where features of Lee Oswald’s face were changed to resemble Billy Lovelady.  The photograph proceeded through a series of stages until it was judged to be “good enough” to fool the public, which would remain the case until 2012, when a series of studies were published here at Veterans Today that lay out the case for alteration and obfuscation:  “JFK Special: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!”, “JFK Special 2: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!”, “JFK Special 3: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!”, “JFK Special 4: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!”, and“JFK Special 5: Oswald was in the doorway, after all!”  The case for Oswald as Doorman, which we are summarizing here, is simply overwhelming.

They were not completely successful, however, because a careful comparison of the left eyes of Oswald and of Lovelady demonstrates that the features of Doorman’s left are the same as those of Oswald’s left eye but differ from those of Lovelady.  It becomes a question of how much proof is required to concede the point that the man in the doorway was Lee and not Billy, where we are increasingly concerned about the sincerity of those who continue to deny their identity, when it has been established by multiple, convergent lines of proof.

“Out with Billy Shelley in front”

It was astonishing to Professor Fetzer to learn–only last year, 2011–that the Assassination Records Review Board had discovered the handwritten interrogation notes of Will Fritz, the DPD Homicide Detective who had questioned Lee Oswald, which the ARRB had been released back in 2007. Those notes reported that Oswald had told Detective Fritz that he had been “out with Bill Shelley in front” during the assassination. Some of our critics, however, have claimed Lee was not talking about his location during the shooting but some time thereafter.  That makes no sense at all, however, since we know he was observed in and around the lunchroom at 11:50 AM, Noon, 12:15 PM and as late as 12:25 PM, the latter occasions by Carolyn Arnold, the executive secretary to the Vice President of the TSBD.

So, Oswald could not have been referring to being outside with Bill Shelly before the shooting. Within 90 seconds following the assassination, he was accosted in the lunchroom by Roy Truly and Motorcycle Officer Marion Baker.  Oswald could not have meant he was “out with Bill Shelly in front” after the shooting, because Bill Shelly had left immediately with Billy Lovelady and  walked down to the railroad tracks to look around.  When they (Lovelady and Shelly) returned, they re-entered the building through the backdoor of the TSBD and gone to the base of the back stairwell (in the northwest corner (rear) of the building).  So, Bill Shelly was definitely not out in front when Oswald was leaving leaving the building. What could make more sense than that, when his co-workers were outside watching the motorcade of the two most famous people in the word, that Lee would not have joined them?

It would have been unbelievably remiss of Detective Fritz, moreover, not to have asked Lee Oswald where he was at the time of the shooting–that is the most pertinent question Will Fritz would have needed to ask.  That led me (Jim Fetzer) to revisit the Doorman question, even though it had long been written off, not only by “lone-nutters” but by most conspiracy theorists.  And that led to discussions with Dr. Ralph Cinque about the remarkable match in the clothing of Oswald and Doorman.  The uniqueness of Oswald’s clothing had never been seriously addressed before.  When you compare the clothing of Lee Oswald and Doorman in detail, however, you realize it has to be the same clothing, which means it had to be the same man.  The chance that Billy Lovelady just happened to dress himself exactly the same way as Lee Oswald that particular day, after all, is preposterous and has to have a probability of approximately zero.  Here is some of Ralph’s reasoning from an earlier presentation that already has most of it right:

Tech-Savvy Presidential Candidates: John F. Kennedy
Medium: Television
The first televised debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in September 1960 demonstrated Kennedy's mastery of the medium. While Nixon declined make-up and looked tired and wan, JFK wore television-friendly clothes, made up his face, and took coaching on how to talk and sit for the camera.

In my albums, I always portray the nations at war. I want to emphasize that a group of individuals are profiting..WHERE THERE'S WAR THERE'S MONEY . War uses up more materials more quickly than most anything else on earth. In war expensive equipment doesn't wear out slowly, it gets blown up. (It's interesting to note that during the 119 year period from the founding of the Bank of England to Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo, England had been at war for 56 years, while the rest of the time preparing for it. In the process the money changers had been getting rich.) So there it was, the newly formed Federal Reserve poised to produce any money the U.S. Government might need from thin air with each dollar standing to make a healthy interest. Same with Iraq War! Photo portrays happy times of the Kennedy Administration


John F. Kennedy Speech, April 27, 1961 American Newspaper Publishers Association. In a speech that should shock Americans. He warns the press and America to be on the lookout for the exact circumstances that have manifest themselves under the Bush Administration and the false flag of state sponsored terrorism. This speech should chill Americans. Kennedy died trying to warn us. He wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve and the C.I.A. On November 22, 1963, hardly past his first thousand days in office, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was killed by mutiple assassin's bullets as his motorcade took and unscheduled turn in Dallas. Kennedy was the youngest man elected President; and youngest to die. The Secret Service was not by his side, they had been called off of his motorcade. Who would have the power to do this? This speech which has now transended time could be the key to saving America from the fate which looms over it like a dark spectre.

President and Mrs. John F. Kennedy smile at the crowds lining their motorcade route in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.  Minutes later the President was assassinated as his car passed through Dealey Plaza. November 22, 1963 Dallas, Texas, USA


President Kennedy opposed the industrial military complex and the "Federal" Reserve System.  In 1963, it cost him his life. On June 4, 1963, a little known attempt was made to strip the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the government at interest. On that day President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order No. 11110 that returned to the U.S. government the power to issue currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Mr. Kennedy's order gave the Treasury the power "to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in the Treasury." This meant that for every ounce of silver in the U.S. Treasury's vault, the government could introduce new money into circulation. In all, Kennedy brought nearly $4.3 billion in U.S. notes into circulation. The ramifications of this bill are enormous.Soon after President Kennedy's assassination, President Johnson debased the coinage by removing ALL the silver from the silver coins.

Anderson’s papers contain information on George H. W. Bush’s role in Dallas in November 1963. Dubya ordered papers seized and withheld as “classified” U.S. government documents. It is clear that the man standing in front of the Texas School Book Depository and his son have much to be worried about. The FBI also wanted to remove from future public circulation Anderson documents that point to George H. W. Bush conspiring with the government of the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran to keep U.S. hostages imprisoned in Iran until after the 1980 presidential election and avoid an “October Surprise” for Carter. The agreement between the Iranians and Bush (who was working with William Casey) sank the chances for Jimmy Carter’s re-election and George H. W. Bush’s entry into the White House as Vice President. The hostages were released at the very time Ronald Reagan took the oath of office in 1981. That operation would lay the ground for future Bush-Tehran collusion in the Iran-Contra scandal.

The Dissenting Warren Member

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esearchers Honored.

Why Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment.



Dead witnesses.

Read more: The Death Of John Kennedy | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

November 22, 1963
Dallas, Texas
In less than
a second,
America died.


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Witness Report

"If you shut up the truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way."
- French author Emile Zola

"Treason does never prosper.
What's the reason?
When it prospers,
None dare call it treason."
Sir John Harrington


A picture may or may not be worth a thousand words, but sometimes a picture can capture the character and personality of an individual, or the spirit and essence of a situation better than even the most talented writer. Hopefully, some of the following photographs achieve that.




Behind the Bushes

+ The architects for the Bay of Pigs were Vice President Richard Nixon and CIA director Allen Dulles. JFK inherited the plan from the Eisenhower administration. Nixon lost the race for the presidency to JFK and Dulles was fired by JFK for the failure of the Bay of Pigs. Yet Dulles is appointed by president Johnson as a Warren Commission member to "investigate" JFK's murder. The proof for Bush's lie about his CIA past can be found in a document, declassified in 1988.
It's a memorandum of FBI director J Edgar Hoover to the State department, dated 29 November 1963. It describes a meeting, one day after JFK's murder, between FBI and CIA officials talking about the reaction of the Cuban exile community to the Kennedy Assassination. The last paragraph states that the "the substance of the foregoing information was orally furnished to us and George Bush of the Central Intelligence agency". Here we have the name of George Bush mentioned as a CIA official in direct connection to the Kennedy assassination. When asked by journalists, he initially stated "It's not me, must be another Bush!" This was checked and found to be NOT true. When asked again, a spokesperson for Bush declined to comment any further. The obvious question is: Why does Bush need to lie about it?


+ Let's see how the Assassinations Records Review Board dealt with this information in their final report, chapter 6 :
4. George Bush
A November 29, 1963, memorandum from FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to the Director of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research at the Department of State refers to the fact that information on the assassination of President Kennedy was "orally furnished to Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency." At the request of the Review Board, the CIA made a thorough search of its records in an attempt to determine if the "George Bush" referred to in the memorandum might be identical to President and former Director of Central Intelligence George Herbert Walker Bush. That search determined that the CIA had no association with George Herbert Walker Bush during the time frame referenced in the document.
The records that the Review Board examined showed that the only other "George Bush" serving in the CIA in 1963 was a junior analyst who has repeatedly denied being the "George Bush" referenced in the memorandum. The Review Board staff found one reference to an Army Major General George Bush in the calendars of Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles. There was no indication if this General Bush could be the referenced George Bush. The Review Board marked the calendar page as an assassination record.
+ So the George Bush mentioned in this memorandum could not be found by the CIA? Neither the Major General George Bush mentioned in the calendar of CIA director Allen Dulles? Even though Dulles, as we have seen, was on a first name basis with Prescott Bush? Was the Assassinations Records Review Board not advised that it is practically standard procedure for the CIA to purge the files of sensitive covert intelligence operatives? Why did the ARRB ask the fox to investigate who ate the chickens, and was then satisfied with the answer? Why are there no records on James Files, the man who claims to be the gunman on the grassy knoll? Why does his birth certificate state "deceased at birth"? How can this man be alive and well in prison, if he was deceased at birth? Did Hoover and Dulles make up a fictional George Bush?
+ It can now be conclusively shown that both Gerald Ford and Arlen Specter (now a senator for Pennsylvania) tampered with the medical evidence of JFK's autopsy and put these lies in the Warren Report.
+ Hale Boggs sat on the Warren Commission, which concluded that President Kennedy was slain by a lone assassin. Later, in 1971 and '72, Boggs said that the Warren Report was false and that J. Edgar Hoover's FBI not only helped cover up the JFK murder but blackmailed Congress with massive wire-tapping and spying. He named Warren Commission staff member Arlen Specter as a major cover-up artist. Congressman Boggs' plane disappeared on a flight to Alaska in 1972. The press, the military, and the CIA publicly proclaimed the plane could not be located. Investigators later said that was a lie, that the plane had been found. On the plane were Hale Boggs, Nick Begich, a very popular Democratic Congressman, his aide Russ Brown and Don Jonz, the pilot. All were killed.
+ In 1976, George H.W. Bush was appointed CIA director by president and former Warren Commission member Gerald Ford at the exact time that newly erected investigative committees were probing the possible role of the CIA into the assassination plots to kill Fidel Castro, Martin Luther King and John F. Kennedy. Bush appoints his old friend from JM/Wave and the Bay of Pigs, Theodore Shackley, as his deputy director for Special Operations, the CIA's most important division. The above-mentioned investigations are heavily stonewalled by the CIA, holding back crucial documents and witnesses. Nevertheless, the House Select Committee on Assassinations concludes its investigation with a 95% probability that at least 4 shots were fired and Kennedy was killed as a result of a conspiracy, along with the recommendation to the Justice Department to follow up with a further investigation. This recommendation was never honored.
+ During the preparations of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, pressure is applied to Texan Bill Lord not to testify for the committee. Bill Lord was a fellow marine and roommate of Lee Harvey Oswald on a ship voyage to France. Lord expresses his concern in a letter to president Carter. He writes that Oswald was connected to the FBI and CIA and concludes that the CIA and the FBI are complicit in JFK's death and the coup d'etat that occurred on 11/22/1963. He also states that one of the Midland, TX politicians applying pressure to him, was Mr. George W. Bush junior . This letter to President Carter was declassified some years ago. Here's a fragment:
One of the parties which has blitzed me with telephone calls trying to persuade me to tell them what I know about Oswald, is engaged in a very costly project which allows them to locate, interview, monitor, and influence every single available person who ever knew Lee Oswald--and this, just in advance of the new governmental investigation by the house select committee on Assassinations. I finally consented, not to grant an interview, but to allow the publication's representative to explain their project to me in person. After a lunch interview with this researcher, I was told that if I had refused even to meet with him, pressure was in the offing from two Midland men: Mr. Jim Allison, publisher of the ultra-conservative Reporter-Telegram, my employer (out of necessity, and for the moment!), and Mr. George Bush, Jr.
... Shortly thereafter, my mother discovered that her telephone had been tampered with. The casing around the dialing aparatus had been pulled out about one-half inch... we cannot doubt that someone entered the house at a time when I was at work and my mother was away; she returned to the house, however, at an unaccustomed time... I have been in anguish for weeks, Mr. President, trying my best to laugh at my apprehensions and to see these events as fortuitous ones... Speaking as the man who spent more than two weeks in the same ship's cabin with Lee Oswald at the time of his 1959 "defection", and speaking as a man who has been the subject of the above.
See the original letter here (page 1) here (page 2) and here (page 3)
+ There are numerous indications and allegations that Nixon's Watergate scandal had a direct connection with the Kennedy assassination and that every time that Nixon is talking about the danger that the "Bay of Pigs thing" might be exposed because of Watergate, he was actually covertly referring to the Kennedy assassination. None of these rumours could solidify, because shortly before his resignation, Nixon replaced Spiro Agnew by Gerald Ford as his vice president, who promptly pardoned him from further prosecution. The allegations of a direct connection with Dallas are certainly not unfounded, considering the incomplete official story and the preponderance of Watergate individuals connected to the Bay of Pigs and the Kennedy assassination. When it became clear that Watergate may not be kept under the lid, Nixon fires and replaces his entire administration with the exception of George H.W. Bush, because "he will do anything for our cause".
From a radio interview with investigative journalist Jim Marrs:
J – Yes, George, and let me say this: I don't want everybody to think that just Lyndon Johnson was involved in this, or that it was just the democrats or whatever. I’m looking here at a book written by H.R Haldeman, who was ...
G – He was one of Nixon’s men!
J – Yes, one of Nixon’s boys, and here he writes , he says, if you all remember during Watergate the Nixon Tapes and all the focus over that: Nixon went to pay 2 million dollars to E. Howard Hunt, a CIA officer, who was leading and training the anti-Castro Cubans, he (Nixon) said: "Pay him the 2 million dollars! This could open up the whole Bay of Pigs thing! This could look bad for us, this could look bad for the CIA!"And in Haldeman's book, he says that it seems that in all these Nixon references to the Bay of Pigs, he was actually referring to the Kennedy assassination! More information here
+ George H.W. Bush failed to disclose his friendship with George De Mohrenschildt, a renowned oil geologist and Lee Harvey Oswald's best friend in Dallas. They knew each other since 1942, probably even longer, because in 1939 he went to work for Humble Oil, a company founded by Prescott Bush. In 1977, when De Mohrenschildt is located by investigators of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, who want to interview him, he allegedly commits suicide the following day. The last person to interview him on the day he died, is Jay Edward Epstein, a writer/historian and a known apologist for the Warren Report since day one. Epstein married a CIA agent and is the biographer of former CIA-director James Jesus Angleton, presumably in charge of Oswald's "defection" to Russia. Interestingly, Epstein is also the "consultant" that was suddenly hired by NBC in 1995, when NBC was making a program for national TV on the confession of James E. Files. The program was promptly cancelled.
George De Mohrenschildt
In De Mohrenschildt's address book a telephone number is found for Bush's oil company Zapata Petroleum, with a further entry for "George Poppy Bush". It is well known that "Poppy" is a nickname for George H.W. Bush to his friends and family. Shortly before, De Mohrenschildt had sent his old friend George, now CIA director, a letter, asking if something could be done about the surveillance and harassment he was lately exposed to. Why would De Mohrenschildt suspect the harassment originated from the CIA? This letter is public domain now, but does not show up in the collections of correspondence that Bush put together in a book as a way of publishing his memoirs.
"And we shall vote for you when you run for President.
Your old friend G. De Mohrenschildt." See De Mohrenschildt's letter
here (1) and here (2)
+ David Atlee Phillips was one of the planning CIA officials in the plot to kill JFK. He was a member of the Dallas Petroleum club, as was George Demohrenschildt and George Bush. All three were CIA, and knew each other. Yet time and again, during the Warren Commission, during the HSCA as a CIA director, and during the Assassinations Records Review Board as President, George Bush keeps his mouth shut about these liaisons, who were both CIA supervisors for Lee Harvey Oswald. Who wants to maintain that George's silence is insignificant?
More information
+ During the years after the Bay of Pigs, George H.W. Bush was calling for escalation in Vietnam and challenging Kennedy to "muster the courage" to try a second invasion of Cuba.
+ George H.W. Bush was not only actively involved in financing and planning the Bay of Pigs, he is a central man in organizing Anti-Castro groups and raids against Cuba in the years to follow. In 1976, while director of the CIA, he instructs the Anti Castro groups to organize themselves in one coherent group: CORU or Coordination of United Revolutionary Organizations. Most of the operation 40 members already mentioned, become members of CORU.
+ Later that year, Orlando Letelier, a former minister in the Chilean government of Salvador Allende, is assassinated in the streets of Washington. CORU members Ignacio and Guillermo Novo Sampoll are charged with the assassination of Orlando Letelier. Guillermo Novo's initial conviction is overturned on his appeal.
+ Both the Novo brothers, Orlando Bosch and Watergate burglars E Howard Hunt and Frank Sturgis are also implicated in JFK's murder by the testimony under oath of female CIA agent Marita Lorenz in 1985. She was the former mistress of Fidel Castro and girl friend of Frank Sturgis. Her testimony in a libel suit against H. Howard Hunt, places all these men in Dallas on 11/22/1963. To read her testimony
click here
+ James Files, the confessed assassin of JFK, also says that Sturgis and Bosch were in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963. Some researchers believe that Orlando Bosch was the unidentified dark complexed man on the curb of Dealey Plaza. To read the analysis click here.
+Also in 1976, CORU masterminds the bombing of a Cuban airline jet, exploding in mid air, killing all 73 passengers. Orlando Bosch (nickname Dr. Death) and Luis Posada Carriles are charged and convicted for this crime by Venezuelan authorities with lifetime sentences.


Luis Posada Carriles
"The difference between a patriot and a terrorist
is whose side of the fence you are on."
James Files, gunman on the grassy knoll
+ Posada Carriles was rescued by the Cuban-American National Foundation, a CIA sponsored organization that sent 50,000 dollars via Panama to finance his escape from his Caracas prison, which was successfully carried out on August 18, 1985. In a matter of hours, he turned up in El Salvador. He was visited there, having barely arrived, by the top leaders of the Foundation. He is given a new identity "Ramon Medina" and is placed under command of his former operation 40 classmate Felix Rodriguez, now working under the alias "Max Gomez". Those were the days of the dirty war in Nicaragua. He immediately began to execute important tasks under direct orders of the White House, in the air supply of weapons and explosives to the Contras in Nicaragua. These operations became known as the Iran Contra scandal and were directed from the Vice Presidency headed by George H.W. Bush.
"The very word 'secrecy' is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths, and to secret proceedings."
John F. Kennedy

In every single major assassination these black-op conspirator killers have actually had the balls to blame it on some poor deranged lone gunman. They have had a patsy or a mind controlled Manchurian candidate fall guy for the last four assassinations. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Senator Robert Francis Kennedy, and the founder and leader of the most influential musical group The Beatles, the person who was his generations and about to be another generations leader for peace and love, John Winston Lennon.

Links For The Reagan Assassination
And The Bush And Hinckley Families

+ Orlando Bosch is released in 1987 under diplomatic pressure of the then US ambassador for Venezuela Otto Reich. Otto Reich is from Cuban descent and an avid anti Castro Cuban exile. He was recently appointed assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell in the current Bush administration. Back in Miami, Orlando Bosch is released from house arrest by presidential order as soon as Bush is president. No outcry was reported by the mainstream press.
While incarcerated in Caracas, both Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch were visited and interviewed by HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi. Not surprisingly they denied being in Dallas on November 22, 1963. However, neither of them could give a verifiable alibi. For a more in depth story by Geaton Fonzi documenting these intimate connections: or read his excellent book "The last investigation" online:


+ George H.W. Bush becomes the first President in American history to effectively grant himself a pardon in order to avoid prosecution for Iran Contra, by pardoning his numerous accomplices in that operation. Some of them are now holding posts in his son's administration.
+ George H.W. Bush has always been and still is vehemently opposed to declassifying files on the Kennedy Assassination. His son George W. Bush has just overturned a decision of the Clinton administration to declassify files about past presidents. The bogus excuse is always "national security". If JFK was killed by just one lone nut, as we are asked to believe, then where is the issue of national security? Declassification of the files would only confirm that theory, right? One might wonder whose security is really at risk here. But it is not the nation's!
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Guillermo Novo Sampol
+ The testimony of Chauncey Holt, one of the infamous "three tramps" arrested in Dealey Plaza after the assassination, reveals that Luis Posada Carriles was also present on Dealey Plaza on 11/22/1963. Whether Posada was there to pull a trigger is unknown, but he makes a perfect match for the Cuban Exile "friend", sent to Dallas by Santo Trafficante, who was "a former Havana vice cop, turned mobster", as described by Sam Giancana in his biography (to read the page click here). To learn more about Luis Posada Carriles click here.
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Still frame of Lee Harvey Oswald handing out pamphlets on Canal Street. Handwriting is of Chauncey Holt. Chauncey is the man with sunglasses on the far right. To read Holt's story click here.
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Posada Carriles is currently in jail in Panama with 3 Cuban accomplices for the most recent plot to kill Fidel Castro, who visited a Latin American summit there in November 2000. One of Posada's jailed accomplices is a friend whose name is already familiar to the reader: Guillermo Novo Sampol. Remember that this man is also placed in Dallas on 11/22/1963 by the testimony under oath of Marita Lorenz. Washington is stonewalling their extradition to Cuba with a vengeance. Of further relevance is the almost complete blackout of American mass media reporting about this affair.
Update: Luis Posada Carriles and Guillermo Novo were pardoned and released by Panama in August 2004. Although Panama is like a province of the United States, pressure from the Bush administration is denied.
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CUBAN PRESIDENT CASTRO HOLDS UP PHOTO OF MAN HE ACCUSED OF PLANNING ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT Original caption: Cuban President Fidel Castro shows a photo of a Cuban exile living in the United States, Luis Posada, who Castro accused of masterminding a plot to assassinate him during his visit to Panama City, November 17, 2000. Leaders of Latin America, Spain and Portugal are set to meet in Panama over the weekend for the 10th Ibero American summit where they will discuss ways of combating child poverty and abuse in the region.
© Reuters/CORBIS
+ So we have at least four known CIA trained assassins that we know were present on Dealey Plaza: Luis Posada Carriles, Frank Sturgis, Guillermo Novo Sampol and Orlando Bosch. All these terrorists were members of Operation 40, an assassinations group Bush personally recruited for, and during which time he gets acquainted with his life-long pal Felix Rodriguez. Operation 40 and JM/Wave are supervised by two of Bush's CIA cohorts:
1) David Atlee Phillips, who is the CIA controller for both Lee Harvey Oswald and confessed grassy knoll gunman James Files.
2) Ted Shackley, who later becomes Bush's deputy director for Covert Operations.
All these terrorists have later been clearly protected by George Bush and his CIA. Yet Bush has officially no knowledge about JFK's assassination? And yet officially his son fights a War against Terror? I guess Prescott has thought his son Hitler's motto: "The bigger the lie, the easier it is accepted by the public, especially when it is repeated over and over again".
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Marita Lorenz and Frank Sturgis
+ And then there's this little piece of information from the book "Defrauding America":
Much has been written about the role of the CIA factions in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. It isn't the purpose of this book to go into that subject. However, the statements of relatively high- ranking former or present ONI and Navy officers relating to the JFK assassination are given within these pages for the reader to ponder.
The Role of deep-cover CIA officer, Trenton Parker, has been described in earlier pages, and his function in the CIA's counter-intelligence unit, Pegasus. Parker had stated to me earlier that a CIA faction was responsible for the murder of JFK, and that Kennedy was advised three weeks before the assassination of a plan to assassinate him in one of three cities that Kennedy would be visiting.
During an August 21, 1993, conversation, in response to my questions, Parker said that his Pegasus group had tape recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy. I asked him, "What group were these tapes identifying?" Parker replied: "Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, Johnson of Texas, George Bush, and J. Edgar Hoover." I asked, "What was the nature of the conversation on these tapes?"
I don't have the tapes now, because all the tape recordings were turned over to [Congressman] Larry McDonald. But I listened to the tape recordings and there were conversations between Rockefeller, [J. Edgar] Hoover, where [Nelson] Rockefeller asks, "Are we going to have any problems?" And he said, "No, we aren't going to have any problems. I checked with Dulles. If they do their job we'll do our job." There are a whole bunch of tapes, because Hoover didn't realize that his phone has been tapped.
Parker had earlier mentioned to me that he had turned over a full box of files and tapes, documentation, and micro-fiche for the Pegasus operation in the Caribbean to Congressman Larry McDonald shortly before the Congressman boarded the ill-fated Korean Airlines Flight 007 that was shot down by the Russians.
THE PROBLEM IS NO LONGER MINE. For 30 years I attacked these problems without success. At my age, it is no longer my problem to solve. I will be gone before the American public pays for what reaped. Good luck, you will need it!
Defrauding America, Rodney Stich, 3rd edition 1998 p. 638-639
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"Behind every success there is a crime"
Lyndon Baines Johnson
+ Other ties between Nelson Rockefeller and the principals in the JFK assassination can be found in this excellent article on Freeport Sulphur, connecting David Atlee Philips with Guy Banister and Sergio Arcacha Smith, as well as with Clay Shaw and David Ferrie, who were both prosecuted in Jim Garrison's JFK trial:
It ends like this:
Which brings us to a crucial point. Freeport Sulphur is a company Wall Street considers a "Rockefeller" company. There are numerous Rockefeller ties to the board of directors (see the sidebar at right). There is a significant tie that led to the stockpiling investigation. And Adolph Berle and J. C. King, as well as John Hay Whitney, were all very closely tied to Nelson Rockefeller himself. So the revelation that J. C. King and Adolph Berle were conversing about the fate of a Rockefeller-controlled company is significant, credible, and highlights the ties between these players and the CIA, where J. C. King-and in later years David Atlee Phillips-presided as Chiefs of the Western Hemisphere Division. In a strange twist of fate, Rockefeller's good friend King was the authenticating officer on a cable giving authority to kill Castro's brother Raul. Interestingly, Whitney's cousin and friend Tracy Barnes sent the cable rescinding the original order a couple of hours later.
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Guy Banister, former FBI agent from Chicago, worked in New Orleans for Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello and the CIA (David Atlee Phillips) with David Ferrie and Sergio Arcacha Smith.


Picture of Lee Harvey Oswald and David Ferrie during a Civil Air Patrol picknick. David Ferrie died a mysterious death, which was ruled a suicide, only two days before he was scheduled to testify in the famous trial of District Attorney Jim Garrison, who accused him of being part of a conspiracy in the murder of JFK. David Ferrie had denied knowing Oswald. Jim Garrison later said he would have loved to have this picture at the time of his trial. David Ferrie died of a brain heamorrhage. James Files says the brain heamorrhage was inflicted with a nail file through the roof of the mouth, but he refuses to reveal his source. Note: Jim Garrison, David Ferrie and Guy Banister are played by Kevin Costner, Joe Pesci and Loe Asner in Oliver Stone's movie "JFK".
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Sam Giancana (second from right), mob boss of Chicago, with the Mcguire sisters, also a target of the Kennedy's after first being helped by him to win the elections in Illinois, felt betrayed by the Kennedy's. He sent his hitmen to Dealey Plaza, among others Charles Nicoletti and Johnny Roselli. All three were murdered in the 1970's shortly before they were called to testify before government committees investigating the murders of JFK and Martin Luther King. Charles Nicoletti was James Files' boss.


On the eve of the 40th Anniversary of the JFK Assassination, from Stateville Correctional Center, Joliet Illinois, confessed assassin James Earl Files tells of his role in The Crime of the Century.
In 1989, Houston private investigator Joe West launched an independent investigation to find the true assassins of President John F. Kennedy. After three years of disappointments and dead-ends, West received a tip from an unexpected source: an FBI agent who asked to remain nameless. The tip led Joe West to Stateville Correctional Center at Joliet Illinois, and a prisoner named James E. Files.
Files, who was serving time for attempted murder of an Illinois police officer, was at first, very reluctant to talk. Slowly and meticulously, West established a relationship with Files. Through months of personal visits and detailed correspondence, Files began to reveal his participation in the JFK assassination.
Files was nearing a full confession when West became ill and suddenly passed away in 1993. It took 13 months after Joe West's death, but on March 22, 1994, associates of West videotaped an interview with Files. It was during this interview that James Files first confessed to being the shooter on the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, that it was he who delivered the final, fatal shot to JFK's right temple. He also implicated organized crime members Charles Nicoletti, Johnny Roselli and Sam Giancana, who all had been murdered in the 1970s.
For the next two frustrating years, attempts were made to bring the interview to the public. This finally led to an agreement for a nationwide TV program. As the program was being prepared, a consultant became involved. Based on his input, the program was suddenly cancelled for reasons that have since been proven to be untrue. Also, reputable JFK researchers have confirmed that the consultant was solidly connected to the Central Intelligence Agency.
Upon his retirement in 1998, the FBI agent who had given the original tip on James Files, decided to come forward. His name is Zack Shelton. Mr. Shelton, who worked organized crime for 28 years, has had an impeccable service record. With the financial support of Dutch businessman Wim Dankbaar, Shelton offered to proceed with a new investigation to either prove or disprove the confession of James E. Files. Shelton called upon and received the assistance of over ten of his veteran FBI colleagues. All of these men have had equally impressive careers with the Bureau.
While the FBI has officially declared James Files to be "not credible," the findings of Shelton and his colleagues have shown otherwise. After painstaking efforts to persuade Files, who had vowed to never again be interviewed, he ultimately agreed to another interview. The second and last interview was taped on November 19, 2003.
We now present that interview to you and leave the judgement of James E. Files and his confession in your hands.

The plot to kill JFK originates from the very same forces that were working together on the Bay of Pigs and the plots to assassinate Fidel Castro: All these forces had their own reasons to recapture Cuba and to hate Kennedy, whom they also blamed for the failure of the Bay of Pigs.
These groups were 1) The CIA with the approval of some of the highest government officials (like Johnson, Hoover, Ford and Nixon) 2) The anti Castro Cuban exiles 3) Mafiabosses Sam Giancana , Carlos Marcello and Santos Trafficante and 4) wealthy industrialists and Texan oilmen like H.L. Hunt, Syd Richardson and Clint Murchison. George H.W. Bush has documented connections to all four groups.
Sam Giancana states in his biography that he knew Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon personally (to read the page
click here), as well as the aforementioned oil millionaires and George Demohrenshildt (to read the page click here), , and that they planned the JFK assassination together. James Files, the confessed grassy knoll assassin who fired the fatal shot into JFK's head, did not only work for Sam Giancana, but was recruited in the CIA to train Cuban exiles for the Bay of Pigs, by none other than David Atlee Phillips. He claims that one of his later senior supervisors in covert operations was George H.W. Bush. Lyndon Johnson told his mistress Madeline Brown: "It was the CIA and the Oilboys". Bush was both ! In addition he was up to his neck in the Bay of Pigs and the anti Castro movement. What is the chance he could not have known about the plot?
David Atlee Phillips was also the CIA supervisor for Lee Harvey Oswald, a heroic man that was unwittingly chosen to take the blame as the patsy, while led to believe he was to penetrate the group of assassins in order to sabotage the plot and prevent JFK's assassination.
On November 22, 1963 a criminal power elite seized control through a coup d'etat and a subsequent cover up of the truth that lasts until today. This is because they strengthened their position ever since. The key to unlocking the truth lies in one of their most powerful assets: the mainstream media. That is why you were not aware of most of the above !
It is clear that Bush protected the cover-up, as well as individuals and CIA elements that were involved in the JFK assassination. Although the above may not be conclusive evidence for Bush's involvement or knowledge about JFK's murder, all together a bigger and more criminal picture than many of us dare to imagine, emerges, with a direct connection to the political situation of today.
"And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."
"A nation which has forgotten the quality of courage which in the past has been brought to public life is not as likely to insist upon or regard that quality in its chosen leaders today - and in fact we have forgotten."
"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men."
"A man does what he must-in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures-and that is the basis of all human morality."
"A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. "
John F. Kennedy


First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy attends dinner with honoree Minister of State for Cultural Affairs of France, Andre Malroux, on May 11, 1962 in Washington, D.C. (Photo Courtesy of Kennedy Library Archives/Newsmakers)


In this March 20, 1962 photo, President John F. Kennedy's daughter Caroline Kennedy rides her pony, Macaroni, on the south grounds of the White House in Washington. An unidentified handler runs along to keep pace. (AP Photo) #

U.S. President John F. Kennedy speaks before reporters during a televised speech to the nation about the strategic blockade of Cuba, and his warning to the Soviet Union about missile sanctions, during the Cuban missile crisis, on October 24, 1962 in Washington, DC. (Getty Images).

Captured Blog: Past Inaugurations

The images - half of which have never been seen before - were captured by Life magazine's Mark Shaw, who was both the unofficial photographer for John F. Kennedy and wife Jackie, as well as a close friend and confidant.

Shaw's beautiful shots encapsulate the vibrant life of the pair, who are seen in a variety of situations, dazzling on the campaign trail or sharing a warm family moment with their daughter on holiday.

Love story: John F. Kennedy campaigning to become president, with stylish and cultured wife Jackie by his side

Love story: John F. Kennedy campaigning to become president, with stylish and cultured wife Jackie by his side

Special access: More than half of Shaw's photos have never been seen before and his work was treasured by the Kennedy family

Special access: More than half of Shaw's photos have never been seen before and his work was treasured by the Kennedy family

Rich and famous: The fashionable couple pose in formal outfits for this charming official portrait

Rich and famous: The fashionable couple pose in formal outfits for this charming official portrait

Shaw met the charismatic Massachusetts senator and his elegant wife in 1959, six years after their marriage, when he photographed them for Life magazine.

He developed a close friendship with the glamorous, all-American couple, allowing him extraordinary and informal access to the family.

Over the following four years, Shaw captured the couple and their children Caroline and John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr at their most relaxed.

They are pictured in Nantucket, Hyannis Port, Mass., Mrs Kennedy's family home in Merrywood, Virginia and on the Amalfi Coast of Italy.

American dream: The couple relax in Massachusetts fishing village Hyannis Port with first child Caroline

American dream: The couple relax in Massachusetts fishing village Hyannis Port with first child Caroline

He also photographed the couple as they shone in public, with stylish Jackie supporting her husband on the campaign trail and at his star-studded inauguration gala.

On November 8, 1960, JFK beat Republican Richard M. Nixon in a very close race to become the 35th president of the United States, with his graceful wife standing by his side

She made the White House into a home, creating a kindergarten and working to restore and preserve the historical building while Shaw photographed the family's unique daily life

By now a fashion icon, she hosted glittering events and travelled the world gaining admiration for her elegance and goodwill.

Jacqueline Kennedy and daughter Caroline at Hyannis Port 1959 Jacqueline Kennedy at Georgetown 1959



New images: Mrs Kennedy with daughter Caroline at Hyannis Port in 1959 and later that year in Georgetown

Effortless grace: The attractive and powerful couple look at ease as they take a moment away from the strain of their heavy responsibilities

Effortless grace: The attractive and powerful couple look at ease as they take a moment away from the strain of their heavy responsibilities

Long-lasting relationship: Shaw met the charismatic young Massachusetts senator and his elegant wife in 1959 when he photographed them for Life magazine

Long-lasting relationship: Shaw met the charismatic young Massachusetts senator and his elegant wife in 1959 when he photographed them for Life magazine

President's wife: Mrs Kennedy in her husband's office at the old Senate building in Washington D.C., 1959

President's wife: Mrs Kennedy in her husband's office at the old Senate building in Washington D.C., 1959

In 1963, the couple's third child, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy was born, but he developed a lung problem and died two days later.

While still recovering from this loss, another tragedy shocked the world. On November 22, 1963, the President and his wife were in Dallas, Texas. As their car drove slowly past cheering crowds, shots rang out.

President Kennedy was killed and Mrs Kennedy became a widow at the age of 34.

Unforgettable: Jackie shows off her inimitable style while holidaying in Ravello, Italy

Unforgettable: Jackie shows off her inimitable style while holidaying in Ravello, Italy

Height of sophistication: The couple relish a beautiful day in the garden, while Shaw captures them in their most unguarded moments

Height of sophistication: The couple relish a beautiful day in the garden, while Shaw captures them in their most unguarded moments

JFK's state funeral was broadcast around the world and millions of people shared in his wife's grief and mourned over the premature end to the intriguing tale of this unique and powerful couple.


The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe - the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.
We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shank from this responsibility - I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavour will light our country and all who serve it -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.
And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country.
My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Artistic study: The Kennedys: Photographs by Mark Shaw is available now

A new book of fascinating photos gives an intimate portrayal of the young Kennedy family's day-to-day life in the White House. 

John F Kennedy was pictured with wife Jacqueline and children John, one, and four-year-old Caroline, shortly after the family took up residence in 1961.

The time became known as the golden 'Camelot' era, inspired by the First family's youth, glamor and popularity in the media.

Caroline Kennedy was captured in retro sunglasses holding up a picture of her famous father while the President himself was seen walking hand-in-hand with John Jr close the Oval Office.

Scroll down for video

Daddy's girl: Caroline Kennedy, when told this was a picture of the President, said 'No, that's my daddy'

Daddy's girl: Caroline Kennedy, when told this was a picture of the President, said 'No, that's my daddy'

Golden couple: Jacqueline Kennedy told the photographer later that this picture of herself and her husband in Washington in 1961 was her favorite because it was so affectionate

Golden couple: Jacqueline Kennedy told the photographer later that this picture of herself and her husband in Washington in 1961 was her favorite because it was so affectionate

Time out: JFK plays with his son John before boarding a flight on Marine One flanked by members of the Secret Service

Time out: JFK plays with his son John before boarding a flight on Marine One flanked by members of the Secret Service

One picture, taken in an open-top car during a Tunisian state visit to Washington in 1961, shows JFK affectionately brushing hair from his wife Jacqueline's eyes.

Only two years after theses images were taken, President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.

Capturing Camelot, by renowned biographer Kitty Kelley, uses the work of late photographer and her mentor Stanley Tretick, who left the valuable shots to her after his death in 1999.

After following Kennedy throughout his presidential campaign, Tretick was given more access to the White House, allowing him to capture the family shots.

The photographer's pictures of JFK playing with his children became some of best known of the Kennedy era. 

In mourning: Jacqueline Kennedy, backed by Nantucket Sound in 1964, following her husband's assassination

In mourning: Jacqueline Kennedy, backed by Nantucket Sound in 1964, following her husband's assassination

All the president's men: JFK takes the Kennedy, Shriver, Smith and Lawford children for a ride on his golf cart at the family's compound in Hyannis Port

All the president's men: JFK takes the Kennedy, Shriver, Smith and Lawford children for a ride on his golf cart at the family's compound in Hyannis Port

Iconic: JFK and his son John Jr stroll along the White House portico shortly after he was inaugurated as President

Iconic: JFK and his son John Jr stroll along the White House portico shortly after he was inaugurated as President

Tragedy: JFK and his brother Robert (far left), who served as Attorney-General and close adviser in the president's Cabinet, was also assassinated in 1968

Tragedy: JFK and his brother Robert (far left), who served as Attorney-General and close adviser in the president's Cabinet, was also assassinated in 1968

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