Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Activities at Mena - MENA is no myth!




The Activities at Mena - MENA is no myth!


  • Adams, Lorraine, "North Didn't Relay Drug Tips; DEA Says It Finds No Evidence Reagan Aide Talked to Agency," WASHINGTON POST, October 22, 1994, pg A1 Oliver North knew his Contra network was smuggling cocaine, but he did not inform the DEA as required by law.
  • Anderson, Jack and Van Atta, Dale, "Drug Runner's Legacy," February 28, 1989 Federal authorities stonewall investigations into Barry Seal's drug-trafficking.
  • Anderson, Jack and Van Atta, Dale, "Small Town for Smuggling," March 1, 1989 Suspects say they worked for the CIA to turn back investigations into the cocaine of Mena.
  • Arbanas, Michael, "Hutchinson knew in 83 of Seal probe, ex-IRS agent says," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, September 19, 1990 IRS agent William Duncan claimed Asa Hutchinson knew about allegations of drug trafficking at Mena when he was US Attorney.
  • Arbanas, Michael, "Truth on Mena, Seal shrouded in shady allegations; Drug smuggling rumors just won't die," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, December 22, 1990 Long overview of Mena evidence.
  • Arbanas, Michael, "FBI apparently investigating Mena, Seal," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, May 24, 1991
  • Bowers, Rodney, "Slain smuggler used airport," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, December 14, 1987 Evidence showing drug smuggler Barry Seal used Mena airport, and that federal Justice officials interfered in local law enforcement investigating the narcotics.
  • Bowers, Rodney, "House investigators opens Mena probe," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, December 17, 1987 Aide to Congressman William Hughes (D-NJ) visited Mena to gather evidence and testimony.
  • Brown, Chip, "Former DEA agent: North knew of cocaine shipments to US," ASSOCIATED PRESS, June 17, 1994 DEA agent Celerino Castillo tells of his knowledge regarding drug smuggling through the Contra resupply network.
  • "Co-pilot held answers sought in investigation; But he died in plane crash in 1985," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 27, 1988, pg 6A
  • Cockburn, Alexander, "Chapters in the Recent History of Arkansas," THE NATION, February 24, 1992 Describes what was revealed in court papers filed by Terry Reed in his case against Clinton aide Buddy Young regarding CIA Contra cocaine smuggling out of Mena.
  • Crudele, John, "Drugs and the CIA -- A Scandal Unravels in Arkansas," NEW YORK POST, April 21, 1995 Report that special prosecutor Kenneth Starr is investigating the CIA guns-for-drugs operations at Mena.
  • Crudele, John, "Bombshell in Arkansas Investigations Brings Both Parties the Jitters," NEW YORK POST, August 14, 1995 Congressman Jim Leach's Banking Committee and the House Judiciciary Committee investigate allegations of cocaine trafficking at Mena that point responsibility at the Clinton, Bush and Reagan administrations.
  • "Demo Says IRS Blocked Probe Of Drugs, Arms," SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE (ASSOCIATED PRESS), July 28, 1989 Rep. Alexander (D-Ark.) Charges the IRS with blocking investigations into cocaine of Mena.
  • "Deposition summarizes rumors about Seal," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 26, 1988, pg. 18A Former military investigator Gary Wheaton gave a sworn deposition claiming that Barry Seal engaged in gun-running and drug smuggling with the consent of the Drug Enforcement Administration and Central Intelligence Agency.
  • editorial, "Investigate Mena," WALL STREET JOURNAL, July 10, 1995, pg A12
  • Epstein, Edward Jay, "On the Mena Trail," WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 20, 1994 The Journal warns that beneath Clinton's crimes, lie the crimes of Reagan and Bush.
  • Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "Cocaine and Toga Parties," SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, July 17, 1994 Describes evidence that Bill Clinton enjoyed drugs and young women.
  • Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "International Smugglers linked to Contra arms deals," SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, October 9, 1994 Links Contra cocaine smuggling with Bill Clinton associate, Dan Lasater.
  • Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "Airport scandal set to crash into White House," DAILY TELEGRAPH, March 27, 1995 Recounts evidence provided by Terry Reed and William Duncan regarding cocaine trafficking through Arkansas.
  • Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "Clinton Involved in CIA Arms and Drugs Racket," SUNDAY TELEGRAPH, July 9, 1995 Reveals that AMERICAN SPECTATOR was about to publish and interview with former Clinton bodyguard, L.D. Brown. Conservative editor R. Emmett Tyrrell remarked how shocked he was to uncover CIA skullduggery involving the secret was against the Sandinistas.
  • Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose, "Embattled Clinton falls back on Nixon's Watergate defence," ELECTRONIC TELEGRAPH, December 18, 1995
  • Haddigan, Michael, " Fat Man' key to mystery," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 26, 1988, pg. A1 Overview of the investigations and obstructions to uncovering the truth behind the cocaine of Mena.
  • Haddigan, Michael, "The Kingpin and his many connections," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 27, 1988, pg. 1A Explores the career of Barry Seal.
  • Haddigan, Michael, "Mena tires of rumors," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, June 28, 1988, pg. 1A Remote Mena airport does special refittings for planes from around the world.
  • Hanchette, John, "House Banking Committee Probing Tangles Tale of Mena, Ark.," GANNETT NEWS SERVICE, January 25, 1996 House Banking Chairman Jim Leach is investigating Mena.
  • Harmon, Dave, "Ex-agent: Drug sales aided contras; Retired DEA man says smuggling, North venture linked," CHICAGO TRIBUNE, January 26, 1993 Celerino Castillo describes the frustration in prosecuting cocaine smugglers involved with the Contra resupply network.
  • Henson, Maria, "Testimony reveals leak in drug probe: Cost Seal his life, witness says," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, July 29, 1988 House Judiciary subcommittee on crime hears DEA officials tell how a White House leak revealing Barry Seal's undercover work ruined a major drug investigation.
  • Henson, Maria, "Alexander threatens budget ax to get agency's cooperation; He pledges to continue investigation into drug trafficking," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, October 5, 1988 Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.) tries to force the Reagan administration to allow a General Accounting Office investigation into drug-trafficking around Mena.
  • "IRS says smuggler owes $29 million, seizes his property," BATON ROUGE STATE TIMES, February 5, 1986, pg. 1-A Some of Barry Seal's assets are listed.
  • "Judge set to rule in dispute over Seal's tax assessment," BATON ROUGE STATE TIMES, March 28, 1986
  • Kwitny, Jonathan, "Dope Story: Doubts Rise on Report Reagan Cited in Tying Sandinistas to Cocaine," WALL STREET JOURNAL, April 22, 1987 Account of Barry Seal's activities in Mena and his attempt as a DEA informant to connect the Sandinistas with cocaine trafficking.
  • Lemons, Terry and Fullerton, Jane, "Perot Called Clinton About Mena Inquiry," ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, April 19, 1992 In 1988, Ross Perot called Gov. Bill Clinton to discuss the allegations of cocaine trafficking on behalf of the Contras in Mena.
  • Lemons, Terry and Fullerton, Jane, "Perot Vows Mena Airport Won't Be Issue If He Runs," ARKANSAS DEMOCRAT-GAZETTE, April 26, 1992. Perot confirms that he discussed Mena with Gov. Bill Clinton in 1988.
  • Morris, Scott, "Clinton: State did all it could in Mena case," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, September 11, 1991 Gov. Bill Clinton claims the Arkansas State Police conducted a "very vigorous" investigation into allegations of drugs and money-laundering around Mena.
  • Morrison, Micah, "Mena Coverup? Razorback Columbo to Retire," WALL STREET JOURNAL May 10, 1995, pg. A18 Recounts the efforts of Arkansas State Policeman Russell Welch to investigate Mena, and the career troubles which ensued.
  • Morrison, Micah, "Mysterious Mena," WALL STREET JOURNAL, June 29, 1994 Recounts the stories about allegations of U.S. government-protected drug-running in Arkansas.
  • Morrison, Micah, "The Mena Coverup" WALL STREET JOURNAL, October 18, 1994 IRS investigator William Duncan developed documentation proving the money-laundering of cocaine profits through Arkansas.
  • Nabbefeld, Joe, "Evidence on Mena-CIA ties to go to Walsh; Airport's inclusion in Contra probe urged," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, September 10, 1991 Iran-contra Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh is given evidence on drug money-laundering involving CIA-Contra activities at Mena.
  • Norman, Jane, "Arkansas Airstrip Under Investigation," DES MOINES REGISTER, January 26, 1996, pg. 3 House Banking Chairman Jim Leach is investigating Mena.
  • "Panel investigating slain informant's activities," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, April 11, 1988 House investigators continue probing allegations of Contra cocaine smuggling.
  • Rafinski, Karen, "North gets boosters, protesters; Controversial Iran-Contra figure campaigns for Hayes," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, September 23, 1990 Oliver North visits Arkansas to support Republican Terry Hayes running against Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.).
  • Scarborough, Rowan, "House Panel Takes a Long Look at Mena," WASHINGTON TIMES, January 18, 1996 House Banking Committee is investigating the cocaine trafficking at Mena.
  • Semien, John, "Agent says Seal trafficked drugs while an informant," BATON ROUGE MORNING ADVOCATE, March 28, 1986 Louisiana state police describe their evidence that Barry Seal was a drug trafficker.
  • Semien, John, "Plane downed in Nicaragua once owned by Adler Barry Seal," BATON ROUGE MORNING ADVOCATE, March 10, 1986 The plane shot down over Nicaragua, revealing the Iran-contra affair, was owned by drug smuggler Barry Seal.
  • Semien, John, "Congress investigating Barry Seal's activities," BATON ROUGE SUNDAY ADVOCATE, April 10, 1988 Investigators for the House Subcommittee on Crime visited Louisiana to develop evidence regarding cocaine smuggling and the Contra resupply network.
  • Stewart, Julie, "Contras, Drug Smuggling Questions Remain Abut Arkansas Airport, ASSOCIATED PRESS, September 24, 1991
  • Stinson, Jeffrey, "Alexander vows to find answers to Seal story," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, December 22, 1990 Rep. Bill Alexander (D-Ark.) Renews his efforts for a federal investigation of Mena.
  • Stinson, Jeffrey, "House panel hears tales of illegal activities at Mena airport," ARKANSAS GAZETTE, July 25, 1991 IRS investigator William Duncan describes the evidence he collected on drug trafficking at Mena and how the Justice Department asked him to perjure himself before a grand jury.
  • Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr., "Furtive Drug Flights," August 25, 1995 Former Clinton bodyguard L.D. Brown reveals that apparently both Bill Clinton and George Bush knew about the Contra cocaine flights into Mena.
  • Walker, Martin, "Conspiracy theorists let imagination run riot over Whitewater scandal; Murder, arson, burglary, drug trafficking . . . they're all part of he plot, if the Clintons' accusers in the press are to be believed," THE GUARDIAN, March 24, 1994 Recounts the darkest allegations against Bill Clinton.
  • Weiner, Tim, "Suit by Drug Agent Says U.S. Subverted His Burmese Efforts," NEW YORK TIMES, October 27, 1994 Top DEA official in Burma describes how the State Department and CIA jeopardized his heroin investigations and put his life in danger.


  • Chua-Eoan, Howard G. and Shannon, Elaine, "Confidence Games," TIME, November 29, 1993, pg.35 CIA facilities in Venezuela are used to store 1,000 kilos of cocaine that is shipped to Miami.
  • Corn, David, "The C.I.A. and the Cocaine Coup," THE NATION, October 7, 1991, pg.404 Tells of CIA assistance in 1980 Bolivian coup that put cocaine cartel leaders into power.
  • COVERT ACTION INFORMATION BULLETIN, "The CIA and Drugs" edition, Number 28 (Summer 1987) 8 articles on the history of CIA drug trafficking and money laundering. Ordering information at
  • Dettmer, Jamie and Rodriguez, Paul M., "Starr Investigation Targets Law-Enforcement Complicity," INSIGHT, May 29, 1995 Report that Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr was investigating the shredding by Arkansas law enforcement of documents related to Iran-contra drug smuggling.
  • "Ghosts of carelessness past," ECONOMIST, May 7, 1994, pg. 30 Summary of allegations regarding cocaine smuggling at Mena.
  • Robinson, Deborah, "Unsolved mysteries in Clinton country," IN THESE TIMES, February 12-18, 1992 As Bill Clinton moved to gain the Democratic nomination for President, allegations surfaced that he ignored local law enforcement officials' pleas for assistance to investigate Mena.
  • Robinson, Linda and Duffy, Brian, "At play in the field of the spies; A primer: How not to fight the war on drugs," U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT, November 29, 1993 CIA operatives in Venezuela were involved in or had known about drug shipments in the United States, but did nothing to stop them.
  • Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr., "The Arkansas Drug Shuttle," THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR, August, 1995, pg.16 Story of former Clinton bodyguard, L.D. Brown, and his experiences in the Contra resupply operation
  • Wheeler, Scott L., "Dateline Mena: New Evidence, Rumored Congressional Inquiry Redirect Attention Toward Lingering Scandal," MEDIA BYPASS, January, 1996, pg. 60 More allegations rise to surface regarding cocaine trafficking at Mena, including evidence that the drug smuggling continues unabated.
  • "Whitewater Ad Nauseam?" BUSINESSWEEK, February 26, 1996, pg.45 House Banking Chairman James Leach is investigating Mena.


  • CONTINUED INVESTIGATION OF SENIOR-LEVEL EMPLOYEE MISCONDUCT AND MISMANAGEMENT AT THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, Hearing before the Commerce, Consumer, and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, First Session, July 24, 1991, GOV DOC # Y 4.G 74/7:Em 7/16 House probe into why IRS investigator William Duncan faced a career crisis for documenting the money-laundering through Arkansas in the 1980s.
  • DRUGS, LAW ENFORCEMENT AND FOREIGN POLICY, Subcommittee on Terrorism, Narcotics and International Operations, Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, 1989, S. Prt. 100-165 Chaired by Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, the subcommittee heard abundant testimony by drug dealers and pilots about CIA connections to the smuggling.
  • ENFORCEMENT OF NARCOTICS, FIREARMS, AND MONEY LAUNDERING LAWS, Oversight Hearings before the Subcommittee on Crime of the Committee on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, One Hundredth Congress, Second Session, July 28, September 23, 29, and October 5, 1988, GOV DOC # Y 4.J 89/1:100/138 Investigation of connections between cocaine smuggler Barry Seal and the Contra resupply network.
  • IRS SENIOR EMPLOYEE MISCONDUCT PROBLEMS, Hearings before the Commerce Consumer and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, July 25, 26 and 27, 1989, GOV DOC # Y 4.G 74/7:Em 7/11 Congressional hearings discover that IRS employee problems are due to employees investigating money-laundering of cocaine through Arkansas.
  • SYRIA, PRESIDENT BUSH AND DRUGS, Subcommittee Staff Report, House Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Crime and Criminal Justice, October 28, 1992 Reports that Bekaa Valley heroin traffickers have close ties to the Syrian government and Army, and that President Bush ignores this problem in his policy towards Syria.

    Dear Fellow American,

    On August 23, 1987, two teenage boys stumbled upon a drug smuggling operation that was sanctioned by federal officials and protected by local law enforcement. The boys, Kevin Ives, 17, and Don Henry, 16, were murdered. Their bodies were laid across nearby railroad tracks and mutilated by a passing train.
    Most of you are familiar with this nationally-publicized story which has become know as the "train deaths." Most of you also know that the murders are officially unsolved, because every investigation (seven in all) has been either controlled or shut down to prevent exposing the CIA-operative drug smuggling based in rural Mena, Arkansas.

    The "train deaths" is a disturbing and shocking story but, unfortunately, is not unique. It has, however, become a symbol - an icon of injustice. It is the heart-wrenching story of a mother who has plodded a tenacious journey for tens years with still no end in sight; it is the inspiring story of a prosecutor who was
    professionally destroyed for standing alone against a corrupt system; it is the disconcerting story of a deputy sheriff who was stonewalled by his superiors; and it is the exasperating story of a film maker who risked everything to expose the truth.

    The mother is Linda Ives. She promised her son, Kevin, that his killers would be brought to justice, but she cannot keep her promise. It has been ten years and every level of law enforcement has participated in covering up the murders. It is clear that the government is not going to do its job by prosecuting anyone in criminalcourt, so Linda is forced to seek accou ntability in civil court. It is the best she can do for Kevin.

    The prosecutor is Jean Duffey. In 1990, her career and reputation were destroyed in a brutal smear campaign led by dirty public officials she was trying to expose. She slipped quietly into Texas where she became a high school algebra teacher until . In 1994, the FBI persuaded her to help them investigate the train deaths by promising to expose the truth, but when the truth led to Mena drug-smuggling, the FBI backed off cold. Jean refused to go away quietly this time.

  • The deputy sheriff is John Brown. In 1993, despite being warned to back off by a superior and the Clinton- appointed state drug czar, John poured his heart and soul into his investigation. After John had worked the case for nearly a year, an eye witness came forward,  the FBI demanded control, and John was ostracized.  John resigned in disgust and is now the Chief of Police  for the City of Alexander, near where the boys were  murdered.
    The film-maker is Pat Matrisciana. After learning of the "train deaths" story in 1993, Pat was led to tell it. In 1996, Pat released Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection, which tells the story and names the individuals who have been implicated in government documents as the murderers. Two of those individuals are suing Pat, his film company, and Pat's organizations Citizens For Honest Government, for $16,000,000.00.

    Ordinarily, truth is a defense in a libel suit, but this suit is in Arkansas and this is a suit that involves corrupt officials who are being protected by the highest levels of our government. Pat has found himself on the front line in a war with murderers, drug smugglers, an dirty public officials and has realized that the system - the government - is his enemy.

    If Pat loses this lawsuit, he and Citizens For Honest Government will be destroyed. That would be a terrible injustice, but even worse, losing the suit would close the doors to any kind of justice for Kevin and Don. It is absolutely imperative to defend Pat successfully, and it can be done. It can be done because evidence will be made available during the discovery and deposition phase of the suit that has not been available before. The good news is, this new evidence will expose what the
    government has been hiding for ten years. The bad news is, discovery and depositions are wildly expensive.

    Most of us who are familiar with the train deaths story are convinced it is the eye of the storm. Swirling around the eye is CIA drug-smuggling, Clinton money-laundering, government- sanctioned murders, bipartisan cover-ups, and corporate media-control. The law suit against Pat could be the thread that unravels it all, and Pat has a grip on that thread. The only thing preventing him from yanking it is money.
    It is going to cost at least $100,000 to successfully defend Pat. That may sound like a lot of money, until one considers the powers he is up against and the offense they will launch against him. He has two great advantages, though - a brilliant lawyer and the truth. We simply cannot allow justice to be impeded for lack of money.

    Here's some things you can do: Go to the "train deaths” website at, and order the video
    Obstruction of Justice or do so by calling
    1-800-558-4308 (all profits from the video go to the
    Kevin Ives Civil Justice Fund). Call 1-800-965-2344 to
    contribute to Pat's defense fund and to join Citizens
    For Honest Government (you will get their bimonthly
    newsletter). Make copies of this article and distribute
    it to everyone you know. Include Linda, Jean, John, and
    Pat in your prayers.

    God Bless You,

    A Friend

  • These sites are filled with facts about CIA covert operations and how they work against the best interests of the citizens of the United States.

    NOTE Chip Tatum's last known website has vanished. As soon as a new site is available, I will hotlink to it.


    Duane Roberts' Mena documents are archived at.

    The Alliance to Expose Government Corruption and Corporate Crime Archive on Mena, the Octopus, Inslaw, Wackenhut, BCCI and much more.

    David Feustel's great archive on CIA cocaine smuggling:

    Serendipity's Mena page:

    Duane Roberts' Mena documents are archived at:

    Lisa Pease's Real History Archives:

    Bob Parry's The Consortium is filled with important investigative reporting that the mainstream media won't touch:

    Covert Action Quarterly home page:

    Federation of American Scientists' library of U.S. intelligence documents



    Front of tape box Back of tape box Mad Cow Productions.

    someplace you must visit!

    Mara Levritt's new website on Mena.

    More Mena links (Courtesy of "Uncle Bill" at Free Republic)

    The Washington Weekly Mena Archive

    Mena - Obstruction of Justice Files

    The Crimes of Mena - By Sally Denton & Roger Morris

    J. Orlin Grabbe

    Bill Clinton's Skeleton Closet - Mena Links

    The Secret Heartbeat of America


    The Pegasus File 1

    The Pegasus File 2

    The Mena Coverup

    The CIA, Cocaine & Mena Arkansas

    New York Mob At Mena

    Chapters In The Recent History of Arkansas

    Charles Hayes: A Prison Interview

    The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations


    William C. Duncan - Oral Deposition Mena Investigation

    Bill Duncan Deposition

    MENA - Marvin Lee Interviews Russell Welch

    Huge File -Mena-CIA-Iran Contra, etc.

    Congressional Reports On Drug Corruption of Fed. Gov.

    Clinton and Bush - Co-accomplices in CIA Drug Industry

    Investigative Report - Politics & Covert Operation in Drug War

    Drug Agent - I saw the CIA Load The Cocaine

    The Octopus

    The Mena Corruption - R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

    Bill Clinton and The Missing $100 Million

    De-Central Intelligence Journal

    Mena - Missy Kelly

    Who Is Richard Ben-Veniste?

    L.D. Brown Ordered To Assassinate Terry Reed

    Post Mortem

    Mena - Conspiracy Nation

    Jean Duffey Interview By Randall Terry

    The Bottom Of The Barrel

    Compromised - Brian Redman Speaks With John Cummings

    Books-Newspaper Articles-Magazines on Mena/CIA

    Leach Inquiry Into Mena

    Jean Duffey - Mena - Billy Bottoms

    Who's Who In The C-130 Scandal

    CIA and Drugs Fact Sheet

    Vince Foster, NSA Banking and Mena

    John Kerry Committee Report

    From The CIA To Mena

    U.S. Senators Block Mena Investigation

    The Greatest Story Never Told

    Quinn Interviews Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

    Dennis Patrick - ADFA and Mena

    Statement of Plaintiff Terry Reed

    Sarah McClendon Question To Clinton

    The Republican Whitewater Report

    Clinton's Relationship With Dan Lasater

    Dan Lasater And Bond Underwriting Contracts

    The Lonely Crusade of Linda Ives

    The Other Side - Train Deaths

    Mena - Trooper Puts Clinton In Loop

    White House Drug Use

    Whitewater Most Wanted Poster

    Starr Investigation Targets Arkansas Police

    What Is Whitewater Really All About?

    Dan Lasater's Whitewater Testimony

    Clinton Chronicle Producer Sued

    Stories The Media Won't Cover

    Chip Tatum Chronicles

    Statement of Terry Reed

    Contra/Drug Documents Online

    Mena File

    BING Search




    Close result pane



  • someplace you must visit!

    Mara Levritt's new website on Mena.

    More Mena links (Courtesy of "Uncle Bill" at Free Republic)

    The Washington Weekly Mena Archive

    Mena - Obstruction of Justice Files

    The Crimes of Mena - By Sally Denton & Roger Morris

    J. Orlin Grabbe

    Bill Clinton's Skeleton Closet - Mena Links

    The Secret Heartbeat of America


    The Pegasus File 1

    The Pegasus File 2

    The Mena Coverup

    The CIA, Cocaine & Mena Arkansas

    New York Mob At Mena

    Chapters In The Recent History of Arkansas

    Charles Hayes: A Prison Interview

    The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations


    William C. Duncan - Oral Deposition Mena Investigation

    Bill Duncan Deposition

    MENA - Marvin Lee Interviews Russell Welch

    Huge File -Mena-CIA-Iran Contra, etc.

    Congressional Reports On Drug Corruption of Fed. Gov.

    Clinton and Bush - Co-accomplices in CIA Drug Industry

    Investigative Report - Politics & Covert Operation in Drug War

    Drug Agent - I saw the CIA Load The Cocaine

    The Octopus

    The Mena Corruption - R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

    Bill Clinton and The Missing $100 Million

    De-Central Intelligence Journal

    Mena - Missy Kelly

    Who Is Richard Ben-Veniste?

    L.D. Brown Ordered To Assassinate Terry Reed

    Post Mortem

    Mena - Conspiracy Nation

    Jean Duffey Interview By Randall Terry

    The Bottom Of The Barrel

    Compromised - Brian Redman Speaks With John Cummings

    Books-Newspaper Articles-Magazines on Mena/CIA

    Leach Inquiry Into Mena

    Jean Duffey - Mena - Billy Bottoms

    Who's Who In The C-130 Scandal

    CIA and Drugs Fact Sheet

    Vince Foster, NSA Banking and Mena

    John Kerry Committee Report

    From The CIA To Mena

    U.S. Senators Block Mena Investigation

    The Greatest Story Never Told

    Quinn Interviews Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

    Dennis Patrick - ADFA and Mena

    Statement of Plaintiff Terry Reed

    Sarah McClendon Question To Clinton

    The Republican Whitewater Report

    Clinton's Relationship With Dan Lasater

    Dan Lasater And Bond Underwriting Contracts

    The Lonely Crusade of Linda Ives

    The Other Side - Train Deaths

    Mena - Trooper Puts Clinton In Loop

    White House Drug Use

    Whitewater Most Wanted Poster

    Starr Investigation Targets Arkansas Police

    What Is Whitewater Really All About?

    Dan Lasater's Whitewater Testimony

    Clinton Chronicle Producer Sued

    Stories The Media Won't Cover

    Chip Tatum Chronicles

    Statement of Terry Reed

    Contra/Drug Documents Online

    Mena File

    BING Search

    Choose a language to translate this page!



    Dear Fellow American,

    On August 23, 1987, two teenage boys stumbled upon a drug smuggling operation that was sanctioned by federal officials and protected by local law enforcement. The boys, Kevin Ives, 17, and Don Henry, 16, were murdered. Their bodies were laid across nearby railroad tracks and mutilated by a passing train.
    Most of you are familiar with this nationally-publicized story which has become know as the "train deaths." Most of you also know that the murders are officially unsolved, because every investigation (seven in all) has been either controlled or shut down to prevent exposing the CIA-operative drug smuggling based in rural Mena, Arkansas.

    The "train deaths" is a disturbing and shocking story but, unfortunately, is not unique. It has, however, become a symbol - an icon of injustice. It is the heart-wrenching story of a mother who has plodded a tenacious journey for tens years with still no end in sight; it is the inspiring story of a prosecutor who was
    professionally destroyed for standing alone against a corrupt system; it is the disconcerting story of a deputy sheriff who was stonewalled by his superiors; and it is the exasperating story of a film maker who risked everything to expose the truth.

    The mother is Linda Ives. She promised her son, Kevin, that his killers would be brought to justice, but she cannot keep her promise. It has been ten years and every level of law enforcement has participated in covering up the murders. It is clear that the government is not going to do its job by prosecuting anyone in criminalcourt, so Linda is forced to seek accou ntability in civil court. It is the best she can do for Kevin.

    The prosecutor is Jean Duffey. In 1990, her career and reputation were destroyed in a brutal smear campaign led by dirty public officials she was trying to expose. She slipped quietly into Texas where she became a high school algebra teacher until . In 1994, the FBI persuaded her to help them investigate the train deaths by promising to expose the truth, but when the truth led to Mena drug-smuggling, the FBI backed off cold. Jean refused to go away quietly this time.

  • The deputy sheriff is John Brown. In 1993, despite being warned to back off by a superior and the Clinton- appointed state drug czar, John poured his heart and soul into his investigation. After John had worked the case for nearly a year, an eye witness came forward,  the FBI demanded control, and John was ostracized.  John resigned in disgust and is now the Chief of Police  for the City of Alexander, near where the boys were  murdered.
    The film-maker is Pat Matrisciana. After learning of the "train deaths" story in 1993, Pat was led to tell it. In 1996, Pat released Obstruction of Justice: The Mena Connection, which tells the story and names the individuals who have been implicated in government documents as the murderers. Two of those individuals are suing Pat, his film company, and Pat's organizations Citizens For Honest Government, for $16,000,000.00.

    Ordinarily, truth is a defense in a libel suit, but this suit is in Arkansas and this is a suit that involves corrupt officials who are being protected by the highest levels of our government. Pat has found himself on the front line in a war with murderers, drug smugglers, an dirty public officials and has realized that the system - the government - is his enemy.

    If Pat loses this lawsuit, he and Citizens For Honest Government will be destroyed. That would be a terrible injustice, but even worse, losing the suit would close the doors to any kind of justice for Kevin and Don. It is absolutely imperative to defend Pat successfully, and it can be done. It can be done because evidence will be made available during the discovery and deposition phase of the suit that has not been available before. The good news is, this new evidence will expose what the
    government has been hiding for ten years. The bad news is, discovery and depositions are wildly expensive.

    Most of us who are familiar with the train deaths story are convinced it is the eye of the storm. Swirling around the eye is CIA drug-smuggling, Clinton money-laundering, government- sanctioned murders, bipartisan cover-ups, and corporate media-control. The law suit against Pat could be the thread that unravels it all, and Pat has a grip on that thread. The only thing preventing him from yanking it is money.
    It is going to cost at least $100,000 to successfully defend Pat. That may sound like a lot of money, until one considers the powers he is up against and the offense they will launch against him. He has two great advantages, though - a brilliant lawyer and the truth. We simply cannot allow justice to be impeded for lack of money.

  • These sites are filled with facts about CIA covert operations and how they work against the best interests of the citizens of the United States.

    NOTE Chip Tatum's last known website has vanished. As soon as a new site is available, I will hotlink to it.


    Duane Roberts' Mena documents are archived at.

    The Alliance to Expose Government Corruption and Corporate Crime Archive on Mena, the Octopus, Inslaw, Wackenhut, BCCI and much more.

    David Feustel's great archive on CIA cocaine smuggling:

    Serendipity's Mena page:

    Duane Roberts' Mena documents are archived at:

    Lisa Pease's Real History Archives:

    Bob Parry's The Consortium is filled with important investigative reporting that the mainstream media won't touch:

    Covert Action Quarterly home page:

    Federation of American Scientists' library of U.S. intelligence documents



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    Mara Levritt's new website on Mena.

    More Mena links (Courtesy of "Uncle Bill" at Free Republic)

    The Washington Weekly Mena Archive

    Mena - Obstruction of Justice Files

    The Crimes of Mena - By Sally Denton & Roger Morris

    J. Orlin Grabbe

    Bill Clinton's Skeleton Closet - Mena Links

    The Secret Heartbeat of America


    The Pegasus File 1

    The Pegasus File 2

    The Mena Coverup

    The CIA, Cocaine & Mena Arkansas

    New York Mob At Mena

    Chapters In The Recent History of Arkansas

    Charles Hayes: A Prison Interview

    The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations


    William C. Duncan - Oral Deposition Mena Investigation

    Bill Duncan Deposition

    MENA - Marvin Lee Interviews Russell Welch

    Huge File -Mena-CIA-Iran Contra, etc.

    Congressional Reports On Drug Corruption of Fed. Gov.

    Clinton and Bush - Co-accomplices in CIA Drug Industry

    Investigative Report - Politics & Covert Operation in Drug War

    Drug Agent - I saw the CIA Load The Cocaine

    The Octopus

    The Mena Corruption - R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

    Bill Clinton and The Missing $100 Million

    De-Central Intelligence Journal

    Mena - Missy Kelly

    Who Is Richard Ben-Veniste?

    L.D. Brown Ordered To Assassinate Terry Reed

    Post Mortem

    Mena - Conspiracy Nation

    Jean Duffey Interview By Randall Terry

    The Bottom Of The Barrel

    Compromised - Brian Redman Speaks With John Cummings

    Books-Newspaper Articles-Magazines on Mena/CIA

    Leach Inquiry Into Mena

    Jean Duffey - Mena - Billy Bottoms

    Who's Who In The C-130 Scandal

    CIA and Drugs Fact Sheet

    Vince Foster, NSA Banking and Mena

    John Kerry Committee Report

    From The CIA To Mena

    U.S. Senators Block Mena Investigation

    The Greatest Story Never Told

    Quinn Interviews Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

    Dennis Patrick - ADFA and Mena

    Statement of Plaintiff Terry Reed

    Sarah McClendon Question To Clinton

    The Republican Whitewater Report

    Clinton's Relationship With Dan Lasater

    Dan Lasater And Bond Underwriting Contracts

    The Lonely Crusade of Linda Ives

    The Other Side - Train Deaths

    Mena - Trooper Puts Clinton In Loop

    White House Drug Use

    Whitewater Most Wanted Poster

    Starr Investigation Targets Arkansas Police

    What Is Whitewater Really All About?

    Dan Lasater's Whitewater Testimony

    Clinton Chronicle Producer Sued

    Stories The Media Won't Cover

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    Statement of Terry Reed

    Contra/Drug Documents Online

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    Inequality In America Is Worse Than In Egypt, Tunisia Or Yemen

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    The Egyptian intifada and what it may mean for Israel/Palestine

    Micro Drones to Fly Surveillance Missions Over The U.S.

    Anti-government protest in Albania

    Kurt Haskell Blows Whistle On Underwear Bomber: Given Bomb By US Government To Boost TSA Budget and Implement Body Scanners

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    Brzezinski’s Feared “Global Awakening” Has Arrived


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    Mara Levritt's new website on Mena.

    More Mena links (Courtesy of "Uncle Bill" at Free Republic)

    The Washington Weekly Mena Archive

    Mena - Obstruction of Justice Files

    The Crimes of Mena - By Sally Denton & Roger Morris

    J. Orlin Grabbe

    Bill Clinton's Skeleton Closet - Mena Links

    The Secret Heartbeat of America


    The Pegasus File 1

    The Pegasus File 2

    The Mena Coverup

    The CIA, Cocaine & Mena Arkansas

    New York Mob At Mena

    Chapters In The Recent History of Arkansas

    Charles Hayes: A Prison Interview

    The Contras, Cocaine, and Covert Operations


    William C. Duncan - Oral Deposition Mena Investigation

    Bill Duncan Deposition

    MENA - Marvin Lee Interviews Russell Welch

    Huge File -Mena-CIA-Iran Contra, etc.

    Congressional Reports On Drug Corruption of Fed. Gov.

    Clinton and Bush - Co-accomplices in CIA Drug Industry

    Investigative Report - Politics & Covert Operation in Drug War

    Drug Agent - I saw the CIA Load The Cocaine

    The Octopus

    The Mena Corruption - R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr.

    Bill Clinton and The Missing $100 Million

    De-Central Intelligence Journal

    Mena - Missy Kelly

    Who Is Richard Ben-Veniste?

    L.D. Brown Ordered To Assassinate Terry Reed

    Post Mortem

    Mena - Conspiracy Nation

    Jean Duffey Interview By Randall Terry

    The Bottom Of The Barrel

    Compromised - Brian Redman Speaks With John Cummings

    Books-Newspaper Articles-Magazines on Mena/CIA

    Leach Inquiry Into Mena

    Jean Duffey - Mena - Billy Bottoms

    Who's Who In The C-130 Scandal

    CIA and Drugs Fact Sheet

    Vince Foster, NSA Banking and Mena

    John Kerry Committee Report

    From The CIA To Mena

    U.S. Senators Block Mena Investigation

    The Greatest Story Never Told

    Quinn Interviews Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

    Dennis Patrick - ADFA and Mena

    Statement of Plaintiff Terry Reed

    Sarah McClendon Question To Clinton

    The Republican Whitewater Report

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    Dan Lasater And Bond Underwriting Contracts

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    White House Drug Use

    Whitewater Most Wanted Poster

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    Dan Lasater's Whitewater Testimony

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    Stories of the murder have circulated on the internet for years.  The most authoritative source of information on the murder and the 20 year investigation to bring the killers to justice is Dr. David Sabow, a court certified forensic neurologist and the Colonel’s younger brother.

    Colonel James Sabow, USMC

    A few weeks ago Dr. Sabow asked me to help him in writing a book about his brother’s murder and his 20 year investigation to bring the guilty to trial. I agreed to help with the typing and edit his work.

    Together with Tim King, founder of and former El Toro Marine, I had written several columns for and on Col. Sabow’s murder.

    Neither Tim nor I are forensic experts and neither of us served under Colonel Sabow while in the Marines.  We were both struck by the cold blooded murder of this senior officer and the determination of his younger brother to find the killers and bring them to justice.

    The government calls Colonel Sabow’s death a suicide, but I stopped believing in the tooth fairy decades ago. Dr. Sabow is a court certified forensic neurologist.  The list of independent experts who found that the Colonel was murdered is long.

    Nick Schou in the Orange County Register reported in a story published on February 17, 2000, “Who Killed Colonel Sabow,” that, “Jack Feldman, the Chairman of the Department of Physiological Science at UCLA, reviewed the evidence and reported that Colonel Sabow’s skull was fractured by a blow to the head, and while unconscious, a shotgun was placed in his mouth and triggered by another.  Feldman summarized his conclusions in a June 20, 1994, written statement included in a Marine Corps report on Sabow’s death:  “Colonel Sabow was rendered unconscious or immobile by a blow to the head that fractured the base of the skull, causing bleeding into the pharynx.  Breathing continued after the injury, aspirating blood into the lung. At some time later, a shotgun was placed in the mouth and triggered (by another party) causing death and obscuring any evidence of prior injury. . . . I conclude that the preponderance of evidence does not support the finding that Colonel James E. Sabow died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.”

    The forensic evidence supports murder. Both Tim King and I believe if Colonel Sabow’s death had occurred anywhere else, a grand jury would have indicted the guilty decades ago. But, because Colonel Sabow had threatened to tell all about the shipment of guns for drugs during the Contra War at a courts martial rather than retire early, he was murdered.

    The main stumbling block to a Federal grand jury investigation is the questionable finding of suicide by the Orange County medical examiner. The autopsy was conducted by the Orange County medical examiner without the presence of a Naval officer, a direct violation of Naval regulations. The Orange County death certificate lists suicide as the cause of death. Don’t believe it. Independent medical experts agree that the Colonel was murdered.  The medical examiner can revise the death certificate even at this late date, but the case for murder would have to be presented by an independent medical authority outside the government and have the full backing of the U.S. Attorney.

    The Naval Investigative Service (now the Naval Criminal Investigative Service or NCIS) was in charge of the crime scene at MCAS El Toro and continues to deny any criminal activity took place on January 22, 1991. As recently as September 2010, an NCIS cold case investigator had an affidavit from a prominent pathologist, concluding that the crime scene was tampered with and Colonel Sabow was murdered. The pathologist orally withdrew his sworn affidavit without an adequate explanation, according to Dr. Sabow.  Why would the NCIS except an oral withdrawal of sworn affidavit?  If this were a horse race, in Philly the locals would know the fix was in.

    Yesterday,  I experienced the kind of intimidation that the Sabow family has lived under for over 20 years. Since Dr. Sabow is a quadriplegic, he has difficulty in typing; I agreed to help with the typing and editing.  I’m a fast typist, but would still need to record our telephone conversations to be sure that I got everything right.

    Dr. Sabow lives in Rapid City, SD, while I’m in Somerdale, NJ.  We are thousands of miles apart but with a decent recorder, I would be able to record and then transcribe the record into a draft for editing.

    Dr. Sabow offered to lend me his expensive DS-5000 Olympus Digital Voice Recorder and supporting equipment.  The equipment cost well over $1,000.  Dr. Sabow shipped the recorder on November 3rd via Parcel Post.  The package was not insured.  The postage on the box was $9.58 so you know the box was not empty when shipped by him.  An  ‘empty’ box arrived yesterday.  If this was only a theft, you would normally expect the thieves to take the box and not seal it back with the same tape used to ship it and include the empty containers in the package.

    This isn’t quite the same as when Jack Woltz in the Godfather refuses to cast singer Jonny Fontane as a favor for the mob and then changes his mind when he later finds the severed head of his prized racehorse in his bed.  The missing recorder and empty box are not the severed head of a prized racehorse, but I get the message.

    I still intend to help Dr. Sabow tell his story.  Being a Marine veteran and Irish, I couldn’t do anything else.  It will just take a little longer. Just for the record, I don’t have a death wish nor am I despondent so if I should suddenly turn up death, it’s not suicide.

    The package from Dr. Sabow was not insured so tracing it will be virtually impossible.  It will be also be difficult helping him type his book without a recording device and the thieves had to know that. Best guess is that his phone is tapped.

    I asked the Postal Service to do what they can, just on the slim chance that this was a random theft.  However, it’s looking like Dr. Sabow’s phone is tapped; someone with government credentials knew the package was being mailed, obtained unfettered access to the box, carefully removed the contents, replaced the empty boxes inside, retaped the box and shipped it to me.  I get the message.


    For those who don’t know the story of Colonel Sabow, the following report was  written by Bryan R. Burnett, MEIXA TECH, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California, a forensic expert who has followed the Colonel Sabow murder for several years:

    “In early January 2005, I received a phone call from Dr. David Sabow.  He wished to retain my services in the investigation of the death of his brother, Colonel James Sabow (January 22, 1991). Dr. Sabow was interested in my expertise in gunshot residue and crime scene reconstruction. I received the evidence (clothing and a shotgun) several days later.  I immediately started my examination.  Within an hour into my examination, it was obvious to me the Colonel was murdered.  I called Dr. Sabow and questioned why he sent me this case when the means of death could not possibly be equivocal, as he had initially indicated to me – the Colonel WAS murdered.  More than six years and a number of reports and articles later (by me and others), the case has continually been promoted as a suicide by the Department of Defense thus deflecting any official investigation.  It is apparent our every move to reveal the true nature of Colonel Sabow’s death to the public and initiate a legitimate, official investigation has been blocked (see Dr. Sabow’s following account) by intimidation and likely bribes.

    The murder of Colonel Sabow and the apparent cover up involves numerous forensic scientists (resulting in expert v. expert), the FBI, the US Attorney General, the South Dakota State Crime Laboratory, numerous US senators and congressmen (especially Congressman Duncan Hunter Sr., Chairman of the Armed Services Committee at the time) and twice instructions in the House DOD Appropriations Bill to investigate the death (which has been skillfully subverted both times). There is no question that the most powerful organization in the world does not want the true nature of Colonel Sabow’s death revealed.

    The events prior to and after the murder of US Marine Corps, Colonel James E. Sabow at the El Toro MCAS on January 22, 1991 are outlined in the this synopsis.  None of what is described here is fiction although some of the events are surmised from other events.

    Colonel James E. Sabow was assigned to El Toro MCAS in 1990.  He was in charge of air operations of Marine Air, Western Area.  Colonel Sabow soon discovered undocumented C-130 operations at El Toro, but was apparently told by both the Chief of Staff and the Base Commanding General that he was not to be concerned or concerned with these flights.  Sabow later learned, the day before his murder, that these planes were bringing cocaine into the US from Central America (Iran-Contra was still going on – perhaps the gun part was dropped – somebody was making a lot of money).  The parties responsible for the illegal flights, which apparently involved the commanding general, Adams, and his Chief of Staff, Colonel Underwood, knew before Colonel Sabow was assigned to El Toro, that this no nonsense Marine Officer could not be bought or even intimidated.  He would reveal what was going on at El Toro if he found out – Sabow apparently found out the night before his death.  Sabow was relieved of duty by the base general on January 17th for an alleged misuse of military airplanes (was never substantiated). Sabow told several people including Brigadier General Adams, the base commander, Colonel Joe Underwood and General J.K. Davis (retired Asst. Commandant of the Marine Corps) that he would accept absolutely no responsibility for any misuse of aircraft and that if they persisted he, “Would demand a court marshal and he would divulge all of what he had learned and suspected of illegal and criminal use of government aircraft.” That same night, Colonel Underwood who lived next door to the Sabows, threatened Col. Sabow if he revealed what he knew. The threat was overheard by Sabow’s wife, Sally. 

    The following morning, January 22nd, life in the Sabow household was as normal as it could be considering the events of the previous day.  Colonel Sabow was described by his wife as being relaxed and after breakfast was watching TV coverage of Desert Storm.   At about 0830, Sally, upset by the many phone calls that morning (to and from the Marine attorney assigned to Colonel Sabow) and Colonel Underwood’s threat, decided to attend the morning Mass at the nearby Catholic Church.  Unbeknownst to the Sabows, a Marine helicopter from Camp Pendleton landed on a seldom used portion of the El Toro airfield that bordered a field adjacent to the backyards of both Underwood and Sabow.

    Four members of the International Response Team (IRT), a sanctioned government assassin team working for the military, disembarked the helicopter and headed for the Sabow/Underwood residences.  They entered the Underwood fenced backyard through a gate and joined Underwood.  Colonel Sabow was lured into his backyard by a call from Underwood and ambushed.  He was struck unconscious by a blow with a formidable bat like weapon.  The blow crushed his skull and was ultimately fatal.  The assailants then ran to the back door of the Sabow house and entered with the intent to murder Sally.  Sally had left for church only seconds before. Underwood having realized that Sally had left for church at the very moment that he lured Col. Sabow into the backyard thought she would soon return and they could complete the planned double homicide. However, Sally decided to do some grocery shopping after church.

    An operation that was supposed to take only a few minutes extended to almost a half hour and Sally never returned – their plan was never completed.  The assassins waited in the Sabow expecting her arrival at any moment. However, LtCol Gary Albin arrived at the Sabow home, knocked on the front door, and waited to talk with the Colonel – since the Colonel’s distinctive Corvette was parked at the curb he thought the Colonel was in the shower and waited on the order of 10-15 minutes outside. This posed a serious problem for if Sally arrived home at this time.  She would have invited Albin into the house. What then would have ensued is anybody’s guess.

    A crime scene analysis of the Colonel’s death leaves no doubt he was murdered.  The bloodstain/spatter patterns, gunshot residue (hands and clothing), backspatter residue, pathology, body position, position of the clothing on the body all support the homicide scenario.

    But that was only the beginning! The years following the homicide there were a number of suspicious deaths of individuals involved in the investigation of the Colonel’s murder or the transport of illegal drugs into the United States on former US military planes with non-military personnel:  Sergeant  Thomas Wade, gunshot to head, execution style; Colonel Jerry Agenbroad, was in charge of MWR (where the records of the illegal flight were stored at El Toro – that data was destroyed prior to official examination), by hanging;  “Kevin” retired from the Marines  (he took part in the transport of illegal drugs while in central America and let others know of his involvement), died by hanging in his parents barn;  Jack Chisom, T&G Aviation – supplied C-130s & DC-7s to clandestine operations, death by hit and run driver in the desert in the middle of the night; Danny Casolaro investigative reporter working on the DoD clandestine drug operation and the Sabow murder,  death by wrist slashes in a hotel room – his notes , contacts and manuscript disappeared.  An enlisted Marine who helped supply information about the IRT and the helicopter records to El Toro, was forced off a cliff and killed while in his car.  Gary Webb, Pulitzer Prize winner for his series on Dark Alliance which chronicled the CIA involvement in the import of cocaine and the Iran-Contra scandal was found dead of a gunshot wound to his head (Webb had been in touch with Dr. Sabow on several occasions while researching his articles – although in the case of Webb, suicide could well have occurred, it is yet another death associated with this story).

    Former Marine Captain Pete Barbee had inside information about the cocaine deliveries through El Toro and as well as drug dealers and corrupt officials in the County of Ventura, California.  He was beaten numerous times and apparently framed for murder; Sergeant Randy Robinson was an MP who was first at the Sabow crime scene.  He observed the bodywithout a lawn chair on top of the decease Colonel.  Later descriptions and images show a lawn chair on the body – indeed, a crime scene reconstructionist hired by the DOD produced a suicide scenario incorporating the chair.  Robinson was later arrested on an apparent trumped up rape charged (strong evidence to this exists), convicted and incarcerated. 

    The force behind this story is the relationship between the two Sabow brothers, David and James (Jimmy).  The love between them can only be described as extraordinary.  David without regard to his health, career and money sought to prove Jimmy’s death was by homicide and when he discoveredthe motive behind the Colonel’s death, he extended his investigation into the clandestine organization that has infiltrated the DoD and other branches of government. He has witnessed a government cover-up so deep and equally broadthat its exposure will have ramifications that would demand a “fleet” of special prosecutors.  Despite overwhelming obstacles that would deter most people, his courage and fortitude in pursuing the investigation for over twenty years can be characterized as heroic. 

    Jimmy and David were very close growing up.   They were separated in birth by only a year. Their higher education brought them to the same university, but their career paths were quite different: after college Jimmy went into the Marine Corps and David to medical school.  David, being quite bright, was accepted to medical school after his third year in college.  Unfortunately, at the end of summer of that year, David broke his neck causing “irreparable” damage to his spinal cord (at least this was told to his family).  Remarkably, David managed a partial recovery – he could eventually walk with mechanical assistance and had partial use of his arms and hands.  He told the medical school that had accepted him to delay his admission for a year, not telling them of his injury.  That following summer Jimmy, who was always physically fit, became David’s physical fitness instructor.  Jimmy pushed hard and David regained much more of his physical control.  Although there were issues presented by his damaged spinal cord, David successfully completed medical school despite official concern of him completing the program.  David went into neurology and set up a successful practice in Rapid City, South Dakota.

    David was devastated upon hearing of Jimmy’s death the morning of January 22, 1991. The notion that Jimmy committed suicide was totally alien to him – he knew, of course, Jimmy well enough that this was near impossible.  David immediately left for El Toro.  In the days following Jimmy’s death it was quite clear to him that Jimmy was murdered, even with thescant evidence he uncovered at this time.

    The years that followed can only be described as a well-written murder/spy mystery.  David hired several investigators whose investigative skills were second to none.  Also a number of individuals came forward with information which not only allowed for a reconstruction of the circumstances of the Sabow murder, but also of the clandestine paramilitary operation which transported drugs on paramilitary planes into El Toro and other military airfields.  

    David and Sally Sabow were invited to a meeting at El Toro six weeks after Jimmy’s death. General Adams, the commander of El Toro, crime scene investigators from the NIS, two other generals and a lawyer from the United States Attorney General’s office, Wayne Rich, who happened to be a Marine Reservist, attended the meeting.  Secret documents given to Dr. Sabow prove beyond a doubt, that the purpose of the meeting was to convince David and Sally Sabow that Jimmy had committed a number ofcriminal felonies and he committed suicide to avoid prosecution.  David would have none of this and challenged Adams and the Rich the entire time.  Several months later, David received a package from an anonymous source with copies of the handwritten notes of Colonel Rich describing the “game plan” for the meeting.  It was obvious from these notes that Colonel Rich was not concerned with truth or fact finding, but was there to perpetrate lies, slandering Col. Sabow’s integrity and reputation hoping that this would intimidate Dr. Sabow. Adams, Rich and the other generals present were aware of the bonds between these brothers and assumed that the emotional wounds inflicted by these lies would preclude Dr. Sabow from continuing his inquiry into his brother’s death. Also in that package were two letters by General Adams to the South Dakota Board of Medicine requesting that David Sabow’s medical license be revoked.

    David immediately started his own investigation hiring several PIs.  One investigator, Bill Taylor, while in Washington DC, was forcefully picked up by a White House limo and delivered to the Situation Room at the White House. Remarkably, Taylor was allowed to keep his firearm during this visit.  Sandy Berger spent an hour with Taylor to determine what he had found out.  The next day in Washington, Taylor had an exchange of gunfire with an assailant, he was wounded and the assailant killed.  The superficial abdominal wounded Taylor received was treated by private medical (no official record of his wounding) and he quickly recovered.

    In 1996, David testified before a committee of the US Senate regarding the incidence of an unusual number of suicides in the military.  Towards the end of the hearing (Senator Dirk Kempthorn, (R-ID) was Chairman) David rose to request rebuttal time and fell to the floor– the meeting was adjourned while he laid on the floor.  For a time, no one helped Davidget up, some of the senators stepping around David to meet with dignitaries attending the meeting.

    Later David Sabow and his attorney, Danny Sheehan, filed suit in Federal Court against the Marine Corps and the US Government.  The government persuaded the Federal Court to deny much of the evidence David had accumulated, which essentially gutted the case.  The case was dismissed.

    David Sabow refused to give up.  From 2003 to 2011 a number of other suspicious instances that can only point to cover up occurred.  Two of those require recounting. 

    In 2003, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Chairman of the Armed Services Committee became aware of the suspicious nature of the Sabow death.  The DOD Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2004 provides specific instructions to the DOD for the reinvestigation of the Colonel Sabow case.  All those instructions were ignored by the DOD.  In addition forensic expert Bryan Burnett, who was hired by David Sabow, produced a detailed analysis of the crime scene which convinced Hunter that the Colonel was murdered.  Hunter, who was about to bring the DOD to task for this behavior, suddenly became mute and unreachable and left office without additional comment.  Some of us have the suspicion that Hunter left office because of his association with ex-congressman Cunningham who is now serving prison time for corruption.  Was Hunter threatened to be exposed if he pursued the Sabow investigation further?

    Last year, NCIS Special Agent Julie Haney, who specializes in cold cases, began an investigation.  She started out with good intentions and with an affidavit from noted forensic pathologist, Dr. Werner Spitz, which claimed in no uncertain terms – murder and the body was manipulated, launched into her investigation.  Haney obviously did not understand what she was getting into. Within several days after she received the Spitz notarized affidavit, Spitz verbally (nothing was written) reversed his opinion to suicide, upon which Haney embarked on a route to extricate herself from the case. This culminated in a bizarre conference with the Medical Examiner of San Diego, Dr. GlennWagner, who spent most of his career in the military. Bryan Burnett, who is a court accepted expert in crime scene reconstruction and gunshot residue even though a resident of San Diego County was excluded from the meeting. Dr. Wagner who expressed a suicide scenario for the Sabow death to Haney, refused to allow a talk by Bryan Burnett in a “brown bag” presentation to the Medical Examiner’s facility.

    There are many more instances such as described above.  Taken in their entirety there is no doubt that a very powerful entity has actively subverted an honest investigation into the Colonel Sabow death.  This subversion occurred at all levels of government from the United States Congress to city and state investigative organizations in southern California and South Dakota.  There is also no doubt that any attempt to make this story into a viable production project will be met with threats, bribery, legal attacks based on “National Security” and perhaps even physical violence.” 

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